Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 226 Your appetite is really heavy, I'm afraid His Highness will do something stupid~

Chapter 226 Your appetite is really heavy, I'm afraid His Highness will do something stupid~

Chang Liangdi is not a domineering character, she has been silent for too long, and finally waited for the exact day when she will become a crown princess, so she can't wait to let everyone know.

Among them is the most favored Shen Chuwei, so what if His Highness spoils you again?
The princess is mine, and the child I give birth to will be the eldest son.

Shen Chu nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Concubine Xu also nodded to show that she knew.

But she couldn't help but remind her: "The fifteenth day is only a few days away, Chang Liangdi has to work hard to lose weight, otherwise the wedding dress will not be easy to wear, especially the red ones will make you look fat, and there will be so many of them at that time." Look, tsk tsk, very bad."

She just said it on purpose, you deserve it for being mad.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help laughing again after hearing this, the red color was indeed a bit fat.

The smile at the corner of Chang Liangdi's mouth froze. She was sick because of following the trend to gain weight. As a result, when she wanted to lose weight, it was very difficult. It took more than a month to lose a little bit.

Whether I ate well or slept well these days was all because I gained ten catties of meat.

It was because of the registration of the Crown Princess that she was brought back to life, but when Concubine Xu said it in public, anyone would be angry.

"Xu side concubine, I'm not talking about you, you are also a side concubine, so you should be more careful when you speak, so as not to slip your tongue."

Concubine Xu raised her handkerchief to cover her mouth, and laughed twice: "I've been like this since I was a child, my mouth is very sharp, don't be surprised by Chang Liangdi."

Chang Liangdi suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, there will be more opportunities to settle accounts in the future, let you jump up and down a few times first.

"What's wrong with me, your father didn't teach you well, so someone will teach you in the future."

After Chang Liangdi finished speaking, she looked at Shen Chuwei again, took two steps forward, with a slight smile on her lips: "We are both sisters serving His Highness, even if I am the Crown Princess, we should get closer so that we can serve together better Your Highness, right?"

Shen Chu blinked his big eyes twice, "Chang Liangdi, serve His Highness together, the taste is too strong, I won't."

Chang Liangdi was taken aback for a moment.

Concubine Xu covered her mouth and snickered, "It depends on His Highness's willingness to serve together, Chang Liangdi, don't you think so?"

Chang Liangdi felt that Shen Chuwei and Concubine Xu were humiliating herself, she clutched the handkerchief firmly, raised her chin and glanced at Concubine Xu: "Concubine Xu, laugh at every step, Your Highness probably hasn't been to your house yet. Yixiang Hall?"

Concubine Xu was so angry when she heard the words, she didn't come if she didn't come, she said it as if you were sleeping.

"Shen Liangdi, side concubine Xu, remember to come to watch the ceremony when the crown prince is registered."

After Chang Liangdi finished speaking, she walked out of Hehuan Hall with her proud chin raised.

Concubine Xu stomped her feet angrily, and flicked her small handkerchief: "What the hell, I started putting on airs before the day when the crown princess was registered."

Shen Chuwei sat back on the rattan chair, took a few sips of hot tea.

At this time Chunxi brought the prepared ice cream, and when Concubine Xu came, she could hear the snarky voice in the small kitchen, so she also prepared an ice cream for Concubine Xu to remove the fire.

"My lord, the ice cream is ready."

Chunxi put one of the bowls in front of Shen Chuwei, and passed the other bowl in front of Concubine Xu, "Concubine Xu, please use ice cream."

Concubine Xu had also eaten ice cream twice. When she saw the ice cream, she put aside the unpleasant things just now, took the small bowl from Chunxi, picked up the small spoon inside, and scooped a spoonful of ice cream.

Shen Chuwei took a bite of the ice cream, it was cold and had a sweet taste, everyone said that eating sweets would make her feel better, this sentence is not false at all.

Not only that, after Concubine Xu ate the ice cream, her anger also dropped a lot.

Xiao Jinyan finished his official duties today, and when he saw Lu Zhaoyan, he directly brought him over, "You call this a personnel matter?"

Lu Zhaoyan expressed that he was wronged and wronged, "No, Your Highness, I have already declined twice, and if I refuse again, it will arouse suspicion."

Xiao Jinyan is really helpless this time, it feels like when he just became the prince, he has no control over anything, and he doesn't even have the right to choose who to be his concubine.

To put it bluntly, it is useless!
"Is there anything you can't wait for Ben Gong to come back?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "Your Majesty will be gone for a month, and I can't wait for you?

Xiao Jinyan frowned, and dragged Lu Zhaoyan to the East Palace.

"Liu Xi, prepare some food and wine."

Liu Xi's work was super fast, and within a short time, a few dishes of side dishes and two jugs of wine were ready.

Lu Zhaoyan carefully sat down at the table, because he knew that Xiao Jinyan would be in a bad mood.

Xiao Jinyan was indeed in a bad mood, and had nowhere to vent, so he could only drink.

Xiao Jinyan drank three glasses of wine in a row, and suddenly asked, "Do you think there is room for maneuver in this matter?"

Lu Zhaoyan asked cautiously: "Your Highness is preventing the establishment of the book of the Crown Princess?"

Xiao Jinyan asked without answering, "What do you think?"

"I feel that the crown prince's position is not easy to come by, so don't forcibly stop it, it will only be counterproductive."

Lu Zhaoyan originally wanted to remind Xiao Jinyan not to be in a hurry, the hit has its own definite number.

Xiao Jinyan raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then stood up suddenly and strode away.

Lu Zhaoyan sat here alone for a long time, and he hurriedly chased him out, "Your Highness, don't do anything stupid!"

As a result, he tripped over the threshold and fell straight out.


Wei Chi happened to pass by and saw a person flying towards him. After a closer look, he found that it was Mr. Lu. He caught the person with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Lu Zhaoyan thought that a few teeth were going to be knocked out this time, but the expected pain did not come. He opened his eyes and saw Wei Chi, no less than seeing a savior.

"Thank you, Brother Wei."

Wei Chi put him down and said, "Master Lu, why does he walk like a child?"

As soon as Liu Xi walked in from the outside, he saw Lu Zhaoyan almost fell into the mud. He covered his eyes and didn't dare to look because it hurt too much.

He didn't ask until it was all right, "Master Lu, what are you in such a hurry for?"

Lu Zhaoyan patted his chest and said, "I'm afraid His Highness will do something stupid."

Liu Xi pointed to the next door and said, "Your Highness is going to Hehuan Hall."

Lu Zhaoyan looked to the next door before realizing, "...I was thinking too much."

After Shen Chuwei finished his dinner, he took out his drawing board and continued to draw unfinished pictures.

She has a lazy personality, and she can't finish painting every time she paints. It takes many days to complete a painting.

The teacher who taught sketching said that if you rely on drawing for food, you will starve to death.

Shen Chuwei was noncommittal, but luckily she didn't rely on painting for a living.

After drawing three times, the facial features of the characters have been completely drawn, and then the hair is drawn.

The portrait sketches she draws are very close to real people, even the eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes are lifelike.

The roots of the hair are distinct and very elegant, just like the real thing.

When Xiao Jinyan came, he saw Shen Chuwei sitting in front of the desk with a drawing board in her hand, one could tell she was drawing again.

He walked over slowly, stood behind Shen Chuwei, his eyes fell on the drawing board, thinking that he would lose sight of the painting, but he did not expect to see it again today.

 There are updates!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, my dears!

(End of this chapter)

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