Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 237 Little 9 performed the surgery himself, shocking everyone

Chapter 237 Xiao Jiu performed the surgery herself, shocking everyone
When Liu Xi and the others heard that it was highly poisonous, their legs went limp in fright.

Wei Chi clutched his stomach, endured the pain and shouted: "Doctor Wen, detoxify quickly."

Doctor Wen frowned, and began to clean the wound neatly to prevent the toxin from spreading. At the same time, he said to Wei Chi: "The poison in your highness is very rare, and I'm afraid it's hard to cure."

Only then did Liu Xi come to his senses, and hurried out.

Qin Xiao asked suspiciously: "Eunuch Liu, where are you going?"

"The miscellaneous family will call a few more imperial doctors, there are many people and there are many ways." Liu Xi said without turning his head.

As soon as Liu Xi ran out of the dormitory, he ran into Chunxi.

Seeing Liu Xi's anxious face, Chunxi asked suspiciously, "Eunuch Liu, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"His Royal Highness has met an assassin, and the miscellaneous family is going to the Imperial Hospital now." Liu Xi finished speaking in one breath and ran away.

Chunxi was stunned for a while, and after realizing it, she turned around and ran into Hehuan Hall.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good!"

Chunxi ran into the back room in one breath, panting and said, "My lord, something happened."

Shen Chuwei ate mung bean cake, puffed out his cheeks and asked, "What happened?"

Chunxi said urgently: "His Highness was assassinated, it seems that he was seriously injured."

Shen Chuwei was taken aback when he heard the words, and then ran out like a gust of wind.

Chunxi only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of her, and when she looked again, Shen Chuwei had already run out, and she ran after her.

Shen Chuwei ran all the way into Xiao Jinyan's bedroom, and saw Wei Chi and Qin Xiao standing beside the bed, and Doctor Wen was treating the wound beside the bed.

She walked over quickly, looking at Xiao Jinyan, his face was pale with a look of ashes, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat as big as beans.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the wound. Even though Imperial Doctor Wen had treated the wound, he could still see black blood dripping from the wound.

At this time, Xiao Jinyan was on the verge of coma, and when he heard Doctor Wen say that the hidden weapon was highly poisonous, he became slightly awake.

Seeing Shen Chuwei, he was stunned for a moment.

He said weakly: "Why are you here?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Chunxi said that His Highness was assassinated, and my concubine came to have a look."

Xiao Jinyan said weakly: "There is Doctor Wen here, don't worry."

Shen Chuwei turned her head and told Chunxi: "Go and get my medicine box and the water in the kettle."

The water in the kettle was taken out by her from the space, and she was planning to make tea for drinking.

"I'm going now, slave." Chun Xi just ran over, before he even had time to catch his breath, he turned around and ran out again.

Shen Chuwei looked at Doctor Wen again, "Doctor Wen, let me come."

Doctor Wen's hands paused, and he raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, but how could a 15-year-old girl know how to treat a wound, let alone a poisonous body?
"Shen Liangdi, this is not a simple wound, it's not a joke."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "I know."

"...This," Doctor Wen was a little embarrassed.

Shen Chu looked at Xiao Jinyan with beautiful eyes, "Your Highness, let the concubine come."

Because Wei Chi was worried about his master's health, his tone was a little impatient, "Shen Liangdi, Your Highness is poisoned, you should wait aside."

Xiao Jinyan scolded angrily: "Wei Chi, who allowed you to talk to her like this?"

After speaking, he coughed several times, causing some black blood to flow out again.

Wei Chi knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists, "Master, my subordinates dare not."

Xiao Jinyan slowed down, looked at Wei Chi and Qin Xiao: "You all, step back."

Wei Chi and Qin Xiao looked at each other and retreated one after another.

Doctor Wen hesitated for a while, and then stepped aside.

At this time, Chunxi took the medicine box and opened it.

Shen Chu put on the gloves neatly, and took out the medical forceps and the scalpel, which were all packed in sterile bags.

She took it out of the space a few days ago, in case of emergency.

After preparing everything, Shen Chuwei ordered Chunxi: "Help Your Highness and some water."

"Okay." Chunxi picked up the kettle and poured some water, came to the bedside, and carefully fed it to Xiao Jinyan bit by bit.

Shen Chuwei first applied local anesthesia to Xiao Jinyan, then disinfected it, and then took the hidden weapon.

The hidden weapon penetrated very deep, and it took Shen Chu some time to determine the location. It was a small marble with tooth-shaped things around the periphery of the marble, which happened to be stuck in the flesh, making it difficult to take it out.

Shen Chuwei could only use a scalpel to make a cut in the meat so that it could be taken out easily.

Doctor Wen watched from the sidelines, extremely nervous.

Shen Chuwei successfully took out the hidden weapon and put it on a side plate, then stitched up the wound. Although the wound was not big, it healed faster after stitching.

Doctor Wen saw the appearance of the hidden weapon. It didn't look big, but there were tooth-like things on it, so it was difficult to take it out.

He couldn't help but admire Shen Chuwei for being able to take out the hidden weapon so quickly.

I also admire Xiao Jinyan for taking the hidden weapon without making a sound.

He saw Shen Chuwei slash the meat with a knife before he took out the hidden weapon.

When suturing, Imperial Doctor Wen couldn't help asking: "Shen Liangdi, why did you sew it up with thread?"

Shen Chuwei replied concisely, "It will get better soon."

Then came the bandaging.

Xiao Jinyan kept gritting his teeth and waiting for the pain to strike, but after waiting for a long time, there was no pain at all, so he couldn't help but wonder: "Why doesn't it hurt?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Because the concubine used local anesthesia, the pain will not be felt until the anesthetic disappears."

Xiao Jinyan suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't feel any pain just now.

Doctor Wen had never heard of local anesthesia, so he was stunned for a while before uttering four words: "So amazing?"

Shen Chuwei finished the bandage in a short while, turned to look at Doctor Wen, "It's okay~"

Liu Xi hurriedly ran to the imperial hospital, and then came back, dragged behind two imperial doctors with gray beards.

The two old imperial doctors were dragged by Eunuch Liu and ran all the way, their eyes were turning white, they were out of breath, as if they would die in the next second.

Liu Xi gasped for breath, "Get out of the way and let the two imperial doctors go in."

At this time, the door was opened from the inside, and Doctor Wen saw the two old men in the imperial hospital, and said, "No need, His Highness's injury has been treated."

"Okay?" Liu Xi wondered if he had a problem with his ears when he went out, and he asked urgently, "Yuyi Wen, didn't you just say that His Highness is poisoned? It will be all right after a while?"

Doctor Wen explained embarrassingly: "Eunuch Liu, I misdiagnosed, misdiagnosed."

"Ah?" Liu Xi panted heavily, and said, "I'm scaring the miscellaneous family to death."

Wei Chi and Qin Xiao looked at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Doctor Wen came over, "You are also injured, let me show you.

Knowing that the master is fine, Wei Chi relaxed, clutched his stomach and said, "It hurts."

Qin Xiao also felt the pain coming, and frowned.


With water in his hand, Shen Chuwei fed Xiao Jinyan sip by sip.

Although it was only a local anesthesia, Xiao Jinyan felt a little tired, but Xiao Jiu kept feeding himself water, which made him a little puzzled.

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(End of this chapter)

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