Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 239 Feng Shui Turns, It's Too Late for Her to Get Away

Chapter 239 Feng Shui Turns, It's Too Late for Her to Get Away

Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a long time.

It may be that he has not been treated so carefully and tenderly for a long time, which makes him feel a little unreal.

Shen Chuwei purely treats Xiao Jinyan as a patient, whether it is an adult or a child, when he is sick or injured, he still hopes to be taken care of carefully.

"Your Highness, please sleep for a while."

Xiao Jinyan shook his head: "I don't want to sleep now."

Shen Chuwei kindly reminded, "Your Highness, rest will help the wound recover."

Xiao Jin said: "I know."

At this time, Eunuch Ren's shrill voice came from outside the door, "The empress is here!"

Shen Chuwei stood up to greet her, "May the queen be blessed and safe."

Xiao Jinyan was about to get out of bed, but was stopped by the Queen's voice, "If you are injured, just lie down, and the ceremony will be avoided."

Xiao Jinyan put down the quilt in his hand and lay back on the soft pillow again, "Thank you, Empress."

Eunuch Ren moved the chair.

The queen sat down on the chair, looked at Xiao Jinyan with beautiful eyes, took a few glances, and found that his face was pale, his clothes were intact, and he couldn't see any injuries.
"I heard that you will be assassinated on the palace road. How are you injured? Does it matter?"

Xiao Jin said: "Thank you, Queen Mother, for your concern. My son is fine now."

"That's good, the assassins are too rampant now, and everyone around the palace is rushing to assassinate the prince." The queen was furious, and she asked: "Can the assassin be caught? He must be killed!"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "After returning to my mother, the assassin's martial arts skills were extremely high, but my son's skills were not as good as others, so let him run away."

Xiao Jinyan was not humble, the assassin came prepared, and his martial arts were superior to his, and his lightness kung fu was excellent.

He was lucky to escape.

"I don't know who sent it." After much deliberation, the queen could only guess at the other princes. After all, everyone was jealous of the prince.

Before leaving, she instructed: "Be careful when you travel, and don't let anyone with a heart get away with it."

The queen didn't stay long, so she returned to Fengyi Palace.

It is said that 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi are true.

Last time she couldn't eat this or that because of her injury.

This time, hehe, Shen Chuwei was holding a bowl, chomping on meat and ribs, right in front of Xiao Jinyan.

What Xiao Jinyan drank was still black fish soup, the clear soup lacked water and had no taste at all.

Xiao Jinyan, who had never been interested in food, couldn't bear it anymore, especially when there was a foodie across the street, who was feasting on it, as if he was eating some super delicious food.

Xiao Jinyan was actually greedy by the way she was eating.

He coughed lightly: "Xiao Jiu, get me a piece of braised pork ribs."

Shen Chuwei said very seriously: "Your Highness, you have suffered a serious injury, you can't eat greasy food, and you can't eat salty food, it's not conducive to the recovery of the wound."

This is to translate Xiao Jinyan's original words and return them to Xiao Jinyan.

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and took a bite of the ribs, which was very delicious.

Xiao Jinyan only drank some porridge for breakfast, and only a bowl of black fish soup for dinner. Seeing how she ate with gusto, she suddenly wanted to try braised pork ribs.

"It's fine for me to eat a piece."

Shen Chuwei said again: "Your Highness, you are already an adult, you must have self-control, and when the injury is healed, let's eat braised pork ribs."

Xiao Jinyan could see it, Shen Chuwei did it on purpose.

He picked up the black fish soup in front of him, put it to his mouth and took a sip, how good is the soup without salt?
Xiao Jinyan drank a bowl of black fish soup and didn't want to drink it anymore, but seeing Shen Chuwei eating, he was very hungry again.

He wants to eat.

"Xiao Jiu, I want to eat."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei did not refuse, took a clean bowl and filled Xiao Jinyan with a bowl of rice, but really only gave him a bowl of rice.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the rice in front of him, then looked up at Shen Chuwei's bowl, which was full of ribs.

"Xiao Jiu, there is no food, how can I eat?"

Some hesitated, "These dishes are too greasy and contain soy sauce, which will leave scars."

Xiao Jinyan said indifferently: "As a man, I have scars, so what?"

"Then you can only eat one piece of braised pork ribs." Shen Chuwei put a piece of braised pork ribs into Xiao Jinyan's bowl.

Xiao Jinyan did not expect that he would be reduced to this point.

But he didn't care, he picked up the rib and put it in his mouth, took a bite, and then grabbed the rice.

Half a bowl of rice with a piece of ribs is also satisfying.

Xiao Jinyan couldn't take a bath because of his injury.

Shen Chuwei realized this and planned to find an excuse to escape.

"Your Highness, it's getting late, and the concubine is going back."

Xiao Jinyan said, "I won't go back tonight."

Shen Chuwei couldn't go back after listening, so what should I do?
"Your Highness is injured, and my concubine doesn't sleep well. What if I encounter His Highness's wound?" Shen Chuwei said in a tone of thinking about you.

Xiao Jin said: "It's okay, I'm sweating a little."

Hearing the words, Shen Chuwei hurriedly looked at Liu Xi, "Eunuch Liu, help Your Highness..." Take a bath~
"Where did Eunuch Liu go?" She clearly saw Liu Xi standing here just now, but suddenly disappeared?
Xiao Jinyan kindly reminded: "Liu Xi has already stepped down."

"... Shen Chuwei: "The concubine knows. "

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "It's inconvenient to take a bath, so wipe your body instead."

With a breath of relief, Shen Chuwei lifted it up again. Is there any difference between wiping your body and taking a bath?
The hot water was prepared by Liu Xi after he left, and he left after it was ready.

The job of waiting for body wipes naturally fell into Shen Chuwei's hands.

Xiao Jinyan sat without moving, but his gaze fell on Shen Chuwei, watching her walk towards him, standing in front of him, and undressing him.

What Shen Chu was slightly nervous about was not undressing Xiao Jinyan, but taking off all the clothes, yes, the kind that left nothing behind.

Then I wiped my body with a towel, still a little embarrassed.

Especially when the lights are bright.

It's not like when the bed curtain is drawn, the light inside is dark, even if you are embarrassed, you can nest in his arms and you can't see.

Xiao Jinyan kindly reminded: "If you keep grinding, the water will be cold."

"No way." After Shen Chuwei took off his shirt, he looked at his abdominal muscles. He had seen them a few times and touched them with his hands. They felt firm to the touch.

Still can't help but sigh, the figure is really good.

She dipped a towel in hot water and gently wiped his body.

In addition to the hidden weapon, there were other injuries on the upper body, which were not serious in comparison.

It's not that Xiao Jinyan can't move his limbs, he cooperates with Shen Chuwei to sit up straight when he should sit up, and raise his hand when he should raise his hand.

The two were so close that Xiao Jinyan could smell the faint sweet fragrance of peach blossoms on her body, making her Adam's apple roll up and down.

After wiping the upper body quickly, followed by the lower body, but it was not so easy.

Shen Chuwei untied his belt, and pulled it off with a sudden determination.

Seeing her blushing cheeks, Xiao Jinyan hurriedly turned around to get a towel, and turned around slowly after soaking in hot water.

Four eyes facing each other.

 good night.Babies!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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