Chapter 241 Domineering CEO?Replenish the body

The word decoration was also learned from novels, so she asked Shen Chuwei what it meant by decoration.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." I don't need you to point fingers at who I want to accompany me?
He took Shen Chuwei's hand and walked out.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan's eager pace, and reminded: "Your Highness, you are injured, it's better to slow down."

Xiao Jinyan didn't answer, and pulled her out of the bedroom.

Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan's pace with a puzzled expression.

Concubine Xu came out from the inside, looked at the backs of Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei leaving from a distance, stomped her feet angrily, "It's too domineering!"

Liu Xi who was standing not far away had a confused face, is Shen Liangdi overbearing?Obviously very virtuous!

Concubine Xu failed to whisper to Shen Chuwei, and left angrily.

When I met Tao Chenghui on the road, I couldn't help complaining.

"Your Highness is the same. When you are injured, you not only order Shen Liangdi around, but you are also very domineering."

As Tao Chenghui, who had read the same novel as Concubine Xu, he immediately understood the meaning of Concubine Xu's words.

"Xu Concubine, did you just come back from His Highness?"

Concubine Xu said angrily: "That's right, Your Highness has been occupying her for three days, and she doesn't even know that Shen Liangdi also needs a private space."

Tao Chenghui understood the meaning of private space in Concubine Xu's mouth very well, so he could only sigh helplessly, "Who made His Highness the prince and our master?"

Concubine Xu flicked her handkerchief, "If he wasn't the crown prince, I would have hated him long ago."

Tao Chenghui covered his mouth and snickered when he heard the words, "Xu side concubine, you'd better pay attention, Your Highness is our master, so it's not easy to offend."

Concubine Xu said dissatisfied: "But he can't dominate Shen Liangdi every day, I can't even whisper to her if I want to, it makes me mad."

Tao Chenghui said: "That means Shen Liangdi is favored."

"This is not being favored, it is clearly domineering and selfish." Concubine Xu snorted.

When Tao Chenghui heard the words, he suddenly felt that what Concubine Xu said made sense. She sighed because there are so many women in His Highness.

Xiao Jinyan took a long time to rest every day because of his injuries.

Chunxi happily ran over to report, "My lord, the chick has hatched."

Shen Chu was slightly excited, "Really?"

Chun Xi happily said: "Of course it's true, the one came out of its shell yesterday, and now Gui Xiang found out, so she came to tell the servants."

Shen Chuwei took a peek at Xiao Jinyan on the bed, and seeing that he was still asleep, he turned to Chunxi and said, "Go to Xiyun Pavilion to have a look."

The two cheered happily all the way to Xiyun Pavilion.

Guixiang saw the little master, and led them to the chicken coop, and lifted the cotton quilt, "Little master, look quickly, three chicks have already hatched."

Shen Chu looked over slightly, and saw three little chickens, under the hen's wings, poking out their little fluffy heads. The yellow chickens were so fluffy and cute.

"I'll show it to His Highness." Shen Chu was a little happy, took out one, wrapped it in a cotton blanket, and happily went to the Prince's bedroom.

Before leaving, Shen Chuwei told Chunxi, "Catch a hen and stew it."

Chunxi was a little bit reluctant, "My lord, the hen is still laying eggs, so it's not good to kill it."

"Isn't your highness injured? Give your highness a boost."

When Chunxi heard the words, she readily agreed, "Okay."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

Chunxi grabbed the fattest hen and brought it back to Hehuan Hall, where the little rabbit slaughtered it.

On the way back, Shen Chuwei saw someone climbing a tree outside the courtyard wall. That figure was thin and slender, with a clumsy appearance, as if he would fall down in a second.

She took a few steps forward and found that it was Wu Tan who climbed the tree.

"Wu Tan, you haven't returned to the White Horse Temple yet?"

When Wu Tan saw Shen Chuwei, he folded his hands together and almost fell off the tree. He hurriedly supported the trunk, and looked at Shen Chuwei in embarrassment: "Shen Liangdi, the poor monk is temporarily staying in the palace."

Wu Tan is a monk and cannot enter and leave the East Palace at will, that's why he was so surprised that Wu Tan appeared here.

"Then why are you climbing a tree?"

Wu Tan carefully took out something from his arms, and said to Shen Chuwei: "This little guy fell from the bird's nest, and the poor monk is planning to put it back."

Although the distance was a bit far, Shen Chuwei could still see clearly that there was a fledgling bird in Wutan's palm.

It is true that the monks are compassionate.

"Then be careful, don't fall down."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he trotted away.

Wu Tan stared at Shen Chuwei's leaving back for a long time, and after putting the bird back into the nest, he jumped off the tree and landed firmly on the ground.

When Shen Chuwei came back, Xiao Jinyan just woke up, and saw Shen Chuwei walking in with crooked eyes.

"Your Highness, let me show you something."

Seeing Shen Chuwei so happy, Xiao Jinyan was curious, "What?"

Shen Chuwei came to the bed, opened the cotton blanket, and a fluffy yellow chicken appeared in Xiao Jinyan's eyes.

Xiao Jinyan was taken aback for a moment, and he recognized it as a chick at a glance. He pointed to the chick and asked, "Who bought it?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "I didn't buy them, they were hatched with eggs, and three of them have already been hatched."

Then he smiled happily.

Xiao Jinyan was stunned, "Can chickens be hatched from the eggs in the lunch room?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly: "No."

Xiao Jinyan looked puzzled, "Then this little chicken?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "The eggs hatched by the hen are the ones you gave last year, and they are already adult chickens."

Adult chicken?Xiao Jinyan didn't know whether to laugh or get angry. Originally, he thought that he had finished eating the chicken, so he didn't buy it. Who knew, he could still hatch chicks?

An hour later, it was also lunch time.

Xiao Jinyan no longer had any expectations, watching the maids bring food to the table one after another, this time they did not divide the table, even so, he did not expect to eat delicious food.

Chunxi came in with a soup pot, put it in the middle of the dining table, and then stepped aside.

Xiao Jinyan could smell the aroma of hen soup, mainly because the hen soup was too rich, and he had been eating clear soup and light rice these days, so it was easy to smell it.

Shen Chuwei lifted the lid of the soup pot, and the rich smell of chicken soup overflowed immediately. She picked up a bowl and filled a bowl of chicken soup, put it in front of Xiao Jinyan, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, try our own hen soup."

Xiao Jinyan was a little surprised, "You raised this?"

Shen Chu slightly frowned, "Of course, Your Highness, try it."

With novelty, Xiao Jinyan picked up a spoon, scooped up some chicken soup, brought it to his mouth and blew it. After drinking it, the fragrance was rich and not greasy.

He couldn't help boasting: "It tastes good, better than the chicken soup in the lunch room."

Shen Chu smiled triumphantly: "Of course, no matter how good the chickens outside are, they are not as good as raising them yourself."

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal, the point is, Shen Chuwei finally let him eat oily vegetables.

Shen Chuwei also made a bowl for herself. There were two chicken legs, and she planned to share one with Xiao Jinyan.

(End of this chapter)

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