Chapter 243 Is it comfort or secondary injury

Shen Chuwei was really afraid that his old wounds would not heal and he would get new ones. Falling down the five or six steps would hurt even thinking about it.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the steps under his feet, and he was standing on the edge of the steps. If he was really drunk, he might fall down.

He turned his head to look at Shen Chuwei, who was looking up at him with her small face, worry written all over her delicate face.

"Bengong, go back first."

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and went straight down the steps.

Shen Chuwei looked at the back of Xiao Jinyan who was leaving straight away, and was taken aback for a moment, then she looked back at the palace gate behind her, there were a lot of delicious food there.

Xiao Jinyan and food, she actually hesitated~

She stomped her feet, and as soon as she became cruel, she trotted after him.

"Your Highness, wait for me!"

Xiao Jinyan did not stop, and his slender figure disappeared into the night.

Behind him, not only Shen Chuwei was chasing but also Liu Xi.

Although the palace lanterns were lit, the light was really not enough.

Shen Chuwei lifted the hem of the skirt, and almost stepped on it several times. Looking at the slender figure, she walked swiftly like the wind, and didn't stop to wait for her intentions until she disappeared at the corner of the corridor. She simply put down the hem of the skirt and stopped chasing .

He took out a piece of sugar cake from his sleeve pocket, handed it to his mouth, took a bite, and walked slowly.

Liu Xi chased after him all the way, seeing that Shen Chuwei stopped chasing, he was anxious and puzzled, "Shen Liangdi, why didn't you chase after?"

Shen Chuwei ate the sugar cake and said vaguely, "His Highness has gone far."

Seeing Shen Chuwei eating cakes leisurely, Liu Xi was in a hurry, "Shen Liangdi, don't eat, hurry up and chase Your Highness."

"I can't catch up." Shen Chuwei took another bite of the sugar cake, still speaking vaguely.

Liu Xi sighed, "Your Highness has never eaten longevity noodles cooked by the Empress herself."

Shen Chuwei looked at Liu Xi with a puzzled expression when he heard the words, "Why?"

Liu Xi heaved a long sigh, "Your Highness went to another country to be a hostage when he was eight years old, and he only came back six years ago. The Empress has never been close to His Highness, let alone the birthday, the Empress may not even remember when His Highness's birthday is, so what?" Will you cook longevity noodles for His Highness?"

Shen Chu chewed slightly, his eyes full of surprise: "But His Highness is also the empress's son, the eldest son, he should be happy to have such an outstanding son."

"Shen Liangdi first entered the Eastern Palace, many things cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences. His Highness is very good, but the Empress just doesn't like it." Liu Xi sighed again after speaking.

Shen Chuwei also didn't understand why the Queen didn't like Xiao Jinyan, if he had such an excellent son in the future, he would wake up laughing from his dreams.

Pulling too far.

"There must be a reason why the Queen doesn't like His Highness and doesn't get close to him."

Liu Xi hesitated for a long time before saying: "The miscellaneous family told you, don't make it public."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "I understand, I still have the quality to listen to gossip."

Only then did Liu Xi speak slowly: "King Yu accidentally fell down the stone steps when he was a child, and he invited many imperial doctors to diagnose and treat him. Fearing that King Yu would rob him of his position as the crown prince, he deliberately pushed King Yu away, and the queen was furious. One month later, the situation between the two countries was tense, and His Highness exchanged protons with another country."

Shen Chuwei understood now, the queen doted on her youngest son, but she misunderstood the rumors and thought that Xiao Jinyan was going to harm her brother.

No wonder last year, when King Yu was poisoned by eating mutton, the queen thought it was Xiao Jinyan who poisoned him.

"Then when is His Highness's birthday?"

Liu Xi said slowly: "It's also today."

Shen Chuwei was stunned when he heard the words.

Prince Yu and Xiao Jinyan had the same birthday, so could the empress forget it?

Could it be that Xiao Jinyan was a little weird today.

Mingming and younger brother have the same birthday, parents don't remember it, they only remember younger brother's, who can bear it?
But Xiao Jinyan has endured it for many years, so he must be very sad now!
Liu Xi suddenly grabbed Shen Chuwei's hand, and Shen Chuwei was taken aback. Seeing Liu Xi's eagerly looking eyes, she had a bad feeling.

"Eunuch Liu, what are you?"

Liu Xi said expectantly: "Shen Liangdi, celebrate His Highness's birthday and cook a bowl of longevity noodles."

Shen Chuwei said helplessly: "But I'm not the empress, I cook longevity noodles, and His Highness can't feel the warmth from mother."

Liu Xi looked confused, "The miscellaneous family didn't say you were, you just need to cook a bowl of longevity noodles for His Highness."

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "It's not a matter of cooking or not. I'm afraid that when His Highness sees the Longevity Noodles, he will see the Longevity Noodles cooked by the Empress for King Yu. It would be bad if I didn't comfort His Highness, but cause him a second injury."

Liu Xi: "..."

Shen Chuwei asked suspiciously: "Why don't you ask the Imperial Dining Room to prepare a bowl of longevity noodles for His Highness?"

Liu Xi said helplessly: "If it is useful, the miscellaneous family has already ordered the cook to prepare it. Your Highness is not allowed to do this."

Shen Chu said coquettishly: "Then you want me to prepare, don't you mean to hurt His Highness?"

Liu Xi smiled awkwardly, and explained: "Shen Liangdi is different from others, His Highness should be happy."

"It looks the same to me." Shen Chuwei looked at the direction Xiao Jinyan left, "He left alone."

Liu Xi sighed again, "Your Highness has always been alone, and I've gotten used to it over the years."

Shen Chu looked down at the sugar cake in his hand slightly, Xiao Jinyan didn't like sweets either, otherwise eating a few pieces of sugar cake would make him feel better.

"Shen Liangdi, just go and try." Liu Xi pulled Shen Chuwei towards the small kitchen.

Shen Chuwei was forced to come to the small kitchen, which contained everything.

"Then I'll cook a bowl of longevity noodles. If His Highness doesn't want to eat it, then I'll eat it, so there's no waste."

Liu Xi nodded hurriedly, "Okay, as long as Shen Liangdi cooks longevity noodles."

A poached egg, a few slices of green vegetables.

The noodles are made by hand, and there is only one very long one, which means longevity.

Shen Chuwei took out the flour and kneaded it skillfully.

Noodles are time-consuming, but fortunately, this is nothing to Shen Chuwei.

Liu Xi was dumbfounded, that long noodle seemed to be easily made out of Shen Chuwei's hands.

A bowl of steaming longevity noodles would be ready, Shen Chuwei went to the study with the longevity noodles.

Liu Xi came back and asked the guards what he had learned.

The door of the study was quiet, and Wei Chi stood like a wooden sculpture. If he hadn't opened the door on his own initiative, she would have suspected that Wei Chi was a dummy.

Shen Chuwei walked in with a longevity noodle, looked in the direction of the desk, and saw Xiao Jinyan sitting in front of the desk, dealing with unfinished business.

"Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan raised his head upon hearing the sound, and saw a black head with those beautiful star eyes staring at him.

"How did you come?"

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes twice, "The concubine brought food to His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "I am not hungry."

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(End of this chapter)

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