Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 247 Your Highness is heartbroken, Xue Tuan did something bad~

Chapter 247 Your Highness is heartbroken, Xue Tuan did something bad~

Chunxi said and pointed to her heart.

The reason why I ask this is because my little master has never competed for favor, and only eats and sleeps all day~

Shen Chuwei thought that she could eat dumplings for lunch. She sighed in disappointment, touched her chest, and looked back at Xiao Jinyan, only to see him walking slowly towards the princes. together."

Ever since she lived next door to Xiao Jinyan, she knew even the slightest movement next door. Xiao Jinyan had never been to other women.

Chunxi looked back at His Highness, five princes and one Princess Xueyan, well, it's really not considered to be with other women.

"Young master, don't worry, even if Princess Xueyan marries into the East Palace, His Highness will still only favor the young master."

"You don't understand." Shen Chuwei left after finishing speaking, not paying attention to the hem of the skirt under her feet, and stepped up, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell directly.

"Little master." It was too late when Chunxi wanted to help.

Xiao Jinyan turned around when he heard the sound, and saw Shen Chu slightly fell to the ground, and immediately flew over with lightness kung fu to help her up.

Shen Chuwei was stunned by the fall, he was a teenager, and he actually fell while walking~
When she reacted, she was about to get up, when she was picked up by someone, raised her head, caught off guard and saw Xiao Jinyan, she froze for a moment.

Xiao Jinyan asked nervously, "Where did you fall?"

"Hand." Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand obediently, because the pain in the palm was the most obvious.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the white palms, the skin was scratched, and his brows were tightly frowned. He strode towards the East Palace with her in his arms.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan, and saw that his brows and eyes were cold, and he was angry after thinking about it~
Chunxi was so frightened that she lost her soul. When she realized it, Xiao Jinyan had already picked up Shen Chuwei, and she hurried to catch up.

Before Xueyan could speak to Xiao Jinyan, she saw him running towards another woman, picked her up and strode away.

Before Xueyan asked, he heard several princes discussing.

"Isn't that Shen Liangdi? The prince seems to dote on this Liangdi very much, and always takes her with him."

"Shen Liangdi is a beauty, it's normal for the crown prince to like it."

"Isn't it? A prince who isn't a beauty wouldn't like it so much."

Xueyan heard about it, but because of the cultural differences between the two countries, she didn't quite understand what Shen Liangdi they were talking about.

"Is Shen Liangdi the prince's woman?"

Xiao Qi looked at Xueyan and saw that she was wearing a veil, but those beautiful eyes were enough to make people's hearts move.

"Princess Xueyan, Shen Liangdi is indeed the prince's woman, and the prince likes her very much."

Xueyan looked at Xiao Jinyan's leaving back, and murmured: "Your Highness is a very gentle man."

Hall of Joy

Shen Chuwei was placed on the couch by Xiao Jinyan, watching him take out the medicine box and return to her, opened the medicine box, took out the medicine, and carefully applied it on the small wound.

Shen Chu frowned slightly, it was very painful to scratch the skin.

After Xiao Jinyan bandaged the wound, he looked at her seriously, "Slow down when you walk, it's a broken skin now, and I don't know what will happen next time."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Chenqie pay attention next time."

Xiao Jinyan stayed for a while, then left.

Chunxi blamed herself to the point of failure, "It's all the slave servant's fault, who didn't support the young master, causing the young master to fall."

Shen Chu slightly raised her head to look at Chun Xi, "It has nothing to do with you."

Chunxi felt guilty, so she cooked delicious food for Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chuwei had a delicious lunch.

Just about to take a nap, Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui came to Hehuan Hall to gossip.

Concubine Xu's first words were, "Shen Liangdi, is that Princess Xueyan really as legendary as she is in the legend?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "You are very beautiful."

Tao Chenghui said: "No wonder the princes circle around Princess Xueyan."

"A few princes accompanied Princess Xueyan to the imperial garden in the afternoon, and they were as courteous as a bee seeing a flower." Concubine Xu clicked her tongue twice.

Tao Chenghui analyzed carefully: "If Princess Xueyan takes a fancy to His Highness, she may be a strong opponent."

Concubine Xu's eyes lit up, "I heard that His Highness and the others are going to take Princess Xueyan to visit the palace in the afternoon, let's go and have a look."

Shen Chuwei yawned, "You guys go, I'll sleep for a while."

"What are you sleeping on? Are you not afraid that Princess Xueyan will look at His Highness and snatch His Highness away?"

Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui, one on the left and one on the right, pulled Shen Chuwei out of the Hehuan Hall.

Shen Chuwei was a little helpless, and was forced to follow them to the south side of the imperial garden, beside a flower bush.

From a distance, I saw the five princes and Xiao Jinyan sitting in the gazebo, with Princess Xueyan among them.

A group of people talked and laughed, and talked happily.

Xiao Jinyan sipped his tea, occasionally responding with a cold, noble voice.

Concubine Xu's eyes were full of curiosity, "Why does Princess Xueyan wear a veil?"

"I heard that girls in Xueyue Kingdom have to wear veils when they go out at the age of ten. Until they get married, their faces can only be seen by their husbands." Tao Chenghui's father traveled all over the country, and there are shops in Xueyue Kingdom, so he knows something.

Shen Chuwei yawned, but was covered by Tao Chenghui, "Shen Liangdi, keep your voice down, it will be embarrassing if you find out."

Covering his mouth and being unable to speak, Shen Chu nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Only then did Tao Chenghui let go of his hand.

Concubine Xu pushed Shen Chuwei with her hand, "Look, Princess Xueyan is smiling at His Highness again, isn't it?"

Shen Chuwei was about to look up when she felt that someone was rubbing against her leg. When she looked down, she found that Xue Tuan was also following her. She reached out and touched Xue Tuan.

Xuetuan looked up at Shen Chuwei, then ran out with a whoosh.

Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand and rushed out, "Xuetuan is back."

Seeing Xue Tuan running straight towards Xiao Jinyan, I thought it was over~
Seeing Xue Tuan running over, Concubine Xu was a little excited, "Xue Tuan, hurry up, grab her skirt and embarrass her in public, let's see how she seduces Your Highness."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

Tao Chenghui: "..."

After Xuetuan ran over, he jumped into Xiao Jinyan's arms and looked up at Xueyan vigilantly.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Xue Tuan who suddenly ran over, Xue Tuan usually would not go out to look for him, unless it was with Shen Chuwei.

He glanced around subconsciously, as if looking for something.

At this time, Shen Chuwei and the three sneaked back to the East Palace.

Concubine Xu was a little reconciled, "Xuetuan is too, why didn't you catch Xueyan's clothes? It was exciting to catch me last year."

Tao Chenghui said: "If Xuetuan really caught Xueyan, His Highness will be embarrassed."

Concubine Xu stared at Shen Chuwei's stomach, "Shen Liangdi, why hasn't your stomach moved yet?"

Concubine Xu always speaks straight, and they are not surprised.

Shen Chu touched his stomach slightly, a little bulging just after eating, "It's not like I'm pregnant if I say so."

Concubine Xu hated that iron could not be made into steel, "Shen Liangdi, you should also try your best. There are so many women around His Highness, and you are the only one serving the bed. You can't miss such a good opportunity."

Shen Chu was slightly stunned, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, "What did you just say?"

 Babies, this is full of [-] monthly tickets plus updates.

  Continue to ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, more will be added!
(End of this chapter)

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