Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 249 Must be boastful, we have a "tacit understanding"

Chapter 249 Must be boastful, we have a "tacit understanding"

She dreamed that she was drunk, put her arms around Xiao Jinyan and asked if what she said that night was true.

Xiao Jin said yes.

As a result, she was so happy that she took the initiative to gnaw on Xiao Jinyan...

Woke up and was about to repudiate the behavior of my female hooligan, only to find that the real master was sitting on the head of my bed~

Xiao Jinyan saw her waking up with a frightened look on her face, "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Shen Chuwei nodded guiltily.

Xiao Jinyan comforted: "Dreams are nothing more than nothingness, so don't take it seriously."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, that dream must be fake, probably because of listening to Concubine Xu's words, he would have such a dream.

"You brought the snow ball out today?"

Shen Chuwei subconsciously nodded, then shook his head again, "I didn't take it out with my concubine."

Xuetuan ran out by herself, no fault of her.

Xiao Jinyan originally wanted to go back to his bedroom, but when he saw the snow ball in his arms, he came to Hehuan Hall.

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Well, Xue Tuan followed you out by himself."

Shen Chuwei was stunned, secretly surprised that Xiao Jinyan was so smart, he guessed right.

Xuetuan blinked her beautiful blue eyes twice, and said: "The rain girl has no melons."

For dinner, Xiao Jinyan ate in Hehuan Hall.

Mentioning dumplings in the morning, Shen Chuwei wanted to eat dumplings, but he didn't have time to make them for lunch, so Chunxi planned to make them for dinner.

As a result, His Royal Highness came down, so he had to give up the dumplings and prepare to cook and stir-fry for entertainment.

Shen Chuwei didn't eat any dumplings. Even though the dinner was rich and delicious, she still felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Jinyan naturally stayed overnight after dinner.

Shen Chuwei lay on the bed and was still thinking about dumplings. When she saw Xiao Jinyan coming out from behind the screen, she was stunned for a moment because the prince was not wearing a shirt.

Looking at Xiao Jinyan's firm and plump chest muscles, the texture lines are clear and smooth, not exaggerated, just because of her aesthetics.

Suddenly remembering the painting I drew for the first time by my own imagination, I felt very dissatisfied.

Hurry up and redraw a picture...

Just when Shen Chuwei wanted to draw down the beautiful scenery in front of him in detail, Xiao Jinyan had already stepped forward.

It allows her to see the texture lines of the six little brothers more clearly and in detail.

When I was learning sketching in modern times, the sketching teacher was a male teacher. She asked such a question, would it look better to draw six-pack abs or eight-pack abs?

The teacher explained with an expression that I understand: "Of course, eight-pack abs are the most suitable, and they are very interesting."

At that time, the teacher was wearing a white T-shirt. She glanced at the teacher, who looked like a three-month pregnant belly, and fell into deep thought~
Xiao Jinyan picked up the top on the bed and put it on slowly.

On the bed, the two of them exuded a faint fragrance after bathing, as well as Shen Chuwei's own sweet fragrance of peach blossoms.

Shen Chuwei stared at Xiao Jinyan, thinking it would be better to say something.

Xiao Jinyan didn't feel sleepy at all, he was still thinking about what his mother said today, how he would avoid marrying Princess Xueyan.

If Princess Xueyan doesn't like him, don't worry.

The worry is that, as the queen mother said, Princess Xueyan has a good impression of her, so it is difficult to handle.

Shen Chu called out slightly: "Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan looked down, and saw her holding her chin in both hands, staring at him without blinking.

"what happened?"

Shen Chuwei propped up his upper body on the bed, then put his arms around his neck, leaned over, and nibbled on his pretty lips.

"Jin Yan, you have to hold on."

Xiao Jinyan was still reminiscing about the superficial kiss just now, when he suddenly heard this sentence, he was a little dazed.

This was the first time Shen Chuwei took the initiative to call him by his name. In the past, she only called him at his request.

Shen Chuwei wanted to withdraw after nibbling, but before she could withdraw, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, bringing her into her warm chest again.

"Xiao Jiu, what did you just say?"

Shen Chuwei gave Xiao Jinyan a look that you understand, to show the tacit understanding between the two.

However, Xiao Jinyan was not as tacit as she imagined, and did not understand the meaning in her eyes.

Instead, she thought that Shen Chuwei wanted it.

The girl's cheeks are blush, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright, her skin is more than snow...

Xiao Jinyan was inevitably a little emotional.

"Little Nine."

Shen Chuwei was overjoyed, she and Xiao Jinyan still had a good understanding.

Looking at the shadow that suddenly enveloped in front of him, and the gradually enlarged handsome face, he froze for a moment.

Her lips softened, she was bitten, and she began to doubt~

Until she, this little salty fish, was tossed and turned over and over again, Shen Chuwei deeply discovered that the tacit understanding between her and Xiao Jinyan still needs to be cultivated slowly~
The next day, Shen Chuwei came back to life under Chunxi's continued life.

Planning to go back to the cage for another sleep, Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui hurried over with expressions on their faces.

"Why are you still sleeping? You can't wait to burn your eyebrows." Concubine Xu stepped forward and pulled Shen Chuwei who had just lay down.

Shen Chu was slightly frightened, "Where is the water? Hehuan Hall or Xiyun Pavilion?"

Concubine Xu: "..."

Tao Chenghui: "..."

Concubine Xu hurriedly said: "That Princess Xueyan has come to the East Palace."

Shen Chuwei subconsciously thought that Princess Xueyan was here for lunch, "Isn't it still early for lunch?"

Concubine Xu held Shen Chuwei's face in both hands, trying to pull her back from the delicacies, "What about lunch, I'm here to visit the East Palace, familiarize myself with the environment, and stay in the East Palace in the future, understand?"

Shen Chu froze for a moment, then nodded sharply, "Understood, I understand."

Concubine Xu made a serious analysis and came to the conclusion, "I think Princess Xueyan probably has her eyes on His Highness, otherwise she would not have come to visit the East Palace. You can't let Princess Xueyan enter the East Palace, otherwise there will be no good life in the future."

Tao Chenghui also analyzed: "What Concubine Xu said makes some sense. Xueyan is a princess with a noble status, and she is very likely to become a princess. If she is as scheming as Chang Liangyuan, I am afraid that life will be difficult in the future?"

Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui looked at Shen Chuwei together, as if they saw hope in their eyes.

Shen Chuwei took two steps back subconsciously, "What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

"Your Highness loves you the most. If you act like a baby, His Highness might leave Princess Xueyan behind to come to see you." Concubine Xu said with absolute certainty.

Shen Chuwei said, "His Royal Highness is not a child anymore, he has a sense of propriety."

Concubine Xu said in the tone of an old mother: "Shen Liangdi, you are still too young."

Shen Chuwei looked at Concubine Xu who was only two years older than herself, did you have any misunderstanding about the word too young?
Concubine Xu asked: "Is Your Highness a man?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, and said in an extremely positive tone: "Of course it's a man, I have a deep understanding."

"My brother said that a hero is sad for a beauty, and a man can't refuse a beauty. One who spoils you today may spoil others next time, not to mention a beauty like Princess Xueyan who is so beautiful?" Xu Fangfei said.

Tao Chenghui nodded in agreement, "Shen Liangdi, Concubine Xu's words are very reasonable. It is said that men know men best. General Xu's conclusion is not unreasonable."

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