Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 256 Can My Brother Bring Food For Someone?she is my sister in law

Chapter 256 Can My Brother Bring Food For Someone?she is my sister in law
Xueyan's elegant gauze dress draws a beautiful landscape on the bluestone road.

Shen Chuwei stopped and looked at Xiao Jinyan. He was still wearing court clothes, and he should have been busy until now.

At this time, Xueyan had already walked in front of Xiao Jinyan, she smiled beautifully, "Your Highness, I came to play with Shen Liangdi today."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei who was not far away, she was holding a snowball in her arms, not knowing where she was going.

He looked at Xueyan, and his voice was cold and alienated: "Princess Xueyan, Shen Liangdi doesn't like to play with strangers, if Xueyan really wants to play, she can find someone else."

After finishing speaking, she walked straight towards Shen Chuwei.

Xueyan froze in place, she turned to look at Xiao Jinyan's leaving back, and followed with small steps.

Xiao Jinyan came to Shen Chuwei, glanced at the snowball in her arms, and asked her, "Where are you going with the snowball in your arms?"

Shen Chu raised her delicate chin slightly, "Return to Your Highness, this concubine is going to pick up eggs."

Pick up eggs?
Xiao Jinyan was stunned when he heard this word for the first time, "Why do you want to pick up eggs? Where can I pick them up?"

Shen Chuwei: "Xiyun Pavilion."

Xueyan looked at Shen Chuwei, "Shen Liangdi, go pick up eggs, I won't go when His Highness comes back."

Shen Chu smiled slightly, "I'm not going either."

Xueyan looked at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, "Aren't you in a hurry to pick up eggs just now?"

Chun Xi came out from behind, "My lord, this servant is going to pick up eggs."

After Chunxi finished speaking, she walked happily to Xiyun Pavilion.

Seeing this, Xueyan paused, then turned to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, I will accompany you to lunch today."

She reached out and tried to grab Xiao Jinyan's arm.

Xiao Jinyan has quick eyes and quick hands, and easily dodges.

Seeing the snow ball in Shen Chuwei's arms, he stretched out his hand and wanted to hug it, "Give me the snow ball, it's so heavy, it's tiring to hold it all the time."

Shen Chuwei was noncommittal and let Xiao Jinyan hold her.

Xueyan's hands were mostly in the air, and she looked at the snow ball in Xiao Jinyan's arms, grinning and staring at herself, but she didn't dare to reach out to hug Xiao Jinyan's arm, for fear that the snow ball would suddenly bite her.

at lunch

In front of the dining table, the three of them sat in a circle.

Shen Chuwei looked at the delicacies in front of him, choosing his favorite ones.

Xiao Jinyan understands her preferences, and picks her some of her favorite dishes from time to time.

Because Xueyan was wearing a veil, she ate slowly. Seeing that Xiao Jinyan was picking up vegetables for Shen Chuwei, she looked at Xiao Jinyan, pointed at Sixi Balls in the distance, and said, "Your Highness, can you help me pick up vegetables? It's too far away for me. Can't catch it."

While Xueyan was talking, Shen Chuwei reached into the plate with his chopsticks, put the last Sixi ball into his bowl, and took a bite.

As soon as Xueyan finished speaking, she saw Shen Chuwei put the last Sixi ball into her mouth, and was stunned.

Shen Chuwei was chewing, and found that Xueyan was looking at him, and his words were vague, "Sixi meatballs are delicious."

After speaking, he took another bite.

The Sixi meatballs were gone, so Xueyan simply changed to another dish, "Then I won't eat Sixi meatballs, Your Highness, you can sandwich the fish fillets for me."

"Brother, are you having lunch? I just happened to come." Xiao Jinyu came to the East Palace suddenly, as if returning to his bedroom, and sat down at the dining table.

He turned his head to Liu Xi and said, "Eunuch Liu, bring me some more bowls and chopsticks."

Liu Xi ordered the maid to add more bowls and chopsticks.

Xiao Jinyan looked up at Xiao Jinyu, "Didn't you say you'll be back tomorrow?"

"I originally planned to come back tomorrow, but I hurried back last night."

Xiao Jinyu found a strange woman sitting beside the prince's brother, "Brother, who is she?"

"She is Xueyan, Princess of Xueyue Kingdom." Xiao Jinyan replied concisely.

"Oh, no wonder you look at Miansheng."

At this time, the maid took a new pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Xiao Jinyu is also hungry now, so he picked up vegetables to eat with a bowl.

Xueyan looked at the young man in front of him, feeling somewhat similar to Xiao Jinyan, "Are you the younger brother of His Royal Highness?"

Xiao Jinxu puffed his cheeks and said, "Well, it's like a fake younger brother."

Xue Yan said: "No wonder she looks very similar to His Highness."

Xiao Jinyu said quite proudly: "Of course."

Xueyan smiled, looked at Xiao Jinyan, pointed to the plate of fish fillets and said, "Your Highness, I want to eat fish fillets, can you hold them for me?"

Xiao Jinyu picked up the fish fillet and placed it directly in front of Xueyan, "Princess, it's inconvenient for others to pick up as much as you want. You can pick up as much as you want."

After speaking, he reached in with his chopsticks and put some into the bowl.

Xue Yan looked at the fish fillet in front of her, she couldn't say anything, so she reached in with her chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish fillet, put it into the bowl, and ate it slowly.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinyan twitched the corners of his lips, picked up some fish fillets and put them into Shen Chuwei's bowl.

Seeing the sudden extra fish fillets in the bowl, Shen Chuwei raised his eyes to look at Xiao Jinyan, frowned, picked up the tongs, and put them into his mouth to eat.

When Xueyan saw it, the fish fillets in the bowl instantly lost their fragrance.

She took two mouthfuls of rice, saw the plate of ribs in front of Shen Chuwei, and just wanted to eat it, she said again: "Your Highness, I want to eat ribs."

"Don't bother my brother. My brother is too busy every day to delay his meal. I'll serve it to you." Xiao Jinyu picked up the plate of ribs and placed it in front of Xueyan while speaking.

There were two ribs left, and Shen Chuwei ate the rest.

After Xiao Jinyu put down the plate, he put a piece of ribs into the bowl, and said with a smile, "Two pieces, one piece is just right for each person."

After finishing speaking, he put it in his mouth and took a bite. It was delicious.

Xue Yan frowned subconsciously, picked up the last piece of ribs and took a bite, even if she wanted to eat it, it would go into her mouth without any taste.

Shen Chuwei ate four bowls of rice, put it on his chopsticks contentedly, and wiped his mouth with a silk handkerchief.

Xiao Jinyu only had the second bowl of rice. Seeing that Shen Chuwei had put down the bowl and chopsticks, he asked, "Sister-in-law, don't you want to eat?"

Shen Chuwei chuckled twice, "I'm full."

Xueyan heard him address Shen Chuwei's sister-in-law, and asked suspiciously: "Why do you call her sister-in-law? Shouldn't sister-in-law only be called by a princess?"

Xiao Jinyu said it as a matter of course, "I like to call her sister-in-law, can't I?"

Xue Yan paused, "...But, there is a princess, what's your name?"

Xiao Jinyu thought he knew the prince's brother very well, and he said with certainty, "Isn't there no crown prince? My brother is not in a hurry to get a crown prince."

After finishing speaking, he gossiped to Xueyan again: "My brother's horoscope is not good, and he won't be able to marry the princess for a year or two."

Xue Yan had a face full of disbelief, "Who said that?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "Qin Tianjian is the supervisor, Mr. Lu said, he is amazing, he can calculate marriage, he can tell divination, and he can also watch the stars to calculate fortune."

"...But," Xue Yan couldn't believe it, the food stuck in her throat and she couldn't swallow it.

"I know you don't believe me. You can inquire about Mr. Lu's reputation, and you will know how amazing he is."

 Good night, my dears, it's getting late again...

  This is to make up for yesterday's monthly pass plus change.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, more tickets will be added!

(End of this chapter)

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