Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 259 Little 9 is not allowed to lie to me, His Highness Confided His Heart

Chapter 259 Xiao Jiu is not allowed to lie to me, Your Highness Confids His Heart

Xiao Jinyu was so embarrassed that he didn't pay attention on the way back. As a result, he missed his foot and sat down on the steps. No need to look, there must be a big bruise.

"It's nothing, I'm going to take a bath."

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, he turned around to get the clothes, and went straight to the back of the screen.

Han Yan looked sideways at Xiao Jinyu's awkward walking posture, and knew something was wrong at a glance.

Xiao Jinyu came out of the shower and saw that Miss Han was still sitting there, so he went straight to the bed and sat down. The quilt was so soft that it didn't hurt to sit.

"Miss Han, don't you go back to your room to rest?"

Han Yan stood up and walked over, sat down beside Xiao Jinyu, glanced at his buttocks and asked, "What's wrong with your ass?"

Xiao Jinyu pretended to be nonchalant, "It's nothing, the king is going to rest, you should go back and rest too."

"King Yu, don't lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you..."

Before Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, Han Yan pinched his buttocks. Xiao Jinyu couldn't hold back for a moment, exclaimed "Ah!" and then jumped up from the bed.

Han Yan looked at Xiao Jinyu's reaction indifferently, "Is this all right?"

Xiao Jinyu's cheeks flushed, "Miss Han, you're a girl, how can you pinch a man's butt?"

Han Yan looked at him calmly with her beautiful eyes, "Is this important?"

Xiao Jinyu said earnestly: "Why is it not important? You are a girl, so be reserved!"

Han Yan looked at him with a half-smile, "Yu Wang thinks, does our relationship still need to be reserved?"

Xiao Jinyu said seriously: "Miss Han, although you were redeemed from the heaven and earth by this king with a lot of money, and you were forced to learn some things to please people by the old bustard in the sky and earth, you don't need to do these things in front of this king. king……"

Han Yan said indifferently: "King Yu, you are taking things too far. What we are talking about now is why your butt hurt? Who bullied you?"

Uh!Seeing that the matter was exposed, Xiao Jinyu concealed it, "Who dares to bully this king? I accidentally stepped on the empty space when I stepped down the steps and fell."

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, she was too embarrassed.

Han Yan stood up and ordered: "Lie down on the bed."

Xiao Jinyu looked puzzled, "Miss Han, what are you doing?"

"I'll give you medicine." Han Yan replied concisely.

"It's better to say goodbye, Xiaoshang..."

Han Yan said: "Why is King Yu acting like a child, twitching?"

"You are a girl, this king is a man, it is not suitable, this king will let..."

Before Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, his lips softened, and he was forced to swallow the rest of the words.

After getting along for so long, Xiao Jinyu's weakness has long been grasped by Han Yan, and within a few strokes, Xiao Jinyu's body softened.

In the end, Xiao Jinyu lay on the bed obediently, buried his whole face in the pillow, and his face was gone~
Shen Chuwei has been thinking about where the sachet has gone all day, but he has no idea of ​​the result.

It wasn't until he took off Xiao Jinyan's clothes that he found the sachet, which Xiao Jinyan always carried with him.

While Xiao Jinyan was taking a bath, she stuffed the sachet under the pillow.

After thinking about it and feeling uneasy, I took it out from under the pillow and put it in the cabinet next to the bed.

After looking at it for a while, still feeling uneasy, she opened the cabinet again, took out the sachet and walked around the room, looking at the closet, she strode over, opened the closet, stuffed the sachet in, and then closed the Go to the wardrobe.

Just as Shen Chuwei breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Jinyan's clear voice like rain hitting plantains came from behind, "Xiao Jiu, what are you doing?"

Shen Chuwei turned around guiltily and looked at Xiao Jinyan. Didn't you see her hiding the sachet just now?
"The concubine is looking for clothes."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Have you found it?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "I found it."

Xiao Jinyan held her hand, "Then let's rest."

Shen Chuwei looked back at the wardrobe, and changed the spices in it tomorrow, so as not to cause harm to Yiqian!

On the bed, Shen Chuwei watched Xiao Jinyan put down the side of the bed, the light dimmed instantly, and she was about to lie down when she heard Xiao Jinyan ask.

"Xiao Jiu, why are you disguising yourself in front of me?"

Shen Chuwei looked confused, "Your Highness, this concubine did not pretend to be herself!"

Xiao Jinyan paused and said, "You said you couldn't paint, but your paintings are better than those of the painters in the palace. You said you couldn't recite poems, but the artistic conception of your poems is not something ordinary people can achieve. Did you say you didn't pretend to be yourself?"

Shen Chuwei expressed his innocence!
She is the truest self in front of Xiao Jinyan, and she does not hide her greedy, sleepy, salty nature at all!
"Your Highness, the concubine has only learned sketching, and the ones drawn with a brush are different. As for the poem, it is really a coincidence."

She can't say that she is showing off the poems of Shixian~

Speaking out, the matter of her time travel will be revealed.

Bringing a corpse back to life?

I'm afraid that Taoist priests will be invited at that time, and a mahogany sword will let her return to her original place.

Oh, maybe the original body is already ashes, and the original position is probably not good enough.

Xiao Jinyan hugged him into his arms, and said in a gentle voice, "I hope Xiao Jiu won't hide anything from me."

"The concubine knows." Shen Chuwei replied with a guilty conscience, time travel, space, how to explain these?

There is no way to explain it.

"Little Nine."


Shen Chu slightly raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, the light in the bed was very dark, and she couldn't see his face, she reached out and touched his face accurately, her handsome cheeks were slightly hot.

After waiting for a long time, only slight breathing sound could be heard in her ears, she called out in doubt, "Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan was silent for a long time before uttering a sentence: "Xiao Jiu, with my current ability, I may not be able to prevent Princess Xueyan from entering the East Palace."

Although he is a crown prince, his father has not really delegated power, he has no real real power.

There is no way to resist the decision of the father and mother.

That is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg.

Shen Chuwei was startled when he heard the words.

In fact, she knows that no one can defy the emperor's orders!
Xiao Jinyan is no exception.

She couldn't help sighing, it really is better to be modern.

Xiao Jinyan continued: "The only thing that can be guaranteed is that I will not touch her."

Shen Chuwei was startled again when he heard the words, Xiao Jinyan was making a promise?

Xiao Jinyan called softly: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chu responded slightly: "The concubine is here."

Xiao Jinyan just hugged her and didn't say anything, because it couldn't be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Give him another two years, he only needs two years, and he will definitely be able to grasp the real power.

That night, Xiao Jinyan suffered from insomnia.

I used to think it was no big deal if there were a few more decorations in the palace.

Now, he can't wait to send out all the decorations in the palace.

Just don't talk about sending it out, if Xueyan is really determined to enter the East Palace, he may not be able to stop it.

At five o'clock, Xiao Jinyan, who hadn't slept all night, got up lightly, changed his clothes, and prepared to go to court.

After he got dressed, he picked up the sachet and hung it on his body as usual, only to find that the sachet was gone again.

He frowned, hurriedly lit a candle and came to the bed, squatted on the pedals and searched around, but couldn't find it.

It was obviously put in the clothes last night, how could it disappear?

 good night!

  This is today's Chapter 4, eight thousand words! !Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! ! ! !
  I found that many treasures asked when the twins will come...

(End of this chapter)

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