Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 262 Believe in a ghost!Deliberately looking for bad things about light bulbs

Chapter 262 Believe in a ghost!Deliberately looking for bad things about light bulbs
As soon as Shen Chuwei picked up the embroidery needle, she was taken aback when she heard Xu Fangfei's words, "Shameless?"

"It's Princess Xueyan, she's still a girl from the family, so she's just shameless if she pesters His Highness when she has something to do?" Concubine Xu said with a strong sense of reason.

Tao Chenghui couldn't hold it back, covered his mouth with a handkerchief and laughed out loud: "Haha, who made our Highness unparalleled and unmatched in beauty?"

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement when he heard the words. So far, he has not seen a man more handsome than Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jinyan is both civil and military, and he is also a prince. It is normal for Xueyan to like him.

Seeing Shen Chuwei pick up the embroidery needle, Concubine Xu persuaded: "Stop embroidering, let's go and see how that shameless man wants to seduce His Highness."

"I can't do it without embroidering, I need it urgently." Shen Chuwei thought about finishing the embroidery in the past two days, so he replaced the sachet that Xiao Jinyan was wearing close to his body.
Concubine Xu yelled, "Don't be in a hurry, the most important thing is to stop the shameless seduction of His Highness."

Shen Chu raised her head slightly to look at Concubine Xu, only to see that she rolled up her sleeves, as if she was about to catch the rape, she comforted: "We must trust Your Highness."

"Shen Liangdi, did His Highness give you ecstasy? Why are you so easily deceived? Look at the emperor, the Sixth Court of the Sangong, how many children are there under his knees? Concubine Ning still has one in her belly, and the love of the emperor and empress is being spread outside Very, if it is really loving, where did those children come from?"

Concubine Xu tried to wake up Shen Chuwei who was in love.

Compared to Concubine Xu's excitement, Tao Chenghui was relatively calm, "I think Concubine Xu's words are somewhat reasonable. Although His Highness is not obsessed with women, he is also a man, and it is difficult for men to resist temptation."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, expressing agreement, "What you say makes sense."

Concubine Xu said: "Then let's go. I heard that Princess Xueyan asked His Royal Highness to enjoy the lotus. This year the lotus blooms very early."

Shen Chuwei didn't leave but showed them the sachet in his hand, "I still want to embroider."

Concubine Xu hated iron into steel, "Don't you like female celebrities?"

"I won't embroider this one after I embroider it." Shen Chuwei couldn't tell, if she didn't think she was smart, she wouldn't have to rush to embroider.

Concubine Xu stared at Shen Chuwei for a long time, a little confused, "You really don't worry about His Highness being snatched away by that shameless person."

Shen Chuwei still said the same thing, "We must trust Your Highness."

Concubine Xu: "..." I believe in a ghost!
Tao Chenghui: "..."

In the end, Shen Chuwei was pulled out by Concubine Xu for the reason, "If a man can be trusted, a pig can climb a tree."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Concubine Xu was completely misled by her, no, by romance novels~
When he came to the lotus pond, Tao Chenghui saw Chang Liangyuan approaching slowly.

"What is Chang Liangyuan doing here?"

Concubine Xu snorted: "The position of Crown Princess is about to fly, can she not be in a hurry?"

Chang Liangyuan was not surprised when she saw Shen Liangdi and the others, she stepped forward and blessed her body, "Xu Concubine, Shen Liangdi, are you here too?"

Concubine Xu helped her temples, "Chang Liangyuan doesn't leave the gate, doesn't step forward at the second gate, takes three steps, pants for ten steps and coughs, how can she have the leisure to go out and let the wind go?"

The term "release the wind" was learned from romance novels, implying that Chang Liangyuan feels like she is in jail every day.

Shen Chuwei understood the meaning of this sentence, and found that after Xu Fangfei read the romance novel, even the slanderer had some modern words.

Chang Liangyuan's face was a bit ugly when she heard this. Since she was punished, Concubine Xu has become less and less scrupled in speaking, which also made her very disgusted.

"The imperial doctor said that you are not in good health, you should go out more often to bask in the sun, it is good for your health."

Consort Xu withdrew her gaze and looked not far away at Princess Xueyan and Xiao Jinyan who had come late. She deliberately raised her voice and said, "Princess Xueyan is really distinguished. Your Highness personally came to accompany her to enjoy the lotus."

Chang Liangyuan heard the reputation and looked around, and as expected, she saw Xiao Jinyan coming to accompany Xueyan, and she tightly held the handkerchief in her hand.

A few days ago, Chang Liangyuan went to look for the queen, and after some indirect inquiries, she learned that Princess Xueyan was the most favored daughter of King Xueyue, with a generous dowry.

Whoever marries Princess Xueyan is equivalent to having Xueyue Kingdom and a generous dowry behind her.

Xiao Jinyan is the prince, and there is no reason to refuse him before the benefits.

When Chang Liangyuan looked away, she found Shen Chuwei and Xu side concubine Tao Chenghui boarded a small boat.

It's just that they each have their own ideas, what kind of good sisters are they really?

In this palace, sisters can turn against each other because of love, let alone no blood relationship?
Didn't Shen Mingzhu attack her own sister in order to fight for favor?
Chang Liangyuan snorted, looked back at Xiao Jinyan, and walked over waving a small handkerchief, blessing her body, "His Royal Highness is blessed with peace."

Then he blessed Xueyan again, "Princess."

Xueyan stared at Chang Liangyuan suspiciously, "Chang Liangyuan, why are you here?"

Chang Liangyuan said softly: "I heard that there is a parallel-shoe lily in the lotus pond, and it is the only one that blooms early, so I came here out of curiosity to have a look."

Xiao Jinyan saw Shen Chuwei coming from a distance, he thought Shen Chuwei would be the same as last time, a smile appeared in his eyes, but when he saw her boarding a small boat, his eyes paused, and the smile disappeared instantly.

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and looked at Chang Liangyuan, changing from his previous indifference and alienation, "I heard that Chang Liangyuan has been feeling unwell for the past few days, is she feeling better?"

Chang Liangyuan hadn't heard Xiao Jinyan speak to her in a gentle voice for a long time, but now that she heard it, she was stunned for a few seconds.


She smiled: "Return to Your Highness, the concubine is much better now, thank you for your concern."

Xiao Jin said: "Since we're here, let's swim in the lake and enjoy the lotus together."

Chang Liangyuan was still looking for a reason to go together just now, but Xiao Jinyan did not expect Xiao Jinyan to take the initiative, and was immediately overjoyed, "The concubine obeys."

Xueyan glanced at Chang Liangyuan. It was originally a date for two people, but it turned out to be three people, and no one would be happy about it.

Xiao Jinyan walked to the cruise ship first.

Xueyan and Chang Liangyuan boarded the cruise ship one after the other.

After Xiao Jinyan came up, he glanced at the boat not far away, and couldn't figure it out, why didn't Shen Chuwei come to him?
Xue Yan couldn't wait, "Your Highness, let's go."

"En." Xiao Jinyan ordered Wei Chi to set off.

Xueyan raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, her eyes were full of joy and excitement, "His Royal Highness, I heard that Bingdilian is a rare sight, and it opened earlier, which should be a good sign, and I can't wait to see what Bingdilian looks like? "

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Bing Dilian is indeed a rare sight."

Looking at Xueyan's every move, Chang Liangyuan must have taken a liking to Xiao Jinyan. Her aunt said that it is most suitable for Xueyan to marry Xiao Jinyan.

She doesn't think so.

"It is my honor to be able to watch this spectacle with His Highness."

 Good afternoon!

  Some Calvin, a headache!
  By the way, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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