Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 268 Disappeared 6 years of memory, life and death!

Chapter 268 Disappeared six years of memory, life and death calamity!
Active reporting is more credible than passive reporting.

The emperor was about to summon Lu Zhaoyan, and when he saw him coming, he asked, "Lu Aiqing, what happened to the prince's marriage?"

Lu Zhaoyan took two steps forward and bowed to salute, "Return to the emperor, I have been watching the stars for the past two nights, and found that the Canglang star is in contrast with the East Palace. The assassination of the crown prince today also indicates that His Royal Highness is not suitable to marry the crown princess."

The emperor frowned when he heard this, "Then when can I marry the princess?"

Lu Zhaoyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Going back to the emperor, my minister has calculated that it will be most suitable to marry the princess after one year."

The emperor's eyes darkened. One year later, can Princess Xueyan wait for a year?
A year is not long, nor is it short.

After Lu Zhaoyan retreated, the emperor went to Fengyi Palace.

The queen just came back from seeing the prince, and bumped into the emperor.

Thinking of what happened last night, the Queen's teeth itch with anger.

The dog emperor obviously disliked her in all kinds of ways, hugging and chewing on her last night.

"Why is the emperor here?"

The emperor sighed, "Lu Aiqing just came to the imperial study, and the result came out."

The queen asked: "What did Lu Aiqing say?"

The emperor said: "Lu Aiqing watched the stars at night, and the Canglang star compared it to the East Palace, saying that it is not suitable for the crown prince to marry the crown princess. The assassination of the crown prince this time has something to do with it."

The empress looked worried, "The concubine just went to see the prince, and she was seriously injured, and the hidden weapon was poisonous. If it wasn't for the timely rescue, I'm afraid my life would be in jeopardy."

Emperor: "It seems that you really can't marry the princess at the moment, it will be a year later."

The queen pondered for a moment and said: "The concubine should go to Princess Xueyan and talk about it."

The emperor nodded, "Yes."

After hearing the queen's words, Xueyan's expression was a little unsightly.

"Empress, if Master Lu is telling the truth, then don't I have to wait for a year?"

The day lily is cold all year.

The queen said quietly: "What I mean is that you enter the East Palace first to be the prince's side concubine. This is the best plan at present."

Xueyan hesitated a bit, she was a majestic princess, and a side concubine was not what she wanted.

But she was not reconciled not to marry Xiao Jinyan.

After much deliberation, Xueyan still nodded.

Seeing Xueyan nodded, the queen said, "The crown prince was assassinated, and when his injury is stable, I will make you a side concubine and stay in the East Palace."

Xueyan nodded, "Empress Empress, I'm going to visit Your Highness."

The queen said: "Then you go, the prince is seriously injured."

Xueyan got up and couldn't wait to go to the East Palace.

Hall of Joy

Shen Chu said angrily: "The assassin is too bad, the poison he gave is too vicious, they are all deadly poisons."

Doctor Wen was a little ashamed, "Thanks to Shen Liangdi this time, otherwise His Highness would be in danger again this time."

Shen Chuwei was also a little secretly glad that he had spiritual spring water, otherwise, no matter how good his medical skills were, he would still need time to prepare the medicine.

And the poison didn't give you time to dispense it at all, so the poison took place and you died.

"The assassin is a person who is good at using poison."

"The assassin has strong martial arts and is good at using poison. It seems that he came prepared." Xiao Jin said that if he hadn't gone to another country to be a hostage at the age of eight, he would not have abandoned his martial arts.

Not only that, he also lost six years of memory.

The memory of six years of being a proton in another country disappeared.

After returning to Daxia, I tried many methods but failed to restore my memory.

"The most important thing is to catch the assassin as soon as possible. In case there is a surprise next time, I'm afraid..." Liu was so worried.

At this time, the little eunuch came in to report, "Your Highness, Princess Xueyan is here."

As soon as the words fell, Xueyan walked in wearing a white gauze dress, and seeing Xiao Jinyan, she was a little worried, "Your Highness, is your injury better?"

Xiao Jinyan's voice was cold and distant, "It's much better."

Xueyan took out a small emerald green bottle from her sleeve pocket, and handed it to Xiao Jinyan, "This is my Xueyue Kingdom's muscle coagulation cream, which is very effective in healing wounds."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the muscle cream on Xuetuan's hand, "Thank you, Princess Xueyan, Liu Xi."

Liu Xi took two steps forward, reaching out his hand to take the muscle cream from Xueyan.

Xue Yan hesitated for a while, then gave Liu Xi the congealing cream.

Liu Xi took the muscle congealing cream and stepped aside.

Xueyan's gaze turned to Xiao Jin and said, "Is Your Highness going for a walk? I will accompany you for a walk."

Shen Chuwei said: "His Royal Highness was seriously injured. He has just been detoxified and needs to rest in bed."

Xiao Jinyan followed suit and said, "I'm tired, I want to rest for a while."

Xueyan felt a little disappointed, then she raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay then, I will accompany you out for a stroll after His Highness recovers from his injuries."

When Lu Zhaoyan came, Xiao Jinyan woke up after sleeping.

There were only Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei in the room.

Shen Chuwei sat at the low table and dispensed the medicine.

Lu Zhaoyan stepped forward to salute, then came to the bed, and saw Xiao Jinyan's face was a little ugly, it seemed that he was seriously injured.

It is said that good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and this sentence is not false at all.

It is precisely because Xiao Jinyan was assassinated this time that his words are more convincing.

However, what he said about the Canglang star contrasting with the East Palace is not false at all.

"Your Highness, the Emperor has already believed what I said."

Xiao Jinyan heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the words, Xueyan is a princess, if she can't be a princess, she might give up entering the East Palace.

He could feel that his father was slowly delegating power, and in less than two years, he would be able to control everything.

Lu Zhaoyan hesitated for a while, but still reported the truth: "However, my minister observes the stars at night, and the Canglang star contrasts with the East Palace. Your Highness may have life and death."

Life and death kalpa, if you can't avoid it, you will die.

Xiao Jinyan was startled, he didn't expect that he would encounter life and death.

Shen Chuwei, who was dispensing the medicine, heard it, and she raised her head and looked at Lu Zhaoyan in doubt, "Lord Lu, what is life and death?"

Lu Zhaoyan replied: "The calamity of life and death is to walk through the gate of hell."

Shen Chuwei asked: "Is there a way to escape?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "There is a way."

"What way?" Shen Chuwei put down the medicine in his hand and walked over, stopping in front of Lu Zhaoyan.

Lu Zhaoyan said: "Shen Liangdi brings her own good luck, and can help His Highness avoid life and death."

This was calculated by Lu Zhaoyan looking at Shen Chuwei's face.

He can not only read palmistry, but also face reading.

Shen Chuwei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, Master Lu was really amazing, he even knew that she was lucky.

She does bring her own luck, but luck has limitations.

For example, hunting in Qiuwei last year, he got the blood phoenix effortlessly, but was shot by arrow feathers.

Xiao Jinyan asked calmly, "What do you mean, I want to bring Shen Chuwei with me from time to time?"

Lu Zhaoyan looked at Xiao Jinyan, "This is the best way."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "While this palace is in danger, wouldn't she also be in danger?"

Lu Zhaoyan was stunned for a moment, "...This, I didn't consider this point."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "You said you couldn't figure it out before?"

Shen Chuwei raised his hand and said, "Your Highness, I can."

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(End of this chapter)

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