Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 274 After being exposed, I can't hold back anymore. At this time, I should choose His H

Chapter 274 After being exposed, I can't hold back anymore. At this time, I should choose His Highness~
Concubine Xu continued to stare at Xueyan's dark circles.

Shen Chuwei looked at Concubine Xu deliberately raising dark circles under her eyes.

As long as you start teasing someone, Concubine Xu's mouth won't stop, and you have to fight until you have nothing to say, and only when you're in an embarrassing situation will you stop.

She listened from the sidelines, feeling particularly refreshed.

Xueyan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, how could she stare at someone fiercely?
"I didn't sleep well last night. The sisters should know why I didn't sleep well."

The implication is that it was her and Xiao Jinyan's bridal chamber last night, and she didn't sleep well after tossing, isn't it normal?
"The same goes for Concubine Xue, I'm a fool, I really don't know why Concubine Xue didn't sleep well, I heard that His Highness was busy last night until late at night, and rested in the study." Concubine Xu blinked her eyes twice, expressing her innocence. .

Xueyan's face was a bit ugly, she thought that last night, no one knew about Xiao Jinyan's busy resting in the study until late at night.

Didn't expect Concubine Xu to find out so soon, with such good news?
Shen Chuwei specially brought a new cup of tea, "Xu Concubine, drink tea to moisten your throat."

Concubine Xu smiled when she saw the tea, "After talking for a while, I'm really thirsty."

After speaking, he took the teacup from Shen Chuwei's hand, lifted the lid and took a sip of the tea to moisten his throat.

Xue Yan looked at the actions of the two, which was particularly dazzling. She smiled and continued: "Your Highness was too busy last night, so he specially sent someone to tell me that I don't have to wait for him. I will come when I am done. I didn't expect that I was too busy last night. , I wanted to wait for His Highness to come with me, seeing that he was too busy, I didn't let him come over."

Concubine Xu took two sips of tea. Upon hearing this, she knew that Xueyan was lying. His Highness obviously didn't want to go, and she said it so nicely, tsk tsk!
Shen Chuwei ignored Xueyan's lies, she said to Concubine Xu: "Concubine Xu, let's go to Xiyun Pavilion."

"Okay." Concubine Xu readily agreed, she put down the teacup in her hand and put it on the low table, stood up and went out with Shen Chuwei.

Seeing that they were leaving, Xueyan also followed.

"What are you going to Xiyun Pavilion for?"

Shen Chu turned around and smiled slightly, "Pick up eggs."

As soon as Xueyan heard picking up eggs, she stopped immediately. When she thought of the dirty chicken coop and the smell of chicken feces, she wanted to vomit.

"I remember something else, so I'll go back first."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of Hehuan Hall with graceful steps.

As soon as Xueyan left, Concubine Xu looked at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, "Shen Liangdi, what is egg picking?"

Shen Chuwei chuckled: "Picking eggs means eating delicious ones."

Concubine Xu suddenly realized, "Oh, so there is such a saying about eating delicious food, I have learned a lot."

Shen Chuwei didn't explain, and went to the backyard of Xiyun Pavilion with Concubine Xu.

Fruits such as cherries and peaches are already ripe.

Concubine Xu was stunned when she saw the trees full of cherries and peaches.

"Shen Liangdi, when did Xiyun Pavilion have fruit trees?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the trees full of fruits and felt a sense of accomplishment, "I planted them last year, and the fruits are all ripe and ready to eat."

"Then I want to taste it." Concubine Xu came under the cherry tree, looking at the plump and bright red cherries, it made people dizzy for a while.

Shen Chuwei also couldn't wait to pick a big one off, wiped it casually with a handkerchief, put it in his mouth and took a bite, it tasted sour and sweet, and it tasted very good.

Concubine Xu picked several, and was a little surprised when she saw Shen Chuwei eat it directly: "Shen Liangdi, don't you wash it before eating?"

Shen Chu smiled and said, "They are all organic fruits without pesticides, so you can eat them with confidence."

"Organic fruit?" Concubine Xu was confused.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just eat it boldly." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he took another one off, wiped it casually with a handkerchief, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Concubine Xu became a bit greedy. She took a cherry, imitated Shen Chuwei's movements, wiped it casually with a handkerchief, put it in her mouth and took a bite. It was sour and sweet, freshly picked, Sure enough, fresh.

"Shen Liangdi, what kind of fruit is this? It's delicious."

"Cherries." Shen Chuwei chuckled twice, picked a few, and continued to eat.

Concubine Xu was very happy to eat, and suddenly thought of last year, when she saw Shen Chuwei eating strawberries, she wanted to eat them, but Shen Chuwei refused to give them to her.

Before, Shen Chuwei was not pleasing to the eye, but now he is playing so well.

Who would have thought?

Concubine Xu smiled after thinking about it.

Seeing Concubine Xu smiling so happily, Shen Chuwei couldn't help asking: "Concubine Xu, what are you laughing at?"

Concubine Xu looked at Shen Chuwei, and told Shen Chuwei what she just thought of.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help laughing after listening, "I protect the food, that's all I have, I won't be willing to give it to anyone."

Concubine Xu snorted, "It's clearly stingy, and it's a greedy person."

Shen Chuwei didn't take it seriously, and when it was just a little bit, she didn't give it to anyone.

She waved her little hand to a few fruit trees, "Look, these are all mine, eat whatever you want."

Concubine Xu looked at so many cherries for a long time, and she was so happy.

The two stood under the tree and ate for a while.

Concubine Xu couldn't help asking: "If His Highness asks you for it, will you give it?"

Mentioning Xiao Jinyan, Shen Chuwei thought for a while and said, "It depends on how much is left. If there is only a little bit, I can only eat it myself."

Concubine Xu couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "You're really stingy, you're really hammered."

It's a real hammer, and it's also a new word I learned from the script.

Shen Chuwei thought about it, she seemed to be very stingy, there was no way, she was protecting the food!
The two ate cherries for a while, and then came under the peach tree.

The peaches are all big and red, which makes people appetizing at a glance.

It wasn't until the two of them ate until their stomachs were full that they left the backyard shaking their bulging stomachs.

Shen Chuwei didn't forget to order the little rabbit to pick some more, planning to give them away.

The little rabbit picked a basket of cherries and a basket of peaches.

Shen Chu made some arrangements and asked Chunxi to send some to Tao Liangyuan.

When Xiao Jinyan came, he saw lotus flowers with double stalks and two baskets of fruits on the low table.

"Where did you get this fruit?"

Shen Chu raised his chin slightly, "The concubine planted it herself, picked it now, it's very fresh."

Surprise flashed in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, "You planted it? How long have you been here?"

Although Xiao Jinyan doesn't know how to plant trees, he also knows that fruit trees are planted in a year, and it is not so fast to eat the fruit.

"Yeah, one year, the fruit saplings of my concubine are different from those of others." Shen Chuwei explained.

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "Is it planted in Xiyun Pavilion?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly: "That's right, don't plant them in Xiyun Pavilion, there is no place to put them, and you don't let your concubine plant them in Hehuan Hall."

She said the last sentence very quietly.

"Why haven't I seen it?" Xiao Jinyan has been to Xiyun Pavilion many times, but he hasn't seen any fruit trees.

"In the backyard, beside the small vegetable garden, it's normal that you didn't see it." Shen Chuwei asked again: "Does Your Highness want to give some to King Yu to taste?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Yes."

He suddenly thought of the queen mother, and wondered if the queen mother liked to eat it?
 Good night kids!

  [-] updates for two consecutive days!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, please ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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