Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 280 Insinuating that her brain is broken, Xuetuan God assists

Chapter 280 Insinuating that her brain is broken, Xuetuan God assists

Hearing Xueyan's inner thoughts, Xiao Jinyan paused to pick up vegetables before entering the East Palace, so he came up with the idea of ​​Hehuan Hall?

How greedy people's hearts are, he has seen too many in these years.

Especially the women in the East Palace, all want to be crown princesses, and will do anything to win favor.

The dignified princess is actually something that misses her.

Xueyan withdrew her gaze and watched Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei keep picking up the dishes on the plate, wondering what's so delicious about ordinary side dishes?

She turned her eyes to think about it, then turned her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, her eyes filled with anticipation: "Your Highness, my concubine sees that the braised pork is pretty good, can you give me a piece of braised pork to taste?"

Xiao Jinyan chewed for a while, and suddenly felt a little sick when he heard that deliberately coquettish voice.

It really did affect his appetite.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xueyan with a curious expression on his face: "Concubine Xue, how old are you this year?"

Xueyan looked at Shen Chuwei after hearing the words, "15 years old, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I thought Concubine Xue was only three years old and needed an adult's food, so she's 15 years old?" After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she looked at the plate, where there were still two pieces of braised pork left. into its own bowl.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Xiao Jinyan's eyes.

Xueyan felt that Shen Chuwei was deliberately insulting her, and her face immediately became very ugly.

"Is there any problem with Shen Liangdi's eyes? I am here alone, can't you see how old I am?"

Shen Chu blinked his big bright eyes slightly and said: "My eyes are very good, Concubine Xue Fang has a pimple on her face, I can see it."

When Xueyan touched her right cheek, there was a pimple the size of a sesame seed, which suddenly grew up in the past two days.

Saying that she has pimples in front of Xiao Jinyan?Isn't there something wrong?

Her tone was not good: "The eyes are good? Then why can't you tell the difference between a 15-year-old and a three-year-old?"

"Xue Fangfei doesn't know something, we have a 28-year-old girl there."

Shen Chuwei said with the hand holding the chopsticks, pointed to his forehead and continued: "He is very beautiful, but unfortunately his brain was burnt out when he was young, and his IQ stayed at the age of three. You need an adult to help you pick up vegetables."

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and then he retracted it, boasting in his heart, it's good.

Xue Yan's face will become extremely ugly now, is Shen Chuwei trying to scold her for being out of her mind?
Xueyan was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, how could she have been so angry?
She suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, and forced a smile: "Shen Liangdi, go pick up eggs together after breakfast, okay?"

Shen Chuwei picked up the last piece of braised pork, put it into his mouth, and looked at Xueyan curiously: "Isn't Consort Xue dislike picking eggs? Now she likes it again?"

Xue Yan said: "Now I think picking eggs is very interesting, I want to try it out. I grew up in a deep palace, and I have never seen a chicken lay eggs."

Shen Chu said vaguely: "I don't need to pick eggs today."

Xueyan snorted coldly in her heart, it's not that you don't need to pick it up, it's because the chickens and ducks are all dead, there are no eggs!

Thinking that the bad smell of chicken feces was finally gone, I felt much refreshed.

Xue Yanxu didn't know that Xiao Jinyan listened to these proud words without missing a single word.

Xiao Jinyan frowned. It turned out that it was Xueyan who poisoned the chickens and ducks. No wonder people searched for a day, but they still couldn't find out the truth.

It made Xiao Jiu sad for a long time last time.

This time, if Xiao Jiu hadn't prepared in advance, the rest of the chickens and ducks would have died, so she wouldn't have cried?

Xiao Jinyan didn't explode at this time, Xueyan is the princess of Xueyue Kingdom, a little careless handling of it will arouse Xueyue Kingdom's dissatisfaction.

A few days ago, the two countries were at war, which consumed a lot of manpower and financial resources, and we should not lose the big because of small things.

Xiao Jinyan secretly made a note in his heart, so that he can settle accounts in the future.

"Shen Liangdi, why don't you need to pick up eggs?" Xueyan was already looking forward to it, and Shen Chuwei would say that the chickens and ducks were dead, showing a sad and sad expression.

Shen Chuwei finished eating the braised pork in his mouth, "Concubine Xue is so interested, we will go to change thatch for the chickens and ducks later, Xiao Guizi is too busy this morning, so I haven't had time to change it."

The thatch in the chicken coop is changed every day, so the environment is good and the smell is not heavy.

It’s just that people who are spoiled and have a cleanliness will still have some can’t stand the taste of chicken food~
For example, Xiao Jinyan, even though the thatch had just been replaced, he still couldn't stand the smell.

Xueyan saw that Shen Chuwei did not show the sadness she expected. Last time a few chickens and ducks died, she remembered that Shen Chuwei was very sad.

She asked curiously, "Why change thatch?"

"The Concubine Xue will find out later." Shen Chuwei withdrew her gaze and continued cooking.

Xue Yan's eyes were full of doubts.

In the end, Xueyan ate the meals prepared by the Imperial Dining Room.

Xiao Jinyan went back to work after dinner, and there were still a bunch of memorials waiting for review.

Chunxi held the lamp in front, and Shen Chuwei went to Xiyun Pavilion with Xueyan.

Xiyun Pavilion is remote, Xueyan has already visited once, and also heard from people in the East Palace that Shen Liangdi lived in Xiyun Pavilion before.

Not only that, when Shen Liangdi was still Shen Fengyi, she was not favored at all, and then she gradually became favored.

Only these are enough to show that Shen Liangdi's methods are clever, otherwise how could she seduce Xiao Jinyan and be favored?

When they arrived at Xiyun Pavilion, Shen Chuwei ordered Xiao Guizi and Little Rabbit to order more lanterns.

The chicken coop, which was originally pitch-black, suddenly lit up.

After dark, the chickens and ducks get into the bamboo cages to rest. In the fence, besides the water and food bowls for the chickens, there is also thatch stained with chicken food.

At the end of the day, the smell is a bit unpleasant.

As soon as Xueyan walked in, she couldn't bear to cover her mouth and nose. She glanced into the fence, but she didn't see any chickens and ducks, and she felt very happy.

It would be better if they were all dead.

Shen Chuwei opened the fence door, looked at Xueyan, blinked her beautiful starry eyes twice, "Concubine Xue, let's go in."

Xueyan glanced at the chicken coop in distaste, "There are no chickens in it, what are you doing instead? You should go back to wash and sleep, Your Highness will come to Dream Palace tonight."

In the last sentence, she deliberately emphasized her tone, just to let Shen Chuwei know that Xiao Jinyan belonged to her.

As soon as Xueyan finished speaking, in the pitch-black night, a snow-white figure ran quickly from not far away, and flew onto Xueyan.

The momentum was so strong that Xueyan lost her center of gravity after being frightened, and fell into the chicken coop.

"Ah!!!" A scream pierced the night sky, Xue Yan watched helplessly as she fell into the chicken coop, but was powerless to stop it.

The moment the dish was dropped, her fair face was pressed against the dirty ground.

"Meow." Xue Tuan screamed, stepped on Xue Yan's face with both feet, and disappeared into the dark night as if fleeing.

Shen Chuwei saw Xueyan being hit to the ground by the snow ball, and accidentally fell into the chicken coop. She first sympathized with Xueyan for two seconds, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

She was a little puzzled, when did Xue Tuan follow?

(End of this chapter)

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