Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 292 After the supplementary study is very useful, I can't wait to come to the door

Chapter 292 After the supplementary study is very useful, I can't wait to come to the door

Which woman in the palace is not afraid of her ugly appearance and indecent behavior being seen by His Highness, afraid that His Highness will dislike her and fall out of favor?
The young master is fine, he doesn't avoid suspicion at all?

If I had known earlier, I would arrange the crystal elbow for lunch, so that His Highness would not be able to see it, and the little master could eat it with confidence.

Well, my master has always been a bold foodie~

For the sake of the heir, Xiao Jinyan came to Hehuan Hall almost every night.

Very late tonight.

Shen Chuwei felt that it was necessary to supplement this kind of knowledge with Xiao Jinyan.

After Xiao Jinyan got out of the bath, Shen Chu walked up to him slightly, and took the initiative to hold his big hand with his small hand, hesitant to speak.

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help but feel a little dry mouth when he saw it.

Shen Chuwei led Xiao Jinyan to the bedside, and pulled him to sit down.

Xiao Jinyan stepped forward and wanted to hug her, but was blocked by Shen Chuwei, doubts flashed in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

Shen Chu coughed slightly, "The concubine has something to discuss with His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei who suddenly became serious, and couldn't help laughing: "What do you mean?"

Shen Chuwei pretended to be deep and told Xiao Jin his familiar professional knowledge, adjusted and analyzed.

After finishing speaking, Shen Chuwei asked: "Your Highness, do you understand?"

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a moment, "I understand a little bit."

Shen Chuwei was quite proud, "If your Highness doesn't understand, you can ask your concubine, and your concubine knows everything, and you can talk endlessly."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her firmly, her fair face was full of pride.

"Does this have anything to do with sex?"

Shen Chuwei was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head: "It doesn't matter much."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "Do you think that I have intercourse with you only for heirs?"

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes slightly, "Isn't it?"

Xiao Jinyan approached her with twinkling phoenix eyes: "What do you think?"

Shen Chuwei asked back: "Didn't His Highness say that you have to work harder and work harder?"

Xiao Jinyan paused and said: "I said to work hard, if you can conceive, it will be a good thing."

Shen Chuwei felt that there would be a generation gap between herself and Xiao Jinyan. A few days ago, she clearly said that she was working hard for her children, did she misunderstand?
"Then His Highness comes to Hehuan Palace every night, isn't it to make a baby?"

"Yes and no." Xiao Jinyan replied concisely, pulling her to lie on the bed, and then put down the bed curtain.

Shen Chu looked at Xiao Jinyan's actions suspiciously, until he lay down, hugged her into his arms, and made no other movements, she felt a little unreal.

These days, Xiao Jinyan is working very, very hard.

She raised her head and asked boldly, "Your Highness, aren't you going to work hard tonight?"

Xiao Jin said: "Didn't you say that now is a safe period?"

Shen Chuwei: "..." She thought she had changed her sex, but it turned out that he did understand a little bit after she did some research just now.

After spending a few days in peace, trying to make a baby encountered a menstrual event.

Shen Chuwei thought that Xiao Jinyan would be very annoyed when she found out, because she learned from Concubine Xu that the empress and emperor were all putting pressure on Xiao Jinyan.

The result was somewhat unexpected, Xiao Jinyan said: "I will warm your stomach."

After recuperating for so long, menstrual events don't hurt much, even so, Xiao Jinyan will still warm her stomach.

I didn't realize that the aloof prince would be a warm man.

Xueyan closed the door for a long time, until today her face was completely healed, and she couldn't wait to come to the Prince's bedroom.

When Liu Xi came to report, Xiao Jinyan almost forgot that Xueyan was still there.

Xueyan walked in with small steps, and blessed her body: "Your Highness is blessed and safe."

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "Concubine Xue Fang is not feeling well, so don't use it to pay my respects."

Xueyan walked to the desk with small steps, and put the pastries she brought on the desk, "Your Highness, this concubine has already recovered, so I can't wait to visit your highness. This is the pastry that this concubine has prepared for you. You can eat some. "

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the pastries on the desk. The pastries were exquisite and delicious, and he had no appetite at all.

"Concubine Xue has a heart."

Xueyan was used to the indifferent and alienated voice, so she didn't think much about it.

"Your Highness, would you like to come to the concubine's dormitory to have dinner tonight? The concubine has someone prepare wine and food."

"My palace is going to review the memorial today, and I'm afraid it will be late at night, so I don't have any free time to eat with Concubine Xue."

Xiao Jinyan also blocked the last words, so that she had no chance to speak.

Xueyan couldn't help asking: "Is Your Highness so busy a few days ago?"

Xiao Jinyan: "That's not true. I was free a few days ago, but I just started to get busy recently."

Xue Yan's intestines were ruined after listening to it, but when Xiao Jin was talking, the rash on her face was still not healed.

After a lot of trouble, Xiao Jinyan started to get busy again.

She looked at Xiao Jinyan with aggrieved eyes, "Then can't Your Highness find time to eat with my concubine? The concubine hasn't eaten with His Highness for a long time."

Xiao Jinyan's voice was cold: "I am the prince, and I have a lot of business to deal with every day. Can't you be more considerate?"

Xueyan choked, as a princess, she was spoiled since she was a child, how could she bear this grievance?

"Your Highness, it's not that the concubine is not understanding. It's been a while since the concubine married into the East Palace."

Xueyan is reminding Xiao Jinyan that she has not been in bed since she married into the East Palace.

Xiao Jinyan is smart and wise, so how could he fail to understand the meaning of Xueyan's words?
"I'm busy, I forgot how long Concubine Xue married into the East Palace, Concubine Xue shouldn't blame me, right?"

Seeing that Xiao Jinyan didn't understand what she said, Xueyan couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "Why would the concubine blame His Highness? Your Highness should just spend some time with the concubine."

Xiao Jinyan's voice was lukewarm: "Yes."

Xueyan grabbed the handkerchief and looked at Xiao Jinyan shyly: "How long will Your Highness be busy tonight?"

Xiao Jin said: "I don't know either."

Xueyan asked again without giving up: "May your Highness rest early tonight?"

Xiao Jin said: "You have been talking to me now, can I finish my work as soon as possible and take a rest?"

Xueyan's face froze, she glanced at the pile of official documents in front of her, she had no choice but to stand up, blessed herself: "The concubine will leave first."

Xiao Jinyan: "Yes."

After Xueyan left the prince's dormitory, she felt regretful and angry at the thought of Shen Chuwei who occupied Xiao Jinyan all night long.

If it wasn't for her face, where would it be Shen Chuwei's turn to occupy Xiao Jinyan?

Back in Dream Palace, the more Xueyan thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

Shui Yao walked in with a green-skinned watermelon in her arms, "Princess, this is a seedless watermelon sent by the emperor, eat it to satisfy your hunger."

"Sertless watermelon?" Xueyan stared at the watermelon for a long time, then suddenly raised the corners of her lips, "Shui Yao, give the watermelon to Shen Liangdi, and tell her that this is a rare seedless watermelon rewarded by the emperor. "

She purposely emphasized the word "no son", just to tell Shen Chu that it's fate, so what if he dominates His Highness for a few nights?What about rain and dew?
(End of this chapter)

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