Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 298 Knowing She's Faking~ Something Unexpected Happened

Chapter 298 Knowing She's Faking~ Something Unexpected Happened
Concubine Xu took a sneak peek at Xiao Jinyan, she probably didn't realize that she was faking it, right?

She sneaked another glance at Imperial Doctor Wen, the money has been collected, you have to speak up!

Xiao Jinyan: "..." Still spending money to bribe people?
After Doctor Wen finished his examination, Xiao Jinyan asked coldly, "How is Concubine Xu?"

"Returning to Your Highness, Concubine Xu is in good health, but her stomach feels a little uncomfortable due to the accumulation of food recently." Doctor Wen replied.

After listening to Concubine Xu, she couldn't help complaining, you have already collected the money, so you can't take it seriously?Can this stop His Highness?
Xiao Jinyan snorted: "Since there is no serious problem, I will go back."

After he finished speaking, he told Caixia, "Take good care of your little master."

Caixia replied cautiously: "This servant knows."

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze, turned and left Yixiang Hall.

Concubine Xu knew she couldn't stop it, she glared at Doctor Wen, "You've already collected the money, why didn't you say something serious?"

Doctor Wen was stunned, "The minister didn't take the money."

This time it was Concubine Xu who looked confused.

"Then you just said I was unwell?"

Doctor Wen said: "Concubine Xu is indeed accumulating food. Doesn't Concubine Xu feel a little bloated?"

Concubine Xu froze for a moment, touched her stomach, it seemed to be a little swollen~

When Xiao Jinyan returned to the Hall of Dreams, he heard the melody of mountains and rivers from a distance. Compared with before, he was a little more impetuous, indicating that the player who played the piano was also in an impetuous mood at this time.

He walked in slowly.

Shuiyao came in to report beforehand, "Princess, Your Highness is back."

Xueyan raised her head when she heard the words, and saw Xiao Jinyan walking slowly. She was happy, and she stood up to greet her, but just as she stood up, the world spun, and she fell to the ground when her eyes darkened.

"Princess?" Shuiyao turned pale with shock, and hurried over to help Xueyan up.

Xiao Jinyan ordered Liu Xi in a cold voice, "Call Doctor Wen to come over."

A quarter of an hour later, Imperial Doctor Wen was invited over by Liu Xi as soon as he left Yixiang Hall.

Xueyan was lying on the bed, her face was pale, and there was sweat on her forehead.

Doctor Wen was examining Xueyan's pulse, his brows were tightly furrowed.

Xiao Jinyan asked in a deep voice, "How is Concubine Xue?"

Doctor Wen said: "Return to Your Highness, Concubine Xue is poisoned."

"Okay, how did you get poisoned?" Xiao Jinyan glanced at Shuiyao who was kneeling on the ground, and asked in a cold voice, "You take care of Concubine Xue's daily life, do you know why Concubine Xue was poisoned?"

Shui Yao was frightened out of her wits, and replied with a trembling voice: "Return to Your Highness, I don't know."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "Is there any suspicious person in Qimeng Palace?"

Shui Yao wiped away her tears and said: "Princesses are always served by servants, and three meals a day will be tested for poison, even if they want to poison, there is no way to do so."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Doctor Wen, "Why haven't you dispensed the medicine yet?"

Doctor Wen looked ashamed: "Your Highness, the poison in the snow smoke is very strange. I have never seen it before, and I haven't figured out a way to detoxify it yet."

Concubine Xue was poisoned, which alarmed the queen.

The queen rushed over to inquire, only to know that Xueyan was suddenly poisoned, and there was no solution for the time being.

The women in the palace are intriguing, and she has seen all kinds of methods.

It is not difficult for people to suspect that Xueyan was poisoned when she went to bed today.

She asked in a cold voice: "Doctor Wen, you don't know what kind of poison you got, what kind of imperial doctor are you still doing?"

"Go back to empress, this is a chronic poison. It's been a while, and I need to study it again." Doctor Wen replied cautiously.

The queen frowned and ordered: "Qingying, go to the imperial hospital and invite all the imperial doctors over."

"Here." Qingying hurried to the Tai Hospital, and almost all the imperial doctors were called over.

When everyone's attention was on Concubine Xue, a maidservant in a purple dress came in and took out the lilies on the desk.

Cautiously came to a remote place and threw the lily into the water.

Seeing that no one noticed, he turned and left.

Several imperial physicians studied until midnight, but failed to find an antidote.

The queen waited until midnight before returning to Fengyi Palace.

As soon as he took off his clothes and was about to rest, Eunuch Li's high-pitched voice came from outside, "The emperor is here."

The last time the dog emperor left with a flick of his sleeves, he had never been to Fengyi Palace, and had always rested at Concubine Ning's place.

Why did you come here suddenly today?

When the emperor came in, the queen took two steps forward and blessed her body, "Your majesty."

The emperor looked down at the queen, "I heard that Princess Xueyan was poisoned, is there such a thing?"

The queen's eyes froze when she heard the words, it turned out that it was because of this matter, no wonder she came here suddenly.

"Go back to the emperor, there is indeed something."

The emperor asked again: "Who did it?"

The queen replied: "It has not been found out yet, and the antidote has not been prepared yet."

The emperor sat down in front of the table, tapped his fingers on the table, looked at the queen, and looked at the tea set on the table, he ordered: "I'm a little thirsty."

"The concubine will pour you tea." The queen got up and came to the table, took out a new teacup, lifted the teapot and poured a cup of tea, offering it with both hands.

No way, the dog emperor is no longer a thing, but an emperor after all.

The emperor looked at the tea cup in front of him, reached out to take it, handed it to his lips and took a sip, the tea was a bit cold, he frowned and looked at the queen: "Why is the tea cold?"

The queen couldn't help but roll her eyes, isn't the tea cold in the middle of the night, or is it hot?

"The concubine asked someone to make tea again." The queen turned her head and ordered Qingying, "Make a new pot of tea."

Qingying quickly brought new tea, and the empress personally offered it: "Your Majesty, drink some tea."

But I said in my heart, let you drink, you will not be able to sleep in the middle of the night due to insomnia!

"En." The emperor took the teacup with satisfaction, passed it to his lips, blew on it, and took a sip of the tea.

The queen stood there, watching the dog emperor drinking tea slowly, and had no intention of leaving.

She yawned lightly, but she didn't understand that Emperor Dog was so careless, and none of his two sons were like him.

The emperor took two sips of tea, trying to find an excuse to stay, but he couldn't get down.

A few days ago, the queen was really too much.

How can he push the emperor of his country to the ground?


The queen lowered her eyebrows and said, "The concubine is here."

The emperor looked up at the queen, "Do you know that you are wrong?"

The queen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the dog emperor was turning over old scores.

"A concubine shouldn't push the emperor by mistake."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "I've been with Concubine Ning for the past few days, and it's inconvenient for her to be pregnant..."

The queen immediately understood what the dog emperor was thinking, because she felt sorry for the fact that there were too few people serving concubine Ning, and the treatment of a concubine was almost as good as that of the imperial concubine.

"Tomorrow, the concubine will order the Ministry of Internal Affairs to arrange for more maidservants to take care of them."

Emperor: "..." Can't you listen to what I have to say?

Finally, the emperor left Fengyi Palace again with anger.

After leaving Fengyi, the emperor went directly to the imperial study, it was too coincidental to think that Princess Xueyan was poisoned while she was sleeping.

"Eunuch Li, call the prince over here."

When Eunuch Li took orders to go to the East Palace, Xiao Jinyan had already gone to Hehuan Palace through the back door.

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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