Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 403 The reason why Feng Wuyou disappeared, the dog emperor is a real dog

Chapter 403 The reason why Feng Wuyou disappeared, the dog emperor is a real dog
Concubine Xu's laughter was not at all like a lady's, it was very magical.

At first, the man in black thought that Concubine Xu had found him coming, thinking that she had become more vigilant now.

Until she saw her staring at the notebook in her hand, she didn't notice his arrival.

He looked over curiously, only to see that it was written on it.

The concubine chuckled: "Is the prince jealous? It's so sour!"

"This king will be jealous? Don't you know that what this king hates the most is the smell of vinegar?" The prince lowered his head secretly and smelled it. Where is there any smell of vinegar?
After reading this passage, the man in black couldn't help but smile, this time it was a normal script.

"You have nothing to do every day, why not read more poems and cultivate your sentiments."

Concubine Xu had just taken a big mouthful of watermelon, when she heard a faint voice, she was so frightened that she almost choked to death.

She patted her chest and looked back, and saw the man in black standing half a meter behind her. His handsome face was wearing a black face scarf as always, only showing a pair of beautiful Ruifeng eyes.

After not seeing each other for three months, Concubine Xu showed a look of surprise.

"Where have you been these three months?"

"Of course I'm looking for someone." The man in black sat down at the round table, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, then pulled off the towel, and drank it on his own. His movements were skillful, as if he was at home.

This is the second time for Concubine Xu to see the face of the man in black, and she still feels amazed. It may be because she always thinks that the man in black is a man with ordinary features, and the contrast is a bit big, so she feels amazed every time.

"Why is there no sound at all every time you come here? There is no door, so why don't you knock on the window? One day I will be scared to death by you, how wronged I am?"

"Aren't you alright?" The man in black smiled lowly and took two sips of tea.

Concubine Xu: "..."

The man in black glanced at the notebook in her hand and asked, "Why do you always like to read such notebooks?"

When mentioning the script, Concubine Xu subconsciously held the script in her arms.

Man in black:"……"

Concubine Xu said it as a matter of course: "I'm a girl, isn't it normal to read this kind of script? As for the poems and songs you mentioned, I'm not interested. The Crown Princess said something very reasonable."

The man in black asked cooperatively, "What are you talking about?"

Concubine Xu said: "Prince Princess said, if you have time to fight to please others, it is better to please yourself, eat and drink well, not only your body will be good, but your mood will also be good."

Man in black:"……"

Seeing the reaction of the man in black, Concubine Xu knew that he didn't believe it.

"Since I put eating and drinking in the first place, I am indeed much happier." I hate others when I am not happy. Anyway, I would rather make others uncomfortable than allow myself to be wronged.

The man in black said indifferently: "Then why do you still want to leave the palace?"

"The imperial palace is not my home." Concubine Xu said as she took a big mouthful of watermelon, "Seedless watermelon is just delicious."

The man in black nodded in agreement with her statement, no matter how good the palace is, it is not as good as a home.

But Xiaojiu has been away from home for more than seven years, and there is no one to protect her when she is wronged.

Concubine Xu thought of Feng Wuyou mentioned by Shen Chuwei, and now that the man in black was in front of her, how could she not ask?

"I want to ask you something."

The man in black rolled his eyelids: "Say."

Concubine Xu asked: "Your sweetheart Xiao Jiu, if I remember correctly, his name is Feng Wuyou, right?"

The man in black paused while drinking tea: "...When did you become my sweetheart?"

Concubine Xu curled her lips, "Didn't you say it yourself?"

The man in black didn't bother to explain: "What are you asking these for? Or do you have relevant news?"

The man in black didn't say anything, but Concubine Xu became curious. She hugged half a watermelon and asked, "Is it really?"

The man in black raised his eyebrows: "Is it related to you?"

Concubine Xu said solemnly: "Of course it does. If you have a girlfriend, we must keep a proper distance."

The man in black couldn't help laughing.

Under Concubine Xu's repeated questioning, the man in black became impatient with the question, and replied: "You were drunk that night, and you wore cool clothes, and I happened to see you, so what are you going to do?"

Speaking of that night, Concubine Xu's face turned red with pride, "It was an accident, it doesn't count."

The man in black laughed lowly, and did not continue the topic just now.

"Didn't you say that there is no such person as Xiao Jiu in the palace? Why did you mention it all of a sudden?"

"I didn't find anyone named Xiao Jiu, I just wonder who Feng Wuyou is? Did she run away from home?"

Concubine Xu made up her mind that the man in black forced her to marry, but Feng Wuyou was unwilling to marry, and then ran away from the marriage.

Then, the man in black came out to find his fiancée, so it made sense easily.

The man in black paused when he heard the words, and left without saying a word, and never came back, so he ran away from home, right?

He nodded.

Concubine Xu felt that she was extremely smart, and she had already guessed such a complicated matter.

"Twisted melons are not sweet."

The man in black has a question mark on his forehead.

Concubine Xu continued to ask: "Who the hell is Feng Wuyou? Where is he from?"

The man in black looked at Concubine Xu suspiciously, "Why are you suddenly so interested in Feng Wuyou?"

Concubine Xu said with a guilty conscience: "I'm just curious about what kind of person you want the person you're looking for."

The man in black rarely said seriously: "What kind of person she is is not your concern. If you have any news about her, you can tell me."

Suddenly being murdered, Concubine Xu felt a little unhappy, "Why are you so nervous? I'm just curious, you don't have to say it if you don't want to."

The man in black paused for a moment when he heard the words, and then chuckled softly: "What are you so excited about?"

Concubine Xu stuffed her mouth full of watermelon, and said vaguely: "Where am I excited? I am clearly angry."

Not being able to find out who Feng Wuyou was, Concubine Xu was a little disappointed.

After finishing the matter at hand, the emperor went to Fengyi Palace.

Fengyi Palace was quiet for a long time, the ladies discussed in private, and the empress angered the emperor.

Everyone was very happy to see the emperor coming.

The queen is currently making clothes for the little ones, and seeing the babies wearing the clothes she made by herself will give her a sense of accomplishment, which is what she does every day.

"Empress, the emperor is here."

When Qingying came in to report, the queen hadn't reacted yet.

When she realized it, the emperor had strode in, so she had no choice but to put down her needlework and stand up to salute.

"My Majesty is blessed and safe."

The emperor looked at the empress who hadn't seen him for a long time, and was still very indifferent to him, and suddenly felt a lot alienated.

He glanced at the pile of fabrics on the table and asked, "What is the queen doing?"

The Queen replied, "I'm making clothes for the babies."

In fact, the queen didn't say anything, the emperor also knew that the queen would make clothes for the babies when she was free, and he didn't know how much she had done.

It's nothing for a grandma to make clothes for her grandson, and she can't do it every day. How can the queen's hands hold the needle and thread all the time?

"How do you make clothes for the babies every day? Let the maids do it."

The queen said indifferently: "Idle is idle, why not make some clothes."

Emperor: "..." Why don't you come to me when you are free?

The emperor was depressed. He came to the bed and sat down. Looking at the queen standing in front of him, he glanced at the position beside him: "The queen sit down and talk."

The queen responded and sat down on the round stool opposite.

When the emperor saw him, he knew that the queen was avoiding him on purpose. When she was angry before, she would sit on the bed nearby.

The two did not speak, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

This has never been the case before.

Ever since that Ye Chu came back, the queen began to alienate him and treat him indifferently.

"Yu'er wants to marry a concubine, does the queen know?"

The queen said: "Yu'er mentioned it, the concubine has no objection, as long as Yu'er likes it."

The emperor asked again: "Does the empress know that the woman Yu'er wants to marry is just a folk girl?"

"I know, the concubine has met a few times, although she doesn't quite match Yu'er, who would make Yu'er like it? Doesn't the emperor agree?"

The queen raised her eyes to look at the emperor, knowing that he valued power, and it was simply a fantasy for a prince to marry a commoner.

The emperor didn't expect the queen to have no opinion at all, Yu'er is her precious son, so perfunctory?
"It's not that I disagree, I just think it's better to marry her as my side concubine."

The queen had already guessed that the dog emperor would say this. In his eyes, interests always come first.

"But Yu'er likes her and wants to marry her as his concubine. If the emperor disagrees, Yu'er will definitely be sad."

The emperor pondered for a moment when he heard the words, "I will make a decision after I meet that folk woman. I haven't seen it yet, so I can't make any promises."

The queen nodded, agreeing.

The matter was settled, and the queen thought that the dog emperor should go.

The emperor spread his arms and ordered: "Queen, undress me."

Queen: "..."

Seeing that the queen ignored him, the emperor was a little angry, but he had to endure it, otherwise, like last time, he would not keep him if he left the queen in a fit of anger.

"The empress is taking me less and less seriously now, and she can't even order you around."

The queen blessed her body, "The concubine occasionally catches the wind and cold, and the distance is too close for fear of infecting the emperor. The concubine is for the emperor's good."

Occasionally feel cold?

I think you're just making excuses.

"I'm not afraid."

"The emperor is not afraid, but the concubine is afraid. If the emperor is unwell and delays the government affairs, the concubine deserves to die."

The emperor had no words to refute for a while, and stared at the queen for a long time, anyway, he will not leave tonight.

He took a few steps forward, just when the queen thought that the dog emperor was going to leave in anger, he stopped in front of her, grabbed her belt and pulled it, and the girdle was thrown on the ground.

After the queen was stunned for a while, she realized that the dog emperor was taking off her clothes.

She grabbed Emperor Dog's hand, but the strength of a woman was incomparable to that of a man, and she couldn't stop him from pulling his belt at all.

What is the dog emperor going crazy today?

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

"The queen is unwilling to undress me, so I will undress you." The emperor continued to undress the queen with a sullen face.

The queen saw the clothes being thrown on the ground one by one by the emperor, and was finally carried to bed by the emperor.

"Did the emperor come to Fengyi Palace just for this matter?" The queen was so wronged.

ps: Second update

 Good evening, babies!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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