Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 410 Threatening Xueyue Kingdom?happy ending

Chapter 410 Threatening Xueyue Kingdom?happy ending
Too many bees, forming a black shadow.

The servant girl and the eunuch ran away in fright, not to mention helping Concubine Xue to drive away the bees.

No matter where Concubine Xue hides, the bees will always chase her and bite her.

Qin Xiao waited until the bees had had enough stings, and then brought someone forward, drove away the bees, and then took Concubine Xue to see the master.

At this time, Concubine Xue Fang was so frightened that she lost her soul. Qin Xiao rescued her, thinking that Xiao Jinyan had sent him here, and she wept with joy.

"Guard Qin, quickly call the imperial doctor, my face is covered with damn bees, how dare you sting my face?"

Qin Xiao said coldly: "The imperial doctor should wait, the master wants to see Concubine Xue, there is something important."

Even if she doesn't look in the mirror, she knows that Concubine Xue knows that her face must be disfigured, and she is also very embarrassed. She can't go to see Xiao Jinyan in such a mess.

"I can't go to see His Highness like this, you tell His Highness, I was stung by a bee, and I will see him when I'm done."

"That's up to you." Qin Xiao ordered, "Take her to see the master."

Concubine Xue Fang was escorted by two guards, one on the left and the other on the right. As a weak woman, she couldn't struggle at all. She glared at Qin Xiao angrily: "How dare you, a little guard, do anything to this princess?"

Qin Xiao snorted: "Why don't you dare? As long as the master says a word, I will dare to kill you now."

Concubine Xue Fang was stunned when she heard the words, because she was frightened.

Qin Xiao didn't talk nonsense with her, and took her to Hehuan Hall.

Xiao Jinyan stood under the porch, looking down at Concubine Xue, and saw that her beautiful face was full of red envelopes, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were disheveled, how could she look like a princess of a country?

Qin Xiao stepped forward and cupped his fists to salute: "Master, Concubine Xue has brought it."

Concubine Xue Fang was escorted by the guards and forced to kneel on the ground. She pointed at Qin Xiao angrily, and said with tears in her eyes, "Your Highness, you have to decide for your concubine. How dare Qin Xiao treat your concubine like this."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her like that, without hiding the disgust in his eyes: "Concubine Xue, you murdered my heir, and you want me to be the master for you? I wish I could execute you now."

Concubine Xue was startled, how did Xiao Jinyan know that she wanted to harm the princess's child?
She pretended to be calm and retorted: "Your Highness, what do you mean by that? How could a concubine murder His Highness's son?"

Xiao Jinyan threw the confession in his hand in front of Concubine Xue, "Look for yourself."

Concubine Xue Fang looked at the confession on the ground, picked it up suspiciously, after reading the confession, her face turned pale, Shuiyao betrayed herself?This is impossible.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, this confession must be false. How could the concubine be so vicious? Someone must have deliberately framed her."

"Dare to quibble when you are about to die?" Xiao Jinyan didn't talk nonsense with her, and shouted angrily: "Come on, bring Shuiyao here."

The guard escorted Shuiyao up.

When Concubine Xue Fang saw Shuiyao, she yelled angrily: "Shui Yao, how can you slander this princess? Who gave you the courage?"

Shuiyao knelt on the ground tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice: "Princess, I dare not slander the princess."

Concubine Xue side snorted triumphantly: "You don't even have the guts to measure yourself."

"Your Highness, the servant did not slander the princess, it was indeed the princess who ordered the servant to kill the young masters, otherwise the servant would have a hundred courage, and the servant would not dare to murder the emperor's heir." Shuiyao said tremblingly, her body ached again. Itchy, as uncomfortable as being eaten by countless bugs.

"What did you say?" Consort Xue slapped her face angrily, "How dare you, a little maidservant, slander this princess? Who gave you the guts?"

Xiao Jinyan yelled in a cold voice: "That's enough, Concubine Xue, you're still sophistrying when witnesses are gathered? The East Palace can't tolerate a vicious woman like you. A woman with a heart like a snake like a snake should be cut to pieces."

Concubine Xue Fang was completely panicked when she heard the words. Thinking of her backer, she pretended to be calm and said: "Your Highness, you can't treat this concubine like this. This concubine is the princess of a country, and behind this concubine is Xueyue Kingdom..."

Xiao Jinyan interrupted her coldly, "So what if you are the princess of Xueyue Kingdom? When you enter the Great Xia, you should obey the etiquette and rules of the Great Xia, abide by the rules and criminal laws of the palace, and if you dare to murder the emperor's heir, it is not an exaggeration to kill you. "

Concubine Xue Fang looked at the cold-blooded and ruthless Xiao Jinyan, and retorted: "Your Highness, aren't the children of the Crown Princess all right? Why do they have to punish the concubine so severely? If Your Highness kills the concubine, Xue Yueguo will not easily spare Da Xia ..."

"Papa" Concubine Xue's cheeks instantly swelled up.

Xiao Jinyan clenched his fists, his eyes were icy cold: "You don't deserve to be human at all."

Concubine Xue covered her face and said bitterly: "I am not worthy of being a human being? What about Your Highness? The concubine married into the East Palace and has never served in bed. The concubine also wants to have children, and also wants to experience the joy of having children. But does His Highness give the concubine a chance?"

Xiao Jinyan snorted coldly: "Before you married into the East Palace, I told you clearly that even if you married into the East Palace, I would not like you. Since I don't like you, why should I touch you?"

Concubine Xue was stunned.

The Empress Dowager frowned when she heard the Prince's words as soon as she walked to the gate of Hehuan Hall.

Wan Xin supported the queen mother, and looked at the prince standing in the corridor. From such a distance, she could feel the cold-blooded aura emanating from him.

She withdrew her gaze and said softly, "Queen Mother, I will help you in."

The Queen Mother nodded.

I didn't see Taotao and Susu yesterday, but the queen mother came today, so I didn't expect to see this scene.

"The Empress Dowager is here." Following the eunuch's shout, everyone looked over.

Xiao Jinyan saw that the Empress Dowager was coming, and he stepped forward to pay respects: "The emperor's grandson pays respects to the emperor's grandma."

The queen mother glanced at Concubine Xue, who was kneeling on the ground, and asked the prince, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Jin said: "Grandma Huihuang, Concubine Xuefang tried to poison the emperor's heir again and again, the evidence is solid, Concubine Xuefang arrogantly refuses to admit her mistake."

The Empress Dowager has lived to such an old age, and she has seen a lot of intrigues in the palace and various methods of fighting for favor, "I am really confused, how can I do such a thing?"

The queen mother looked at the prince, "Does the emperor know about this?"

Xiao Jin said: "Grandma Huang, the emperor doesn't know about it yet, so the grandson will inform the emperor now."

He turned his head and told Liu Xi to tell the emperor.

The emperor's news came quickly from the imperial study.

in the study

The emperor sits on the throne with the empress dowager.

Xiao Jinyan recounted the cause and effect, "Father, Concubine Xue's heart is like a snake and a scorpion. If I hadn't noticed something was wrong, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous."

The emperor learned how Concubine Xue Fang poisoned Taotao and Susu, and he burst into anger, "Concubine Xue Fang, you are still a princess of a country, how can you be so vicious? I finally had a granddaughter, almost because of your The jealousy is gone, I shouldn't have promised you to come and make a marriage, this is not a marriage, it is clearly for revenge."

Seeing that the emperor was also so angry, Concubine Xue realized that she had really caused trouble this time.

"Your Majesty, my concubine was confused for a while, but I will definitely change my ways in the future and beg the Emperor to spare me."

Xiao Jinyan was afraid that the emperor would be jealous of Xueyue Kingdom, so he suggested: "Father, such a malicious person cannot be kept."

Concubine Xue Fang will now clearly realize that Xiao Jinyan wants to put her to death, she is also a princess after all!
"Your Highness, how can you be so cold-blooded and ruthless? Aren't you afraid of angering Xueyue Kingdom?"

Xiao Jinyan sneered: "Isn't it Xueyue Kingdom? Since Da Xia can defeat Xueyue once, he can defeat Xueyue Kingdom again. At that time, I will personally lead the army to fight. I am so proud of Daxia, I am afraid of Xueyue Kingdom." No?"

The emperor also felt that the prince's words made sense, and he glared at Concubine Xue, "Concubine Xue's crime of poisoning the emperor's heir is unforgivable.

Concubine Xue immediately collapsed on the ground.

For Xiao Jinyan, entering the cold palace was too cheap for Concubine Xue, but he didn't say anything. After entering the cold palace, he had plenty of ways to make Concubine Xue's life worse than death.

This is the consequence of touching his reverse scale!
Xueyan was dragged down by the guards and locked in the cold palace.

When Shuiyao saw the princess being imprisoned in the cold palace, she cried and begged to leave the palace.

"Your Highness, I have said everything I need to say, please let me out of the palace." Shuiyao kowtowed non-stop.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Shuiyao, "Where there is a master, there must be slaves, this sentence is not false at all, and he is also like a snake and a scorpion.

"My palace didn't promise you to let you out of the palace, it's already extraordinarily merciful to save your life."

Seeing that she couldn't get out of the palace, Shui Yao had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "Then where does His Highness arrange the servants to work?"

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "You are Princess Xueyan's personal maid, so naturally you want to continue to serve her, otherwise, with your vicious heart, who would dare to keep you by your side?"

As soon as Shui Yao heard that she was going to serve the princess in the Leng Palace, she would have no way out if she entered the Leng Palace, and she would be tortured to death even if she did not die of old age.

"Your Highness, this servant doesn't want to go to the cold palace, so I beg His Highness to arrange other errands."

Xiao Jinyan ignored Shuiyao, "Qin Xiao, take her down."

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Qin Xiao summoned two guards, escorted Shuiyao and went to Lenggong.

In the golden autumn of October, the weather is still hot and dry.

However, the location of the cold palace is very remote, with towering trees, shading the sun and closing the sun, which makes the cold palace a bit gloomy.

The palace lanterns on both sides of the road have been in disrepair for a long time, and the palace walls are covered with green plants.

Qin Xiao brought Shuiyao to the gate of Lenggong and pushed Shuiyao in.

Shui Yao got up from the ground, looked at the eerie harem, and cried in fear.

The guard shouted angrily: "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go see your princess soon?"

Shuiyao was driven by the guards to the palace where Xueyan lived. She said it was a palace, but in fact it was already dilapidated, and spider webs could be seen everywhere.

Xue Fangfei vented her anger in the room and smashed the only teacup.

"Xiao Jinyan, how dare you treat me like this? I am a princess, how dare you? My father will not let you go."

At this time, the door creaked and pushed open.

Concubine Xue Fang raised her head and saw Shui Yao, her eyes were full of anger: "You lowly maidservant, do you still have the face?"

"You master and servant have deep feelings. Master specially asked Shui Yao to serve you. You don't need to thank you. You master and servant should catch up on the old days."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he led the people away.

Shui Yao looked at Xue Yan's angry eyes, and subconsciously took a step back, "Princess, this slave has no choice."

ps: Second update

 Good afternoon, babies!

  Three chapters have been updated in these two days, is it a reward to add updates?
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(End of this chapter)

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