Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 419 His Royal Highness has a secret in his heart that he did not tell his concubines, and he

Chapter 419 His Royal Highness has a secret in his heart that he did not tell his concubines, and he cultivated a loyal dog husband

Shen Chuwei felt that a husband and wife had been together for a long time, and they could guess what the other was thinking with a glance and a gesture, which was called a tacit understanding.

Her hints were so obvious that Xiao Jinyan still couldn't see that she wanted those delicacies on the street to satisfy her cravings.

"Your Highness doesn't understand concubines at all."

Xiao Jinyan looked at the angry Xiao Jiu, he was not annoyed, but asked in a low voice: "Does Xiao Jiu know about me?"

"Of course I know. Your Highness is obsessed with cleanliness, lacks interest in food, and cares about Daxia, and wants to make a career out of it." After finishing speaking, Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan proudly.

Xiao Jinyan asked, "That's all?"

Shen Chu was slightly stunned, she suddenly thought of the portrait in the dark cell and the piece of jade, maybe she didn't know Xiao Jinyan well enough?

"Your Highness has a secret in his heart, but he doesn't want to tell his concubines."

Xiao Jinyan was stunned, did Xiao Jiu really know that he could read minds?He just didn't tell her the secret.

As for those years as a proton, it's not a secret, he just doesn't want to mention it.

Shen Chuwei said again: "In fact, everyone has secrets in their hearts that cannot be revealed."

She also has a secret, if it is accidentally exposed in the future, and Xiao Jinyan questions her, she will have the confidence to refute it.

Xiao Jinyan nodded in agreement, "It's hard for you to be so understanding."

Shen Chuwei chuckled: "These are what a concubine should do. I hope that His Highness will be so considerate in the future."

Xiao Jinyan smiled lowly: "That's natural."

Shen Chuwei stretched out his finger, "Your Highness, let's pull the hook and keep our word."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes to look at her slender little fingers, and at her little face with a triumphant face, vaguely guessing that this would be a trap.

"Your Highness?" Shen Chuwei took his hand regardless of 21, hooked his little fingers with his little fingers, and smiled triumphantly, "We've made a deal."

Xiao Jinyan stared at the two hooked little fingers in front of her, as well as her proud and happy smile, several images flashed in her mind, overlapping with the one in front of her.

Shen Chuwei noticed that Xiao Jinyan was staring at her without saying a word, and stretched out his hand in front of him, "Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan watched the picture in front of him return to reality, and he also had a lot of doubts in his heart. He always felt that through Xiao Jiu, some fragments would always flash in his mind.

"You have a secret to hide from Bengong?"

Shen Chuwei shook his head vigorously.

The secret of the traverser must never be revealed.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her with a guilty look on her face, it was clear that she was hiding a secret from him.

At this time, Qin Xiao's voice came from outside the carriage, "Master, I have bought something."

Xiao Jinyan looked away, raised his hand to lift the curtain of the car, and saw a bag of things brought in by Qin Xiao, he took it, and then put down the curtain.

Shen Chuwei saw the bamboo sticks of candied haws and smelled the aroma of the meatloaf. This bag is for eating.

"Your Highness, this concubine thinks we have a tacit understanding."

When Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei, he saw her staring eagerly at the oil paper bag in his hand, and he said helplessly, "It's not wrong to say that my daughter is like you."

Susu, like Xiaojiu, is particularly interested in food. She already weighs more than her elder brother, and has a chubby face.

"It's enough for the son to look like His Highness!" Shen Chuwei took the oil paper bag from Xiao Jinyan's hand as he spoke, and opened it to see that there was a lot of food in it.

Xiao Jinyan asked back: "Is my son also like me when he sleeps too much?"

Shen Chuwei took a bite of the meatloaf, puffed up his cheeks and said, "My son is very smart like His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan smiled lowly: "Can a child who has not arrived in August be smart?"

Shen Chuwei said while eating the meatloaf: "My son has such a smart father as you, he will only be better than blue. Don't worry, Your Highness, your son will only be smarter."

Xiao Jinyan shook his head helplessly, he took out the tea set and tea leaves, and made tea slowly.

Shen Chu gnawed the meatloaf slightly, looked at Xiao Jinyan who was making tea, his gestures showed the elegance and nobility of the prince.

Xiao Jinyan lifted the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea in front of her, "Drink some tea to relieve the greasy."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shen Chuwei was a little thirsty, picked up the tea cup and smelled it, and took a few sips to moisten his throat.

Xiao Jinyan watched her drinking tea and eating meatloaf, imagining her childhood appearance, and her childhood appearance would automatically appear in her mind, overlapping with the portrait in the dark grid again.

He suddenly asked: "Did you ever go to Nanzhao Kingdom when you were young?"

Shen Chuwei asked subconsciously: "Where is Nanzhao Kingdom?"

After asking, she was stunned, Xiao Jinyan should be asking the original owner, has the original owner been there, how does she know?

Memories are all fuzzy, like paste.

Xiao Jin said: "Nanzhao Kingdom is far away from Daxia, and it is also very strong."

After Shen Chuwei finished eating the meatloaf, he wiped his mouth with those handkerchiefs, "Is it better than Daxia?"

Xiao Jinyan paused, Nan Zhaoguo is naturally stronger than Daxia, otherwise he wouldn't need to be a proton when he was young.

He nodded.

Shen Chuwei picked up the candied haws and bit one, "Your Highness will definitely make Daxia stronger in the future, no one dares to bully him."

Xiao Jinyan raised the corners of his lips, "Yes."

Shen Chuwei was eating candied haws in her mouth, and when she saw that there were tea fruits in it, she suddenly thought of Empress Xu and Concubine Xu, but the Empress should not have to worry about eating with the Emperor.

"By the way, Your Highness, have side concubine Xu bought anything to eat?"

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Shen Chuwei: "?"

"... I asked someone to buy it." Xiao Jinyan lifted the curtain of the car and ordered, "I'm going to buy two of the same delicacy and send it to Concubine Xu."

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Qin Xiao was about to turn his horse's head around when Xiao Jinyan called him back.

"Buy two more copies and send them to the Queen, King Yu."

"Your subordinate obeys." Qin Xiao took the rein and turned to buy food.

After walking through the bustling streets, Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan's excitement subsided.

The two of them were idle and bored, holding a book, leaning in the carriage and watching leisurely.

Tao Liangyuan: "I don't know where the princess got so many storybooks, the more I read, the better I get."

Concubine Xu: "Yeah, I've never seen such a good-looking book, it's much more beautiful than the books written by those rich ladies and poor talents."

"It's just a little strange. Why are there so many scripts different from ours? The novel titles and serving etiquette are completely different." Tao Liangyuan said curiously.

Concubine Xu said: "I'm also curious, but it's over if it looks good."

At this time, Qin Xiao's voice came from outside the carriage, "Xu side concubine."

Concubine Xu raised the curtain of the car suspiciously, and saw Qin Xiao, "What's the matter?"

Qin Xiao handed two oil paper bags to Concubine Xu, "This is for Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan."

Concubine Xu took the oil paper bag and gave one to Tao Liangyuan. She opened it with doubts, and when she saw the food, she was so excited.

"It's for food. The princess must have asked Qin Xiao to buy it."

Tao Liangyuan was also very excited when she saw the food, "We have been honored by the Crown Princess."

Qin Xiao, who hadn't gone far, was a little confused. He didn't explain that he sent it by order. Why did he think that the princess ordered it?
Compared with the bustling inside of Concubine Xu's carriage, the emperor's carriage was very quiet.

The queen felt a little bored, and couldn't even find someone to chat with. Looking at the dog emperor, he always looked at her with his beautiful phoenix eyes, feeling uncomfortable all over.

She simply turned her head and opened the car curtain to look outside. At this time, she had already left the city gate, and it was much quieter without the cries of vendors.

Seeing this scene, the emperor thought that the empress had been bored in the palace for a long time, and it was difficult to get out of the palace to breathe, so he looked outside from time to time.

The Queen was annoying the Emperor Dog when she saw Qin Xiao who suddenly ran over and handed him an oiled paper bag.

"Empress, this is what the crown prince asked his subordinates to send."

The queen took the oil paper bag from him, opened it and found that it was for food, she was so happy from ear to ear: "The princess really has a heart."

Qin Xiao was confused. He was talking about His Highness the Crown Prince. Why did the Empress hear that she was the Crown Prince?
At this time, Xiao Jinyu fanned Miss Han with a folding fan, her peach blossom eyes were crooked, and she smiled very attentively.

"Miss Han, do you still feel hot?"

Miss Han drank the new tea that Xiao Jinyu had just brewed, and said flatly, "It's not hot anymore."

Xiao Jinyu remembered that the year before last, she took Miss Han to go out together, and she would suffer from motion sickness when riding in a carriage.

"The carriage is bumpy, if you feel uncomfortable, let me know, and we will pull over and have a rest."

Miss Han looked up at Xiao Jinyu. Ever since she decided to marry her, Xiao Jinyu's attitude was completely different from before. He treated her well before, but now he treats her better.

Xiao Jinyu touched his face in doubt, "Is there something stolen on my face?"

"No." Miss Han saw that Xiao Jinyu's forehead was covered with sweat, and she raised a handkerchief to wipe it off for him, "It's just a little sweat."

Xiao Jinyu bent her peach blossom eyes, "Do you like little rabbits?"

Miss Han nodded, "I like it."

Xiao Jinyu immediately regained his spirits, "When the buyer arrives at the paddock later, I'll catch one for you. Sister-in-law's is only a male one. Let's raise a female one, which is a perfect match."

Miss Han: "..."

Xiao Jinyu leaned over and sniffed the fragrance of Miss Han, and she wanted to ask for a long time, "Miss Han, did you put on rouge and gouache today? Every time I get close to you, I find that you smell so good."

Miss Han lowered her head and smelled it, her tone full of doubts: "I never use rouge and gouache, how can there be a fragrance?"

"Really?" Xiao Jinyu moved closer to her neck and found that the fragrance was stronger.

"I smell good."

Xiao Jinyu couldn't help kissing her after smelling it, and just as he touched her, he heard Qin Xiao's voice from outside the carriage, "King Yu."

Xiao Jinyu frowned, when can't you shout, but at this time?

He raised his hand and opened the car curtain to see Qin Xiao: "Is there anything important to say?"

Qin Xiao was stunned for a moment, "King Yu, it's not important."

Xiao Jinyu said angrily: "It's not important, what are you calling me for?"

Qin Xiao hurriedly raised the oil paper bag in his hand, "This is what the crown prince asked his subordinates to give to King Yu."

"Brother Prince?" Xiao Jinyu reached out to take it, opened it and found that it was all for food, he smiled and said: "Sister-in-law must have asked Brother Prince to send it."

Qin Xiao: "..." Why do you think it's the princess' idea?

When Xiao Jinyu handed the oil paper bag in front of Miss Han, he found that Miss Han was looking at him and smiling. He was stunned for a moment. After getting along for so long, he rarely saw Miss Han smile.

"what are you laughing at?"

ps: Second update

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(End of this chapter)

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