Chapter 425 You are greedy for me, it hurts
When Xiao Jinyan approached, she carried a man's unique cold fragrance, surrounding the tip of her nose, making her a little dizzy.

In addition, his voice was already nice, but after it was deliberately lowered, it carried a certain fatal temptation.

Shen Chuwei looked at the well-proportioned chest muscles in front of him, the texture lines were clear and smooth. As a half-art student, he had an inquiring and appreciative eye for beautiful men's figures.

She has seen it countless times, but every time she looks at it, she feels that it would be a pity not to be a model with this figure.

Shen Chuwei thought in his heart that he shouldn't be shy, but he didn't control his hand that was about to move.

The slender fingers caressed the firm abdominal muscles, which felt firm and tough to the touch. There was a little sweat on it, and it should be close to the campfire, which was hot.

Xiao Jinyan took advantage of the bed with both hands, and looked down at her hand carefully pasting her, with a greedy gaze, which made his eyes darken.

Shen Chu touched it slightly and found that Xiao Jinyan was looking down at him, her husband, what happened to her?
"If you have a husband like this, what can you ask for?"

Xiao Jinyan laughed inaudibly: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at Xiao Jinyan, and found that they were very close to each other, and the cold fragrance from the tip of their noses became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Jinyan lifted her chin with his slender fingers, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

At this time, an untimely voice came from outside the door, "Master, the hot water is ready."

Xiao Jinyan's face turned black.

Seeing Shen Chuwei, she couldn't help laughing.

"..." Xiao Jin said, "You're still laughing."

Shen Chuwei suppressed a smile and said: "Your Highness, the concubine made a mistake, you can go take a bath."

"Together." As Xiao Jinyan said, he hugged her horizontally and turned to walk towards the screen.

Shen Chuwei was picked up by Xiao Jinyan before she could react, and strode to behind the screen and put her on the chair.

As soon as she sat down, she saw Xiao Jinyan stretching out her hand and began to undo her clothes.

I have taken off my hands countless times, and I am already familiar with the road.

Take off the clothes one by one and throw them all on the ground without mercy.

Shen Chuwei looked at the clothes on the ground, they were still new, she only wore them once today, it was too arrogant to throw them away like this.

When you sit in the bathtub, you are surrounded by warm water, which relieves the fatigue of the day.

"Your Highness, this is not good."

"We haven't tried it here yet."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at Xiao Jinyan, stretched out his white and slender arms to wrap his arms around his neck, leaned close to his ear and said, "The tent is not soundproof, it's not good for others to hear it."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused, and then he chuckled, "The guards at the door have already heard what you said."

Qin Xiao, who was standing at the door of the tent, was ashamed...

Shen Chuwei blushed when he heard the words, the hearing ability of learning martial arts is really extraordinary...

She said coquettishly, "That's even worse."

Xiao Jin said: "I don't want them to hear, what's the problem?"

Shen Chu snorted slightly: "Isn't that difficult? You can't let them plug their ears, can you?"

Xiao Jinyan did not explain, but ordered in a cold voice: "Go further."

"Your subordinates obey." Qin Xiao ordered the guards guarding all around, "Stay far away."

Shen Chuwei petrified on the spot, "..." Is this okay?

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Is it okay now?"

Shen Chuwei directly refused, "No, they all know."

Xiao Jinyan only gave her two words, "It's late."

In a daze, I heard Xiao Jinyan say in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Jiu, the look in your eyes just now made me jealous."

Shen Chuwei looked confused, what did she do just now to make Xiao Jinyan so greedy?
At this time, Xiao Jinyu took some mosquito repellent medicine from the imperial doctor and put it in the camp tent.

The besieged city is a huge forest with the most mosquitoes and the most poisonous.

After putting away the mosquito repellent, Xiao Jinyu came to the bed and sat down, looking at Miss Han's legs. Her legs were really long and white, but they were bitten by insects a few times. They were red and distressed. him.

"Insect repellent has been sprayed, and there will be no mosquitoes later, I will apply some medicine for you."

As Xiao Jinyu said, he took out a bottle of medicine from his arms, opened the bottle cap, and applied a little ointment on the red and swollen area.

Miss Han looked down at him with distressed look on her face, she didn't know that she thought she had suffered some serious injury.

"It's just a few bumps, it's just a little itchy, not painful."

"The itching is already unbearable, if it hurts?" Xiao Jinyu looked at the bags, but it didn't go away. He looked at the medicine in his hand, "The effect of this medicine is not good at all, it's still red and swollen."

Miss Han: "..."

"No matter how good the ointment is, the effect is not so fast."

"Miss Han is right, but I was too anxious." Xiao Jinyu put the medicine on the table.

Miss Han pushed his arm and urged: "Go take a bath quickly, it's time to rest."

"Yeah." Xiao Jinyu got up to take a bath.

Hot water had been prepared a long time ago, and when Xiao Jinyu came out of the bath, he found that there were still mosquitoes in the tent, because Miss Han had been bitten by mosquitoes again.

"This deworming medicine is useless, and the imperial doctor doesn't know what to eat."

Seeing Xiao Jinyu frowning, Miss Han was about to speak when she was suddenly bitten by a mosquito on her arm. She slapped it hard, looking down at the palm of her hand, there was blood besides the mosquito.

Xiao Jinyu saw it, grabbed her arm, and saw another red and swollen bump on her fair arm, and felt very distressed.

"You wait, I'll go find Brother Prince."

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, he stood up and walked out with great strides.

When Miss Han wanted to stop him, he had already disappeared at the door.

The distance between the two camps is not far, just a few steps away.

Xiao Jinyu saw that the lights were still on in the camp, so he knew that the prince's brother was still asleep, so he strode over.

inside the tent,
"Your Highness is feeling less and less fond of my concubines, and I still don't let my concubines rest at such a late hour." Shen Chu complained dissatisfiedly.

"I said to help you digest food, and I did what I said."

Sweat beads covered Xiao Jinyan's forehead, but his movements did not stop at all.

"Brother Prince, I have something to look for you."

Xiao Jinyu frowned at the sudden shout.

If you don't sleep at this time, what are you doing in my tent?
Shen Chu held her breath slightly, but she remembered that Xiao Jinyu had also learned martial arts, so she could definitely hear the voices in the camp.

Xiao Jinyan spit out two words impatiently, "Wait."

Xiao Jinyu was waiting for a cup of tea in the camp tent, and seeing that the prince's brother still didn't let him in, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Isn't my brother too slow in getting dressed?"

Qin Xiao: "..." It's not bad that the master didn't scold anyone, is it too slow?

After another cup of tea time, Xiao Jinyan came out of the tent fully dressed, saw Xiao Jinyu, and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Jinyu didn't notice that his brother's complexion was bad, he only thought about Miss Han being harassed by mosquitoes.

"Brother, do you have insect repellent here? There are a lot of mosquitoes in my camp, and Miss Han has bitten a lot of them."

"I'll go in and get it." Xiao Jin said in a obviously bad tone.

Xiao Jinyu still didn't notice that his brother was in a bad mood
Xiao Jinyu took some insect repellent medicine, which was prepared by Shen Chuwei, and the effect was very good.

"Light it with fire and put it under the bed."

"Understood brother." Xiao Jinyu took the insect repellent and turned around to leave. After walking a few steps, he thought of the several red envelopes on Miss Han's lap, so he folded them back.

"Brother, is there any ointment to relieve itching? Miss Han's leg was bitten by a mosquito, and it's itching."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

There was indeed an anti-itch ointment, and it was also prepared by Shen Chuwei. It was very effective in relieving itching.

When he issued his certificate last year, Shen Chuwei prepared a lot of such supplies for him.

When Xiao Jinyu got the anti-itch, he happily returned to his tent.

After leaving for such a short time, he found that Miss Han had been bitten a few more times.

Xiao Jinyu was so distressed, "I took the deworming medicine from the prince's brother, and I will light it now."

Miss Han frowned, and scratched the place where the mosquitoes had bitten, and the scratches were so severe that the skin was broken.

After ordering the insect repellent, Xiao Jinyu sat down on the bed with the anti-itch ointment, seeing his fair skin bleeding from being scratched, he regretted bringing her here.

He applied some ointment and gently applied it to the place where she had been bitten.

Looking at her long and white legs, I began to think about two articles.

Ever since he was drunk that time, he vaguely remembered some episodes, and every time he thought about it, his face would blush and his heart beat, and he was also very excited.

His gaze moved up subconsciously...

Miss Han noticed that Xiao Jinyu's eyes were erratic, so she asked, "King Yu, what are you looking at?"

Xiao Jinyu retracted his gaze with a guilty conscience, "Maybe it's because you smell so fragrant that even mosquitoes want to bite you."

Because there were no mosquitoes to bite him, they all went to bite Miss Han. If they all came to bite him, Miss Han would not have to suffer.

Miss Han smiled when she heard the words, "It's the first time I've heard that mosquitoes still bite when they smell the scent."

She looked down at the place where the ointment was applied, and was a little surprised: "The ointment works very well, and it doesn't itch anymore."

"Brother Prince's stuff is naturally the best." Xiao Jinyu was quite proud. Fortunately, he went to find Brother Prince, otherwise Miss Han would have to continue to suffer.

After Xiao Jinyu applied the ointment, he took off his clothes and went to bed, and the "buzzing" of mosquitoes in his ears disappeared.

He turned to look at Miss Han, "Have you noticed that there are fewer worms?"

"It is indeed less, and there are no mosquitoes to bite me." Miss Han found that the insect repellent was effective. At first, she was worried that she would not be able to sleep well tonight.

Xiao Jinyu stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, closed his eyes, his mind was full of Miss Han's long, white and tender legs, plus those stimulating scenes after being drunk, and he couldn't fall asleep.

"Miss Han, are you sleepy?"

ps: three shifts

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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