Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 435 After the emperor explained, the queen was shocked, and the man in black came to look fo

Chapter 435 After the emperor explained, the queen was shocked, and the man in black came to look for Concubine Xu and was found
Speaking of Concubine Xu, the emperor's expression darkened again, because Concubine Xu was the victim of his and Ling'er's first child.

At that time, it seemed that Ling'er accidentally fell and caused miscarriage, but in fact, it was because Concubine Xu Gui asked someone to oil the road Ling'er often passed by, which caused the miscarriage due to wrestling.

At that time, because he was concerned about Xu's family, he could not dispose of Concubine Xu Gui. He was afraid of causing the Xu family's dissatisfaction, so he endured it.

Concubine Xu Gui wants to pamper the harem, so I will give it to her.

Concubine Xu Gui began to be pampered and spoiled after she was favored. What methods can't the women in the palace use to compete for favor?
When Concubine Xu was two months pregnant for the first time, he had someone rub oil on the ground, and she also let Concubine Xu experience the pain Ling'er suffered at that time.

The second pregnancy was drugged by another concubine, and he knew that he just turned a blind eye.

Seeing Concubine Xu Gui in pain, but he still couldn't understand his hatred, so he simply made her unable to conceive.

Concubine Xu Guifei was in short supply due to a miscarriage, and she had been relying on medicines for recuperation, and the medicines she drank every day contained chronic poisons.

Death is cheap for her.

Naturally, these dark methods cannot be discussed with the Queen.

Besides, if he didn't like Concubine Xu Gui, how could he marry her as the Crown Princess?
The emperor said: "Of course there is my reason, why do you always mention Concubine Xu?"

Seeing that the dog emperor didn't answer and changed the subject, the queen asked back: "Then why does the emperor always bring up the past?

The emperor explained softly: "I just want you to be the same as before."

This is what the Empress heard the most today. She also wants to be the same as before. She was as beautiful as a flower before, but she is much better than now.

But I can't go back.

"Your majesty always wants others to do something, why don't you ask yourself if you can do the same as before?"

Only the empress could talk back to the emperor like this.

The emperor said word by word: "I have never changed."

Queen: "..."

The queen is too lazy to argue with the dog emperor, what's the use of talking more?Nothing will change.On the contrary, it only increases troubles.

"The emperor rests first."

The emperor grabbed the queen's hand and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

The queen couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Why should the concubine enter the palace, shouldn't the emperor know better?"

The emperor carefully recalled that when she took advantage of her birthday to express his heart, she was willing, so he came to propose in person.

It also shows that she entered the palace voluntarily.

He suddenly raised his head to look at the queen, "But I don't understand why you have left me so cold after seeing Ye Chu? What's so good about that Ye Chu? A woman who covets me, you still have face?"

The queen was so angry that she almost couldn't catch her breath. After all, she still didn't believe that she and Ye Chu were innocent.

"The concubine is not only the mother of a country, but also the daughter of the old general. The concubine can't do anything wrong. Whether the emperor believes it or not, the concubine will not explain it in the future. In fact, is there any concubine around the emperor?" It's not important, what's important is that there is someone who is suitable to be a queen, why does the emperor always struggle with this matter?"

The emperor's tone couldn't help but rise: "Who said it's not important?"

The queen retorted politely: "Why does the emperor have to slap himself? When the crown prince chose the crown princess, what did the emperor say, don't you need the concubine to repeat it? The concubine is just born better than the concubine, if it is the same as the concubine , Empress Da Xia is no longer a concubine."

The emperor supported his forehead, turned around and turned back.

He didn't understand why the queen always insisted on her identity?

Seeing the emperor's silent look, the empress knew that he had nothing to refute.

After staying in the palace for more than 20 years, what did you not see through?
The royal family is interested in interests, and most of the concubines in the palace are the daughters of the court ministers.

Fortunately, she didn't have a daughter, otherwise she might become a bargaining chip in a political marriage in the future.

The queen didn't bother to say any more, she urgently needed to go out to get some air.

"The emperor rests first, and the concubines go to see if the medicine is ready."

The queen stood up and didn't take a few steps before she heard the emperor say, "Do you think you were the candidate for the princess concubine that the queen father and queen mother preferred?"

The emperor didn't want to mention this matter, he always thought that Ling'er understood, but after going through these things, he found that Ling'er had been struggling with the issue of identity.

Identity is innate and no one can change it.

It was precisely because he couldn't change that that he had the opportunity to know Chang Wenling.

The queen turned to look at the dog emperor, and asked suspiciously: "What does the emperor mean by this sentence?"

The emperor said quietly: "At first, the candidate for the crown princess was appointed as the first daughter of General Xu."

The queen heard clearly this time, was Concubine Xu Gui the first choice for the crown princess?How did that become her?
The emperor said again: "It is I who insist on marrying you as the crown prince."

The queen was stunned, as if she couldn't believe it.

Was it the dog emperor who insisted on making her the princess?

Shen Chu lowered his head slightly to watch Xiaobai drinking goat milk, every time at this time, Xiaobai was extremely obedient.

The appetite is increasing day by day, and the weight is also obviously increasing.

When Concubine Xu came to play, she saw the cat in front of Shen Chuwei and felt a little curious, "Princess Concubine, where did the cat come from? It's so big and still breastfeeding."

Those who have never seen a tiger cub are usually very slow to recognize that it is a tiger, especially a daughter of a famous family like Concubine Xu, who has never seen a tiger.

Shen Chuwei chuckled twice: "This is a tiger."

Xiaobai, who was still drinking milk, tightly held the glass cup with his paws, for fear that someone would come and snatch his food.

Concubine Xu took several steps back when she heard the tiger's fright, and looked at the cat-like tiger in Shen Chuwei's arms with horror on her face, "Crown Princess, why do you hold the tiger in your arms? Be careful that it bites you."

Seeing Concubine Xu frightened like this, Shen Chuwei couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, it's still young and hasn't been weaned yet."

Concubine Xu was still very scared, but she had heard about tigers eating people.

"But it will grow up. When it grows up, it will eat people."

Shen Chu looked down at Xiaobai slightly, and reached out to stroke its furry head, "Xiaobai won't, it will protect the Lord very much."

Concubine Xu cautiously came to Shen Chuwei's side, and looked at the little tiger who was drinking milk with her head down, not to mention it was really comparable.

"Really? Tigers are very ferocious, how can they listen to people? You are not a beast trainer."

Shen Chuwei still knew about the animal trainer. In fact, animal taming was a very cruel thing for wild beasts. She didn't need to rely on those methods to make the beasts obey.

"When did I lie to you? Isn't it cute?"

Concubine Xu watched the little tiger clutching the glazed cup tightly with its paws, looking at her with light blue eyes from time to time, very vigilant.

"Cute is cute, but it is a tiger that can eat people, and this cannot be changed."

Seeing that Concubine Xu didn't believe it, Shen Chuwei didn't explain too much

"You will know later."

After drinking the milk, Xiao Bai licked his mouth, then climbed onto Shen Chuwei's lap, trying to get into her arms.

Xiaobai put his two forelimbs on Shen Chuwei's legs, and just about to push his limbs up, he fell down, rolled twice, and crawled to the side of Shen Chuwei's retreat without giving up, stretching his forelimbs to try to go up, no surprises Get down.

Seeing the little tiger's movements, Concubine Xu couldn't help laughing: "What is the little tiger doing?"

"Think about my lap." Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand and touched Xiaobai's forehead, "Go and play with Xuetuan."

Xiaobai raised his soft head and stared at Shen Chuwei for a long while, then turned to look at Xuetuan.

Xuetuan: "..." Little brat, don't bother me~
Seeing Xuetuan, Xiaobai ran over with short limbs and short legs, rubbed his head against Xuetuan's head as if flattering him, and even licked Xuetuan's face.

Xuetuan stretched out a paw impatiently, and slapped Xiaobai away, annoying!
How strong is the snowball?This claw directly made Xiaobai's soft body roll three times before stopping.

After stopping, Xiaobai quickly got up again, ran back in a hurry, and continued to lick Xuetuan's face in a flattering manner.

Xuetuan stretched out a paw, and slapped Xiaobai away again.

Xiaobai's limp body rolled a few times, and ran back again, licking Xuetuan's face more vigorously this time.

The snow ball that was licked with saliva on his face looks hopeless~

Shen Chuwei and Concubine Xu couldn't help laughing as they watched the interaction between a cat and a tiger.

"Xuetuan dared to slap the tiger. When the tiger grows up, it can slap you flying with one paw. Are you afraid?" Xu Fangfei laughed again after finishing speaking.

Shen Chuwei explained: "Even if Xiaobai grows up, he doesn't dare to attack Xuetuan."

Concubine Xu asked suspiciously: "Why?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Because in Xiaobai's eyes, Xue Tuan is the elder, and no matter how powerful the junior is, he must respect the elder."

Concubine Xu looked surprised, "So that's the case, I have increased my knowledge."

Tired of playing, Xiaobai fell asleep beside Xuetuan.

Xuetuan looked at Xiaobai who was sleeping next to him, with three words written in his eyes, he was so annoying!
When night fell, Concubine Xu lay on the bed, looking at the little bell in her hand. Ever since the man in black gave her the bell, she couldn't help but look at it from time to time.

I don't know if the man in black is still in the royal enclosure?
After waiting for a long time, the little bell was very quiet. When she was about to close her eyes and go to sleep, the little bell suddenly called twice and jumped a few times at the same time.

Concubine Xu opened her eyes suddenly, and saw the small bell beside the bed making a crisp sound, and the man in black started looking for her.

Concubine Xu was excited, she lifted the quilt to get dressed, put on her shoes and ran out.

Outside, the torches illuminated the surroundings of the tent, and the patrolling guards could be seen faintly.

She lifted the hem of her skirt around the tent and ran towards the woods behind.

Wei Chi had been secretly staring at Concubine Xu, and when he saw Concubine Xu running out of the tent, he followed from afar.

Seeing Concubine Xu meeting with the man in black from a distance, he didn't go forward to arrest him, but went back to report to his master.

Shen Chuwei watched the picture of Xiaobai courting Xuetuan but being rejected, when he suddenly smelled the aroma of barbecued meat.

Smelling the scent, she turned her head to look at the door of the tent, and saw Xiao Jinyan walking over with two roasted wild pigeons.

"Your Highness, when did you catch wild pigeons?"

"It will be in the afternoon. This is what Chunxi just roasted, try it." Xiao Jinyan put two roasted wild pigeons in front of her.

The roasted wild pigeon is still steaming, so you can tell it has just been roasted.

At this time, Wei Chi's voice came from outside the door, "Master, I have something to report."

When Xiao Jinyan heard Wei Chi's voice, he guessed what was going on, and said to Shen Chuwei: "Eat first, I will go out and deal with things."

"Yeah." Shen Chu nodded slightly, but his eyes were fixed on the roasted wild pigeon.

Xiao Jinyan looked away helplessly, stood up and walked out.

When he came out and saw Wei Chi outside the tent, Xiao Jinyan asked in a cold voice after he was far away, "What's the matter?"

"This subordinate just saw Concubine Xu coming out of the tent to meet the man in black."

ps: Second update

 Good afternoon!Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! !
(End of this chapter)

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