Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 437 Chapter 437 The dog emperor just wants to admit his mistake, but the little wife actuall

Chapter 437 Chapter 437 The dog emperor just wants to admit his mistake, but the little wife actually hides the idea of ​​a second marriage?
The queen held the reins tightly in her hand, and looked at the dog emperor's pale face, probably because of the open wound yesterday.

Believe it or not, it doesn't matter to her anymore.

So what if the dog emperor wants to marry her as the crown prince?

At that time, the Chang family was more powerful than the Xu family, so it was not difficult to marry her as the princess.

The queen mother has always disliked her. If she had the same identity as Shen Chuwei, even if the dog emperor insisted, she would not be able to change it.

"Your Majesty, these are not important anymore. The concubine is not an unreasonable person. After being a queen for so many years, the concubine is not for nothing."

The emperor thought that the explanation was that he insisted on marrying her as the princess, and the queen would understand, but the queen still didn't understand and continued to treat him lukewarm.

"Why is it not important? You ignored my love, isn't that serious?"

The queen looked at the dog emperor who was getting out of control. She was not angry yet, but he was.

Obviously she was the one who was wronged!

"Isn't it good that the emperor and empress respect each other as guests?"

The emperor couldn't help raising his voice and said: "What I want is for the emperor and empress to sing harmoniously, not to respect each other as guests."

The queen cursed secretly when she heard the words, the dog emperor is shameless, he has a bunch of women, and he still asks her to play harmoniously with his husband and wife?

"In the eyes of courtiers and concubines, Qin Se and Ming are loving husband and wife, with deep feelings. The emperor has three palaces and six courtyards, and countless beauties. Using Qin Se and Ming to describe the emperor and empress is not appropriate for respecting each other as guests."

The emperor was stunned.

"The concubine came to the royal paddock and hasn't ridden the horse well yet. The emperor will go back and rest first, and the concubine will come back later." The queen withdrew her gaze, held the reins tightly in her hand again, and stepped on the horse neatly on the stirrups. As soon as the horse's belly was clamped, the horse galloped out.

It's been a long time since I rode a horse like this, it feels strange and familiar.

The horses in the paddock still retain their wildness, they run extremely fast, and the wind whizzes by their ears, making them feel indescribably happy.

The emperor stood still and looked at the back of the queen riding away on horseback, back in a trance when he was young. In fact, the queen has not changed, she is still very courageous. In front of him, she dares to say things that others dare not say, and does not want to be perfunctory .

Who in the palace can talk to me with such a tone like her?
The emperor watched the queen's back go farther and farther. He asked someone to bring a horse. When he was about to go up, his subordinate reminded him in a low voice: "Your Majesty, you are injured and you are not suitable for riding a horse."

"When will I need you to remind me?" The emperor said in a cold voice, and after holding the rein tightly, he got on his horse and chased after him.

Shen Chuwei looked at the emperor and empress from a distance, even if he didn't hear what they were saying, he could guess that they were having a quarrel.

The queen rides alone, the emperor chases... the emperor is still injured~
When Shen Chuwei was wondering, a deep voice came from above his head.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Jinyan found that Xiao Jiu was not in the tent, so he came out to look around and saw her standing behind a tree.

Shen Chuwei raised her head guiltily, and saw Xiao Jinyan's handsome face, her phoenix eyes were staring at her.

"Your Highness, is there something wrong between father and mother?"

Xiao Jinyan asked without answering, "How do you know?"

Shen Chuwei told Xiao Jin what he saw just now.

"The concubine is not in good spirits when she saw the empress today, and there are dark circles under her eyes."

Xiao Jinyan raised his head and looked into the distance, and he could still see the back of his father going away, "There has been a problem between them for a long time."

Shen Chuwei asked suspiciously: "What's the problem?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her delicate face with a puzzled expression, and he smiled lowly: "If there are three palaces and six courtyards in this palace, how would you feel if you dote on other concubines?"

Shen Chuwei frowned when he heard the words, and then snorted: "The concubine will pack up her bed and leave. If she is lucky, she might meet a Ruyi young man who is married for the first time, and marry with two children."

Xiao Jinyan's face darkened, "Find a wishful young gentleman? Thanks to your words."

"Your Highness is the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of the Three Palaces. What's wrong with my concubine remarrying her husband? Don't think that Your Highness is obsessed with cleanliness, and my concubines are also obsessed with cleanliness." Shen Chu lifted his chin slightly and spoke with a strong sense of reason.

Xiao Jinyan laughed angrily, raised his hand and tapped her on the forehead, "I'm just making an analogy."

Shen Chuwei said: "The courtiers and concubines are also an analogy. There is a priority. If Your Highness is obedient, the ministers and concubines will naturally be obedient."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

"I just want you to stand in the perspective of the empress mother, and feel that the empress mother is not allowed to digress in order to get into trouble with the emperor father."

Shen Chu gave a small "Oh."

"You still want to find a Mr. Ruyi to marry? Did you have this idea early in the morning?" Xiao Jinyan remembered that she was reluctant to serve the bed at the beginning, so she must have had this idea.

Shen Chuwei said, "The concubine dare not, no matter what, it is something that can only be thought of after leaving the palace. Didn't the concubine not leave the palace?"

Xiao Jinyan's face turned green when he heard the words, and he really had an idea at first.

Thinking of Concubine Xu, because the man in black was about to leave Daxia, she was out of her mind. In all likelihood, she had something to do with the man in black.

Looking at Shen Chuwei again, fortunately, he had a high level of awareness at the beginning, and he would strike when he spotted it. If it was too late, he might be abducted by someone.

Shen Chuwei said helplessly: "The concubine was originally out of the palace, who would want to be cut off by His Highness halfway? But it doesn't matter, it won't affect the concubine's continued eating and drinking."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Shen Chuwei said again: "Father has so many women, it's understandable that Empress Mother is unhappy. If Father is as clean as His Highness, Father and Empress will be able to sing in harmony as husband and wife."

Xiao Jin said: "Father has the concerns and considerations of Father. If Father and Queen talk about it, maybe the relationship will ease."

Shen Chu snorted slightly: "No matter how difficult the father is, it will make the queen mother sad."

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal.

Shen Chuwei then said again: "Your Highness, please don't learn from your father."

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help but emphasize his tone: "This palace is different from my father."

Only then did Shen Chuwei show a satisfied smile.

Today is a good day, the Empress Dowager walked out of the Palace of Compassion and Ning with the help of her mother, and went to the Imperial Garden leisurely.

After playing with Susu for a while, the queen mother thinks that Susu is quite likable.

So I asked someone to bring Taotaosuju to play for a while to relieve boredom.

Concubine Yun Gui knew early in the morning that the queen mother was going to play with the prince's children in the imperial garden, so she took Yin'er to the imperial garden, with the purpose of showing the queen mother a look at the great-grandson.

Ever since the crown princess gave birth to twins, the emperor never looked at Yin'er again.

Yin'er is now six years old, if he doesn't attract attention, his future future may be hopeless.

When they came, the two nannies carried Taotao and Susu to the gazebo ahead of time.

Concubine Yun and Yin'er pretended to be passing by, and walked in with a smile.

"The emperor's grandson and daughter of the emperor's grandson are all this old."

Seeing Concubine Yun Gui, the nannies stepped forward to bless her body, "Concubine Yun Gui."

Concubine Yun took Yin'er to Taotaosusu, "Yin'er is younger brother and sister..."

Before Concubine Yun finished her sentence, Yin'er impatiently broke away from her hand, "Grandma, I'm going to play."

Concubine Yun does not force her grandson when she loves her, she wants to wait for the queen mother to come and let Yin'er play with Taotaosusu, which is the same.

The mahogany swords in Yin'er's hand stabbed and slashed at Chu Lingfeng. The sharp mahogany swords pierced his body, causing him to frown in pain.

Yin'er saw that he was not cooperating, so he went up and pushed.

"You have been killed by me, fall down quickly."

Chu Lingfeng looked at Yin'er coldly with his dark eyes, his posture was straight, as if he didn't hear Yin'er's words.

Yin'er threw away the wooden sword, ran back crying and complained: "Grandma, he doesn't listen to me."

Concubine Yun hugged her grandson distressedly, and looked at Chu Lingfeng. She was eight years old and couldn't speak a word all day long. She didn't know how King Chu Nan taught her, and she didn't understand any rules.

"As Yin'er's companion, you should listen to him, and you don't understand any rules."

Yin'er cried and said: "Grandma, I don't want him to be my reading companion, I hate him."

Seeing her grandson crying so much, Concubine Yun was so distressed that she wiped her precious grandson's tears with a handkerchief, "Yin'er, good boy, he was arranged by your grandpa to read with you, so you have to."

Yin'er became a lot more honest when he heard about Grandpa Huang.

"But he doesn't listen to me, I want to be obedient."

Concubine Yun raised her head to look at Chu Lingfeng upon hearing the words, "Young Master Chu, kneel down and admit your mistake."

Chu Lingfeng stubbornly straightened his waist, his overly fair cheeks were a little sickly pale, "I'm not wrong."

Concubine Yun Gui winked at the little eunuch.

The little eunuch understood, and stepped forward to press Chu Lingfeng. An eight-year-old child was no match for an adult, and he knelt down after a while.

Susu tilted her head to look at the scene in front of her, her big beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

Holding on to the bench in the gazebo with his little hand, he moved over.

The nanny saw it, and bent over to follow behind, afraid that she would forget that she couldn't walk for a while and fall when she was having fun.

Susu moved her short legs to Chen Lingfeng's face, and reached out to grab his arm.

Chu Lingfeng glanced down at the small fleshy hand on his arm, then raised his head to look at the owner of the hand, it was a milk doll.

Susu held on to Chu Lingfeng's clothes tightly, and let go of the chair with the other hand to hold onto Chu Lingfeng's hand, tilting her head and looking at him curiously.

Being watched by a child, Chu Lingfeng took a second look.

Susu grinned, reaching out to hug her: "Hold... hug..."

It was the first time Chu Lingfeng encountered this situation, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

Taotao, who was on the side, looked at her, and seriously suspected that her sister had admitted to the wrong person, and her brother was here...

The queen mother saw this scene when she came back.

"Whose child is this?"

Concubine Yun Gui stepped forward to bless her body, "Queen Dowager, this is the eldest son of King Chunan, and now he is Yin'er's companion. After making a mistake, my concubine made him kneel as a punishment."

"So it's Prince Chu." The Empress Dowager sat down with the support of Yu Mammy.

Concubine Yun Gui pulled Yin'er over, "Quickly greet the Queen Mother."

Yin'er stepped forward and knelt on the ground, "Yin'er pays respects to grandma."

The queen mother hadn't seen Yin'er for a long time, and found that she had grown up so much that she almost didn't recognize her.

"Yin'er is already this big, get up."

"Thank you grandma." Yin'er stood up, came to Chu Lingfeng and said to Susu: "He is not your brother, I am your brother, I will hug you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to hug Susu.

Susu's hands tightly clutched Chu Lingfeng's clothes, struggling to keep Yin'er from hugging her.

Yin'er also listened to Concubine Yun's instructions, to be a good brother in front of Grandma Tai, and to build a good relationship with Taotao and Susu, so when she saw Susu wanted to be hugged by Chu Lingfeng, the scene of rushing to hug Susu appeared .

After being pulled, Yin'er not only failed to hold Susu, but also fell to the ground with Susu.

Because Susu was holding on to Chu Lingfeng's clothes, she fell down and sat on the ground, crying "Wow" in pain.

Chu Lingfeng was stunned when he saw that Susu, who was smiling so sweetly just now, would cry so sadly.

The nanny stepped forward in time to help Susu up.

The queen mother saw that her heart was so distressed, she turned her head to look at Yin'er, and angrily said: "If you don't know how to hold Susu, don't pull Susu, Susu is so big, how can it withstand your dragging?"

ps: Second update

 Good afternoon, babies!

  It's the last day, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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