Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 439 The queen is still so easy to deceive, use secrets to coax the queen

Chapter 439 The queen is still so easy to deceive, use secrets to coax the queen (seeking monthly ticket support)

The emperor looked at the empress' eagerness to know, and he pretended to be deep, "Come closer."

The queen frowned, and said something closer, and she was deaf.

But eager to know the answer, she obediently drove the horse over.

The emperor watched the queen stretch her neck, and with a smile on his face, he kissed her lips.

The queen's eyes widened, and the soft touch on her lips made her stunned for a moment, only to realize that she had been cheated by the dog emperor.

When she wanted to back away, she found a strong arm still wrapped around her waist, holding her up.

By the time she realized it, she had already ridden with the dog emperor and was sitting in his arms.

This scene is very familiar, so familiar that her ears feel hot when she thinks about it.

After the kiss, the emperor saw the empress' blushing, and laughed softly: "Ling'er is still the same as before."

The queen's face darkened, isn't it obvious that she is as easy to deceive as she was back then?

She remembered that when she and the dog emperor went out to ride horses together, they were tired after riding for a long time, so they stopped to rest.

The dog emperor said that she had ashes on her face. Girls love beauty so much. Hearing the boy say that there is ashes on her face, of course she should wipe it off.

She wiped it with a handkerchief for a while, but the dog emperor said that it was not wiped clean, so he asked her to come closer and wipe it clean for her.

Where did she think so much at that time, she obediently brought her face closer.

That boy was like this now, not only kissing her but also hugging her on his horseback.

At that time, she was extremely shy, but she was particularly greedy for this feeling, and she liked to stay by his side.

Intimate behavior is something that a girl cannot resist when she is in love.

She thought that she was deceived by the dog emperor at that time.

Then obediently join the East Palace.

The queen said coquettishly: "The emperor's deceiving methods have not changed at all."

The emperor looked at the queen, and even his anger was the same as before, unchanged.

"I just can't help it." It's like the uncontrollable feeling of a teenager when he was throbbing.

The queen rolled her eyes, can't help it at her age?She still doesn't admit that she is a liar, just like she was back then, she is not the same person she was back then, so easy to cheat.

Seeing that the empress was still unhappy, the emperor smiled lowly: "Although Ling'er has a bad temper, she is also easy to coax, and she smiles after a few words."

Queen: "..." How shameless, you still use this as a bragging rights?

"The emperor directly said that the concubine is easy to deceive. That's because the concubine is young and has not been deeply involved in the world. Now the emperor will try to cheat and see if the concubine believes it or not?"

The emperor said: "Listen, others would have been happy, but you are still doubting that I am lying to you."

The queen raised her chin proudly, "The emperor was trying to lie to his concubine, otherwise the concubine would not have entered the palace."

The emperor was not angry, but said: "I just like your temper. Besides you, who dares to do anything to me? Who dares to ignore me? Other women are obedient to me, but you You are always angry with me, how often did you not make me so angry that you turned around and wanted me to coax you?"

The queen paused when she heard the words, and somewhat questioned the dog emperor's words.

She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that every time she lost her temper, the emperor walked away in a huff.

Then the next day or two days later, he came to her again with food.

At the beginning, she was really easy to coax, and she was done in a few words.

As she got older, she lost her temper less often, most of which she kept silent and kept everything in her heart.

The time interval between Emperor Dog coaxing her was also longer.

Just like this time, after coaxing for so long, I couldn't coax it well.

She concluded a truth, that is, the older a woman is, the more she wants, and the harder it is to deceive, so it is even more difficult to coax.

She is a queen, it is not easy to be magnanimous, and she should take the initiative to ask for reconciliation?
Two words, no way!

The emperor continued: "But I just like yours. No matter how gentle and submissive other women are, I don't like them either."

Empress: "..." Did Emperor Dog eat honey before going out today?Mouth so sweet?
Unfortunately, she is no longer that easily deceived woman.

"The emperor said this, do you believe it yourself? Why didn't you say you didn't like it when you flopped the card and waited for the bed?"


The emperor sighed helplessly, he had just ascended the throne, and the throne was unstable, and the ministers urged him to accept his concubine and give birth to a dragon heir as soon as possible.

He had been married to the queen for a long time and there was no news. It was only later that he found out that the queen mother had tampered with it behind his back. The purpose was to prevent the queen from getting pregnant.

After finally convincing the mother, she had her first child, but in the end she was killed by Concubine Xu.

No one knew that going to the harem put pressure on him, making him a little out of breath.

Everyone thinks that being an emperor and holding the power of life and death does not have so many scruples. Only when you are in a high position do you know that there are too many things you want to be scruples about.

So after the queen's miscarriage, he decided to let other concubines stay in bed. This was the condition he negotiated with the queen.

It was precisely because of the queen's miscarriage that he decided to let Concubine Xu be the most favored in the harem, making everyone feel that Concubine Xu was the most favored.

Even the queen mother thought that his favorite was Concubine Xu Gui, and the restraint on the queen was gradually relaxed.

He could see the queen's dissatisfaction.

Seeing the emperor's silence for so long, the queen didn't expect it anymore, "Your majesty, go back."

The emperor came to his senses, thinking that it was already noon, and the empress should be hungry, so she should really go back.

"En." The emperor tightened the reins and was about to drive his horse back.The queen struggled to get down.

"The concubine rides back by herself."

The emperor held the queen in his arms to keep her from moving, "I haven't ridden with you for a long time, why not take this opportunity to go back together."

After finishing speaking, he clamped his horse's belly and galloped, not giving the queen a chance to refuse.

The queen was taken aback, thinking that the dog emperor was still injured, she couldn't help becoming anxious, "Your majesty, slow down, what if the wound opens?"

Instead of slowing down, the emperor flicked his whip, causing the horse to run very fast.

"I'm fine."

He rode his horse and galloped all the way, frightening the queen.

It's cool, but it's also really scary to be afraid.

After returning to the tent, the queen couldn't wait to check the dog emperor's injuries.

The emperor was wearing black clothes, and when she unbuttoned the clothes, she found that the inside was soaked, soaked in blood.

The white bandages had turned red.

The queen was furious, "The emperor always acts willfully and recklessly, how many times have the wounds been opened?"

The emperor saw that the empress' eyes were reddened, and he comforted him: "Empress, don't worry, you will be fine after a few days, and you will return to the palace tomorrow."

The queen said angrily: "Who is in a hurry? The emperor was injured because of the concubine, and the wound has not healed. If something bad happens, the concubine will be a sinner."

The emperor immediately changed his words: "Yes, yes, I am in a hurry, and the queen is just worried about me."

The queen stopped talking, and changed the bandage neatly for the queen, and sprinkled some medicinal powder to heal the wound by the way.

After the wound was bandaged, Qingying called hot water to wipe the emperor's body.

Looking at this strong figure, I think I was fascinated by her back then.

I'm over 40 years old and well maintained, who cares if you don't care?

After everything was ready, Qingying brought in the food, including roasted game, which smelled very delicious.

"There is roasted game today. The emperor is injured and can only eat light food. You can't eat roasted game. It belongs to concubines." The queen said and troubled herself with the roasted game.

The emperor saw the porridge and side dishes in front of him, and immediately lost his appetite.

Qingying said softly: "The roast game was sent by the princess, I know the queen likes to eat it."

The queen was very pleased, "It's better to be the crown princess, I know what I like to eat, and I always think about me."

The emperor snorted, you treat the princess well, you are better than me.

The queen ate the roasted game with great relish, and the food from the princess was more delicious and more fragrant.

Seeing how delicious the queen's food was, the emperor also wanted to taste it, "Queen, give me a piece to taste."

The queen directly refused: "No, the emperor's injury is so serious, how can he eat greasy food? When will the injury heal?"

The emperor sighed and didn't want to eat after a few mouthfuls.

The queen was full and full, so she was satisfied and asked to remove the bowls and chopsticks.

I feel good after eating too.

We will be returning to the palace tomorrow, everyone is busy today.

The emperor was injured and wanted to rest after lunch.

The empress didn't sleep well last night, and she was also a little sleepy. After the emperor lay down on the bed, she went to sleep on the couch.

Seeing the emperor, he got up and came to the couch, "Sleep with me."

The queen doesn't want to sleep with the dog emperor, she hasn't forgotten about being cheated today.

"Forget it, what if I hurt the emperor?"

The emperor slowly leaned over to look at the queen, and said after a while: "You rest with me, and I will tell you a secret."

Gongzi Yunsi: June [-]st is hot, happy Children’s Day, babies
It is very important to ask for monthly ticket support!

 Happy Children's Day, babies!

  A new start in June, ask for monthly ticket monthly ticket recommendation ticket support!

  Good night babies!

(End of this chapter)

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