Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 444 After Xiao Jinyan met Jun protect his shortcomings, to be jealous...

Chapter 444 After Xiao Jinyan met Jun protect his shortcomings, to be jealous...

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused, and he looked at Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao shook his head, expressing his embarrassment, but he passed out, not falling asleep or comatose, he woke up with a kick.

"Subordinate, I can't do it."

Shen Chu slightly tugged on Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, his bright eyes showed a confident light, "This concubine can do it, this drunk must have seen side concubine Xu."

As soon as Shen Chuwei stepped into this room, he smelled the familiar scent of incense powder.

The face powder used by Concubine Xu has a faint scent of crabapple. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, she is very sensitive to various scents.

Shen Chuwei was also worried about Concubine Xu, that's why she was in such a hurry.

Xiao Jinyan frowned, but nodded in agreement considering Concubine Xu's safety.

Shen Chuwei got the order, let go of Xiao Jinyan's sleeves, came to squat down in front of the drunk, and took out a silver needle from her sleeve pocket.

Before everyone realized how Shen Chuwei administered the needle, the drunk woke up.

The first thing he said when he woke up was, "Hero, spare your life!"

Xiao Jinyan ordered in a cold voice: "Qin Xiao, ask me a question or two."

"Your subordinate obeys." Qin Xiao stepped forward, drew out his sword and pressed it against the drunk man's neck, the cold touch, the sharp blade, and a little force would kill him.

The drunk man who woke up found that the man in purple was gone, heaved a sigh of relief, and said "Ouch".

In the shadow of swords and swords, there was a deadly sword on his neck, and his unrecovered face turned pale again.

"The good man spares his life, the good man spares his life!"

"Have you seen the woman in blue clothes?"

Qin Xiao had no emotion in his voice, and the drunk man nodded again and again, "I saw her before, and the younger one wanted to take advantage of her beauty. I didn't even wipe my hands, so I was rescued."

Qin Xiao asked again: "Who rescued him? Where did he go?"

"Well, how does this little one know? That man was really vicious. He kicked the little one a few times, and the little ribs are probably broken." The drunk man said aggrievedly: "That woman looked like she was out for sale, little one." It's not that I don't give money..."

Before the drunk man finished speaking, Shen Chuwei raised his foot and kicked the drunk man in the ribs.

The drunk groaned and rolled on the ground in pain.

Shen Chu said angrily, "Breaking a few of your ribs will be considered cheap for you."

This scene happened so fast that everyone was stunned.

Who would have thought that the princess, who has always been soft and weak, would kick at the slightest disagreement?

For those muffled sounds just now, all martial arts students knew that it was the sound of bones breaking.

How hard must this kick be to break a person's ribs?

Xiao Jinyan was also taken aback for a moment, seeing how hard his little wife kicked just now, and suddenly remembered that two years ago, he kissed her drunk and was kicked by her.

Thinking about it now, that kick was considered light.

Xiao Jinyan took two steps forward and pulled Shen Chuwei into his arms, glanced at the drunk on the ground, his eyes were cold and emotionless: "Qin Xiao, put him in prison."

Qin Xiao accepted the order with cupped fists, "Your subordinate obeys."

Xiao Jinyan led Shen Chuwei out of the guest room.

The drunk man was still wondering why he was put in prison. After Qin Xiao explained, the drunk man realized that the woman he was interested in just now was the prince's side concubine, General Xu's first daughter.

Put in the prison, don't even think about getting out in this life.

The drunk was so regretful that his intestines were green.

The faint scent of crabapple flowers still lingers in the air.

Shen Chuwei smelled the fragrance and continued to walk forward.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei's actions suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "The concubine smelled the scent of gouache that belonged to Concubine Xu, just now I smelled the scent of crabapple flowers in the guest room."

Xiao Jinyan naturally didn't know that the gouache used on Concubine Xu's body was the scent of crabapple flowers, even if she knew, she didn't have such a dexterous sense of smell as Shen Chuwei.

"That's why you remember to wake the drunk?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "That's right, otherwise what would the concubine waste his time waking him up for?"

Xiao Jinyan: "..." So working hard for a while is also a waste of time?
Shen Chuwei looked around to find someone, and finally saw Concubine Xu on the second floor of the inn.

Concubine Xu stood opposite Concubine Xu with a tall and straight man. The man was wearing a purple-gold crown and a purple-black brocade robe. Although he only saw his profile, he could be seen to be extremely handsome.

Is this the man who rescued Concubine Xu?
Xiao Jinyan noticed Shen Chuwei's actions, followed her gaze, and saw two figures on the second floor.

Shen Chuwei thought that side concubine Xu was walking so close to other men, and that side concubine Xu was nominally Xiao Jinyan's side concubine before she left the palace, would Xiao Jinyan be angry if she saw this?

Can't let Xiao Jinyan see it.

Shen Chuwei took the initiative to hold Xiao Jinyan's hand, and was trying to find a reason to take him away. When she looked up, she found Xiao Jinyan was staring at the second floor. After thinking about it, she saw it.

"Your Highness, don't be angry, this concubine will call side concubine Xu over here." Shen Chuwei was afraid that Xiao Jinyan would get angry, so he lifted his skirt and stepped up to the second floor.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." Why is he angry?

Shen Chuwei came to the second floor and looked curiously at the man in front of Concubine Xu.

Jun Wuxian had heard Shen Chuwei's footsteps when he came up, he raised the corners of his lips, and looked at Concubine Xu without even noticing that someone was approaching.

"I have to go now."

Concubine Xu subconsciously asked: "Where are you going?"

Jun Wuxian looked back at the person who came, and found that it was Shen Chuwei, he was taken aback for a moment.

Concubine Xu tilted her head suspiciously, followed Jun Wuxian's line of sight, and saw Shen Chuwei stepping up the last staircase with her skirt lifted.

Shen Chuwei was about to put down the hem of her skirt when she noticed that the two people on the opposite side were looking this way, as if they were embarrassing when they interrupted someone else's date.

When she saw the man's face clearly, she felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Concubine Xu asked suspiciously: "Crown Princess, why are you here?"

Shen Chu showed a polite smile: "I just came to remind you that it's time for us to get on the road."

Concubine Xu realized later that she had been out for a long time, and the princess should have come to find her.

"I'll be leaving right now."

Shen Chuwei came over, leaned against Concubine Xu, and whispered, "You suddenly disappeared, which startled us."

Concubine Xu explained: "I'm not missing, I was almost raped. Fortunately, the story of a hero saving the beauty happened to me, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me."

Shen Chuwei chuckled twice, "Then do you want to make a promise with your body?"

Concubine Xu showed a bit of shyness, and said coquettishly: "Don't talk nonsense, people are watching."

Jun Wuxian: "..." This person will know my existence, and you are still so blatantly whispering?
Shen Chuwei sneaked a few glances at the purple-clothed man on the opposite side, he looked more handsome from the front, and looked familiar.

"Who is he?"

Concubine Xu grabbed the small handkerchief and replied, "His name is Jun Wuxian."

Jun Wuxian shook his folding fan lightly, and when he looked at Shen Chuwei, he smiled slightly: "You don't recognize me?"

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes twice, and looked at Jun Wuxian suspiciously, "Do we know each other?"

Jun Wuxian reminded leisurely: "Two years ago, you gave me a piece of silver at the snack street in Yongqian City."

Shen Chuwei opened her eyes wide. After Jun Wuxian mentioned it, she also remembered it. She had long forgotten about such a short side.

Jun Wuxian looked at Shen Chuwei with a half-smile, "I remember, you called yourself Bai Xiaofei?"

Shen Chu smiled awkwardly. At that time, she just said casually, who knew that they would meet again here?
Jun Wuxian said again: "I didn't expect you to be the crown prince."

When Xiao Jinyan came up, he saw them talking and laughing, and he walked over with a sullen face.

Shen Chuwei watched Xiao Jinyan walking towards them step by step, thinking to himself, could Xiao Jinyan misunderstand?
Xiao Jinyan came over and pulled Shen Chuwei into his arms.

"How long did you ask me to wait?"

Shen Chuwei obediently did not dare to move, she raised her head and Xiao Jinyan explained: "Your Highness, wait a little longer, and the concubine and side concubine Xu will come down."

Concubine Xu was so guilty when she saw Xiao Jinyan coming, she was afraid that Xiao Jinyan would recognize Jun Wuxian as the man in black that night, what if someone was sent to arrest Jun Wuxian?
Jun Wuxian looked at Xiao Jinyan's actions, his intentions were so obvious that it was hard for people to ignore them.

Looking at Concubine Xu at the side, she was left out in the cold. Fortunately, she has a high level of awareness and wants to leave the palace, otherwise she will have to live in grievances in this life.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the man in purple in front of him. From his temperament and the calmness of his eyebrows, he could guess that he was not an ordinary kid from a rich family.

"Who is he?"

Concubine Xu hurriedly explained: "Your Highness, he is the concubine's savior, and his name is Jun Wuxian."

Xiao Jinyan also guessed that it was the purple-clothed man in front of him who rescued Concubine Xu, which also showed that the man in front of him was not weak in martial arts.

"This chivalrous man saved Concubine Xu, what reward do you want?"

"Saving people is just a matter of little effort, just treat it as thanks for the money given by the Crown Princess two years ago." Jun Wuxian looked at Shen Chuwei with a half-smile.

Shen Chuwei: "..." What did you mention me?
Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chuwei when he heard the words. Two years ago, Xiao Jiu had already entered the palace. When did he interact with Jun Wuxian?

Although I was puzzled in my heart, I didn't ask face to face.

After a few polite words, Xiao Jin led Shen Chuwei and Concubine Xu away.

Concubine Xu turned her head to look at Jun Wuxian frequently, she didn't know if she could see Jun Wuxian after this farewell.

Shen Chuwei saw Concubine Xu turning her head back, and she also looked back at Jun Wuxian, only to find that he was holding a folding fan and waving at them with a smile.

Xiao Jinyan noticed that Shen Chuwei looked back at Jun Wuxian with a sullen face, reached out to cover her eyes, and turned her head around.

"Walk without looking at the road, be careful when you fall."

Shen Chuwei explained: "The concubine didn't look at Jun Wuxian."

To Xiao Jinyan's ears, this is like saying that there is no 300 taels of silver here.

Concubine Xu was startled, and hurriedly looked away, feeling too guilty.

Before getting into the carriage, Shen Chuwei said to Concubine Xu: "I have already taught that scoundrel a lesson for you."

Concubine Xu asked curiously: "How did you teach me a lesson?"

"Broken some of his ribs."

Shen Chuwei's light words made side concubine Xu show her loving eyes, "Crown princess, you are too powerful."

Shen Chuwei was about to say a few words of modesty, when Xiao Jinyan's deep voice came from behind, "It's time to get on the carriage."

Concubine Xu saw Xiao Jinyan, no less than a mouse seeing a cat, "I'll go in first." After saying that, she immediately hid in the car.

Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan obediently into the carriage.

Xuetuan ate a fish and licked his paw in satisfaction.

Xiaobai just drank goat's milk, imitating Snowball, licking his little paws in style.

Shen Chuwei felt a little sleepy after eating and drinking, and was laying down after packing up, when she found Xiao Jinyan staring at her.

Today, I ate pork elbow in sauce, so it's not possible to get your face?
She touched her face, and it didn't feel greasy, but smooth and delicate.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Jinyan thought of Jun Wuxian's look at Shen Chuwei with deep meaning just now, "How did you and Jun Wuxian know each other?"


Babies, Happy Dragon Boat Festival.

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 Happy Dragon Boat Festival, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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