Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 446 Susu broke into the Golden Temple alone, the dragon and phoenix twins caught Zhou

Chapter 446 Susu Breaks into the Golden Palace Alone, Dragon and Phoenix Twins Catch Zhou (2)

Inside the Golden Temple
The emperor sat high on the dragon chair, listening to the fierce debate of the officials below, who had a headache for half an hour.

Today is Susu's first birthday banquet, a group of officials without eyesight, isn't this a delay in the next court?

Just when the officials were talking endlessly, the emperor slapped the dragon case angrily, and the officials were so frightened that they trembled, not daring to vent their anger.

Outside the Golden Temple
There is a small pink figure crouching on Danbi, with two small cockroaches tied on her head, and two small white fur balls hanging from the cockroaches, she is using her flexible limbs to climb up.

Ever since Susu could walk, the little Hehuan Temple couldn't hold her anymore.

Xuetuan brought her, no, she brought Xuetuan to the Golden Luan Palace.

The whole journey is unimpeded, because everyone in the palace knows that Susu is the emperor's darling, and they can come and go wherever they want.

Watching the little ancestor climb up the hundred-step ladder, the imperial guards were frightened away.

"Do you want to carry the little ancestor up?"

"What if the little ancestor cries?"

Susu doesn't recognize her birth and anyone can hug her without wearing a watch. Last time, they were on the errands. They saw the little ancestor running out of the East Palace. They stepped forward to hug her and tried to send her back, but the little ancestor was crying...

Xiaobai and Xuetuan followed Susu all the time, for fear that the little ancestor would accidentally step on the air, so they could catch her.

After Susu climbed up, she patted her knees with her small hands, and walked towards the Golden Luan Hall with her two short legs.

As soon as Xiaobai took two steps, he was stopped by the snow ball.

Xiaobai is four months old, and his body size is more than twice that of Xuetuan.With a look from Xuetuan, Xiaobai understood what it meant.

It can't go in with the little ancestor...

Susu held the door frame with her two white and tender hands, and stared curiously at the people in the room with her big flickering eyes. She didn't smile until she saw the emperor's grandfather on the dragon chair, and stepped over the threshold with her short legs. .

Inside the Golden Luan Hall, it was very quiet.

Susu grabbed the little fur ball on the padded jacket with one hand, and looked curiously at the ministers on the left and right as she walked.

The ministers all lowered their eyebrows and narrowed their eyes, and they saw a small figure in the center of the hall, walking over step by step.

The emperor's darling granddaughter, who played with Yuxi in her arms when she was three months old, who doesn't know her?

The Golden Luan Hall is a place where major national affairs are discussed, even if you are favored, how can you come and go as you please?
The emperor was in a rage, and the emperor's granddaughter came at an untimely time.

Susu didn't know what the civil and military officials were thinking, she tilted her head curiously and looked at the adults who bowed their heads in silence, then looked at the grandpa on the dragon chair, she happily ran over.

Seeing Susu, Eunuch Li hurriedly reminded the emperor, "Your Majesty, I'm here to find the princess."

The emperor was drinking the Quhuo tea brought by Eunuch Li. When he heard that Susu had arrived, he still didn't believe it. Susu was in the East Palace, which was quite far from the East Palace.

When he raised his head, he saw the little pink figure in the center of the hall, and was startled.

Watching the little pink figure walking up the golden steps step by step.

The emperor handed the teacup to Eunuch Li, got up and strode over, bent over to pick up Susu.

Susu hugged Grandpa Huang's neck happily, and shouted childishly, "Grandpa, Grandpa."

Susu didn't learn the word "grandpa" until recently. The word "grandfather" is a bit difficult, but the word "grandpa" is relatively easy.

The emperor laughed when he heard Susu calling his grandfather happy.

Hearing the emperor's laughter, the civil and military officials below were bewildered, and they also saw that the emperor turned his face faster than turning the pages of a book. He was still in a rage a second ago, and now he laughed heartily.

"Back to court." The emperor was happy, dropped two words, and walked out of the Golden Luan Hall with Susu in his arms.

When the emperor saw the white tiger and Xue Tuan at the door, he frowned. Forget about Xue Tuan, a cat is not afraid to keep it well.

However, a white tiger is also a pet for Susu, which is outrageous.

In two or three months, his body will double in size, so what if Susu gets hurt?
Seeing Xiaobai, Susu waved her little hand towards it, "Hoo hoo, hoo hoo..."

It was not the first time that the emperor heard Susu call Baihu Huhu, and he corrected him gently: "Susu, it's Huhu, Baihu."

Susu tilted her head, and repeated in a childish voice: "Hoo hoo, grandpa, hoo hoo."

The emperor laughed out loud when he heard the words. The princess said that it is normal for children to have inaccurate pronunciation of some words, and it will be fine when they are older.

"Grandpa Huang will take you to Grandma Huang, okay?"

Susu heard Grandma Huang was too excited, "Nai Nai."

Grandma's pronunciation is not as easy as grandpa's. Susu, who is only one year old, can't pronounce words clearly. The emperor also let her go, and walked to Fengyi Palace with Susu in his arms.

Xiaobai immediately followed up with four limbs.

Xuetuan turned around and went back to the East Palace.

At this time, Hehuan Hall
Shen Chuwei led people to rummage through the Hall of Hehuan, but they didn't see Susu's figure, so they could only expand the scope to the entire East Palace.

The guards and maids in the East Palace searched one by one, and at the same time alarmed the young masters in other palaces.

Chang Liangyuan was taking a walk outside, and seeing the people in the palace flustered, she asked Huaixiang, "What's going on outside? Such a big commotion?"

Huai Xiang said: "I heard that the princess is missing, everyone is looking for it."

Chang Liangyuan heard that the little princess was lost, and there was a smile in his eyes, "The one-year-old child is so wild, and I don't know why the emperor and queen like it so much?"

"I heard that the emperor has been looking forward to having a princess, but the concubines are not up to expectations. It just so happens that the princess gave birth to a little princess, and the emperor has a granddaughter. Naturally, he is happy." Huaixiang guessed.

Chang Liangyuan was very unwilling when she heard the words, she had been in the palace for so long and hadn't been in bed, and the emperor and empress didn't bother to ask.

If she waits in bed, she will definitely be able to give birth to a son and a daughter.

"It's cheap for the princess."

"My lord, the most important thing for us now is to serve the bed. Only after serving the bed will we have a chance to be as valuable as mother and child." Huai Xiang reminded.

"Of course I know the importance of serving the bed, but Your Highness won't come." When Chang Liangyuan said this, thinking of the method her mother said, it was useless to Xiao Jinyan at all, so she had to think of other ways.

Shen Chuwei led people to search around, but they didn't find Susu, but they found Taotao in the study.

Taotao was standing on a chair, holding a vermilion pen to write and draw, looking very decent.

Shen Chuwei looked at it, and couldn't help sighing, it really was Xiao Jinyan's son, who was so diligent at only one year old.

When she walked to the desk and saw what Taotao had drawn, she thought it was over, Taotao had caused trouble.

Leaving aside what Taotao painted with ghost symbols, the important thing is the paper.

The paper Taotao writes on is a set of calligraphy and painting, and it was given by someone else. Xiao Jinyan even praised the painting in front of her, indicating that she likes it very much.

Seeing Shen Chuwei coming, Taotao held up the vermilion pen in his hand, smiled happily, "Ma Ma."

Seeing her precious son smiling so happily, Shen Chuwei still told him the truth.

"Honey, you're done."

Taotao stared at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, not understanding the meaning of this sentence at all.

Shen Chuwei took her son down, took away the ink brush in his hand, put it back in its original place, and then looked at the calligraphy and painting. Even if she had supernatural abilities, she couldn't restore the painting to its original state.

While scrolling the painting scroll, she complained, "I'm such a big person, I don't pick up the painting after I finish it, hang it on the wall, and my son won't give it to me."

Taotao learned quickly, and learned a word in one sentence, "Ma Ma Huo Huo."

Shen Chuwei was amused, "Don't worry, my mother will protect you."

She didn't know how to calm down Xiao Jinyan~

After tidying up, Shen Chuwei took his son to wash his hands.

Chunxi trotted over at this time, "Master, Xuetuan is back, I haven't seen Susu and Xiaobai."

Shen Chuwei knew that Xuetuan and Xiaobai didn't leave Susu almost at twelve o'clock, and the three of them disappeared together when they disappeared suddenly.

Xuetuan came back, which means that Susu has found the person she was looking for, which can also make her feel at ease.

Last time Susu ran to find Xiao Jinyan by herself.

I don't know who Susu went to find today.

Shen Chuwei carried her son back to Hehuan Hall, and Xiao Jinyan came back from outside the palace. Seeing her holding her son, she said, "Taotao is already one year old, don't hold him all the time."

Although Shen Chuwei didn't like to hug his son, he was one year old and his weight was so heavy, it was tiring to carry him all the way back.

It's just that she doubted Xiao Jinyan's words?

"He's only one year old, why can't he be hugged?"

Xiao Jinyan felt that a boy would look very delicate if he hugged him all the time, relying on Shen Chuwei for everything, when would he be able to be alone?
You can't say that to Shen Chuwei.

"Taotao is one year old and weighs over 20 kilograms. Aren't you tired of holding her all the time?"

Shen Chuwei's heart warmed up, it was still her husband who cared about her.

"Your Highness is right."

Xiao Jinyan hugged Taotao in her arms, turned around and put it on the ground.

Tao Tao looked at Xiao Jinyan suspiciously.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the room, but did not see Susu, "Where is Susu? The birthday party is about to begin."

Shen Chu shrugged slightly: "Susu ran out by herself, I don't know if she went to find her father or mother, she might also go to her little uncle."

Xiao Jinyan has seen Susu's ability to find people. He is in the conference hall, Susu can find people, and he brought Xiaobai and Xuetuan with him.

"I don't know who Susu looks like, who loves to run around so much."

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine doesn't like to run, how nice is it to lie down after eating and drinking?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei, "I don't look like you at all in this."

At this moment, Qing Ying walked in and blessed them, "Your Highness, Crown Princess."

Shen Chuwei asked: "Is there something for Mother Qingying?"

Qingying said in a warm voice: "The empress asked the servants to come and get Susu's new clothes."

Shen Chuwei was a little surprised, "So Susu went to find her mother."

Qingying smiled and shook her head, "Susu went to Jinluan Hall to find the emperor, and the emperor carried Susu to find the queen."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

How far is the East Palace from the Jinluan Hall, and Susu actually walked such a long way to find the emperor's grandfather, which is enough to show how much the emperor loves Susu, so that Susu took the initiative to find him.

Because the emperor took Susu to the Golden Luan Hall several times~
Shen Chuwei asked Chunxi to fetch crispy new clothes for Aunt Qingying.

After Qingying left, Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan dressed up and took Taotao to the birthday party.

When I went, the things to catch Zhou had already been prepared.

The emperor held Susu and the queen came one step ahead.

The queen saw Shen Chuwei coming, and waved to her happily, "Crown princess, come quickly, bring Taotao over here, let Taotao and Susu catch Zhou together."

Shen Chuwei stepped forward and blessed Fushen, "Mother's Queen."

Xiao Jinyan came to the emperor and put the two babies on the table with him.

Shen Chuwei took out a box of strawberry cake from Chunxi's hand and placed it among a pile of items.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the box of strawberry cakes and asked Shen Chuwei, "Why put strawberry cakes?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "This is called not worrying about food and clothing."

Xiao Jinyan: "..." As a future princess, are you afraid that you will have nothing to eat or wear?
The queen looked at the two babies unhurriedly: "You can start now."

But the emperor said: "Wait, I also have something I want to let go."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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