Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 448 You Are the One Who Takes Advantage

Chapter 448 You are the one who took advantage~ After Xiao Jiu was rejected by His Royal Highness

Shen Chuwei held Xiao Jinyan's hand tightly, and said in an extremely serious tone: "Of course, isn't it now, isn't it tomorrow?"

The most important thing now is to divert attention. Only after hugging her can she continue to change the topic. Once you ask me and answer, you may forget calligraphy and painting.

It was rare for Xiao Jiu to be so active, Xiao Jinyan was not as happy as he was, so how could he refuse?
"My palace, it's up to you."

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, she opened her arms generously, waiting for Xiao Jinyan to hug her so that she could speak the next lines.

Xiao Jinyan looked calm and calm on the surface, but he was so excited in his heart, he bent down and hugged Xiao Jiu, and turned to walk to the bed behind the screen.

The unexpected princess hug made Shen Chu slightly stunned,... Princess hugs are also acceptable.

Her two hands that were suspended in the air silently changed to embrace Xiao Jinyan's neck, and stared at Xiao Jinyan without blinking.

"Your Highness, are concubines important?"

Shen Chuwei's eyes looked affectionate in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, "It's not heavy, it seems a little lighter."

Shen Chuwei secretly rejoiced that the tacit understanding between husband and wife had improved a lot, and Xiao Jinyan knew to follow her wishes.

"It seems that the concubine needs to eat more every day, so that His Highness can't dislike it."

Xiao Jinyan asked suspiciously: "Why does this palace despise it?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Didn't Your Highness say that you like concubines with sensuality? If you lose weight, you won't have sensuality."

Every time she went to bed, Xiao Jinyan said that her waist was so slender that one hand seemed to be able to cut it off.

When holding her, he said that she was too skinny, she would gain weight and feel more sensual.

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyan moved his eyes down from her face, sizing her up inch by inch. Xiao Jiu's figure was very clear to him. Although she was light in weight, her flesh grew where it should be. Soft as boneless.

Of course, if the meat is longer and rounder, the hand feel will be better.

"I don't dislike you at all, you are fine anyway."

Shen Chuwei said, "Your Highness speaks nicely now, but you may not be sure in the future."

"I'm not a sweet talker." Xiao Jinyan carried her to the bed, laid her flat on the bed, reached her waist with his hand, and untied the belt easily.

Shen Chuwei will find that the atmosphere is a bit ambiguous, Xiao Jinyan's actions are too familiar, and he just wants to do something to her.

In broad daylight...

"Little Nine."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly, and found that Xiao Jinyan was looking down at him, but his hand didn't intend to stop.

After being a husband and wife for so long, Xiao Jinyan knows her body too well, and understands her sensitive points more clearly.

It's easy to make her fall in love.

Chang Liangyuan came to the door of the study with her maid carrying sober soup, but was stopped by Liu Xi.

"Chang Liangyuan, His Royal Highness is busy, if there is anything wrong, I will let you know."

Chang Liangyuan pointed to the hangover soup in Huaixiang's hand and said: "Today is the grandson's first birthday banquet. I saw His Highness drank a lot of wine, so I brought the hangover soup. It won't take much time. Please pass it on to Eunuch Liu. One sound."

Liu Xi glanced at the hangover soup in Huaixiang's hand, and said kindly: "The Crown Princess is inside now, Your Highness and the Crown Princess are harmonious and loving, Chang Liangyuan should not go in and disturb her at this time."

The words are very clear, at this time His Highness and the Crown Princess are in love, who would dare to go in and spoil His Highness's good deeds?

Chang Liangyuan was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head to look at the closed carved door of the study, and realized the meaning of Liu Xi's words.

It's a good way to actually come to the study to seduce Xiao Jinyan in the clear sky.

Chang Liangyuan looked away, "If that's the case, then I'll go back."

Liu Xi smiled, "Chang Liangyuan, walk slowly."

Chang Liangyuan's expression immediately changed after turning around, Xiao Jinyan drank, anyone who came up to him could be at bedtime, Shen Chuwei really didn't miss any chance in order to occupy Xiao Jinyan.

Huaixiang persuaded in a low voice: "Master, don't be angry, we still have a chance."

Chang Liangyuan suppressed the jealousy in her heart and said, "My aunt's birthday is coming, it's a good opportunity."

Every time Shen Chuwei looks at Xiao Jinyan's handsome face, she feels that the biggest advantage she has gained from traveling through time is that she has a good-looking and devoted husband.

It would be even better if it could stay the same for a lifetime.

Sensitively, Shen Chu took the initiative to stretch out his arms to put his arms around Xiao Jinyan's neck, and raised his head to kiss him. When the affection is strong and affectionate, the French kiss can best set off the atmosphere at this time.

Now, not to mention that Xiao Jinyan doesn't remember that painting, even Shen Chuwei has forgotten his original intention of letting Xiao Jinyan hug him.

An hour later, Shen Chu fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes and stared at the sleeping person for a while, his eyes fell on her eyebrows, and there were still crystal clear teardrops hanging on the long eyelashes, every time he heard her kitten-like humming, he would be extremely excited.

He stretched out his slender fingers to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, then got up, covered her with the quilt, picked up the clothes and put them on slowly.

After getting dressed, he turned around and came to the desk in front of the screen, looked at the empty desk, turned his head and glanced at the bookshelf behind him, and saw a pair of unopened scrolls hanging on the wall next to the bookshelf.

Just by looking at it, he recognized it as a painting he had seen before leaving. He walked over, took down the painting, then returned to the desk, put the scroll on it, opened it bit by bit, and saw several Drops of ink, eyes paused.

He opened the scroll completely, and painted not only a few drops of ink, but a criss-cross pattern, which could be seen as a scribble at a glance.

Thinking about Xiao Jiu's actions just now, it was clearly preventing him from discovering the painting.

When Shen Chuwei woke up, she stretched contentedly. As expected, it was the best thing to wake up naturally after a sleep.

She slowly put on her clothes, walked out from behind the screen, and saw Xiao Jinyan sitting in front of the desk, she happily walked over.

"Your Highness, the concubine has gone back."

When Shen Chuwei was getting dressed, Xiao Jinyan knew it. He raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, pointed to the painting on the desk, and said faintly: "My concubine, please explain."

Shen Chuwei looked blankly in the direction of Xiao Jinyan's finger, and saw the calligraphy and painting of his precious son Huo Huo.

It was only then that she remembered that her purpose of coming to the study room was to make Xiao Jinyan forget about this painting, not to have sex with him.

Looking at Xiao Jinyan's cold face, one could tell that he was angry.

If it is said that his son did it, he might be punished and set up rules.

Shen Chuwei immediately put on a show, took out her handkerchief and pretended to wipe away the tears that did not exist in the corner of her eyes, and said aggrievedly: "Your Highness, is a concubine not as good as a calligraphy and painting?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jiu who was smiling just now and suddenly felt wronged. He pointed to the calligraphy and painting and said, "When did I compare you with calligraphy and painting? I am talking about business."

"Look, when the concubine came, His Highness didn't ask if the concubine was tired? Did you sleep well? He opened his mouth and asked how the painting was? Isn't it saying that the concubine is not as good as a painting? Your Highness will live with the painting." Bar!"

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she covered her face and ran out in aggrieved manner, not giving Xiao Jinyan a chance to speak.

Xiao Jinyan was stunned by Shen Chuwei's series of actions, and he didn't react until Shen Chuwei's figure disappeared at the door.

"...What did I say wrong?"

After Shen Chuwei ran out, she looked back and found that Xiao Jinyan hadn't chased him out, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she was fooled by herself.

After walking for a while, she looked back and found that Xiao Jinyan really didn't chase him out.

She acted so wronged and sad, Xiao Jinyan didn't care at all?Acting like a normal person and not chasing after him?
Shen Chu touched his face slightly, could it be that he is already old and pale?

Back in the Hall of Hehuan, Shen Chuwei took a modern mirror and looked up and down. The ancient bronze mirror was not as clear as the modern mirror.

Chunxi came in with her clothes in her arms, and saw Shen Chuwei sitting in front of the dressing table holding a mirror to look left and right. She walked over curiously, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Chuwei turned to look at Chunxi with the mirror, pointed to his face and asked, "Am I getting old?"

Chunxi couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard the words, "Master, how old are you, how old are you?"

"I also feel that I am not old." Shen Chuwei put down the mirror, with a sad expression on his face: "Then His Highness just likes the new and dislikes the old."

Chunxi found that something was wrong with Shen Chuwei, and asked worriedly: "Master, what's wrong?"

Shen Chuwei roughly explained what happened just now.

Chunxi was filled with righteous indignation: "Your Highness, too, knowing that the master is sad, why don't you coax him?"

Shen Chu said with disdain: "He doesn't coax me, I coax myself."

Chun Xi's heart ached instantly when she heard the words, "Master, that has wronged you so much, how do you want to coax yourself?"

Shen Chuwei raised two fingers, "I want two crystal elbows for dinner."

Chunxi stared at those two slender fingers for a few seconds.

Shen Chuwei felt that the two crystal elbows couldn't coax him at all, thinking that the ducks in the chicken coop had grown up.

"One more roast duck."

If it can make the master happy, no matter what he eats, Chunxi will certainly do it without hesitation, let alone crystal elbow and roast duck?

"...Okay, servant girl, let's get ready."

Chunxi asked the little rabbit to go to Xiyun Pavilion to catch a duck and slaughter it, and also to catch a fish to make sweet and sour fish.

For dinner, Xiao Jinyan didn't come over, and it's true that he likes the new and dislikes the old.

Shen Chu glanced at the delicious food on the table, all of them were her favorites, and it was Chunxi who knew her best, so she ate four bowls of rice with tears in her eyes.

Taotao and Susu are now eating independently, sitting in the baby dining chair, with food in front of them, including chopsticks and spoons.

The baby dining chair was a drawing drawn by her, and Qin Xiao asked a carpenter to make it custom-made.

Babies have a strong ability to imitate. When they see adults eating with chopsticks, they will learn to eat with chopsticks. Although the food is spilled everywhere, they still try to eat with chopsticks.

After dinner, the nannies took Taotao and Susu to take a bath.

After Shen Chuwei finished taking a bath, she put down the bed curtain and lay down in bed. Just as she was about to close her eyes, she heard the door opening and then footsteps. She subconsciously thought that it was Chun Xi who came in.

"Chun Xi, bolt the door outside the house after you go out."

Xiao Jinyan paused, and looked back at the door outside the house. If it wasn't him who came in, would he still be able to come in after the bolt was closed?
 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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