Chapter 450

"My lord, the ground is slippery, be careful."

With Huaixiang's support, Chang Liangyuan slowly came to Susu and stopped her.

"Susu, do you remember me?"

Susu grabbed the little fur ball on her body with her little hand, tilted her head and looked curiously at the adult in front of her.

Chang Liangyuan looked at Susu's silent expression, and continued to ask: "Why did you come out alone? Is no one following?"

Susu played with the little fur ball in her hand, and said in a childish voice: "Ma Ma, find Ma Ma."

Looking for Mama?What is it?
Chang Liangyuan stared at the little fur ball in Susu's hand. It was a decoration on the padded clothes. The fur ball was as white as snowflakes. She recognized at a glance that it was the little dress worn by the queen last month. The collar and cuffs of the dress were The fur loops are the extremely rare hair of the snow fox in Tianshan Mountain, which is a big tribute from the Canglang tribe. There are only a few in total, and they are all made into clothes for Susu.

And this little fur ball is also made of the fur of Tianshan snow fox, the tentacles are warm, and the hair is extremely soft.

Susu loves the two little fur balls on her body the most. She can play with them in her palms whenever she has nothing to do, and they can also warm her hands.

Chang Liangyuan stared at the snow-white and soft fur on Susu's body, and Shen's little face was pink and tender, especially pretty.

If you make fox fur or cotton clothes for her, it will definitely keep you warm and beautiful.

Xuetuan turned around and found that Susu hadn't followed, so he turned around and ran back, and when he saw Chang Liangyuan, he bared his teeth and yelled, "Meow."

Chang Liangyuan saw Xuetuan approaching. When facing Xuetuan, she was still a little scared. Then she looked at a rabbit and a rabbit behind Susu... after a careful look, she found that it was very similar to a tiger.

Chang Liangyuan has never seen a white tiger before, and with Susu's pet, it should not be a ferocious tiger, but a tiger-like cat.

Even so, Chang Liangyuan was taken aback and didn't react for a long time.

Susu held the fur ball in her little hand, and when she saw the snowball coming, she looked in the direction Shen Chuwei left, "Look for Mama."

As Susu said, she bypassed Chang Liangyuan and continued walking.

As soon as Susu left, Xiaobai and Yuangungun followed without hesitation.

Xuetuan stared at Chang Liangyuan for a while, then turned and followed.

Chang Liangyuan came back to her senses and found that Susu had left, she followed up unwillingly, "Susu."

Susu stopped and looked back at Chang Liangyuan suspiciously.

Chang Liangyuan looked left and right, it was cold today, and almost everyone stayed indoors, so there were almost no people in the garden.

Next to it is the lotus pond, because the temperature is too low and the lake has frozen.

She looked back at Susu, pointed to the lotus pond beside her and said, "Susu, look there are flowers over there, do you want to play?"

Although Susu can't speak long sentences, she can understand some grown-ups, such as do you want to play?
"I want to play." The baby's voice made people's hearts soften when they heard it.

Chang Liangyuan looked at Susu's cute appearance, and thought that it would be great if this was her daughter, then not only Xiao Jinyan would love her more, but even the emperor and empress would love her.

Unfortunately, this is Shen Chuwei's daughter.

Jealousy made Chang Liangyuan have vicious thoughts in her heart. She led Susu to the lake and asked Huaixiang to stand there watching the wind.

A sparrow on the ice seemed to be injured, flapping its wings and unable to fly.

Chang Liangyuan pointed at the sparrow and coaxed: "Susu, look there is a sparrow there, do you want it? I want to get it myself."

Children are very curious and playful, and Susu is no exception. When she saw the sparrow fluttering its wings, she pointed at the sparrow and said softly to Xuetuan: "Wo Yao, Tuan Tuan..."

Tuantuan refers to Xuetuan, because it is difficult to pronounce the word Xuetuan, so every time it is called Xuetuan, it means Tuantuan.

Xue Tuan looked at the sparrow on the ice, licked his lips, and walked over.

Susu was so excited when she saw it, her fingers were snowballed, and her big beautiful eyes smiled like crescent moons.

Seeing that Susu was standing still and had no intention of going down, Chang Liangyuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious, why would she fall into the lake if she didn't go down?

"Susu, can you go find Xuetuan?"

Susu tilted her head and stared at Chang Liangyuan for a while, then looked at Xuetuan again, and saw that Xuetuan had walked to the sparrow and was pushing the sparrow with her little claws, and immediately danced happily.

Chang Liangyuan: "..." What a fool, he can't even understand the words.

Chang Liangyuan had no choice but to coax Susu to walk onto the ice, but no matter how much she coaxed her, Susu just stood still, pointing at the snow ball and babbling without knowing what she was talking about.

In the end, Chang Liangyuan was also in a hurry. She looked around and saw no one. She stretched out her hand to push Susu, but the push was in vain. Her figure threw herself on the ice, her whole face was slammed hard, and her nose was crooked. .

Susu happily walked two steps forward, and successfully avoided Chang Liangyuan's pushing and shoving. Seeing Chang Liangyuan lying on the ice, she squatted down and stared at Chang Liangyuan curiously.

Chang Liangyuan's face was numb from the pain. Looking at the cold ice, she secretly rejoiced that the ice was not broken, otherwise she would have fallen into the lake.

Seeing Susu squatting down, pointing at herself with a fleshy finger, she smiled and said, "Climb, climb."

Susu thought that Chang Liangyuan was lying there because she wanted to crawl, because she could crawl when lying on the ground.

Chang Liangyuan rolled her eyes, and when she was about to get up with her hands on the ice, she heard a crisp "click", which made her face turn pale with fright.

That was the sound of the ice cracking.

Chang Liangyuan saw the cracks in the ice, but didn't care about anything else, "Huaixiang, come and save me."

Chang Liangyuan was about to cry, but Huaixiang didn't come over for a long time.

Xiaobai found something was wrong, opened his mouth to bite on Susu's sleeve, and walked aside. It walked very slowly, afraid that Susu would fall.

Just as Susu was taken away by Xiaobai, there was a "click" sound, and the ice cracked several times, and Chang Liangyuan fell into the icy lake unexpectedly.

"Help, help!"

Huaixiang, who was standing there letting the wind pass, turned around when she heard the cry for help and saw Chang Liangyuan falling into the lake, and ran over in fright.

"Little master, why did you fall into the lake?"

"Help me, save me..." Chang Liangyuan kept patting the surface of the lake, and when the icy lake water overflowed her head, she took a few mouthfuls of icy lake water.

Xiaobai bit the crisp sleeve and pulled her away.

Seeing someone falling into the water with a sparrow in its mouth, Xuetuan raised his head and swept around the bank. Seeing Susu standing there, he ran over with the sparrow in his mouth.

The sparrow was injured a little, and when it was caught by the snow ball, it thought that it was going to be the cat's meal, and it fainted from fright.

Seeing Xuetuan holding a sparrow in its mouth, Susu reached out to take the sparrow from Xuetuan's mouth, poked the sparrow's head with her small hand, and blew with her small mouth: "Hoo hoo..."

It's a pity that the sparrow who has fainted can't give Susu any response.

Susu's attention was all attracted by the sparrow, and Chang Liangyuan had long been forgotten. She held the sparrow in one hand and the fur ball in the other, and followed Xue Tuan to continue looking for Ma Ma.

Chang Liangyuan was rescued by passing guards. After being rescued, Chang Liangyuan was unconscious and cold all over. When she was sent back to Xinlan Palace, she had a persistent high fever.

Shen Chuwei looked at the chicken coop, chickens lay eggs, ducks lay eggs, ducks, after so long, there are more than one hundred chickens and ducks, the chicken coop is full, winter is okay, crowded is warmer
But in summer, with so many chickens and ducks crowded together, it would be too hot to die.

"Xiao Guizi, build a duck house next to the spring, and then separate the chickens and ducks."

"Master, this servant has written it down." Xiao Guizi happily replied.

After seeing the chicken coop, Shen Chuwei came to the vegetable garden and looked at the vegetables in the shed. They all grew very well. There were few insects in ancient times, and they didn't need pesticides. They belonged to real organic vegetables.

Susu followed the snow group for a long time before arriving at the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. Only Xiao Guizi and Guixiang looked at the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and the huge Xiaoxiang Pavilion seemed very empty.

Xuetuan jumped in neatly and went straight to the small vegetable garden.

Susu supported the door frame, raised her short legs to cross the threshold, and unsurprisingly sat down on the threshold because of her short legs, Susu was used to this.

After entering, Susu caught up with the snowball on her short legs.

Xiaobai and Yuan Gungun are like two guards, they even jumped into the threshold in unison.

When passing the chicken coop, Susu heard a "woo woo", stopped and looked over curiously, and then heard a "quack".

Susu heard the sound and ran over with two short legs, lying on the fence, and saw a lot of chickens and ducks inside from the gap in the fence, as if seeing something novel, she was reluctant to leave while lying on the fence.

Standing next to Susu, Xiaobai saw the chickens and ducks inside, so greedy that he almost salivated.

After Yuan Gungun came in, he ran into the small vegetable garden. When he saw a Chinese cabbage, he ran over neatly and gnawed it with his mouth open.

When Shen Chuwei came out of the shed, she told Chunxi, "Bring some more eggs back and make egg custard for the babies."

Chunxi was carrying a bamboo basket filled with fresh vegetables, and said happily when she heard this: "Young maidservant, go get the eggs now."

The eggs are delivered to Hehuan Hall by Xiao Guizi every day, so I will bring some back when I come today.

Chunxi walked happily to fetch the eggs.

Shen Chuwei didn't take a few steps and saw Xuetuan running towards him, and immediately had a bad feeling, Xuetuan followed Susu all day now, Xuetuan came, so Susu would come too?
As soon as he thought about it, he heard Chunxi shout, "Master, come quickly."

Shen Chuwei ran over with her skirt in hand, and saw a small pink figure standing beside the chicken coop, staring intently at the chickens and ducks, to be precise, at the little chickens and ducklings.

Seeing Shen Chuwei, Susu happily ran towards her, "Ma Ma, Ma Ma hug."

Shen Chuwei knelt down in front of Susu, "Susu, why are you here?"

Susu pointed at Xuetuan, and said in a childish voice, "Tuantuan, follow Tuantuan."

Xuetuan lowered his head and retreated to Xiaobai's side, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

In fact, there is no need for Susu to say, Shen Chuwei also knows that Xuetuan brought her here.

Susu held up the sparrow in her hand and showed it to Shen Chuwei, "Ma Ma, Mao Mao, Mao Mao."

Shen Chuwei looked at the sparrow in Susu's hand, and didn't know where the baby girl got it from. She took it over to check and found that it was not dead.

The daughter probably wanted to save the sparrow by herself.

Of course she couldn't let her daughter down, so she drew a silver needle. Under her medical skills, the sparrow woke up immediately, and the next second, it spread its wings and flew away.

The sparrow's wings were not injured, and it couldn't fly at first because its body was frozen. After being covered by Susu, its body warmed up all the way, and it flew away because it was afraid of being eaten by snowballs.

Susu opened her eyes wide to see the sparrow flapping its wings and flying to the sky, "Mama, Ash is gone."

Shen Chu smiled and boasted: "Baby saved the sparrow's life, it's great."

Susu stretched out her hand to hug, "Mama, hug."

Shen Chuwei picked up her daughter, seeing Xiaobai staring at the chicken coop, her saliva was almost drooling.

"Can't eat now."

Xiaobai was so wronged, "Aww."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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