Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 461 Surprisingly the same name, fancy Tanhualang?

Chapter 461 Surprisingly the same name, fancy Tanhualang?

Concubine Xu only told her this secret because she had a good relationship with Shen Chuwei. She couldn't say anything about the name Jun Wuxian.

After all, he had entered the palace countless times at night, which was enough for him to die n times.

Even so, she didn't want anything to happen to Jun Wuxian.

Shen Chuwei was puzzled and curious, "Feng Wuyou still has a nickname? What is it?"

Concubine Xu answered three words in a very low voice, "It's called Xiaojiu."

Xiao Jiu?

Shen Chuwei was stunned, this is too coincidental~

Although her nickname is not Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jinyan calls her Xiao Jiu now because she appeared in the dream.

As a result, Feng Wuyou's nickname is also Xiao Jiu?
No, they look a bit alike~
Forget it, wait for Xiao Jinyan to come back, don't let him call himself Xiao Jiu, just Wei Wei?Ah Wei?Micro?
It's all so dirty~
Anyway, I can't call Xiao Jiu anymore, it feels like calling someone else.

Shen Chuwei looked at Concubine Xu gulping down coke and eating meat, as if she couldn't eat anymore after leaving the palace~
Tao Liangyuan was confused, Feng Wuyou?Xiao Jiu?

"Once Concubine Xu leaves, I don't know when we will meet again."

"If there is any banquet in the palace, I can still enter the palace with my father or my brother, but the chances are too few." Concubine Xu was a little disappointed after she was proud, and she didn't know if she would have the chance once or twice a year.

If she married a woman, she would have no chance.

Shen Chuwei thought that she was a princess and would be a queen in the future, so Xiao Jinyan could just say it.

"It's okay, I can go out of the palace to play with you, or call you into the palace."

Concubine Xu laughed when she heard the words, "The Crown Princess is right, there will always be a way."

Everyone enjoyed their lunch.

There is always a banquet in the world, no matter how reluctant you are, you have to leave with a smile.

Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan go back together.

Tao Liangyuan showed envious eyes, "I'm so envious that you can go out of the palace. In this East Palace, there is really nothing to commemorate except for the princess and Taotao and Susu."

Concubine Xu grabbed Tao Liangyuan's hand, and said a little excitedly: "Then you should leave the palace too. Anyway, we don't have bed attendants, and His Highness only loves the Crown Princess alone. It's a waste of time to stay in the palace alone. Go out of the palace to find another lover."

This sentence happened to be heard by Song Qing who was passing by.

Song Qing would come to Hehuan Hall every day at this time to teach the emperor grandson how to write and write, as well as poetry and songs.

I didn't expect to hear the conversation between Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan.

When he went to Beijing to rush for the exam, he heard that the crown prince only favored the crown princess, so he thought it was just a rumor.

Now that I hear it with my own ears, I'm really shocked.

Concubine Xu found someone behind the tree, she yelled angrily, "Who's there?"

Song Qing had no intention of eavesdropping, but if she was found out, she stepped out generously and greeted her, "I have seen Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan."

Song Qing came to teach Taotao every day, Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan both knew about it, because they often came to Hehuan Hall to play, so they met Song Qing several times, and knew that he came to Hehuan Hall at this time to be on duty.

Seeing that it was Song Qing, Concubine Xu smiled and said, "So it's you, I thought someone was eavesdropping."

Song Qing blushed, "The next official just happened to pass by."

Tao Liangyuan stared at Song Qing for a while, met several times, and gave her a good impression. Song Qing is a Tanhualang, full of literati ink, and Tanhualang's appearance is naturally first-class.

"Tanhualang also came to teach the grandson of the emperor today?"

Song Qing lowered her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes: "Exactly."

Seeing that he kept his head down, Tao Liangyuan couldn't help but ask, "Why do you always keep your head down when you talk?"

Concubine Xu also stared at Song Qing curiously, and found that his head was indeed lowered all the time, especially after Tao Liangyuan said it, his head was even lower.

"You look up and talk."

"..." Song Qing: "The lower officials dare not."

Tao Liangyuan covered her lips and snickered, "Xu Concubine, don't make it difficult to find Hualang."

Concubine Xu said: "I just want to see how handsome Tan Hualang is, and I don't want to eat him? I will leave the palace later, but I won't be able to see him anymore."

Song Qing: "..."

Tao Liangyuan took Concubine Xu's hand and said, "Okay, let's go."

Concubine Xu didn't force her anymore, "Let's go."

Song Qing kept her head down the whole time, and didn't raise her head until they left. At this moment, Tao Liangyuan looked back, and their eyes collided.

The former immediately lowered his head, while the latter smiled slightly, looked away and left.

After a long time, Song Qing raised his head again and looked at Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan who had gone away.

Suddenly, she felt a little sympathetic to them. After entering the palace for such a long time, she has been alone in the vacant room, wasting a good time.

At the same time, he was a little surprised that the women in the palace would do anything to win favor, but they had a very good relationship with the most favored princess.

It's unbelievably good.

Song Qing looked away and walked into the prince's bedroom.

Since Xiao Jinyan left, Song Qing taught the emperor's grandson in the prince's bedroom.

As soon as Concubine Xu left, Hehuan Hall lost its excitement.

Tao Liangyuan came here much more diligently than usual.

Today, Shen Chuwei took the fruit to Taotao and Song Qing to taste, and took a rest by the way.

Tao Liangyuan happened to come over at this time, so she accompanied Shen Chuwei to the Prince's bedroom.

When I went there, Song Qing was teaching Taotao to write. As a Tanhua Lang, she not only has a brilliant literary talent, but also writes well.

Shen Chuwei was always afraid that his son's childhood would become boring because of Xiao Jinyan's strictness, so he discussed with Xiao Jinyan not to interfere with his son's childhood before the age of five.

However, like Xiao Jinyan, his son loves to learn. He liked to write and draw with a pen when he was one year old.

She heard from the queen that Xiao Jinyan was like this when he was a child, so he was already very good at a young age. The late emperor liked Xiao Jinyan's grandson very much.

Song Qing found that Shen Chuwei had come, and went forward to salute, "Prince Princess."

Then he saw Tao Liangyuan beside Shen Chuwei, and greeted him again, "Tao Liangyuan."

Shen Chu said in a warm voice: "Teaching for so long, let's rest first, let's eat some fruit together."

Song Qing nodded hurriedly.

Shen Chuwei came to his son and glanced at the characters on the rice paper. After Song Qing had taught him n times, the characters for Tian, ​​although crooked, were not bad for a one-year-old child.

"Tao Tao's writing is great, want to go out and play with my sister for a while?"

Thinking of her younger sister, Taotao nodded vigorously, "Yes."

Shen Chuwei held his son's hand while walking and said, "I have prepared delicious food for you, you and your sister will eat together."

Tao Liangyuan looked at Taotao, looked down at the writing on the paper, and couldn't help boasting: "The grandson of the emperor is so smart, he can write when he is just over one year old."

Song Qing couldn't help agreeing, "The grandson of the emperor is very talented. It's really rare to be so smart at such a young age."

Tao Liangyuan raised her head to look at Song Qing when she heard the words. At this time, Song Qing did not lower her head, and her eyes collided with each other again, both of them were shocked.

Song Qing hurriedly withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and narrowed her eyes.

Tao Liangyuan was stunned for a moment, and found that Song Qing would immediately lower her head every time she met someone's gaze, as if embarrassed.

In fact, she knew that it was in awe.

She knew why and asked: "Tan Hua Lang, you seem to be afraid of me?"

Song Qing replied: "The lower officials have not."

Tao Liangyuan said again: "Since you're not afraid, why do you always keep your head down? Those who don't know think you've done something wrong."

Song Qing was speechless for a while, so she continued to lower her head.

Seeing that he was silent, Tao Liangyuan took two steps forward, and asked in a warm voice, "I heard that Tanhualang's handwriting is excellent. I wonder if I'm lucky enough to see it?"

Song Qing couldn't refuse, so she nodded and said, "It's my honor to be an official."

As he spoke, he walked slowly to the desk, picked up a vermilion pen and dipped it in ink, and wrote a poem on the rice paper.

Tao Liangyuan watched from the side, and couldn't help sighing, "Good word."

Song Qing responded modestly: "Tao Liangyuan praises you."

Tao Liangyuan stared at Song Qing for a while, she was really a scholar, she smelled of books all over her body, and she was used to the smell of copper, but she didn't smell the slightest smell of copper on Song Qing.

When Shen Chuwei and Taotao came out, they found that Susu, who had been playing in the yard, had disappeared.

She looked left and right, and found that Xiaobai had also followed, and Xuetuan had been following Taotao.

Could it be that Susu ran out again?

ps Babies ask for monthly ticket support!

Regarding the nickname, it can also be regarded as paving the way for the identity of the heroine
 Good night, babies!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! !

(End of this chapter)

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