Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 474 Helping My Sister To Steal A Man... You Are Not Alone With Jun Wuxian

Chapter 474 Helping My Sister To Steal A Man... You Are Not Alone With Jun Wuxian
Xu Changfeng met Song Qing twice. Although he was a frail scholar, he had a pretty face, otherwise he wouldn't be a good candidate.

The point is, not only is she good-looking, but also tall and slender, a little thin, gentle and refined, she is the best candidate for a sister-in-law.

Xu Qingqing had met Tanhua Song Qing before, she was handsome and well-known, and when she heard that Tanhua was on a blind date, she couldn't help being a little curious.

Just when Xu Qingqing was curious, Xu Changfeng grabbed her arm, pushed the private room next door and went in.

The people inside were talking about Shenghuan, but they were interrupted by the sudden sound of the door opening, and all four looked at the door with doubts.

The prime minister recognized at a glance that they were General Xu's son and daughter, and he said with a half smile: "Isn't this Mr. Xu? Why are you so rude?"

Xu Changfeng naturally heard the sarcasm in the prime minister's words, he smiled slightly, "I had some wine just now, and I went to the wrong door."

He glanced at Tanhua and the prime minister's two daughters in the private room, and said with a smile on his face: "These two are the prime minister's daughters, right? Rumor has it that Ling Qianjin's appearance is not good, and her appearance is mediocre. Seeing is worse than hearing... ...It's much better than the rumors, and I can still meet people."

If Shen Chuwei was there, he would find that Xu Changfeng's smothering skills were twice as powerful as Xu Qingqing's!
When he was said to his face that his daughter's appearance was poor, the prime minister's face immediately sank. When he saw Xu Qingqing beside Xu Changfeng, he smiled and said, "Mr. Match? If you don't match again, you will be too old."

Xu Changfeng glanced at the prime minister's two daughters, and smiled instead of anger: "Master Prime Minister is joking, my sister looks a little more delicate than the other daughters."

The prime minister clenched his fists angrily, but he restrained himself from getting angry. The Xu family's power is there, and tearing his face will not do him any good.

Just as the prime minister and Xu Changfeng were fighting each other, Xu Qingqing came to sit down beside Song Qing, and greeted Song Qing with a smile, "Song Tanhua, I haven't seen you for three months. How are the princess and Taotaosusu?"

After being out of the palace for three months, what Xu Qingqing misses most is them. If she had known that she would be blind dated so desperately at home, she might as well stay in the palace for a few months.

Song Qing originally wanted to leave with a few perfunctory words, but she didn't expect to meet Concubine Xu here, no, it should be Xu Qianjin.

"The crown princess is fine, and so are the emperor's grandson and the little princess."

"It's good that they are well. Unfortunately, I can't enter the palace at will now. I want to see them but I can't see them." Xu Qingqing realized that she missed them even more when she saw Song Qing, because Song Qing could visit the Crown Princess and the others every day.

"By the way, I will buy some food later, and you will give it to them when you enter the palace tomorrow. The princess likes to eat tea fruits, meat pies, shortbread, etc. Freshly out of the pan are delicious."

Xu Qingqing thought for a while, and suggested: "Before you enter the palace tomorrow, wait for me on the street, and I will buy fresh ones for you to bring into the palace."

Song Qing nodded briskly, "Okay."

The prime minister looked at the two people in front of him chatting with each other, his face sank, and he actually seduced his future son-in-law in front of him?How could there be such a thick-skinned woman in the world?
The prime minister was about to remind Xu Qingqing that this was his daughter's blind date with Song Qing, when she heard Xu Changfeng say: "Song Tanhua, you and my sister are quite chatting, how about eating and drinking together tomorrow?"

Xu Changfeng accompanied his younger sister on several blind dates, and this was the first time he saw her chatting with a man like this. Most likely, he fell in love with Song Tanhua.

The prime minister asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean by that?"

Xu Changfeng replied very politely: "Literally."

Just when the prime minister was about to get angry, the door of Yajian opened.

The moment the door opened, everyone looked at the door together, and when they saw King Yu, they were stunned for a moment.

Xiao Jinyu was taken aback when he saw a room full of people. If he hadn't seen the prime minister and Song Qing, he would have suspected that he had gone wrong.

He came this time on purpose to disturb Huang's blind date by using the wrong door.

Xu Changfeng was the first to react, and stepped forward to salute: "King Yu."

The people in the private room also reacted and stood up to salute.

"King Yu."

Xiao Jinyu walked in, waving a folding fan, looked at the people in the private room again, saw two strange young women, it was not difficult to guess that they were the prime minister's daughter.

His appearance is very flat, and his figure is also very flat.

That's it, is he still needed to stir up pornography?People who are a little bit demanding on appearance can't look down on them, okay~
Xiao Jinyu coughed lightly: "This king went wrong, what are you doing?"

The prime minister was a little embarrassed to say that his daughter was on a blind date with Song Tanhua.

Just two seconds after the prime minister hesitated, Xu Changfeng answered, "King Yu, the prime minister is going on a blind date for his own daughter. I am afraid that Song Tanhua will not like it, so I brought both daughters. If one fails, there is still a chance." One, unfortunately..."

Don't say anything later, everyone understands what it means.

The prime minister's angry face was darker than the bottom of the pot, and it was difficult to say anything in front of King Yu.

Xiao Jinyu naturally understood the meaning of Xu Changfeng's words. He raised his folding fan, afraid that he couldn't help laughing.

"Prime Minister, how is the Prime Minister?"

The prime minister squeezed out a slight smile: "There is no result yet."

"Oh." Xiao Jinyu nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Xu Changfeng again, "Why is Mr. Xu here?"

The prime minister sneered in his heart when he heard the words, and finally let him seize the opportunity, and rushed to answer: "Mr.

Xu Changfeng rolled his eyes at the prime minister, and he was not afraid of slipping his tongue even though he was old.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qing took two steps forward, "King Yu, Your Excellency Prime Minister, I have something else to do, so let's go ahead."

The prime minister wanted to keep Song Qing to continue discussing marriage matters, but Xiao Jinyu preempted him, "You go back first, we have time to drink together someday."

Song Qing responded and withdrew.

The prime minister watched Song Qing leave, and the blind date he had finally arranged was ruined just like that.

Seeing that Song Qing had left, Xiao Jinyu didn't need to stay any longer, and left with a folding fan.

Xu Qingqing chased after her, "King Yu."

When Xu Changfeng saw his younger sister going after King Yu, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, didn't he, did he fall in love with King Yu again?

He chased out with doubts.

In the private room, only the prime minister and his daughter were left, angry with liver pain.

Xiao Jinyu found someone calling him, and when he turned around, he saw Concubine Xu, it was Xu Qianjin...

"What's the matter with you calling me the king?"

Xu Qingqing didn't beat around the bush, "I just miss the princess, can you bring them out to play?"

"This is a little difficult. If the king brings his sister-in-law out to play privately, the prince's brother will be angry." In fact, Xiao Jinyu also has this idea. The babies have not come out to play, but it is difficult.

Xu Qingqing was a little disappointed, "Well, I just miss the princess."

Xiao Jinyu thought for a while and said: "When the prince's brother comes back, I guess he will take his sister-in-law out to play, and then you can meet."

Xu Qingqing said: "It's the only way."

After Xiao Jinyu walked away, Xu Changfeng came over, "Prince Yu looks handsome and has a good figure. Although he has two side concubines, he has no main concubine. If my sister really likes it, it would be nice for my father to marry me as Princess Yu."

After hearing this, Xu Qingqing felt like being struck by a bolt of lightning. She turned her head and stared at Xu Changfeng, "Brother, what are you talking about? Why do I like King Yu?"

Xu Changfeng thought that his sister was embarrassed, so he smirked and said, "You don't like it, but you still chase him? You still treat me as an outsider?"

Xu Changfeng is one year older than Xu Qingqing, and they have a good relationship. Xu Qingqing will tell Xu Changfeng about anything.

Xu Qingqing couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Xu Changfeng, "I just miss the Crown Princess, the relationship between Prince Yu and the Crown Princess is very good, I'll just ask."

Xu Changfeng immediately reacted, "I see, you like Song Tanhua, right? Just now I saw you took the initiative to talk to him, and you were very happy. Sister, don't worry, Song Tanhua is our Xu family's prospective son-in-law, my prospective brother-in-law. "

Xu Qingqing: "..." Where's your brain when you hate someone?
She held Xu Changfeng's arm and said, "I don't like him either."

Xu Changfeng was stunned, "You don't like Tanhua either, so what do you like? It can't be like the prince, right? It's really hard to find a man as amazing and talented as the prince in this world."

Xu Qingqing said helplessly: "In the beginning I liked the prince. After all, he is the most beautiful man in Daxia. Who wouldn't fall in love after seeing him? But I don't like him now."

Xu Changfeng knew the reason for his sister leaving the palace, that is, the crown prince didn't like his sister, so he heard her sister was so disappointed and thought she was sad.

He comforted: "Sister, it's useless to be handsome. The man who loves my sister like me is the best destination. It's okay if you don't like Tanhua. Isn't there a second place? Okay, I'll make an appointment to meet him some other day."

Xu Qingqing retorted: "Who says it's useless to be handsome? That affects the value of the next generation." She pointed to her head and said: "There is also an IQ, and we need to find a smart man."

Xu Changfeng was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand his sister's brain circuit, "Tanhua is both talented and beautiful, why don't you like it?"

Xu Qingqing said: "So what about being both talented and beautiful, and there's more to liking than that."

Xu Changfeng: "..." Just now I said to have both talent and appearance, but now I feel that both talent and appearance are not enough...

Xu Qingqing blinked her almond eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, if I'm so picky, will I really not be able to get married?"

Xu Changfeng asked back, "What do you think?"

Xu Qingqing thought of Jun Wuxian, if she couldn't marry him in this life, what a pity would it be?

"It's too lonely to be alone. If I marry the person I don't like, I will regret it."

Xu Changfeng patted his sister on the back reassuringly, "My sister has grown up."

Xu Qingqing said: "Then I'll wait."

She and Jun Wuxian haven't seen each other for more than half a year. If Jun Wuxian doesn't come to find her, then... find someone who is pleasing to the eye to marry, otherwise it will be too lonely.

"Let's go, brother will take you to eat something delicious." Xu Changfeng took his sister to the pastry stand.

Wangcai reminded like a dog's leg: "Master, isn't that Xu Qianjin? I heard that today I have a blind date with the new champion."

(End of this chapter)

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