Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 476 Relying on Shen Chuwei to transfer luck, go to Mobei to save her husband

Chapter 476 Relying on Shen Chuwei to transfer luck, go to Mobei to save her husband
The emperor ordered after hearing the words: "Let him in quickly."

"Here." After Eunuch Li bowed out, Lu Zhaoyan came in from outside.

Before Lu Zhaoyan saluted, the emperor couldn't wait to ask: "Lu Aiqing, what's the deal?"

Lu Zhaoyan stepped forward and bowed to salute, "Your Majesty, from the hexagrams, I can see that His Royal Highness is in danger now. I have been watching the stars all night and night, and there are no stars around Ziwei Xing. I can't judge whether it is bad or good. I still can't tell." The approximate location where His Royal Highness is now."

The emperor frowned when he heard the words: "That means the prince's life may be in danger at any time? Can't you be more specific?"

Lu Zhaoyan feels that he is already very powerful, and he has reached the general position, and it is easier to find it, so it is more specific... He is not a fairy~
"Your Majesty, my minister's abilities are limited, so I can only count them."

The emperor also knew that Lu Zhaoyan was good at stargazing at night, and he probably knew a little about divination. The most important thing now was to send someone to Mobei to look for the prince.

"I'm sending people to Mobei now."

Lu Zhaoyan suggested: "Your Majesty, I suggest that the Crown Princess follow along."

The emperor heard the words and asked: "What's the use of a weak woman like the Crown Princess going to Mobei? Mobei is extremely dangerous, so it's not appropriate."

Lu Zhaoyan explained: "Your Majesty, the Crown Princess is a person of good fortune, and she can ward off some disasters for Your Highness."

In the past three days, Lu Zhaoyan not only made a fortune for Xiao Jinyan, but also for Shen Chuwei. Combining with the astrology, he came to the conclusion that Xiao Jinyan's fortune still depends on Shen Chuwei.

It was the first time for the emperor to hear that the crown princess was blessed and could prevent disasters. He thought that the crown princess gave birth to twins, which was a rare auspicious omen in a hundred years.

"Is this what you figured out too?"

Lu Zhaoyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "Exactly."

Originally, the prince's disappearance had been kept from the crown princess, so this meeting not only had to tell the crown princess, but also let the crown prince go with him.

The emperor told the queen about it.

The queen looked puzzled, "The princess is just a weak woman, what should I do if I encounter danger when I go to Mobei? Lu Zhaoyan must have made a mistake, right?"

The emperor said: "Lu Zhaoyan will not easily say things that are not sure. Since Lu Zhaoyan said that the princess is a person with good fortune, there should be a basis for it."

"...However, the concubine is still a little worried. The princess is so delicate. When the concubine goes to visit Susu, she often asks her father where she is and when she will come back. It takes a few days to go to Mobei. Tao Tao and Susu cannot be separated from the princess."

When the queen thought of Susu crying to be numb, she would feel distressed.

The emperor paused when he heard the words, and said: "It's about the safety of the crown prince, and the crown princess still has to go to Mobei."

The queen naturally knew how important the safety of the prince was, but she was still very worried about letting the princess go to Mobei.

At this time, Hehuan Hall
Shen Chuwei ate the pastries that Xu Qingqing bought, and watched Susu sitting on Xiaobai's body. Xiaobai's body had grown a lot in the past three months, and became much stronger.

After practicing many times, Susu could finally sit firmly on Xiaobai's back, holding Xiaobai's fur with her two little hands, and happily shouted "drive..."

Xiaobai is very docile in front of Susu, in order to prevent Susu from falling, she walks very steadily.

When the emperor and queen came, they saw Susu on the back of the tiger, and they were startled immediately. Since raising Xiaobai, the emperor had been worried, for fear that Xiaobai would hurt Susu.

Xiaobai is a tiger and a beast, with blood, not so easy to tame.

The emperor strode over, hugged Susu on the tiger's back, and then pushed back a few steps.

Susu raised her head and saw Grandpa Huang, hugged Grandpa Huang's neck happily, and smacked that handsome face, "Grandpa."

When the emperor saw Susu's healing smile, his troubles seemed to be swept away, and he laughed heartily.

"Susu, you can't sit on the back of a tiger, it's easy to fall over."

Susu said seriously: "Grandpa, Huhu is very good."

When Shen Chuwei saw the emperor and empress coming, she hurriedly stepped forward to bless her, "Father, empress."

The queen stepped forward to support Shen Chuwei, "Get up."

The emperor said: "Go in and talk."

After entering the room, the emperor and queen sat on the throne.

Susu hasn't seen the emperor's grandpa for a long time, and she is currently lying in the emperor's arms.

Chunxi brewed three new cups of tea and placed them in front of the emperor, empress, and Shen Chuwei respectively.

Shen Chuwei sat on the chair. She just ate the pastry and felt thirsty. She picked up the tea cup and passed it to her lips to blow on it, and took a few sips to quench her thirst.

The queen and the emperor looked at each other, then looked at Shen Chuwei, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Crown princess, I and the emperor are here today, and I have something to tell you about the prince."

When Shen Chuwei heard that it was about Xiao Jinyan, he stopped drinking tea, feeling a bad premonition vaguely in his heart.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?"

"The prince fell off a cliff and disappeared..."

Before the queen finished speaking, there was a "bang", and the teacup in Shen Chuwei's hand shattered, and the tea splashed everywhere, still steaming.

The hot tea splashed on Shen Chuwei's instep, causing her to stand up in pain.

Seeing this, the queen hurriedly stood up and supported Shen Chuwei, seeing that her embroidered shoes were soaked through, and ordered: "Come here, please ask the imperial doctor."

Chun Xi called the imperial doctor.

The toe of the injury that Wen Yuwen showed was already red, and after applying the ointment, Wen Yuyi withdrew.

Shen Chuwei also didn't care about the injury on his feet, raised his head to look at the queen, and asked urgently: "Queen mother, what happened to him, Your Highness? Why did he fall off the cliff? Has he been found?"

No wonder there was no letter from home for so long, it turned out that something happened.

The queen knew she would be worried when she told Shen Chuwei, so she burned her feet when she said it, how painful is it for Hong Cheng?
She reassured: "I don't know the specific situation yet, but don't worry too much, Lu Aiqing has already figured it out. Although the prince is in danger now, as long as he is found in time, he will be fine."

When Shen Chuwei heard that she was in a dangerous situation, her heart skipped a beat. In her heart, Lord Lu is a fortune teller, and a dangerous situation must be extremely dangerous.

"My son is going to Mobei to find His Highness."

The queen was taken aback when she heard the words, and she and the emperor looked at each other in surprise.

Shen Chuwei saw that the emperor and empress were silent, and thought they would stop her, so she said firmly, "Father, empress and mother won't let my son go? My son is worried about His Highness, Mo Bei must go."

The emperor said: "I came this time to tell you to go to Mobei. Lu Aiqing said that you are a blessed person and can help the prince."

Shen Chuwei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as long as he can let her go, "I'm going to pack my luggage."

The queen pressed Shen Chuwei who got up, "There will be time to clean up later, the emperor will send another general to accompany him, and we need to discuss and discuss."

Shen Chuwei could not wait to set off right away, but now it was about Daxia's border defense, which was not a trivial matter, so she had no choice but to hold on to her urgency.

"Then when are we leaving?"

The queen said: "The soonest it will be the day after tomorrow."

Shen Chuwei heard the words, no wonder the queen said that it would be too late, and she would leave the day after tomorrow.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Jinyan at this time.

After the emperor and the empress left, Shen Chuwei went to pack his luggage non-stop.

Chunxi felt a little distressed when she saw it, "Master, please rest for a while, and this servant will pack your luggage for you."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at Chunxi, his eyes were red at some point, and the crystal tears were rolling, as if the embankment would burst in the next second.

"Chun Xi, will your Highness be all right?"

Chunxi has been serving Shen Chuwei for several years, but why has she ever seen her master's eyes turn red?She didn't even cry when she was framed by Chang Liangyuan and imprisoned.

Shen Chu blinked her beautiful eyes slightly, tears ran across her cheeks, and fell as if she didn't want money.

Chunxi panicked immediately, and hurriedly took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears on her cheeks while comforting: "Master, Your Highness will be fine."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, but the tears never stopped.

"He promised me that he would take me out of the palace to eat delicious food when he came back. He can't say nothing."

Susu lay on the door frame, seeing the concubine mother crying so sadly, she threw herself into the concubine mother's arms with her short legs, hugged her thigh, and started crying too.

"Mama, don't cry."

Shen Chu looked down at his precious daughter slightly, saw her crying, and hugged her into his arms distressedly, "Mother and concubine didn't cry, it's just that there was sand in her eyes."

Shen Chuwei didn't expect that the bad reason in the TV series would be used by her one day, but her daughter was crying so sadly, how could she be willing?

Susu took out a small handkerchief from her satchel, and while wiping the tears on the mother's cheeks, she choked up and said, "Ma Ma, don't cry."

Shen Chuwei looked at her daughter so sensible, and it would be too ignorant for her to cry any more, so she stopped crying suddenly.

Xiao Jinyan is just missing, why is she crying?
Those who didn't know thought she was crying.

Miraculously, Susu also stopped crying suddenly, hugged the concubine mother's neck, and kissed her desperately.

"Haha, haha..."

Shen Chu touched his daughter's face slightly, and said with a smile: "Susu is my sweet little padded jacket, but I'm going out for a while, you stay in Hehuan Hall obediently, you can live with Grandma Huang if you want."

Susu couldn't understand what the concubine mother said, but felt that the concubine mother was going to leave her, so she immediately hugged the concubine mother's neck, "Mama, hold the baby."

Shen Chuwei hugged her daughter tightly, raised her head and looked at Chunxi, "You can just pack up some clothes you wear every day, and pack up the few sets of men's clothes that His Highness gave me."

"Your servant knows." Chunxi got up and went to the closet, opened the door, and took out the clothes one by one.

Shen Chuwei went out with her daughter in her arms, and saw Xiao Jinyu walking in.

"Sister-in-law, why are you crying? Who bullied you?" Xiao Jinyu was a little indignant when he saw Shen Chuwei's eyes were red, obviously crying.

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "It's nothing, I'm just worried about Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyu asked: "What's wrong with the prince brother?"

Shen Chuwei thought that Xiao Jinyu knew about Xiao Jinyan's fall and disappearance, but judging by Xiao Jinyu's reaction now, he probably didn't know?

Xiao Jinyu couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "Tell me, what's wrong with the prince brother?"

Shen Chuwei was a little hesitant, "...Your Highness, something happened in Mobei. During the time I go to Mobei, you should come and accompany Susu."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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