Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 478 Finally realized that the body is delicate ~ Susu can't find Mama anymore

Chapter 478 Finally realized that the body is delicate ~ Susu can't find Mama anymore

The corn is fresh, so she wrapped each one with plastic wrap and put them in the fresh-keeping storage room in the space.

The sweet potatoes were planted last year. Xiao Guizi took them out of the cellar in the afternoon, packed them in bags and put them in the space.

Thinking that Xiao Jinyan likes to eat eggplants with minced meat, ants climbing trees, siu mai, etc., she went to the vegetable garden to pick hundreds of eggplants.

Ten catties of peppers were also picked.

It didn't take long for her to pick almost all the vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Fortunately, the vegetable garden in Xiaoxiang Pavilion has been expanded, enough for Chunxi and the babies to eat.

Early the next morning, Shen Chuwei put on the red men's suit and tied a high ponytail.

Chunxi slightly painted two petals on Shen Chu's forehead, even if it was men's clothing, she still wanted her master to look beautiful.

Although Shen Chuwei is the mother of two children, her delicate little face looks like a boy of about 15 years old, and the flowers on the painting are not obtrusive.

Daxia Guizi was popular in painting drop-shaped flower tines when he was young, just like men in a certain dynasty were popular with hairpin flowers.

So Shen Chuwei didn't stop Chunxi from drawing two petals.

Shen Chuwei dressed up and went to the children's room, looking at her sleeping son and daughter, she was very reluctant, but Xiao Jinyan was right, no matter how reluctant they would have their own family after all, and they would stay together for a lifetime people.

Taotao and Susu are pampered by the emperor and empress, so she feels more at ease.

"Goodbye, babies, mother and concubine will return safely with your father and king."

Shen Chu lowered his head slightly and kissed each of his son and daughter's foreheads before going out with the snow ball in his arms.

Qin Xiao took out the salute early in the morning.

Because of the long distance, both General Xu and Xiao Jinyu chose to ride horses, but prepared a carriage for Shen Chuwei.

The emperor and empress came to see them off in person.

Xiao Jinyu's two side concubines also came to see him off.

Xiao Jinyu was reluctant to part with his daughter-in-law in the first place, but seeing his daughter-in-law coming to see him off, he wished he could take her to Mobei together.

"Ayan, I'm leaving. You've lost a lot of weight recently. There are many old hens in the sister-in-law's chicken coop, which are the most nourishing. You can ask someone to grab some stewed ginseng to eat."

Miss Han nodded, "I've made a note, the hen stewed soup at the Crown Princess' place is indeed better."

What Xiao Jinyu didn't know was that the chickens and ducks in the chicken coop were fed with spiritual spring water, and the meat was more tender and delicious. People who ate chickens and ducks fed with spiritual spring water could also eliminate a small amount of toxins from the body.

Wan Xin stood aside, looking at the two people who looked like a loving couple in front of her, but she didn't realize that she was the side concubine.

Miss Han grabbed Xiao Jinyu's hand, with a hint of reluctance in her eyes, "Remember to come back early."

Xiao Jinyu smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I have a lovely wife waiting for me at home, I am reluctant to stay outside for a long time."

"..." Miss Han: "... poor mouth."

Xiao Jinyu smiled and didn't care. When she turned to leave, Wan Xin hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Jinyu's sleeve, "My lord."

Xiao Jinyu stopped, and when he heard the voice, he knew it wasn't his wife. Ah Yan's voice was not so soft.

He looked back suspiciously and saw Wanxin. He had always felt a little guilty about Wanxin, because he married her and entered the house and stayed alone all the time.

"What's up?"

Wan Xin took out the safety blessing from her arms and handed it to Xiao Jinyu, her tone was gentle and somewhat reluctant.

"It's the first time for the prince to go to the battlefield. Although I have never been to the battlefield, I know that the battlefield is extremely dangerous. I am very worried about the prince, so I embroidered a safety talisman for the prince overnight, so that I can pray for the prince's safe return."

Xiao Jinyu bowed his head to the peace talisman in front of him, which was sewn with red cloth. The three characters of the safety talisman were embroidered with gold thread. He could tell even if he didn't know female celebrities, the embroidered characters were very good.

He took the peace talisman from her hand and said, "Thank you."

Wan Xin was stunned for a moment by such a foreign word. She tightly held the handkerchief in her hand, and said with a smile: "Why does the prince still say thank you to the concubine? This is what the concubine should do. The prince can return safely." , is my greatest wish."

Xiao Jinyu said: "It's rare for you to be so kind. When the king comes back, I promise you..."

Wan Xin was a little excited when she heard the words, the prince finally saw her sincerity, and wanted her to be a legitimate side concubine?

Xiao Jinyu looked at Wanxin, and then continued: "Maybe you go back to Grandma Huang and choose a lover."

Wan Xin was stunned, as if she didn't believe that Xiao Jinyu would say this.

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her mother, leaving only Wan Xin who was still in a daze.

The queen took Shen Chuwei's hand, and gave thousands of orders.

"Crown princess, you should be more careful when you go out. People are sinister. You are so beautiful that you are easy to be targeted by those who want to. You should always have someone to protect you, you know?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "Mother, son, remember, isn't son wearing men's clothes? The chance of meeting a pervert will be very low."

The queen said again: "It's always good to pay attention to some things, don't go to dangerous places."

Shen Chuwei said: "I will always remember my mother's teachings."

This was Xiao Jinyu's first time traveling far away, and the queen was not only worried but also very reluctant.

A thousand words can't lower the worry of a child who travels a thousand miles.

Xiao Jinyu stepped forward to salute, "Father, Queen Mother, my servant is gone."

The queen asked: "You should also rest assured that you can't do things impulsively, understand?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "My son is familiar with the art of war, and he can recite it backwards, so the mother can rest assured."

At the beginning, the prince's elder brother asked him to copy the art of war, but he copied it so many times that he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

The emperor coughed lightly: "It's getting late, it's time to go."

After Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyu bid farewell to the emperor, they turned and walked out of the palace gate.

Qin Xiao lifted the curtain of the car and said, "Crown Princess, please get in the carriage."

Shen Chu took a slight look at Xiao Jinyu and General Xu, and they all sat on the tall horses. She looked at the carriage with disgust.

"It's too slow to take a carriage, you lead me a horse here."

Qin Xiao reminded: "Crown Princess, you are weak and have a long journey, so you are not suitable for riding a horse."

Shen Chuwei was eager to save her husband, she stood on her toes, puffed her chest out, raised her chin and said, "Who said I'm weak? Go and bring me a horse."

Qin Xiao looked at Shen Chuwei's slender body, even wearing men's clothing could not conceal her fragility, he hesitated.

Shen Chu waved his hand slightly, "Go quickly, don't delay me from looking for His Highness."

Qin Xiao paused when he heard that, then turned around and went to the stable to bring a tall horse over, and reminded him.

"Princess, be careful."

Shen Chuwei put the snow ball on the horse's back, then grabbed the saddle and stepped on the stirrups to sit on the horse. In order to carry the snow ball conveniently, she specially asked Chunxi to make a cloth bag cross-body.

After sitting firmly, she put the snow ball into the cloth pocket, "Xue ball, you stay inside obediently, I will take you to find His Highness."

"Meow." Xuetuan's blue eyes stared at Shen Chuwei without blinking. He had never left Taotao and Susu Xuetuan, so he would be very reluctant to part with them.

"I'll be back soon, the most important thing is to find His Highness now." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he pressed the snow ball into the cloth pocket, which was very breathable, so he wasn't afraid to hold it.

Then he took the reins from Qin Xiao, and followed Xiao Jinyu's horse as soon as he clipped the horse's belly.

Qin Xiao got on his horse quickly and followed behind Shen Chuwei unhurriedly. His purpose was to protect Shen Chuwei, so he went to Mobei together.

After leaving the city, the party rode their horses and galloped wildly.

It was the first time Shen Chuwei rode his horse and galloped wildly. He was a little excited and kept waving the whip in his hand.

After running for half a day, during the lunch break, Shen Chu slightly realized Qin Xiao's words that he was weak and not suitable for riding a horse.

The skin on the inner thighs had already started to break after constant rubbing, and she frowned from the pain.

No matter where Shen Chuwei was, no one would pamper her, so she pampered herself and would not let herself suffer.

What's more, after being pampered by Xiao Jinyan in the past few years, his body is even more delicate, jealous and tender, how can he stand up to half a day of riding a horse?
Shen Chuwei regretted that he didn't put a layer of cushions on the saddle, the skin was worn out, and he couldn't keep it well for two or three days...

Qin Xiao pulled the reins and helped Shen Chuwei get off the horse, then tied the horse to the stake outside the inn. Looking back, he saw the princess's strange walking posture, and quickly guessed what caused it.

He strode forward and stretched out his arms, "Crown Princess."

Shen Chuwei saw Qin Xiao's arm, stretched out his hand to grab his arm and sighed deeply, "Qin Xiao, you'd better go buy a carriage."

Qin Xiao: "This subordinate understands."

Seeing that Shen Chuwei was walking in a strange posture, Xiao Jinyu stepped forward and asked in doubt, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Chu sighed slightly, and answered concisely, "Leg hurts."

Xiao Jinyu immediately understood, and took Shen Chuwei from Qin Xiao, "Let's go in and have a rest first."

Shen Chuwei told Qin Xiao, "Open a room, I want to take a bath and apply some ointment."

Qin Xiao took the order to open the room, and asked the waiter to prepare hot water.

Shen Chuwei originally wanted to take a bath and apply ointment first, but after seeing the waiter serving the meals one after another, she changed her mind and took a bath first and then applied ointment.

Inside the palace

Taotao and Susu got up early in the morning to have breakfast, but they ran into the room without seeing their mother and concubine, intending to wake up their mother and concubine for dinner.

When the two little guys ran into the room and saw the empty bed, their big eyes were full of doubts.

Chunxi didn't have time to turn around, but when she returned to the dining room, she found that the young masters were gone. She probably guessed that they were looking for the master, and was about to turn around to go in, when she saw Taotao and Susu running out one after another.

"Little masters, eat your meal first, and after the meal is finished, the slaves will take you to pay your respects to the empress."

Susu threw herself into her arms, hugged her thigh, and asked in a childish voice, "Auntie, where did Mama go?"

Chunxi coaxed: "Your mother and concubine have gone to find your father and king, and will be back soon, young masters, shall we eat first?"

Taotao and Susu nodded obediently when they heard the words, "Mama and father will come back later, let's have dinner together."

The two little ones climbed onto the chairs neatly and began to eat independently.

Chunxi looked at the two little masters, not knowing how to explain, His Highness and the master would not be able to come back for a while.

After breakfast, Chunxi took them to Fengyi Palace.

It was only today that Chang Liangyuan learned that Shen Chuwei had gone to Mobei to look for Xiao Jinyan. What was indignant in her heart was that not only did her aunt not tell her what happened to Xiao Jinyan, but she also didn't let her go to find Xiao Jinyan.

She was planning to go to Fengyi Palace to find out what happened, when she saw Chunxi stepping into Fengyi Palace with the emperor's grandson and the little princess.

Now that Shen Chuwei is not around, it is a good opportunity.

Susu let go of Chunxi's hand, and threw herself into Grandma Huang's arms, "Nanai, Nana."

Ever since the concubine and Xiao Jinyu left, the queen has been worried and has no intention of eating, and then she will see Taotao and Susu, so she diverts her attention.

"Baby, have you had breakfast?"

Susunai said in a childish voice: "It's time, milk bag."

Taotao added: "Nai Nai, the next thing is the custard bun."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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