Chapter 492 She blushed after being discovered
Every minute she gets closer, her heart beats faster.

Ever since she was a child, she had never done intimate things with a man, not even holding hands.

She never knew that the relationship between men and women can be strong enough to make people yearn for.

I don't even know that the feeling of liking someone is sour and sweet, which makes people want to stop.

When she touched her soft lips, her face instantly turned red, like a ripe apple.

The kiss made Xu Qingqing's heart beat like a drum, she hurriedly backed away, covering her hot cheeks, thinking of the soft touch just now, her cheeks seemed to be burning.

She really kissed Jun Wuxian! ! !

Just when Xu Qingqing was shocked that she had kissed someone, the person concerned slowly opened her eyes, and saw Xu Qingqing covering her face through the light.

When Xu Qingqing walked over just now, he noticed it, and thought it was Chu Zhao, so he didn't take it to heart.

Until the man came to the side, Ruoyou Ruowu's scent told him that the person who came was not Chu Zhao.

If it were the master who should have heard the footsteps, his observation ability was affected by the alcohol.

If I didn't feel wrong just now, did Xu Qingqing kiss herself?
He kept his original sitting posture, and coughed lightly: "Why are you here?"

Xu Qingqing's face was still bright red, and when she suddenly heard Jun Wuxian's voice, she took a step back in fright, and turned to look at Jun Wuxian who was sitting on the pillar. She was looking at herself at this moment, and her heart missed half a beat.

No way, the cheating was discovered?

it's over...

"I can't sleep, the night is dark and windy, and I can't see the road. You are here. I see you are sleeping. I am afraid that you will catch a cold. I want to wake you up, but I am afraid that I will scare you."

Xu Qingqing spoke incoherently, and had no idea what she was talking about.

Jun Wuxian raised his chin and looked at Xu Qingqing quietly, knowing that she was lying, but did not expose her.

Xu Qingqing didn't know if Jun Wuxian had found out that she kissed him secretly, seeing that he was silent, she pursed her lips, "Why are you sitting here and sleeping?"

Jun Wuxian said: "I drank a little more wine, so I feel better."

Xu Qingqing had never seen him drink alcohol before, and this was the first time she saw him tonight, and they all said that he used alcohol to burn her sorrows.

Could it be that you have been here for a long time, and you want to leave but you are too embarrassed to speak?
"Is there something unhappy about you?"

Jun Wuxian asked without answering, "Why do you ask that?"

Xu Qingqing glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, "Aren't you drinking? Men only drink when they are unhappy. I have never seen you drink before."

Jun Wuxian laughed lowly when he heard the words, "You didn't see me when I was drinking."

Xu Qingqing seemed to have discovered something important, "So, do you drink often? Are you often unhappy?"

Jun Wuxian shook his head with a smile, "That's not true, drinking is just to relieve boredom and pastime."

Xu Qingqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she thought he was unhappy staying here.

"Are you not sleeping?"

Jun Wuxian put down that leg and stood up, looking down at Xu Qingqing.

Xu Qingqing raised her head, Jun Wuxian was too tall, she had to look up to see his face.

The lights in the corridor were too dim, and they couldn't see each other's expressions clearly.

After a long silence, a magnetic voice came from above his head.

"You've just……"

Not sure if it was due to guilty conscience, Xu Qingqing hastily interrupted him, "I just swatted the mosquitoes, there are many mosquitoes in summer."

Jun Wuxian couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I'm serious, you should wash up and rest, I'll go back first." Xu Qingqing withdrew her gaze and trotted away, saying she was leaving rather than running away.

She was afraid that Jun Wuxian would find out that she secretly kissed him.

Jun Wuxian stood on the porch, watching the petite figure leave in a hurry under the moonlight.

"There is no silver 300 taels here."

Xu Qingqing ran all the way back to her room, sat in front of the dressing table, saw that face in the bronze mirror, there were two obvious scars on it, and she could still feel the unevenness when she stroked it.

Who would like such an ugly face?
Her whole life was ruined by that beast.

But that animal has been killed by Jun Wuxian, not only killed, but also disfigured and disabled.

No matter how much you vent your anger, you can't restore your face to its original state.

If Jun Wuxian knew that he secretly kissed him, would he feel disgusted?

Xu Qingqing covered her face and ran to the bed, she was too impulsive just now, if Jun Wuxian hadn't fallen asleep at that time, would it be awkward to meet tomorrow?
The more Xu Qingqing thought about it, the more she couldn't fall asleep.

The next day, Xu Qingqing came out of the boudoir with dark circles under her eyes.

On the way to dinner, she met Jun WuXian, she stopped in guilt, last night was dark and windy, the artist was tall and bold, and she couldn't see anything in the darkness.

It's broad daylight now, and it's hard to hide the guilty expression.

Caixia didn't know what happened last night, seeing Jun Wuxian, she happily reminded: "Miss, look quickly, Mr. Jun."

It was already too late when Xu Qingqing wanted to stop it, Jun Wuxian looked in this direction, she could only bite the bullet and go forward.

"Good morning." She was a little glad that she was wearing a veil, which could somewhat cover up her guilt.

Jun WuXian noticed that her eyes were black and blue, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

Xu Qingqing said with a guilty conscience: "It was too hot last night, so I couldn't sleep."

Jun Wuxian nodded thoughtfully, "It was indeed a little hotter last night, there seem to be mosquitoes."

It's okay not to mention mosquitoes, but when they are mentioned, Xu Qingqing's face turns red, she lowers her eyes and nods perfunctorily.

Jun Wuxian looked down at Xu Qingqing, acting like a guilty conscience.

When we arrived at the dining table, the whole family sat around and had breakfast together.

Jun Wuxian is Xu Qingqing's savior, the Xu family treats him as a distinguished guest, and they are generous in eating and drinking.

When Xu Qingqing was eating, she needed to lift the veil with her hands.

Both General Xu and the general's wife persuaded her several times that there is no need to wear a veil at home, but Xu Qingqing just wanted to wear it, she didn't want others to see her face, let alone Jun Wuxian.

As long as he didn't see her, she would leave him with the impression she was before the disfigurement.

Jun Wuxian raised his head and glanced at Xu Qingqing, "I heard that the water lilies in the garden are blooming."

The general's wife immediately answered with a smile when she heard the words, "Mr. Jun, the water lilies bloomed last night." After speaking, she turned to her daughter and said, "Qing'er, take Mr. Jun to have a look after breakfast."

General Xu also nodded, "Madam is right, Mr. Jun is your friend and savior, it is most appropriate for you to take Mr. Jun there."

Xu Qingqing kept complaining, she was very guilty now, she didn't want to be alone with Jun Wuxian, but seeing the expectant eyes of her father and mother, why did she feel a little strange?
Xu Changfeng couldn't help but said: "Mother, this is not good, my sister is still a girl who has not left the cabinet..."

The general's wife glared at her youngest son, "What do you know as a child? Eat your food."

"...But mother, this is the most basic etiquette..."

General Xu stared with tiger eyes: "After eating, go practice sword."

Xu Changfeng tightened his neck, not daring to fart, and lowered his head to grab the rice.

Both General Xu and the general's wife thought that Jun Wuxian was good, so they wanted to marry their daughter to him, so they actively matched them up.

After breakfast, Xu Qingqing was ordered by her parents to accompany Jun Wuxian to the lotus pond to admire the water lilies. She had seen those water lilies blooming countless times, and it was almost the same every year.

There is a hexagonal pavilion next to the lotus pond, which is very suitable for viewing flowers.

The maidservants have already prepared refreshments.

Xu Qingqing sat across from Jun Wuxian, because of the secret kiss last night, she was too guilty to look at him, she simply looked at the water lilies in the lotus pond, the size of a bowl, the petals were purple, very beautiful .

Jun Wuxian drank his tea slowly, admiring the water lilies in the pond, he glanced at Xu Qingqing, and saw that she was a little absent-minded.

"After the fifteenth day, I will leave."

When Xu Qingqing suddenly heard that he was about to leave, she was stunned and didn't react for a while.

She knew that Jun Wuxian would leave sooner or later, but she was still very reluctant to hear him say to leave.

"Leaving so soon? What a pity, it won't be in time for the Qiqiao Festival."

Jun Wuxian laughed out loud when he heard the words, "The Qiqiao Festival is still fifty days away."

"Ah?" Xu Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, she realized that she had miscalculated the time, which was extremely embarrassing.

"I miscalculated the time."

Jun Wuxian chuckled, "Can you play the piano?"

Xu Qingqing shook her head when she heard the words, "No."

Jun Wuxian asked again: "Then what will you do?"

Xu Qingqing said truthfully: "I don't know anything."

Jun Wuxian was stunned by the words and amused by her sincerity.

Xu Qingqing felt that Jun Wuxian was definitely laughing at her, "What are you laughing at? Don't they all say that women are virtuous without talent?"

The smile in Jun Wuxian's eyes deepened: "What you said makes sense."

Xu Qingqing suddenly said proudly: "I know how to be a female celebrity."

Jun Wuxian was a little surprised, "Didn't realize that you're also female."

"Every girl knows how to be a girl, and if others know it, I can naturally." Xu Qingqing has learned how to be a girl for a few days, but she hasn't embroidered anything seriously, and now she plans to embroider a purse.

On the day Jun Wuxian left, Xu Qingqing stood under the porch, watching him sitting on a tall horse, wearing a moon-white brocade robe with dark patterns woven with gold wide sleeves, and long black hair, very handsome.

Seeing that he was about to drive away on horseback, Xu Qingqing couldn't help but took a few steps forward with her skirt, raised her head and looked at the man on the horse: "When will we meet next time?"

Jun Wuxian looked down at Xu Qingqing, the veil on her cheeks fluttered in the wind, revealing only a pair of sparkling almond eyes, he said with a smile on his lips, "Guess."

Xu Qingqing shook her head, "I can't guess."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Jun Wuxian's mouth, "In our Qiqiao Festival, boys and girls will give gifts to express their love."

Xu Qingqing was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and when she came back to her senses, she saw Jun Wuxian raised the whip and drove away.

At this time, the Hmong imperial city

Shen Chuwei had been looking forward to the arrival of night all day long. During the day, she treated Ouyang Jingyuan with acupuncture and medicated baths, and finally stayed up until night.

The agreed time was late at night, because the man didn't want others to know.

In the dead of night, Shen Chuwei took the medicine box and sneaked to the opposite courtyard.

Snow group followed all the way.

Qin Xiao consciously hid in the dark and watched.

Shen Chuwei pushed open the door with the medicine box on her back and walked in. She didn't close the door until Xuetuan came in.

She turned her head and looked into the room, and saw the man sitting on the table with a calm posture, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

She put the medicine box on the table, then came to the man, and said expectantly: "I came as promised, have you not regretted it?"

It's no wonder she asked, last night she also ran over full of expectations, but he betrayed him.

The man shook his head, "No."

"That's good." Shen Chuwei stared at the gauze on his eyes and said, "Will you do it yourself, or will I do it?"

Man: "I'll do it."

When the man's hand stretched behind his head, Shen Chuwei held his breath involuntarily, watching the man undo the gauze layer by layer with full expectation.

 Good afternoon!

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(End of this chapter)

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