Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 494 Super Distressed, These Are Her Husband’s Favorite Meals

Chapter 494 Super Distressed, These Are Her Husband’s Favorite Meals
There was a dead silence in the house for a while.

Shen Chuwei was also stunned, she didn't intend to tear his clothes, she just wanted to take a look at them.

It's all because she didn't control the strength well, and just tore up his clothes. If the other party wasn't Xiao Jinyan, would the other party think she was a female hooligan?
But now she has no time to take care of these, she is staring at the man's chest, the fairness is no less than that of a woman's skin, but the chest is also wrapped with gauze.

Could it be that he was wounded by a sword?
After being stunned for a few seconds, the man pulled up the skirt in embarrassment, because he couldn't see it, and after pulling it up a few times, he could still see his fair chest.

He shook off her hand and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

Shen Chuwei pointed to his chest and asked him, "Why are you injured here?"

The man said in a deep voice, "What does it have to do with you?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the position of the heart, this position is very fragile, whether it is boxing or a sharp weapon, it is easy to injure the heart and be fatal.

Eyes, legs, and chest were all injured, which also showed that he had experienced a life-and-death struggle before, and the other party wanted his life.

"It hurts."

The man was startled when he heard this.

Shen Chuwei said again: "If I had been there at that time, I could have helped you reduce a lot of pain."

She raised her head and looked at the man. Seeing that she pursed her lips and said nothing, she couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Why don't you talk? Is there something uncomfortable?"

The man asked, "Why are you tearing my clothes?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "My husband has a scar on his chest, I heard from him for many years."

The man continued to ask: "What about now?"

"Your chest injury can't be used as proof." Shen Chuwei paused, "But I believe you are Xiao Jinyan, my husband."

The man was about to ask if he could give up, when he heard her last sentence, frowning, "I'm not."

Shen Chuwei put down the medicine box and sat down by the bed, couldn't help asking: "Why don't you believe what I said? Do you have to say that you have a mole on your thigh?"

"..." The man didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed, his ears were red, and his slender fingers pointed to the door, "Get out for me."

Shen Chuwei sat without moving, the matter was not clarified, how could she leave?

"Then you always tell me, why do you think you are not Xiao Jinyan? If you are not Xiao Jinyan, who could it be?"

The man said coldly: "Who I am has nothing to do with you, what you have to do is to heal my eyes and legs."

Shen Chuwei stared at the man for a long time, she always felt that Xiao Jinyan was not just as simple as amnesia, if it was amnesia, it should not be this kind of reaction.

It can't be that he has been hit by some kind of Gu, but he doesn't look like he has been hit by a Gu!

"I will definitely heal your eyes and legs, and I will also prove that you are my husband."

The man didn't want to argue with her at all. At this moment, he was extremely tired and just wanted to have a good rest.

Shen Chuwei bent down, picked up the medicine box, stood up and walked out. After walking a few steps, she returned to the bed and looked at the man lying there motionless.

"Even if you can forget your own wife, I suspect that in your heart, I don't hold much weight at all."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she turned her head and strode out, closing the door by the way.

On the way back, Shen Chuwei walked a little carelessly.

Qin Xiao came out from the dark and followed behind him unhurriedly.

After returning to the guest room, Shen Chuwei looked back at Qin Xiao, "I seem to have found Your Highness."

Qin Xiao showed joy when he heard the words: "Where is the master?"

Shen Chuwei said: "In the room I entered just now, he was seriously injured. Moreover, he doesn't remember me, and he doesn't think he is Xiao Jinyan."

Qin Xiao's smile froze, "Master, is this memory loss?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly: "It's not like, I asked him, but he was willing to say it."

"I'm going to find the master."

Qin Xiao turned around and walked out as he spoke, but was stopped by Shen Chuwei, "This is someone else's territory, and you don't know anything about it. If you go to him rashly, something may happen."

Qin Xiao paused when he heard this. He really didn't know anything, so he went to find his master like this. If something happened to him, his life would be small, and if he got involved with the master and the princess, he would be in trouble.

He turned around and clasped his fists to salute, "This subordinate understands."

Shen Chuwei said: "Let's rest first, anyway, he won't be able to run away for the time being, let's take our time."

Qin Xiao nodded in response.

Shen Chuwei picked up Xuetuan and went back to the guest room. After closing the door, she went back to the bed. Xuetuan lay on the edge of the pillow and stared at her.

She looked at the snow ball, reached out and pinched its fleshy soles, "Xiao Jinyan, what happened to him?"

"Meow." Xuetuan blinked her blue eyes twice to express her ignorance.

Shen Chuwei fell asleep with doubts, and she had another dream.

In the dream, she found herself sitting in the arms of a young man, holding the saddle tightly with her two little hands, and the horse galloped all the way.

She couldn't help but let out a "giggle" laugh, "Brother Jinyan."

The picture changed, and I was suddenly in a peach blossom forest. It was the season when peach blossoms were in full bloom, with gusty spring breeze and rain of flowers all over the sky.

She raised her head and looked at the young man behind her, trying to see who the elder brother Chu Jinyan was calling from the girl's mouth.

"Dong dong."

Shen Chuwei was awakened by a knock on the door, and she couldn't see the boy's appearance clearly from the beginning to the end.

Brother Jinyan, she has dreamed of it several times, and every time she wants to see the other person's face clearly, she will wake up with a start.

It was only when the maid came in to deliver breakfast that she realized that the sun was already high.

Shen Chu stretched slightly, got up and took a shower.

When he came to eat, the snow ball had already been eaten, and he was sitting on a chair and licking his paws gracefully.

Shen Chuwei suddenly understood why Xuetuan jumped into the arms of a strange man so actively, because that man was Xiao Jinyan.

After breakfast, routine checkup.

Ouyang Jingyu saw Dr. Shen coming, and said happily: "The third brother can eat a bowl of rice now, and his complexion has improved."

Shen Chuwei first looked at Ouyang Jingyuan, his complexion was indeed much better than the previous two days, and his lips were not so pale.

"This disease needs to be treated slowly. Today it is still acupuncture, followed by half an hour of exposure to the sun and then a medicinal bath."

"I'll let someone boil hot water." Ouyang Jingyu strode out.

Acupuncture needs to lie on the bed, and Ouyang Jingyuan lies on the bed with the support of the maidservant, who unbuttons her shirt to expose her chest.

With a silver needle in his hand, Shen Chuwei bent down to look for acupuncture points, and gave Ouyang Jingyuan acupuncture and moxibustion with ease, without squinting.

Ouyang Jingyuan kept staring at Dr. Shen's eyebrows, and accidentally saw the pierced ears in her ears. He froze for a moment, fearing that he might have made a mistake, he raised his body to get a closer look.

Shen Chuwei was doing acupuncture. If she accidentally pricked the wrong acupuncture point, she would die. When she noticed that the patient was moving, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold Ouyang Jingyuan's chest, and said seriously, "If you don't want to die, don't move around."

Only then did Ouyang Jingyuan come to his senses, he nodded a little embarrassedly, "Okay."

After Shen Chuwei saw that he was calm, he continued acupuncture.

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at Dr. Shen's ear again, and was sure that it was a pierced ear only for women. Is Dr. Shen a woman?
"Doctor Shen's accent doesn't look like a local, where is Dr. Shen from?"

Shen Chuwei glanced at Ouyang Jingyuan lightly, "Not being a local doesn't affect your treatment, don't worry."

Ouyang Jingyuan explained: "That's not what I meant. Dr. Shen looks young, but his medical skills are so good."

Shen Chuwei was tired of hearing these words, she raised her head to look at Ouyang Jingyuan, and smiled slightly, "You don't look too old."

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "But I don't have as good medical skills as you, I am ashamed."

Shen Chuwei looked at Ouyang Jingyu curiously when he heard the words, and asked in a low voice, "You should know how to play Gu?"

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "As the patriarch's son, of course he will."

Shen Chuwei became interested when she heard the words, she stood up from the chair and sat on the bed, and then continued to ask: "Tell me, is there a way to make a memory disappear?"

Ouyang Jingyuan answered simply, "No."

Shen Chuwei frowned slightly, without this kind of Gu, why didn't Xiao Jinyan remember himself?Don't you remember that you are Xiao Jinyan?

Seeing that she was silent, Ouyang Jingyuan asked suspiciously, "Why does Dr. Shen ask this?"

"I have a friend who doesn't remember me, and even thinks that he is not a friend." Shen Chuwei looked at Ouyang Jingyuan, "Do you think this situation is a poison?"

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "The situation you mentioned is amnesia, it shouldn't be a Gu."

Shen Chuwei sighed sadly, it wasn't a Gu, but it wasn't exactly like amnesia.

When Ouyang Leyuan came to visit Lin Xian early in the morning, she found that the gauze on his eyes had changed, and she hurried over, "Why are your gauze wrapped around so much? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

After speaking, he turned his head and reprimanded the maidservant, "How do you serve the master? Can't you wrap the gauze well?"

The maid was so scolded that she didn't even dare to lift her head.

Lin Xian explained lightly: "I did it myself, and it has nothing to do with her."

"Aren't your eyes blind to light? This bit of gauze can't block the light outside. I'll wrap it up again for you."

Ouyang Leyuan stood up to get the gauze as she spoke, but was stopped by Lin Xian, "No need, I'm fine now."

Ouyang Leyuan said a little excitedly: "Really? Does this mean that the medicine is still effective? I will ask the doctor to prescribe some more medicine, so that he can recover soon."

Lin Xian nodded, "Yes."

Ouyang Leyuan asked again: "Are you bored staying in the room? How about I push you out?"

Lin Xian shook his head, "No, I like staying indoors."

Ouyang Leyuan looked at Lin Xian's legs, and probably guessed the reason why he didn't want to go out, as long as his eyes and legs were healed, he would definitely want to go out for a stroll.

"I found that you have lost weight, is it because the food is not to your taste?"

Compared to a few months ago, Lin Xian can be said to have lost a lot of weight. Apart from the injury, there is also the fact that he is not used to eating.

Lin Xian nodded, "It's true that I'm not used to it."

"I'll send someone to find the chef right now." Ouyang Leyuan said and left impatiently.

Not only Ouyang Leyuan found out, Shen Chuwei also found out that Xiao Jinyan had lost a lot of weight.

She took out the ingredients in advance, borrowed the kitchen, and started cooking.

There was no one in the kitchen by this point.

Qin Xiao saw Shen Chuwei cooking, and wanted to help, but found that he was not needed at all. Shen Chuwei moved quickly, like a professional cook, not at all like a daughter who didn't touch the spring water.

Two dishes and one soup, braised eggplant in oil, cola chicken wings, tomato and egg soup, these home-cooked dishes go well with rice, and they are also Xiao Jinyan's favorite.

After Shen Chuwei was done, he put the food into the food box.

When going to Xiao Jinyan's yard, Shen Chuwei was holding the snow ball, and Qin Xiao followed behind her with a food box in one hand and a medicine box in the other.

In the dead of night, there was only a creaking sound, and the door was pushed open from the outside.

Lin Xian raised his head and guessed that it was Dr. Shen coming.

"I'm here." Shen Chuwei happily sat opposite Xiao Jinyan with Xue Tuan in his arms.

When Qin Xiao saw the man in the wheelchair, he found that the serious injury was worse than he imagined. He walked over excitedly, put the food box and medicine box on the table and chair respectively, and then opened the food box and placed the meals one by one on the table.

He looked at his master, resisted the urge to step forward to recognize each other, turned around and left.

Lin Xian has a bad appetite, and the daily food is not to his taste, so he eats very little. This will smell the food, and the hunger will be more obvious.

"What's so delicious?"

Shen Chu smiled and said: "Food, I found that you are much thinner than when you left, because it was too hasty, I prepared some home-cooked dishes."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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