Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 508 Xiao Jinyan actually learned to pretend to be good?Finally remembered his little 9

Chapter 508 Xiao Jinyan actually learned to pretend to be good?Finally remembered his little nine

What shocked her was not only Xiao Jinyan's identity in her mouth, but also the fact that she was the crown princess.

Lin Xian looked at the woman in front of him. When he first saw her, he thought she was very beautiful and comfortable to get along with. He never thought that she would be the princess.

She doesn't have the airs of a princess at all, although she is very delicate, she is not annoying.

Shen Chuwei thought of that afternoon when he said he had something to do. As a person with amnesia, she was very curious about what he wanted to do.

"You said today that you have something you want to do, so what do you plan to do after your leg recovers?"

Lin Xian recovered from the shock, he glanced at Shen Chuwei, moved the wheelchair to face her, and said in a cold voice, "It has nothing to do with you."

Shen Chuwei came to him, grabbed the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands, and said angrily, "Why has nothing to do with me? Could it be that you just left me because you thought your legs would get better?"

Lin Xian looked at the aggrieved woman in front of him who was about to cry, which made him speechless.

It's just that he can't be soft-hearted.

Soft-hearted consequences are more serious.

"You get me out."

Shen Chuwei felt that Xiao Jinyan should be secretly thankful that he had a good temper, otherwise someone with a bad temper would really want to beat him with a hammer and let his wife go?
"I still want to give you acupuncture, are you sure to let me go?"

Lin Xian was stunned when he heard the words, he looked down at his legs, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't make trouble with his legs, as long as his legs were healed, he could go wherever he wanted, so he didn't have to spend time with her day and night.

Just out of face, Lin Xian couldn't say what to ask her to stay for acupuncture.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shen Chuwei shook his head helplessly, and turned to get the medicine box.

Lin Xian hurriedly turned his head and glanced at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she was taking the medicine box instead of leaving, so he looked away, helped the wheelchair up by himself, and slowly moved to the bed.

When Shen Chuwei came back with the medicine box, he saw him sitting on the bed with his trouser legs rolled up to his knees, exposing his gauze-wrapped knees. He looked so obedient.

The premise is to ignore his arrogant face.

This is probably because the dead duck started pretending to be good after his mouth was hardened?
Even if Xiao Jinyan drives her away, she won't leave. His legs have been delayed for a long time, and there is no longer any delay.

Shen Chuwei didn't push him away, put down the medicine box and opened it, took out the medicine and tools to be used, untied the gauze, and began to give him acupuncture and moxibustion with ease.

The acupuncture process is long and boring.

Lin Xian's gaze was originally looking elsewhere, but she unconsciously shifted her gaze to the person in front of her. Whenever she gave herself acupuncture, her expression was serious and quiet.

The picture in front of me suddenly overlapped with a certain picture deep in my memory.

"Brother Jinyan, it won't hurt after you apply the ointment."

The soft and sweet voice of the little girl came to my mind together with the overlapping images.

Bursts of headaches came, as if there were hands tearing desperately, and the head felt as uncomfortable as it was about to explode.

Lin Xian only felt a splitting headache, as if something would pop out of his head in the next second.

Shen Chuwei didn't notice Xiao Jinyan's abnormality, she bandaged and said: "We will try to see how the recovery is in two days, if there is still a tingling pain, we need to treat it for another half a month, if there is no tingling feeling, we will heal within half a month You can move freely."

After Shen Chuwei finished bandaging, he raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and found that his face was pale, cold sweat was dripping on his forehead, and his handsome face became a little distorted due to pain.

"What's wrong with you? Is something uncomfortable?" She stood up hurriedly, grabbed his wrist to check his pulse, but he held his wrist backwards, pulled her, and both of them fell on the bed.

She didn't know where her mouth touched, and Shen Chu snorted twice in pain. She felt that if the force was heavier, her teeth would come off.

She grinned and rubbed her mouth, and seeing the man under her pressure, she didn't care about the pain, and hurriedly stood up, fearing that he, who was a patient, would be squeezed out of his internal injuries.

"Are you OK?"

After asking, she found that this sentence was nonsense. The man's complexion was a little pale, his brows were furrowed in pain, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes were staring at her without blinking, as if he wanted to see through her.

Shen Chuwei was afraid that something would happen to the man, and she didn't forget that he was still injured. She supported the bed and remembered, but the man grabbed her arm and refused to let her leave.

She looked at the man under her suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Lin Xian held her hand tightly, afraid that she would leave if he didn't hold her.

"Don't go."

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan whose painting style had changed suddenly, and just a second ago he disliked her and asked her to leave, now he will not allow her to leave again?
"I'm not leaving, I'm just getting up, and it will be uncomfortable to press you."

Lin Xian said stubbornly: "It's not uncomfortable."

"...But our posture," Shen Chu looked down at the posture of the two of them slightly. Although they used to do this often, it seems a bit inappropriate now...

The main reason is that her physical strength is not good enough. It is better to lie on him. If she supports it with her hands, her limbs will become weak after a long time.

"I'll get up first, okay?"

"Not good." Lin Xian pulled him into his arms again, and Shen Chuwei was forced to throw himself into his arms, accidentally touching the wound on his heart, and he groaned in pain.

Shen Chuwei hastily propped himself up again, freed his hand to pull off his clothes to check the wound, when the clothes were pulled off, he vaguely saw a smear of bright red printed on the white gauze, without looking, he knew it was because he touched the wound just now and caused bleeding.

After standing in such a stalemate for a long time, Shen Chuwei couldn't hold it anymore, his arms were sore, but Xiao Jinyan still didn't let go of her hand, as long as she moved, he would pull her in.

Xiao Jinyan's strength was not great, Shen Chuwei could actually break free, but he was afraid of touching his wound, so he let him grab her.

At this time, Lin Xian's limbs were a little weak, as if he would faint in the next second, but he just tried his best not to faint, for fear that if he fainted, the person in front of him would disappear.

Shen Chuwei found that something was wrong with Xiao Jinyan. When they got along well before, they never said anything like not letting her go, let alone holding onto her hand.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, "Do you remember who I am?"

Lin Xian looked at the person in front of him, a small and delicate porcelain doll the size of a palm, with those talking star eyes, he will never forget.

"You are Xiao Jiu." His tone was very certain.

Shen Chuwei laughed happily when he heard the words, and hugged his neck excitedly, "You finally remembered, I thought I would have to wait for a long time."

Lin Xian also laughed, "I said, I won't make you wait too long."

Shen Chuwei felt something was wrong when he heard the words, did Xiao Jinyan say this to himself?

She racked her brains, thinking about every word Xiao Jinyan said to him before leaving.

He said he would come back safe and sound.

He also said that he was reluctant to part with her and the babies.

He also said that he really wanted to take you with him.

Except for what he said.

Maybe it's because he fell asleep, and Xiao Jinyan heard it when he said it?
Shen Chuwei didn't think too deeply about it, as long as he remembered himself, she happily kissed his cheek, "Is this the end of all my hardships?"

After being kissed on the cheek, Lin Xian's ears suddenly turned red, and he gave a low "hmm".

Shen Chuwei was immersed in joy, and stroked his handsome face with his slender fingers. Before, she was neglected in various ways and even asked her to leave. Now that he remembered, for her, it was all hard work and good fortune.

"Jin Yan, I miss you so much."

Shen Chuwei feels that she is not clingy, but Xiao Jinyan has led the army for several months, and she really misses him. If she hadn't been accompanied by her baby, she probably couldn't help but go to the front line to find him.

After learning that Xiao Jinyan was in danger and her whereabouts were unknown after falling off the cliff, she was never afraid and flustered.

It was also at that time that she discovered that she liked Xiao Jinyan more than she thought.

She, who always only put eating, drinking and sleeping at the top, found that Xiao Jinyan had already occupied a large place in her heart.

Later, one day, when the two were getting bored together, Xiao Jinyan overheard Shen Chuwei's inner thoughts.

Xiao Jinyan is now the emperor, and he will definitely draft a lot, and there will be a lot of beauties by then.

Xiao Jin said that if he dared to accept a concubine, I would dare to divorce my husband and find a handsome boy~
Xiao Jinyan was shocked when he heard this, how dare he take off his husband and look for a bad boy?

He couldn't help asking: "How much do you like me?"

Shen Chuwei confessed everything, expressing her liking unabashedly, especially when she came out to find him.

Xiao Jinyan was moved when she heard this, and at the same time happily forgot that she had the idea that her husband would find a handsome boy.

Just in time for lunch, Chunxi brought out a plate of roasted squab.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the roasted pigeon and asked, "Two roasted pigeons or me, which one do you choose?"

Shen Chuwei said without hesitation: "Of course it's roasted squab. I haven't eaten it for a long time. One is not enough, but two are just enough to satisfy my hunger."

There are two crystal elbows in the front and two roast pigeons in the back. He has never been firmly chosen~
Xiao Jinyan: "..." This is what my daughter-in-law likes, and the division is clear~
I don't know if it was Lin Xian's illusion, but it felt like Xiao Jiu was crying, and his heart ached immediately.

"I made you wait too long."

She was only nine years old when we separated, and she was already this age when we met again. Fortunately, her facial features did not change much, otherwise he would almost not be able to recognize her.

"It won't be long, as long as you can remember me." Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, with crooked eyebrows and smiling eyes.

Looking at the familiar smile, Lin Xian gradually relaxed his tense nerves.

Shen Chuwei held the man's handsome face, his eyes fell on his lips, "Jin Yan."

He remembered that Xiao Jiu used to call him brother Jinyan all the time, but now he just called him by his first name. Could it be that he was embarrassed to call him because he grew up?

"Well, I'm here."

With a sweet smile in his mouth, Shen Chu lowered his head and kissed his lips. Unlike the previous two superficial kisses, this time it was a real kiss.

The soft touch on his lips made Lin Xian's eyes widen. He didn't expect Xiao Jiu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, to be so bold as to kiss him.

She had kissed on the cheek as a child, but never on the mouth.

She said that kissing is something that only boyfriends and girlfriends do.




Fearing that some treasures would not understand, the young master explained a few words, Xiao Jinyan's memory now is the memory of Nanzhao Kingdom.

The reason for the sudden emergence of previous memories will be explained later.

 Good afternoon!
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(End of this chapter)

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