Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 510 Inquire about Xiao Jinyan's affairs in Nanzhao Kingdom, but he is jealous and refus

Chapter 510 Inquire about Xiao Jinyan's affairs in Nanzhao Kingdom, but he is jealous and refuses to admit it?

Lin Xian thought that Shen Chuwei would also come during the day after he was found to have his eyes treated, but now it was late afternoon, and he only saw the snow ball but not Shen Chuwei.

"Meow." Xue Tuan rubbed Lin Xian's hand, that Ouyang was so obedient.

Lin Xian looked down at the snow ball on his legs, Shen Chuwei carried the snow ball everywhere, why didn't he bring it today?
He pinched Xuetuan's ears, "Is your master not wanting you anymore?"

"Meow." Xue Tuan stared at him with wide eyes. If he could speak, he would definitely say that your wife is not willing to give up.

One person and one cat, with big eyes and small eyes.

After pinching the ears, Lin Xian flicked its nose again, "Your master is blind, and you are blind too."

Xuetuan couldn't help but roll his eyes, you are blind and don't know your wife.

Looking at Xuetuan's expression, Lin Xian felt that it was disgusting him, not only disgusting, but also mocking.

Shen Chuwei said that Xue Tuan was not an ordinary pet, and it seemed that it was indeed unusual. A cat's nose was not as sensitive as a dog's.

What's more, Xuetuan is several times smarter and more sensitive than a dog.

"Are you really a cat? Could it be a legendary spirit beast?"

Lin Xian's tone was just joking, but there was such a legend that the Pale Mountain was haunted by immortal energy, the terrain was steep, no one dared to approach it, and spirit beasts appeared on the mountain.

Spirit beasts live up to a hundred years, only recognize one master, and are only loyal to the master.

It's just that no one has seen it for hundreds of years.

Xuetuan blinked her big round eyes twice, "Meow."

Lin Xian grabbed the snow ball, lifted it up and looked at him, "Where did your master go?"

Xuetuan turned her head away from him.

Lin Xian was amused by Xuetuan's appearance that I won't tell you, "It's so stupid."

Xue Tuan stretched out his claws to him in dissatisfaction, "Meow."

Lin Xian chuckled: "You don't even know where your master has gone, what is it if you're not stupid?"

Lin Xian never thought of using aggressive methods on a cat, let alone that it would be useful.

"Meow." Angrily, Xue Tuan struggled to jump down from under him, turned around and ran away.

Lin Xian was stunned for a moment. After watching it run out, he stopped and looked back at himself. After hesitating for a while, he still moved his wheelchair to follow.

He has been to Xing Miao Nationality Imperial City for so long, and he has only been to Shuixie, and has not been to other places, let alone what Xing Miao Imperial City looks like. Now that he can see it, he just took this opportunity to go out for a walk.

In fact, Xuetuan is quite considerate. He would stop and wait for him after a short run, showing an impatient look in his eyes from time to time, which seemed to say, if you don't hurry up, I won't wait for you.

Lin Xian found it funny that he could see these expressions from a cat.

It's just that he is in a wheelchair, and he can't speed up if he wants to. He can only move the wheelchair with his hands, and he can't move without any strength.

The afternoon sun was very glaring, and he, who had just recovered his eyesight, was a little unaccustomed to such strong sunlight.

It wasn't until under the grape trellis that the dense vine leaves blocked a lot of the scorching sun that I felt better.

The grape trellis is like a winding path, which can't be seen at a glance.

Lin Xian followed the snow group all the way forward, and after about a cup of tea time, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

Wu Tan: "Doctor Shen still loves dim sum so much."

Shen Chuwei: "I don't just like dim sum, I eat everything that is delicious. As for the temple, I don't want to go there a second time."

Ouyang Jingyuan asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Wu Tan chuckled: "Doctor Shen doesn't like to eat vegetarian food."

Lin Xian pushed the wheelchair over and saw three people sitting in the gazebo from a distance, one of them was Shen Chuwei, the other was Ouyang Jingyuan, and the other was a monk, whom he didn't know.

The three chatted while eating tea, talking and laughing, very happy.

No wonder I didn't come to him, it turned out to be with them.

Didn't you say that you are the princess?

As a princess, talking and laughing with other men without avoiding suspicion?
Shen Chuwei took a bite of the pastry, looked at Ouyang Jingyuan and Wu Tan in front of him, unexpectedly they met Xiao Jinyan in Nanzhao Kingdom.

"You guys talk to me about Nanzhao Kingdom."

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at Shen Chuwei with a smile on his face, "What do you want to hear?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the two people in front of him, blinked his big beautiful eyes, "I want to hear about Xiao Jinyan."

Ouyang Jingyuan was suddenly curious when he heard the words, "What's your relationship with Xiao Jinyan?"

Shen Chuwei took a bite of the pastry in his hand, and said a little embarrassedly: "I am his wife."

Ouyang Jingyuan was drinking tea, when he heard this sentence suddenly, he coughed because he choked on the tea before he could finish it.

Shen Chu chewed slightly, slightly injured, "Is it so scary?"

"No, that's not what it means." Ouyang Jingyuan coughed for a while, feeling better, and then asked again: "Are you Xiao Jinyan's daughter-in-law?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Yes, why are you so surprised?"

Ouyang Jingyuan raised his head and looked at Wutan, "Do you know?"

Wu Tan nodded.

Ouyang Jingyuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shen Chuwei again, "You, you..."

Ouyang Jingyuan you for a long time, do not know what to say, what to ask, the girl in front of you who looks like Feng Wuyou is Xiao Jinyan's daughter-in-law.

Then Xiao Jinyan, Feng Wuyou...

Ouyang Jing suddenly felt very confused.

Lin Xian watched them talking and laughing happily, and frowned. Seeing Xue Tuan beside him, he called, "Xue Tuan, go and call her over."

Xuetuan turned to look at him with contempt in his eyes, why didn't he go by himself?
Lin Xian urged: "Go quickly."

Xuetuan looked back at Shen Chuwei, and walked over on all fours.

Seeing that Xuetuan had gone, Lin Xian thought about it, and felt that it was not suitable for him to be here, so he moved the wheelchair and walked back.

Shen Chuwei waited expectantly for them to chat about Xiao Jinyan's stay in Nanzhao Kingdom.

A "meow" sound attracted her attention.

She turned her head to look over, saw the snow ball, and didn't think much about it, guessing that it must have woken up and looked for it without seeing her.

Just as he was about to bend down to hug it, Xue Tuan turned his head and ran away. Shen Chuwei's hands were in mid-air, looking at Xue Tuan who had already run away.

Just when she was about to give up, Xuetuan stopped and looked back at her.

Seeing its expectant eyes, Shen Chuwei knew that Xuetuan wanted him to go with him.

Who made it a snow ball?
She sat up straight and looked at them apologetically, "Talk first, I'll go find Xuetuan."

Ouyang Jingyuan, "OK."

Wu Tan: "Okay."

Shen Chuwei stood up and chased after her.

Ouyang Jingyuan watched Shen Chuwei go after the snow ball, and only when he was far away did he look at Wu Tan, "Do you think she looks a lot like Feng Wuyou?"

Wu Tan withdrew his gaze and nodded, "Well, it's very similar."

"When I first saw her, I thought she was very similar to Feng Wuyou, and Xuetuan, Feng Wuyou's pet is also called Xuetuan." Ouyang Jingyuan looked at Shen Chuwei who had gone away, and looked back at Wu Tan boldly guessed: "Feng Wuyou has disappeared for so long, do you think it is possible that she is Feng Wuyou?"

Ouyang Jingyuan went to Nanzhao Country four years ago, but when he went, he found that there was no Feng Wuyou. He searched all over Nanzhao Country but couldn't find her.

Wu Tan said: "The poor monk also suspected it, but there is no evidence to prove that she is Feng Wuyou."

Ouyang Jingyuan sighed helplessly, "I hope she is Feng Wuyou, at least I can still see her before she dies, otherwise there will be no chance."

A flash of surprise flashed in Wutan's eyes, "What do you mean by that?"

Ouyang Jingyuan laughed lowly: "I used to tell my fortune when I was a child, and I didn't live long. It's a miracle that I can live till now."

Wu Tan was startled for a moment, and then seemed to have discovered something, "Is this why you went to Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Ouyang Jingyuan nodded, "Well, otherwise I would have died long ago."

Wu Tan was a little surprised, "I've never heard you mention it, I thought..."

Ouyang Jingyuan suddenly asked: "Why did you suddenly become a monk?"

Wu Tan said indifferently: "When the fate comes, it will happen naturally. Dr. Shen doesn't like fasting, but the poor monk thinks fasting is very good."

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "Doctor Shen and Feng Wuyou are very similar, they both like to eat, and the vegetarian food is too vegetarian, so she naturally doesn't like it."

Wutan asked, "Why did Dr. Shen appear here?"

Ouyang Jingyuan briefly explained what happened, and then said: "My sister saved a man, very similar to Xiao Jinyan."

Wu Tan asked: "You mean, Xiao Jinyan is here?"

Ouyang Jingyuan only found out after two days of inquiry that the man who looked exactly like Xiao Jinyan was rescued by his sister inadvertently, and his name was Lin Xian.

If he is Xiao Jinyan, then Shen Chuwei is his wife?
No wonder Shen Chuwei was so worried and nervous about him, and also believed that he was Xiao Jinyan.

"It's not yet confirmed whether he is Xiao Jinyan. He himself said that his name is Lin Xian, but Dr. Shen believes that he is Xiao Jinyan."

Wu Tan said: "Really? There are many people who look similar, like Dr. Shen and Feng Wuyou, aren't they very similar?"

Shen Chuwei followed the snow group for a long time, it was really not suitable to go out in summer, it felt like she was going to heat up.

I don't know where Xuetuan is taking her?
After walking for a while, I saw snowballs running into the water pavilion.

Shen Chuwei went into the water pavilion once, and it was very cool inside.

Shen Chuwei followed him in, and as soon as he entered, he saw a person sitting in front of the table. That person had picturesque eyebrows and elegant demeanor, who else could it be except Xiao Jinyan?

Shen Chu glanced at Xue Tuan slightly, Xue Tuan looked away, and said that he was just running errands~

Sure enough, it was Xiao Jinyan's pet, and he knew to lead her to his master.

Shen Chuwei walked over generously, sat down on the stone stool in front of him, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Lin Xianyun glanced at Shen Chuwei, pretending to be surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

Shen Chuwei took a few sips of tea, "I came with Xuetuan."

"Really?" Lin Xianyun glanced at Xue Tuan, and found that Xue Tuan was looking at him with strong contempt in his eyes...


ps: Xuetuan is not an ordinary cat, don’t compare it with real pets, it can eat a lot.

The son has never raised delicate pet cats, but he has raised garden cats and garden dogs. He feeds them everything, such as ham sausage, dry instant noodles, spicy strips, juicy duck necks, etc., and he is also very good.

 Good afternoon!
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(End of this chapter)

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