Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 516 The condition of not killing Xiao Jinyan, I was terrified

Chapter 516 The condition of not killing Xiao Jinyan, I was terrified (4000 words)

Relying on the speed and strength of these two palms, Lin Xianneng could clearly sense the emptiness of the two of them. He clutched his chest and turned his head to look behind him. He saw the person who came wearing a black brocade robe, with golden dark lines flashing under the candlelight. With a dazzling halo.

The most eye-catching thing is the mask on the cheeks, which is shaped like a butterfly on the bank of the Wangyou River, revealing a feminine jaw line, and the red pupils are full of murderous looks.

In the silence of the night, the man was full of coldness.

Before Lin Xian could react, the masked man attacked again.

It was too difficult for Lin Xian, who was already at the end of his strength, to dodge this blow.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Shen Chuwei saw a group of people in black clothes standing in the room, and he could guess what was going on just by looking at his posture.

She threw the only medicine box in her hand at the man in black without thinking.

Sensing danger, the masked man hastily withdrew his hand to avoid it.

The medicine box was empty and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the keychain was not opened, and the medical supplies inside did not fall out.

Shen Chuwei quickly ran over to block Xiao Jinyan, she raised her head to look at the man in black, and found that the man was wearing a mask, looking very mysterious.

"Who are you? Why did you hurt my husband?"

Lin Xian looked at Shen Chuwei who was standing in front of him. She was only wearing a white jacket, and her hair was simply tied behind her head. She probably found out that she had forgotten to change his medicine, so she hurried over with the medicine box of.

He thought that he was going to die this time, but he didn't expect that she would stand in front of him.

"You are not his opponent, come quickly..." Just after finishing speaking, a mouthful of blood spit out, and the internal organs seemed to be displaced, and the pain was severe.

Shen Chu looked back at Xiao Jinyan slightly, and found that he was spitting out blood, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and his face turned pale with fright.

"What's wrong with you?"

She turned around and squatted down in front of him, touched her sleeve pockets, and found that she didn't bring a handkerchief, so she grabbed the sleeve and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

She is a doctor, even if she didn't check the pulse, she guessed that Xiao Jinyan suffered a serious internal injury, which caused him to vomit blood.

Now that the enemy is still there, she doesn't care about taking the pulse and treating the wound.

She turned her head to look at the masked man, and roared uncontrollably: "What's the grudge between you and my husband? You want to hurt him?"

The masked man looked down at her condescendingly, "What does it have to do with you? If you don't get out of the way, I don't guarantee that I won't hurt you."

Shen Chuwei was also afraid of death, but if she didn't stop him, the man in front of him would definitely attack Xiao Jinyan, and she couldn't just watch something happen to Xiao Jinyan.

"I won't let go."

Lin Xian raised his head and looked at the woman standing in front of him, not knowing whether to call her stupid or an idiot.

At this moment, the masked man suddenly attacked again, his red pupils were full of murderous intent.

When encountering danger, Shen Chuwei instinctively wanted to escape, but when she thought of Xiao Jinyan behind her, not only did she not dodge, but when the masked man was approaching her, she suddenly took out a dagger from the space and stabbed at the golden masked man's heart.

The heart is the vital point, if it can be killed in one go, both she and Xiao Jinyan will be safe.

It's just that she underestimated the strength of the masked man too much. When she saw that the dagger was about to stab her heart, the masked man grabbed his wrist with too much force, as if she had to say goodbye to this hand with a little more strength.

Shen Chuwei secretly said, "It's over, this person's speed is too fast, and she didn't even succeed in sneak attacking..."

The masked man glanced at the dagger in her hand, and recognized the broken moon just by looking at the pattern on the dagger.

The broken moon is made of cold iron for thousands of years, and the hair is broken, and the iron is cut like mud.

The masked man approached unexpectedly. It was summer, but she felt that she was in an ice cellar, and her back felt chilly.

Being stared at by the red eyes, there is an illusion of being stared at by the god of death.

"You want to kill me?"

The voice seems to come from hell, making people fearful.

"I have no intention of harming others. If you didn't want to hurt my husband, I wouldn't have used a knife against you." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he found that his voice was trembling violently, it was because he couldn't control his fear.

Lin Xian knew that the masked man in front of him was not only strong in martial arts, but also ruthless. How could Shen Chuwei, a weak woman, withstand his palm?
He suppressed the discomfort in his body, and growled: "If it's a man, just come at me. What's the point of embarrassing a woman?"

The masked man raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Xian, his eyes were full of jokes: "It's easier for me to kill you now than to crush an ant."

Shen Chuwei's hair stood on end when she heard the light words, and she also saw that there was a great gap between their strengths.

She glanced back at Xiao Jinyan, his complexion was frighteningly pale, as if he would faint in a second.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the masked man, and found that he was staring at her, his eyes seemed to be looking at ants, thinking whether to crush her or crush her to death...

It's either your death or my life. Shen Chuwei found that she was just grabbed by the masked man by one wrist, and her feet could still move.

She secretly glanced at the masked man, struggled a bit, frowned as if she was about to cry, "My hand hurts, can you relax?"

The masked man looked at her wrist upon hearing this.

Shen Chuwei saw the timing, raised his foot and kicked the masked man fiercely.

The lower body is the vital point of a man, as long as she is kicked, she can be saved just like Xiao Jinyan.

Shen Chuwei's movements were really fast, but no matter how fast he was, he was still caught in the eyes of the masked man, and he easily dodged that fatal kick.

Shen Chuwei flinched, if it wasn't for the fact that the chassis was stronger than ordinary people, she would have fallen badly because of too much force.

When she saw that her slender wrist was still in his hands, she was secretly glad that if the chassis was unstable, she wouldn't fall badly~
As a doctor, she knows too well that if she falls to the ground violently, it will be life-threatening if she knocks her head, and it may also lead to high paraplegia~~
From Shen Chuwei's cleverness, the man in the mask looked like a naughty child, without any threat.

"You want to save him?"

Shen Chuwei nodded without hesitation, "Of course."

The masked man asked again, "Why did you save him?"

Shen Chuwei replied as a matter of course, "He is my husband, so I naturally want to save him."

The masked man glanced at Lin Xian, "What if he isn't? Are you still saving him?"

Shen Chuwei also looked at Xiao Jinyan, and said something very realistic, "If he is not my husband, I will save him if I have the ability, if I am unable, I can only protect myself, but he is my husband, even if I am not capable, I will save him."

Lin Xian was stunned when he heard this, and was shocked by Shen Chuwei's courage. From the beginning to the end, he knew that Shen Chuwei treated him well because he looked exactly like her husband.

It's just that sometimes, he almost takes on this role because of her.

Just like just now, she knew the danger but rushed to save him regardless of herself.

But it seems that she just discovered that she is for her husband, not for him.

Shen Chuwei retracted his gaze and looked at the man wearing the mask. Because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see his expression, and those red pupils made people involuntarily fearful.

He only heard a snort, and without saying a word, he put his arms around her waist and flew out of the window.

It's really flying...

Seeing Shen Chuwei being taken away, Lin Xian was anxious, and when he got off the bed, he lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Qin Xiao, who had just come back, heard the movement and found the door was open, so he ran in quickly, saw his master fell to the ground, and ran over in one stride.

Qin Xiao helped his master up, saw the blood on the ground, and looked at his master worriedly.

"Master, what's going on? Who hurt you?"

Enduring the severe pain, Lin Xian said: "Leave me alone, go and rescue Dr. Shen, she was taken away."

Qin Xiao saw his master hurt like this, he hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "It's the master."

Qin Xiao put him on the bed and quickly chased him out.

Shen Chu took a slight look at the eaves under her feet. She, who was not afraid of heights, was also trembling with fright at this moment. Could it be that she wanted to kill and destroy the corpse?
"Where are you taking me?" She asked cautiously, for fear that he would be upset and throw her down directly. She has no light skills, if she falls like this, she will be disabled even if she doesn't die~

Just after asking, the masked man took her to the tallest building. She glanced at it, and it must be at least 12 meters high.

The masked man's eyes fell on her, "If you jump from here, I'll let him go just once."

Shen Chuwei was about to ask him why he brought him here, but he heard this sentence, is this man a little perverted?
I deliberately found the tallest building, just to let her commit suicide by jumping off the building...

She glanced again, it was too high, and she didn't have the courage to jump, unless someone deliberately pushed her down.

She looked back at the masked man, discussing: "Can I change it?"

The man in the mask said in his voice without any emotion: "There is no need to change."

Shen Chuwei grabbed the hem of his clothes and was extremely nervous. First, he was afraid that he would not jump, so he turned to look for Xiao Jinyan, and second, he pushed her down directly. Anyway, she was too scared.

"But I don't have the courage to jump."

The masked man said mercilessly, "If you don't jump, I'll kill him."

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, he knew that the masked man was serious, and if he didn't jump, he would go back to find Xiao Jinyan.

She is not the kind of person who is not afraid of death. It really takes a lot of courage to jump down so high.

"Then push me down, it's too high, I really don't have the courage to jump."

Pushing her down is different. Although I'm afraid, I can't make my own decisions.

The masked man took a step forward, frightened Shen Chuwei instinctively backed away, and planned to push her down?

The masked man was slightly attached to her, looking at her like a frightened deer, and evoked a wicked smile, "You have to dance by yourself."

Shen Chuwei took a deep breath, it seemed that she couldn't escape the drama of sacrificing herself for her lover.

However, she was really afraid of death.

There are still a lot of snacks in her space, and she will never see Xiao Jinyan again, nor will she see the Taosu babies again.

It feels like the sky is falling down.

Seeing her hesitation, the masked man threatened again: "I'll count to three, if I don't jump, I'll kill him right away."

Shen Chuwei raised his head to look at the masked man who was close at hand, his heart beat suddenly, and he felt as if he was being stared at by the god of death.

The man in the color mask didn't give her any time to prepare, "1, 2,"


Before the words finished, Shen Chuwei had no choice but to close his eyes and jump down.

It turns out that the feeling of weightlessness is like this, surrounded by fear.

The body fell rapidly, and she was still thinking that she died young and came to ancient times once, thinking that she could eat and drink and wait to die.

But I didn't expect to die young again, this time I was not so lucky.

How long will it take for Xiao Jinyan to forget her?
She almost forgot, Xiao Jinyan no longer remembers her, why did she forget again?
The Taosu babies are not yet two years old, and they are still so young, will Xiao Jinyan find a stepmother for them and forget her?

As if she had never been here, no one would remember her.

Thinking of this, Shen Chuwei couldn't help crying.

Just when Shen Chuwei was crying very sadly, he found that he was being grabbed by someone, the whistling wind in his ears disappeared, and instead he heard a joking voice: "If I tell you to dance, you can really dance, without him you still can't live ?”

After returning to the flat ground, Shen Chuwei stepped on the grass, only to realize that she was really not dead. She wiped away her tears, and was almost scared to death just now~
She raised her head and looked at the masked man who was much taller than herself. She dared not speak out in anger in the face of the pervert.

"I might not die without him, but I can't do it, and I can't just watch you kill him." She said in a low voice, afraid of angering him.

"If you let him go this time, you won't have such good luck next time."

The man in the color mask left these words and disappeared into the night.

Shen Chuwei watched the masked man disappear into the night helplessly, and didn't react for a long time.

"He just left?"

The first time she met a pervert, Shen Chuwei was terribly frightened, thinking that Xiao Jinyan was seriously injured, she rushed back non-stop.

After taking two steps, she found that her legs were weak, and it was all because of the frightened jump just now.

It took Shen Chuwei quite a while to return to the guest room with his weak legs.

Lin Xian kept staring at the door, hoping that Qin Xiao could bring Shen Chuwei back. He didn't know how good Qin Xiao was, so he could only look forward to it.

Seeing that Shen Chuwei had returned safely, he was startled for a while, but his heart dropped when he was sure that she had returned.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "No."

After saying that, she strode over, seeing his pale face, he vomited a lot of blood just now, she hurriedly grabbed his hand to check his pulse.

Lin Xian couldn't believe it, the man wearing the mask looked like a cruel person, how could he put her back so easily after arresting her?
"He let you come back so easily? Didn't he threaten you? Didn't he force you?"

Shen Chuwei didn't care about answering his question, so she withdrew her hand and said, "You have suffered a serious internal injury, so you can only recuperate slowly. I will prepare the medicine for Qin Xiao to boil first, and you can rest after drinking."

That masked man struck too hard, if he did it again, he might lose his life.

Thinking about it now is scary.

Lin Xian asked urgently, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"He didn't embarrass me, he just scared me." Up to now, she still hasn't escaped from the fear just now.


ps: This chapter has [-] words

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 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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