Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 545 Xiao Jinyan was shocked again: I don't know how many surprises you have!

Chapter 545 Xiao Jinyan was shocked again: I don't know how many surprises you have!
Shen Chuwei looked at the clothes that were originally fitted, and now the clothes were a little empty, and Xiao Jinyan seemed to have lost weight again.

During this period of time, traveling on the road, eating and drinking is not as good as being in the palace, and it is difficult to gain weight.

Xiao Jinyan looked back at Shen Chuwei. At this time, she had changed back into women's clothes. Because it was troublesome to wear women's clothes on the road, she was always wearing men's clothes.

Her face is so delicate, pink and tender, she will look good no matter in men's clothes or women's clothes.

"Let's go out and get some food."

Shen Chuwei now also hung her chest against her back, she nodded happily, "Okay."

When Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei came out, Qin Xiao and Wu Tan had already changed their clothes. The former was drying wet clothes on a rack in front of the fire, while the latter was running errands in front of the Buddha statue, chanting scriptures non-stop with his hands clasped together.

When Qin Xiao saw his master come out, he stood up to get the wet clothes, and then put them on the rack to dry.

Shen Chu took a few glances at Wu Tan and didn't bother, sitting in front of the fire with Xiao Jinyan, warming up.

Xiao Jinyan opened the oil-paper bag in the package and handed it to Shen Chuwei. Inside were the pastries bought when passing through the town, and the taste was not bad.

"Eat some pastry to pad your stomach."

Shen Chuwei looked at the cakes in front of her. At this moment, she really wanted to eat, and the cakes could only be eaten as snacks, and they would not feel so delicious if eaten as a staple food.

She looked up at Xiao Jinyan, "Let's cook and eat."

"Cooking?" Xiao Jinyan seemed to be thinking of something, "Did you bring the pot? Did you bring rice?"

Qin Xiao took care of daily necessities, and Xiao Jinyan didn't pay attention to them. In his eyes, it was enough to bring money and clothes on the road.

Shen Chu nodded with a smile, "The concubine not only brought the pot, but also the potato powder."

Xiao Jinyan asked suspiciously: "What is taro flour?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "It's the flour washed with taro, and the fried meat with shanfen balls is delicious."

Even Shen Chuwei didn't understand Xiao Jinyan's explanation, and he didn't even know what taro is.

Shen Chuwei saw Xiao Jinyan's expression and knew that he didn't understand. The prince who didn't touch Yang Chunshui knew it before, because he asked her out of curiosity when he was eating Shanfen Yuanzi fried meat.

"Your Highness will rest first, and my concubine will cook." Shen Chuwei stood up and went to the package, and took out the cooking pot and pan.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao came over, "My subordinates are going to wash the rice."

Shen Chuwei didn't refuse, "Okay."

Qin Xiao took out an appropriate amount of rice from the bag, then got up and went out. There was a lake not far from the temple. He held an umbrella, so washing rice was not a problem.

Xiao Jinyan came over when he had nothing to do, saw her busy, and looked at the fire. Cooking must need a stove. Thinking of this, he got up and went out again.

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, when he saw Xiao Jinyan walking in with several stones of different sizes in his hands, he suddenly understood.

She said cheerfully, "Your Highness."

"I'll build two stoves." Xiao Jinyan walked over with a slight smile and put the stone on the ground.

Shen Chuwei thought to himself, smart people can draw inferences from one example to another. When she said cooking, Xiao Jinyan knew that she needed two stoves, one for cooking and the other for cooking.

Xiao Jinyan went back and forth several times, moved in a lot of stones, and set up two stoves next to the fire.

When Qin Xiao came back from washing rice, he could put the pot on the stove to cook.

Shen Chuwei looked at the yam flour. You can't just eat yam flour for dinner. She looked outside, wondering if she could catch rabbits and pheasants on a rainy day.

"I'll take a look outside."

As Shen Chuwei spoke, she lifted her skirt and ran out.

Xiao Jinyan was building the second stove, and when he saw Shen Chuwei running out, he was worried, so he threw the job of building the stove to Qin Xiao, and chased after him.

Shen Chuwei came out of the temple. The rain outside was a little weaker than before. She looked around. When she came in, the rain was too heavy, and she couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly. She would find that there were small forests all around. There are no other houses, it should be a suburb.

As usual, she made a trap with a rope, and then hid aside and waited for the rabbit. This method has been tried and tested.

When Xiao Jinyan came out, he saw Shen Chuwei's petite figure hiding behind the tree. He stared at it curiously for a while, and walked over with doubts.

As soon as he took a step, he saw a rabbit running towards him. In the next second, Shen Chu happily jumped out from behind the tree, only to find that she had a rope in her hand, and she just hid behind the tree to wait for the rabbit~

Shen Chuwei ran over happily, bent down and picked up the rabbit's ears. Sure enough, this trick of catching rabbits was tried and tested, and she had never been disappointed.

When she turned around, she saw Xiao Jinyan walking towards her. She happily raised the rabbit in her hand and said, "Your Highness, there are roasted rabbits to eat."

Xiao Jinyan stared at the fat and strong rabbit in her hand, kicking its hind legs, he couldn't believe it, "You caught a rabbit in just such a short time?"

Shen Chu lowered his head and glanced at the rabbit in his hand, "This is how I catch rabbits every time, is there any problem?"

Xiao Jinyan was still surprised at first, thinking that she was lucky to catch the rabbit, but in the end...

"Is it always caught like this?"

"Well, this method is used every time, and I have never missed it." Shen Chuwei's voice was quite proud.

Xiao Jinyan was so surprised, what kind of luck would it take for her to catch a rabbit with an empty rope and succeed every time?
Shen Chu held Xiao Jinyan's arm slightly, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, let's go back, we can eat roasted rabbit meat tonight."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Yes."

The two entered the temple.

As soon as Qin Xiao set up the stove, he saw the two masters coming back. When he saw the rabbit in Shen Chuwei's hand, he was shocked. He caught a rabbit in just such a short while?
Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Qin Xiao, deal with the rabbit."

"I obey." Qin Xiao strode over, took the rabbit from Shen Chuwei's hand, and strode out again.

Shen Chuwei took Xiao Jinyan's arm and came to the fire before letting go of his hand. After squatting down, she took a look at Wu Tan, who had been chanting sutras since she changed her clothes, although she was curious, she didn't ask.

When Shen Chu was frying the mountain noodle balls, Qin Xiao walked in with the prepared rabbit, took out the salt and was about to rub it on the rabbit.

Shen Chuwei reminded: "Qin Xiao, marinate the rabbit for a while before roasting, so that it will taste better."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao stopped his hands and asked, "How to pickle?"

Shen Chuwei picked up the ingredients he had just mixed and handed them to Qin Xiao, "Use this, spread it evenly."

"Okay." Qin Xiao knew Shen Chuwei's cooking skills, so he followed suit without asking.

Shen Chuwei continued to work on the work in hand.

Xiao Jinyan didn't know how to cook, but he just watched Shen Chuwei from the sidelines. When he was frying the mountain noodle balls, the aroma immediately wafted out. He smelled it, "It smells so good."

Shen Chuwei loves to eat Shanfen Yuanzi. During the days when she was with Xiao Jinyan, Shannian Yuanzi was a dish that often appeared, and she would grow some every year.

After the first pot came out, Shen Chuwei took Poyue and cut the mountain noodle balls into chunks, put them into a clean bowl, and handed them to Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, try it first."

Xiao Jinyan was a little hungry now, and it smelled good, so he nodded, "Okay."

He took the bowl, picked up the chopsticks on the mouth of the bowl, picked up a piece of mountain flour balls, passed them to his lips to cool them, and then put them into his mouth to chew slowly. The mountain noodles balls were fried until golden on both sides. It is soft and glutinous, unlike glutinous rice, and tastes good.

Although Xiao Jinyan also likes to eat Shanfen Yuanzi, but he doesn't remember it now, Shen Chuwei is a little curious if he still likes it?

"Is it tasty?"

Xiao Jinyan boasted without hesitation: "It's delicious."

Shen Chuwei smiled when he heard the words, he still loves to eat the things he loves after losing his memory.

Xiao Jinyan took a piece of shanfen ball and blew it to cool, then handed it to her mouth, "You should be hungry too."

Shen Chuwei was hungry a long time ago, Xiao Jinyan offered to feed her, she naturally opened her mouth happily and continued, the temperature was just right, the shanfen balls were still delicious, all the pork belly or pork ribs were more delicious when they were fried together.

Xiao Jinyan fed Shen Chuwei while eating, but Shen Chuwei was busy all the time.

Under Shen Chuwei's instruction, Qin Xiao started to roast rabbits. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat the dog food that his masters forcibly fed.

A bowl of Shanfen Yuanzi was quickly swept away by the two of them.

Shen Chuwei made a lot of Shanfen Yuanzi, the four of them, if they don't make more, how can there be enough for them?

The smell of the roasted rabbit came to the nostrils, and Shen Chuwei's saliva almost came out because she hadn't eaten roasted rabbit meat for a long time.

She thought of Wu Tan who was still chanting sutras, "Little Master Wu Tan, it's time for dinner."

Wu Tan didn't turn his head back and said: "You guys eat first, just save some food for the poor monk."

Shen Chuwei thought that Wu Tan was a monk, and could he not bear the smell of roasted rabbit meat?
"Is it because I roasted rabbits?"

Wu Tan shook his head, "No."

"Oh." Shen Chu slightly lowered his head to look at the food he cooked, then raised his head to look at Wu Tan, "Except that the roasted rabbit is a meat food, the mountain noodle balls I made are vegetarian, they are delicious when they are hot, and they are not good when they are cold." After eating, it’s the same when you recite scriptures after eating.”

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, and then at Wutan, sitting there like a clock, he turned his gaze back to look at Shen Chuwei, "He's not a child, he will eat when he's hungry."

Shen Chuwei said: "But, the shanfen balls won't taste good when they're cold."

Xiao Jinyan snorted coldly: "He likes to eat cold food, can you care?"

Shen Chu lowered his eyes slightly to look at the steaming hot mountain noodle balls. As a food lover, cold mountain noodle balls and freshly baked ones taste completely different.

Xiao Jinyan saw that the roasted rabbit had cooled down a bit, so he reached out and tore off a rabbit leg and handed it to Shen Chuwei, "The roasted rabbit meat must be eaten while it's still hot to be delicious."

Shen Chuwei had been hungry for a long time, she nodded in agreement with Xiao Jinyan's point of view, took the roasted rabbit leg to her mouth and took a bite, it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, it was delicious.

Xiao Jinyan took the broken moon and cut a piece of rabbit meat, unexpectedly found that the broken moon was so sharp, he cut it lightly, and a piece of meat was cut off easily...

At this time, Wu Tan, who was originally chanting sutras, suddenly came over, sat down in front of Shen Chuwei, and saw the mountain powder balls in front of him, still steaming.

Shen Chuwei saw Wu Tan sitting down, she looked at the oily Shanfen Yuanzi and explained: "Wu Tan, don't look at it as fried oil, this is vegetable oil, not animal oil, you will know after you taste it."

"Okay." Wu Tan picked up the bowl and poured a bowl of rice for himself, picked up the chopsticks and put the mountain noodle balls into the bowl, and then took a bite. Although there was some oil, the taste was delicious. After eating so much Whether the vegetarian dishes that have been eaten for many years is animal oil or not, he can smell it without eating it.

Wu Tan raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, and said warmly, "It's delicious."

Shen Chu smiled and said, "It tastes good when it's hot, but it will be hard when it's too cold, and the taste will be bad."

Wu Tan smiled and said, "So, the poor monk wants to eat it while it's hot."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

In recent years, because Qin Xiao has been eating mountain noodles, Chunxi sometimes makes them for him. Thinking of this, he misses Chunxi a little, and wonders how she is doing in the palace?
When I go back this time, I must marry her in.

After dinner, Qin Xiao washed the pots and bowls.

The temple is not big, just two small rooms for rest, four people, two people one room, very simple.

It was dark outside, and the heavy rain was followed by light rain, and the patter was endless.

Xiao Jinyan led Shen Chuwei into the small room, looked at the cold bed, and didn't have to undress to sleep anymore.

Shen Chuwei also looked at the cold bed. She likes to sleep on a slightly harder bed, but not such a hard bed.

There is a quilt in the space, if it is taken out so blatantly, will it be bad?

Xiao Jinyan sat down on the bed, took Shen Chuwei, who was thinking, into his arms, and called out in a low voice, "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chu tilted her head slightly and wanted to see Xiao Jinyan, feeling that something was wrong with him, she asked worriedly: "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

Xiao Jinyan frowned, and said in a low voice, "I have a terrible headache."

In fact, my head hurts all the time today, but at the beginning I can bear it, it will be an unbearable pain.

"Headache? Could it be the cold?" Shen Chuwei hurriedly pushed him away, raised his hand to touch his forehead, and then touched his own forehead, and found that his forehead was hotter than his.

She picked up Xiao Jinyan's wrist again to check his pulse, and the pulse was normal, so why would he have a headache?
Shen Chuwei saw that he had a severe headache, so it should be more comfortable to lie down, but it was impossible to lie down on this bed at all.

After thinking about it, she still took out the quilt from the space.

The quilt popped out of nowhere, and Xiao Jinyan, who had a headache, was stunned for a moment. He remembered that there was no quilt in the room~

Shen Chuwei didn't bother to explain, she spread the quilt on the bed.

Xiao Jinyan watched her making the bed, and finally couldn't help asking: "Where did you get the quilt?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Your Highness, didn't the concubine tell you? When you remember the past, the concubine will tell you my secret."

Xiao Jinyan stared at Shen Chuwei suspiciously for a while, "Could it be that you know the legendary spells?"

Shen Chuwei couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh, "A concubine or a vixen."

Xiao Jinyan looked Shen Chuwei up and down, without the charm of a vixen, he nodded cooperatively, "It's very likely."

After Shen Chu finished smiling, he said seriously: "Give Qin Xiao and Wu Tan two beds too, it will be a little cold to sleep tonight."

Xiao Jinyan looked at the brand new quilt on the bed and said, "It's just hard to explain how the quilt got here."

"Then don't explain, keep the sense of mystery." After finishing speaking, Shen Chuwei picked up two quilts and walked out.

When the quilt was brought into the small room opposite, Qin Xiao was stunned, "Crown Princess, where did this quilt come from?"

"Where do you care? You just need to use it." Shen Chu glanced slightly at the small room, did not see Wu Tan, and walked out curiously.

When passing through the middle hall, she saw Wu Tan sitting there meditating and chanting sutras, and she still admired him for insisting on meditating and chanting sutras in such a cold.

Shen Chuwei didn't go up to disturb her, so she went back to the small room.

When she came in, she saw that Xiao Jinyan had already gone to bed, and there was only one oil lamp in the room, and she couldn't see his face, but she could tell from his intermittent groans that he was very uncomfortable.

What made Shen Chuwei anxious was that there was nothing wrong with the pulse diagnosis, so he didn't know why the headache was caused.

 Has Baozi ever eaten Shanfen Yuanzi?

  I haven't eaten for a long time. When I wrote tonight, I was hungry all night.

(End of this chapter)

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