Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 547 This is a lying gun... Someone came to Nanzhao Kingdom just after arriving~

Chapter 547 This is a lying gun... Someone came to Nanzhao Kingdom just after arriving~

Shen Chuwei was sitting in Xiao Jinyan's arms drowsy, when she stopped suddenly, she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was the horse grazing with its head down. The horse had already been hungry after running for several hours.

Xiao Jinyan took out the water bag and unscrewed the plug, handed it to her, "Drink some water."

"En." Shen Chuwei was just thirsty, she took the water bag, raised her head and drank.

Wu looked at the river not far away, and said: "As long as you cross the river, you will be in the territory of Nanzhao Kingdom."

Shen Chu sighed slightly, "It's finally here, my butt is numb."

Shen Chuwei, who had never traveled such a long distance, experienced first-hand the arduous journey of a long journey.

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyan looked down at her buttocks, and reached out to touch her buttocks. He didn't know if it was numb or not, but it was true that her clothes were soaked in sweat.

Shen Chuwei felt a hand touching her butt, she knew it was Xiao Jinyan without looking, she just mentioned, he was really good at touching it~
She grabbed his hand with one hand, raised her eyes to look at him, and told him with her eyes, don't make any moves in public.

Xiao Jinyan smiled, and withdrew his hand, "Go to the town and find an inn to rest for two days."

Shen Chuwei also had this idea. She wanted to take a bath and have a good sleep. The key point was to eat delicious food. The food in Nanzhao Kingdom should be good.

Wu Tan looked at Shen Chuwei, and when he saw the small movements of the two of them, he was taken aback for a moment, and then looked away.

A group of four people and a cat came to the ferry, which is the border between countries, and there will be officers and soldiers guarding the ferry.

After boarding the boat, Xiao Jinyan led Shen Chuwei to the cabin and sat down.

Wu Tan stood at the bow of the boat and did not come in.

After Qin Xiao boarded the boat, he released the snow ball from the bag.

The snow ball was stuffed all the way, and as soon as it was released, it trotted to Shen Chuwei's side, and jumped into her lap to seek comfort.

These days, Shen Chuwei's attention has been on Xiao Jinyan, so he has ignored Xue Tuan. Seeing Xue Tuan's grievance now makes his heart ache.

"I'll give you a small dried fish." She took out a small dried fish from her sleeve pocket, opened it, and fed it to Xuetuan.

Xuetuan hadn't eaten the dried fish for a long time, and when it smelled the dried fish, it let out a cry of excitement, opened its mouth and took a bite of the dried fish into its mouth to eat.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Xuetuan, and found that Xuetuan seemed to have lost weight along the way, not as round as it was at the beginning.

"Xuetuan has lost weight."

Shen Chuwei had discovered that Xue Tuan had lost weight a long time ago, so she was very distressed.

"It's really thin, unlike in the palace, where the fish is full every day, and the stomach is round and round, and the round stomach will disappear."

Xiao Jin said: "It's better to be thinner, otherwise you'll be tired holding it all the time."

Xuetuan: "..." Is it really okay for you to say that?
Shen Chu lowered his head slightly to look at Xuetuan, and would hug him when he went out, usually he didn't need to hug him in the palace~

After getting off the boat, Qin Xiao rented a carriage nearby.

It took less than half an hour for a group of people to arrive at the gate of the city in a carriage.

It went smoothly when entering the city, and when we arrived in the city, everything from restaurants and shops to the clothes of ordinary people showed the prosperity of the metropolis.

While the carriage was moving at a constant speed, Shen Chuwei opened the curtain and looked outside, seeing that the street was full of shops selling everything, and her eyes were always looking for food...

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the inn, and Shen Chuwei and others got out of the carriage one after another. After Qin Xiao paid for the carriage, the groom drove the carriage away.

Shen Chuwei raised his head and looked at the inn. The signboard said Yuelai Inn. According to the groom, this is a famous inn in the metropolis, famous for its elegance.

There will definitely be a lot of good food in it.

"Husband, let's go in." Shen Chuwei couldn't wait to walk in, holding Xiao Jinyan's arm.

Xiao Jinyan thought she was tired, went in and came to the counter, he was about to ask the shopkeeper to arrange a room at Tianzihao, when he heard Shen Chuwei say, "Shopkeeper, show me the menu here."

Why did he forget that as a foodie, Shen Chuwei's top priority is to eat, because she said that she can rest when she is full~
The shopkeeper is a man about 40 years old, with a medium build and long benevolent eyebrows. He took out the menu and handed it to her while looking at them.

The inn has the largest number of people every day, and there are countless business travelers coming and going, and there are foreigners staying in the hotel every day.

So it is not surprising to hear a foreign accent.

One can tell at a glance that among the four people, one is a follower, two masters, and one of them is a monk...

The shopkeeper stared at it for a long time, until Wu Tan looked over, the shopkeeper hurriedly looked away and looked at the young woman in front of him.

"Your accent sounds like you are from other places. If you don't know the dishes here, I can introduce you to them." The shopkeeper said.

Shen Chuwei was worried that he couldn't understand the names on the menu, so he was naturally happy when someone answered.

She nodded with a smile, "Yes."

The shopkeeper looked at her smiling, and felt pleasing to the eye for the first time.

With the shopkeeper's answer, Shen Chuwei ordered eight dishes in one go.

"Shopkeeper, we've been traveling all day and we're very hungry. Please hurry up when the food is served."

The shopkeeper said: "It's not time for meal now, and the food will be served very quickly."

Wu Tan reminded: "The poor monk only needs two bowls of clear porridge and two dishes of vegetarian dishes."

Hearing the words, the shopkeeper couldn't help but glance at the monk a few more times, "No problem."

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, the shop waiter led him up to the private room on the second floor.

Shen Chuwei followed the waiter to the second floor. He just came in and only cared about eating. Only then did he have time to look at the inn. Both the decoration and the layout highlighted the word elegance.

The result of looking around while walking was that she stepped on the ground, but fortunately Xiao Jinyan had sharp eyesight and quickly supported her, "Be careful."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at Xiao Jinyan, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I have a husband."

An ordinary sentence made Xiao Jinyan feel very happy.

Wu Tan was right behind Shen Chuwei, when he saw her stepping on the air, he subconsciously reached out to help her, but he stopped in mid-air because someone was one step ahead of him.

He secretly withdrew his hand, as if it had never happened.

After entering the private room, the shop waiter saw that the guests were all sitting down, so he left. After a while, he walked in with a teapot, poured a cup of tea for everyone, and then left.

The shopkeeper didn't lie to her. After she drank a cup of tea, the waiter came in with dishes one after another.

Shen Chuwei had never eaten Nanzhao Country's food, so she was looking forward to it. Seeing the dishes being brought up one by one, they smelled delicious. She picked up the chopsticks and couldn't wait to put a piece of cedar meat into her mouth. When she just ate it, A little sweet, then crisp.

The reason why it is called cedar meat is because the surface of the meat is covered with a layer of snowflakes, and the meat feels like it has been fried in a pan. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. This is how cedar meat comes from.

After Shen Chuwei finished eating one piece, he put another piece into Xiao Jinyan's bowl, "Husband, try the cedar meat, it tastes good."

Xiao Jinyan looked at the head in the bowl, looked up at Shen Chuwei, "Okay."

He picked up the meat in the bowl and put it into his mouth, chewed it slowly, then looked at Shen Chuwei, "It's really delicious."

Shen Chuwei frowned: "I also think it's delicious."

Wu Tan glanced at the interaction between the two in front of him. He had seen many scenes like this along the way, and he might be used to it. There was no other expression in his indifferent eyes.

After eating, Xiao Jinyan took Shen Chuwei and followed the waiter to their guest room.

The shop clerk said with a smile: "Guest officer, if you need anything, just say it."

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Prepare some hot water, we have to take a bath."

"Guest officer, please wait a moment, the hot water will be ready soon."

The waiter walked out with a smile.

The first time Shen Chuwei came in was to look at the bed, the place to sleep at night was naturally comfortable.

She came to the bed and looked at the big bed. The quilt on it was not cheap at first glance. She stretched out her hands and pressed it. It was a little soft, and it should be comfortable to sleep on.

When Xiao Jinyan looked over, he saw her testing the bed. He walked over and pressed his hands on the bed, tried it out, "It's quite soft."

Shen Chuwei was about to take back her hand when she saw a hand pressed against hers, and said something very soft, and an inexplicably ambiguous atmosphere flowed between them...

She withdrew her hand and glanced at the furnishings of the guest room. There were no fancy decorations, and even the pattern on the screen was made of bamboo, which still highlighted the word "elegant".

"The inns in Nanzhao Kingdom are just different."

Xiao Jinyan nodded in agreement, "Well, it is indeed different from some small inns."

At this time, the waiter also prepared hot water.

Shen Chuwei opened the package, took out clean clothes and handed them to Xiao Jinyan, "You take a bath first."

Xiao Jinyan bent down and took out Shen Chuwei's clothes from the package, and said, "Let's go together, I want to rest for a while after washing, and I'll wait for you to go out for a stroll at night."

Shen Chuwei sat in the carriage and didn't see clearly the food bought on the road. It was the first time he came to Nanzhao Country, so it would be a pity not to go out for a stroll.


"Then take a bath together." Xiao Jinyan watched her hands go behind the screen, and after putting away her clothes, he went to bolt the door.

Shen Chuwei was wearing women's clothes, and summer women's clothes were easy to take off, and she was done taking them off in two or three strokes.

After Xiao Jinyan returned to the screen, he saw that all she had taken off was her obscene clothes. His eyes darkened, and he lowered his head and began to undress, fearing that if he continued to watch, he wouldn't even bother to take off his clothes.

The bathtub in the inn is very big, there is no problem for two people to sit, but the water overflowed a little when they sat down.

Soaking in warm water relieves fatigue.

It's just that Xiao Jinyan, who had been abstinent for many days, couldn't restrain himself.

He pressed close to her ear and called ambiguously: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei also felt it, she turned to look at Xiao Jinyan, and saw familiar eyes, she took the initiative to wrap her arms around his neck, kissed his lips and said, "Only once."

Xiao Jinyan was a little puzzled, "Why?"

What was said one second, is forgotten the next second.

Shen Chu said slightly, "You promised to take me out for a stroll at night."

Xiao Jinyan understood immediately, and said with a smile, "Well, I'll take you out for a stroll at night."

Wutan's guest room was not far away, and he asked the waiter to prepare hot water.

After taking a bath, he put on his clothes and came to the bedside. Just as he lay down to rest, someone jumped in through the window.

He heard the movement and sat up from the bed again, looking out of the bed, "Who?"

 Good afternoon!

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(End of this chapter)

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