Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 550 Listen to your husband, the news about Feng Wuyou

Chapter 550 Listen to your husband, the news about Feng Wuyou
Shen Chuwei looked at the man in front of him who squatted down without saying a word, and was stunned for a long time. From the time he decided to be husband and wife with Xiao Jinyan to now, Xiao Jinyan hugged her countless times, but he never carried her back once.

During the few years we were together, maybe there was no such opportunity.

Now she mentioned it casually, and he agreed without saying a word.

Instead, it surprised her a little, probably because he didn't remember the reason.

Seeing that there was no movement behind him for a long time, Xiao Jinyan looked back at Shen Chuwei with a doubtful voice, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Shen Chuwei lay on his body, stretched out her arms to wrap around his neck, and let him hug her legs.

Shen Chuwei was already light in weight, and Xiao Jinyan could easily carry her on his back, and it was also very stable, so she wouldn't feel any discomfort.

Shen Chuwei rested his chin on his shoulder, and whispered into his ear: "Husband, we have come to Nanzhao Kingdom by ourselves, what are you going to do next?"

Xiao Jin said: "I don't know what to do either. Let's rest for two days and make plans after two days."

Shen Chuwei nodded obediently when he heard the words, "Listen to your husband."

Xiao Jinyan's four words are very simple, but Xiao Jinyan feels that they are particularly nice, and they are so cute that people like them very much.

After walking on his back for a while, Xiao Jinyan found that Shen Chuwei was asleep, breathing evenly, and the arms that were originally around his neck were loosened.

But after walking around for a while, I was tired and fell asleep.

Ye Anyu managed to squeeze out of the crowd, and ran to the booth just now with her skirt in hand. When she ran over, she searched around the booth, but she didn't see the unparalleled handsome man.

"Princess, princess, I found you. I scared the slave to death." The maid searched around, thinking that the princess was kidnapped by the bad guys, her legs were weak from fright, but she found it.

Ye Anyu ignored the servant girl Shuang Nu, she looked around, she clearly saw him sitting here just now, why did he disappear?

Shuang Nu looked at the princess's actions suspiciously, "Princess, what are you looking for?"

"I saw a young master just now, and I have never seen such a handsome man." Ye Anyu has seen many young talents, but the man she saw just now surprised her at a glance.

Just when Ye Anyu wanted to continue looking, Shuang Nu reminded: "Princess, we should go back. If the emperor finds out, he will definitely be punished."

Ye Anyu paused, thinking of her father's fierce look, no matter how unwilling she was, she had no choice but to go back first.

"Let's go back."

Shuang Nu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and followed with small steps.

Back at the inn, Xiao Jinyan carried Shen Chuwei up to the second floor, and met Wu Tan just as he was going up.

When he is away from home, Xiao Jinyan's identity as the Prince of Daxia needs to be kept secret.

Wu Tan didn't use the prince to greet him, but clasped his hands together, and greeted in the usual way of Buddhism.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Wutan, they came together after all, and Wutan also led the way. He was familiar with Nan Zhaoguo, so he took the initiative to ask: "Where is Wutan little master going?"

Wu Tan said, "Go see an old friend."

Xiao Jinyan heard from Shen Chuwei and Wu Tan's chat that Nanzhao Country is Wu Tan's hometown. Since it is his hometown, there are naturally people he knows, so there is nothing wrong with going to see old people.

Xiao Jinyan didn't continue to ask, and went up to the second floor with Shen Chuwei on his back.

Wu Tan raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and saw Shen Chuwei lying on Xiao Jinyan's shoulder, fast asleep.

It wasn't until the person walked away that Wu Tan slowly looked away and continued down the stairs.

After Xiao Jinyan settled Shen Chuwei, he brought Qin Xiao in.

Shen Chuwei said that Qin Xiao was his personal bodyguard and one of the most trustworthy people.

Although he didn't remember Qin Xiao as a person, he was used to ordering him along the way, and Qin Xiao was very efficient in handling things.

Qin Xiao walked in from the outside, took a few steps forward, lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Master, do you have something to say?"

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Did I mention Nanzhao Kingdom to you before I lost my memory?"

Qin Xiao said: "Return to master, before you sent someone to go to Nanzhao Country to investigate about Feng Wuyou."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Who is Feng Wuyou?"

"My subordinates didn't know either. The result of the investigation at the time was that Feng Wuyou was from Nanzhao Kingdom, and later disappeared out of thin air." Qin Xiao said.

Xiao Jinyan asked, "What do you mean?"

Qin Xiao restated the general content of what he found at that time.

After listening to Xiao Jinyan, he pondered for a long time before he came to a conclusion, "So, Feng Wuyou is very likely to be from Nanzhao Kingdom, and I also know him?"

Qin Xiao nodded, "It's the master."

Xiao Jinyan didn't know who Feng Wuyou was, why did he investigate her in the first place?Can't it be the confidante you knew before?
Thinking of Shen Chuwei, he immediately threw this possibility out of his mind. If Shen Chuwei knew, would she just run away?
"Then go ahead and find out about me."

"Your subordinate obeys." Qin Xiao followed the order and stepped back.

After Qin Xiao left, Xiao Jinyan got up and came to the bedside, looking down at Shen Chuwei who was still sleeping soundly, wondering how much she knew about his past?
He didn't dare to ask rashly, for fear of asking the wrong question and causing unnecessary misunderstandings.
After watching for a long time, he started to undress and go to bed.

He found that the longer he stayed with Shen Chuwei, the more blurred his memory about Lin Xian was, and the more empty and chaotic his mind became.

When he often has a headache, many images will flash, but he can't catch it. I don't know if it's because he was hit by a sleeping point?

It's just that sometimes, he and Shen Chuwei will be very comfortable when they stay together, so comfortable that he doesn't want to force himself to think about some things, as if subconsciously he doesn't want to think about them.

After Wu Tan was able to come out, he walked all the way to the lake. There was a boat docked by the lake. When he came, someone came out to greet him immediately.

After Wu Tan stepped onto the boat slowly, the boat slowly left the shore.

Inside the boat, only one oil lamp was lit, and the light was so dim that people's faces could not be seen clearly.

After Wu Tan went in, he sat in the boat until the boat docked on the small island.

During the two days of rest, Shen Chuwei spent most of her time sleeping, and would go out for a stroll and eat delicious food at night, because it was a bit hot during the day, so she was too lazy to go out.

Xiao Jinyan would go out for a walk if he had nothing to do, and when he came back and saw that she was still asleep, he took out the oiled paper bag from his arms, opened it slowly, and fanned out the fragrance inside with a wave of his hand.

Shen Chuwei, who was originally asleep, moved her nose twice, then slowly opened her eyes, and saw the oiled paper bag in Xiao Jinyan's hand, she smelled it, "It smells so good."

Xiao Jinyan can now control Shen Chuwei, as long as he takes delicious food, he can almost wake up Shen Chuwei, and let the gluttons drive away the sleepy ones.

"Wash first, it's still warm."

"Okay." Shen Chu stretched slightly, and found that her limbs were a little weak. If it wasn't for the delicious food, she might have to sleep for another hour before giving up.

After washing, Shen Chuwei didn't even bother to change his clothes, so he ran over and took the oiled paper bag from Xiao Jinyan's hand, and found that it was a cake, probably made of meat, because it was too fragrant.

Xiao Jinyan looked satisfied when she ate, and found that she was really easy to support and easily satisfied.

Qin Xiao spent two days searching but found nothing, which made Xiao Jinyan a little puzzled. Since he is from Nanzhao Kingdom, why can't he find any clues?
Qin Xiao suddenly said: "The master used to be a hostage in Nanzhao Kingdom, could it have something to do with the palace? The subordinate will go down to the palace and have a look?"

Xiao Jin said: "It's not appropriate to rush into the palace. When you are not fully sure, don't act rashly."

Qin Xiao lowered his head, "This subordinate is reckless."

Xiao Jinyan held the teacup to his lips and took a sip, suddenly thinking of Wutan, as a native of Nanzhao, would he know something?
Thinking of this, he stood up and opened the door and walked out.

Wutan's guest room is nearby, and he will arrive after a short walk. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door was opened from the inside, Wu Tan saw Xiao Jinyan and asked, "Young Master Xiao, what's the matter?"

Xiao Jin said: "I want to talk to you about something."

Wutan took two steps back when he heard the words, "Then come in."

"Okay?" Xiao Jinyan walked in, and saw a scripture book on the table, and a faint scent of sandalwood could be smelled in the room.

After Wu Tan waited for him to come in, he closed the door.

At the table, Wu Tan picked up the teapot and poured Xiao Jinyan a cup of tea, "Mr. Xiao, please sit down."

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and sat down at the table.

Wu Tan lifted the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, then put down the teapot.

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes to look at Wu Tan, he has always been indifferent and desolate, as if nothing can disturb him, and nothing can make him show other expressions.

Thinking that he came to him because he had something to ask, so he didn't make a big turn, and asked, "I heard from Shen Chuwei, your hometown is in Nanzhao Kingdom, are you a native of Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Wu Tan nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xiao, do you think there is a problem?"

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "Since you are a native of Nanzhao Kingdom, why did you go to Daxia to become a monk? When did you decide to become a monk?"

Wu Tan said indifferently: "Master said that the Buddha's journey is destined for people, and it is the same for monks. Why does Mr. Xiao ask the poor monk about these private matters?"

Xiao Jinyan didn't hide anything, "I just want to know how much you know about Nanzhao Kingdom."

Wu Tan said: "What does Mr. Xiao want to ask the poor monk?"

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes and looked directly at Wu Tan, without beating around the bush: "Do you know Feng Wuyou?"

Wu Tan didn't answer but instead asked, "Have you found this person in Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "No, I haven't found this person after searching for a long time."

Wu Tan said: "Since you can't find it, why do you ask the poor monk?"

Xiao Jin said: "It's because there is no one, so I thought to ask you, as a native of Nanzhao Kingdom, you should know this person, right?"

Wu Tan was silent for a while upon hearing this.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"The poor monk, go and open the door." Wu Tan stood up and came to the door, and saw two bowls of porridge and two bowls of side dishes from the shopkeeper Ersong, after he took them, he closed the door again.

Wu Tan came over, put the lunch on the table, and sat down immediately.

When he looked up, he found that Xiao Jinyan was still looking at him, and he said indifferently: "What if you know, so what if you don't know?"

Xiao Jinyan asked: "I want to know who Feng Wuyou is? What's the relationship with me before?"

Wu Tan asked back, "Do you think this is important?"

Xiao Jinyan seemed to think of something, and said in surprise: "You know Feng Wuyou, right?"

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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