Chapter 576 Shocked! !She has a father

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, it was no less than being struck by a thunderbolt, and he almost died on the spot before he could react.

She and Xiao Jinyan guessed so many possible relationships, even the closest relationship, but never thought about this kind of relationship.

"You are so young, you are really lucky to have a daughter as old as me."

Feng Wuyou is very lucky to have such a handsome and powerful father. Looking at such a handsome father since childhood, it would be difficult for other men to cheat, right?
Jun Moqing looked down at the person in her arms. The little girl who was clinging to him back then had grown up so much and weighed a little bit more, but to him, it made no difference.

"Well, I'm quite lucky."

Shen Chuwei: "..." I was teasing you about getting married early, but you still nodded~

With a 19-year-old daughter at such a young old was she when she got married?
After the shock, Shen Chuwei also found that the princess of the Master of the State Teacher was holding her firmly, and she was not at all unstable. How did she do it...

She found another problem, the national teacher regarded her as a daughter, but she was a fake.

After Shen Chuwei was put on the bed by Jun Moqing, she tried her best to calm down her shock and nervousness.

Jun Moqing watched Xiao Jiu frown in pain just now, but now the brows are stretched, and her heart beats a little faster.

"Does your stomach hurt anymore?"

Shen Chuwei thought that Xiao Jinyan would definitely leave now, and there was no need to pretend anymore.

"...It doesn't hurt anymore. It hurt a lot just now. Maybe it's because I came out too fast, and I got out of breath."

In the face of Master Guoshi, lying is really a test of psychological quality.

Jun Moqing said: "It's fine if it doesn't hurt."

Shen Chuwei raised her head and looked at the Master Guoshi in front of her. She was really young, and she couldn't help asking: "You don't look too old..." Where did such a big daughter come from?

Jun Moqing explained: "Practicing martial arts can improve your appearance."

Shen Chuwei: "..." It's so simple to stay beautiful?
"I've only heard that cultivating immortals can preserve your beauty, and practicing martial arts can strengthen your body."

The implication is, I am young, don't lie to me.

Jun Moqing didn't deny it either: "You can understand it this way."

Shen Chuwei opened his eyes wide, what does the Master of the State Teacher mean by this sentence?
Are you really cultivating immortals?
It's too fantastic...

"Then are you a fairy?" She asked cautiously.

Jun Moqing: "No."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Well, she thought too much~

Jun Moqing glanced out the window, there was still an hour before dawn, he turned his gaze back to look at Xiao Jiu, "Sleep for a while, we'll talk about something after dawn."

Shen Chuwei was nervous, wishing that the national teacher would leave quickly.

"it is good."

After Jun Moqing left, she closed the door intimately.

Shen Chuwei was lying on the bed, still a little unbelievable, the national teacher was actually Feng Wuyou's father?
If only she had such a young, handsome, and awesome father?
You can really be unscrupulous as a salted fish.

Wait, the national teacher is Feng Wuyou's father, wouldn't it be easier to ask him to help?
Shen Chu was so excited that he almost fell asleep after closing his eyes.

After dawn, the little palace maid came to wake her up, usually she had to scream several times before she woke up, but today she woke up after two screams.

Shen Chuwei opened his eyes and saw that the sky was bright outside, and the sun had moved its direction, "It's over, I got up late."

The little maid looked confused, "Master, don't you usually get up at this hour?"

"Today is different, I have a father." Shen Chu lifted the quilt slightly to get up.

The little maid looked shocked, "Master, are you dreaming?"

It's not a dream, how could you suddenly have a father?

Shen Chuwei has always been sleepy, and she didn't know if Master Guo Shi had eaten, so she ordered: "Go and ask my father, no, you go and ask Master Guo Shi if he had breakfast, if not, I will Eat with him."

"Here." The little maid trotted out.

Shen Chuwei came out after fully dressed, and the little maid came back now.

"Master, Master Guoshi hasn't eaten breakfast yet, the slaves have already invited Master Guoshi to come."

As soon as the little maid finished speaking, Jun Moqing walked in slowly.

Shen Chuwei was still a little uncomfortable seeing Master Guoshi, she thought it might be because she was a counterfeit and it was caused by a guilty conscience.

At the dining table, Shen Chuwei was already hungry. After the master moved the chopsticks, she picked up the chopsticks and picked up the meat buns, put them in her mouth and took a big bite. After tasting the delicious soup, she began to chew with satisfaction.

Jun Moqing drank two mouthfuls of porridge, raised her eyes and glanced at Xiao Jiu who was opposite her. She had a small face the size of a slap, one cheek was bulging, and her eating behavior didn't change at all.

After Shen Chuwei ate for a while, there was something in her stomach, and she was not in a hurry to eat. She took a sip of the porridge, and secretly glanced at the Master Guoshi who was opposite.

She put down the bowl and couldn't help asking: "Master Guoshi, are you really my father?"

Jun Moqing put down her chopsticks, and picked up the wet wipe beside her: "Do you want to bleed to confess?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "That thing is useless, what you said must be true, I'm just a little surprised."

Jun Moqing: "Well, because you don't remember."

Shen Chuwei smiled guiltyly, "That's right, I don't remember anything from the past."

Fortunately, they thought that Feng Wuyou lost his memory, otherwise they wouldn't know how to answer~

She lowered her head and continued to eat the meat buns, hey, today's meat buns are better than yesterday's!

Jun Moqing asked: "Do you want to restore your previous memories?"

Shen Chuwei just took a bite of the meat bun, and was stunned, recovering the previous memory?She is not Feng Wuyou, how can she recover her previous memories?
Isn't that the same as dressing up?

"I'm fine now. I don't want to recall the previous memories for the time being. I'll talk about them later, okay?"

Jun Moqing stared at her for a long time without forcing her, "Well, you can figure it out yourself."

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, if the Master of the State Teacher forced her to restore her non-existent memories, then it would be time to play ball

She took a bite of the meat bun, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she raised her head to look at the Master of the State Teacher. When she spoke, she was still wondering whether to call her father?
She, who has never called her father before, is really speechless.

Jun Moqing saw that she was hesitating to speak, "Do you have something to say?"

Shen Chuwei swallowed the meat bun in his mouth, and after thinking about it, he asked, "If a person loses his memory, do you have the ability to restore it?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "Yes, it's just a little troublesome."

Shen Chuwei's eyes lit up when he heard the words, as long as he had the ability, Xiao Jinyan's memory would have a chance to recover, and it turned out that his original decision was right.

It seems inappropriate to speak now.

She took a bite of the meat bun, thinking about how to mobilize Master Guoshi to help Xiao Jinyan recover his memory.

Will Master Guoshi know Xiao Jinyan?

Would he believe it if he said it was a friend?
Jun Moqing asked, "Do you want to restore your memory again?"

Shen Chuwei shook his head vigorously, "No, I'm fine now."

Jun Moqing didn't continue to ask after hearing the words.

After breakfast, Shen Chuwei followed behind Master Guo Shi, and opened his mouth countless times, but he couldn't make the sound of father.

She has never experienced the love of a father, so she really doesn't know how to get along with this "father" in front of her.

Jun Moqing called out, "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei took two steps forward and came to him, "I, I'm here."

Jun Moqing said: "Tell me what happened to you in the past few years."

"...I've been pretty good these past few years." Shen Chuwei was a little embarrassed, she had been in the Daxia Palace in recent years, and further ahead was the modern age, so there's no way to say~
Jun Moqing asked, "Where did you go after you disappeared?"

"It's far away, and you don't even know it."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know that I don't know?"

Shen Chu touched her nose slightly, she didn't know about Feng Wuyou's experience, how could she say anything about her in modern times?

Making up random's easy to reveal your secrets.

Seeing that she was silent, Jun Moqing asked again, "What? You don't want to tell me?"

Shen Chuwei shook his head vigorously, "Of course not."

Jun Moqing stared at Xiao Jiu for a while, "I just want to know how you've been doing these years. You were spoiled and spoiled, and you suddenly came to a strange place, do you feel helpless?"

Shen Chuwei was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, no one had ever asked her this question before, and the master national teacher who was so cold and paralyzed in front of her would actually ask her.

"There was an earthquake, I ran out of the house, and my ears were temporarily deaf. I may have been frightened. I sat there for a long time and didn't respond. The police uncle thought I was scared and kept coaxing me. One police uncle took candy Come coax me..."

Thinking of the scene of eating candy, Shen Chuwei felt as if it happened just yesterday. She was eating candy, and several police uncles surrounded her laughing, saying that she was so cute.

She's really hungry~
Jun Moqing continued to ask: "What happened next?"

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, and unknowingly told about the earthquake when he was ten years old, probably because he was shocked by the scene at that time, so he always remembered it, and he still remembered it very clearly.

"Later, I went to school, and the teacher always liked to control me, but the teacher would bring me food."

So take care of it, and she doesn't complain at all.

In fact, every teacher of hers seems to like to take care of her, maybe because she has no parents, and while taking care of her, they will also give her food.

Jun Moqing knew that her teacher liked her very much, "You like to sleep in class, and the teacher doesn't care about you. I'm afraid you won't be able to learn anything."

Shen Chu opened his eyes slightly, "How do you know?"

When she was in class, she loved to sleep, and the teacher moved her desk to the front.

Under the supervision of the teacher, she successfully entered high school~

Jun Moqing replied five words, "There is no father who knows a daughter."

Shen Chuwei felt guilty for a while, what she said was the truth, fortunately, Master Guoshi didn't doubt it, otherwise the game would be over.

However, Master Guoshi is not curious about the police she is talking about?

it's wired!
Jun Moqing went to see Ye Haoting today, and mentioned Xiao Jiu's marriage, although she had verbally engaged Xiao Jiu and Ye Suhan, she still had to listen to Xiao Jiu's own opinion.

"You are not young anymore, do you have a sweetheart?"



Recommended new book "The Fake Daughter Just Wants to Be a Salted Fish and Be Pampered"

Everyone said that Jiang Youning had a good life, was born in a wealthy family, lived a life of luxury, and was Tanhua's sweetheart.

As a result, the day before the engagement, Tanhua Lang came to regret the marriage and marry another person, and that person was still Jiang Youning's best friend.

Everyone thought that Jiang Youning would be overwhelmed and would seek death and life, but she turned around and got engaged to the famous General Xie.

Not long after the engagement, the real daughter came back, and she became a fake daughter. Not only was she homeless, she would also be divorced by General Xie. Everyone was waiting to see her jokes.

General Xie also planned in this way, when he came to the door to withdraw the engagement.

Jiang Youning wiped away tears and looked at General Xie: "Are you really going to retire? Don't you have any affection for me these days?"

But my heart was full of joy: [Retreat, retreat, sooner rather than later, a large sum of comfort money can go into the pocket.Ah!Can friendship be eaten?Might as well feed the dog! 】

General Xie: ... Money is so important?

 Babies, please add new books to the bookshelf

(End of this chapter)

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