Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 584 Master Guoshi also wanted to go to Daxia, and was caught sneaking

When Feng Wuyou was very young, Jun Moqing wanted to teach her Kung Fu, and started to practice basic skills at the age of three.

However, when he saw his three-year-old soft and cute daughter, with her little lotus-root-like arms and short legs, he couldn't bear it.

I thought about waiting until she was older before starting to practice.

A year passed quickly. When Xiao Jiu was four years old, he didn't grow much in size, but he was good at acting like a baby.

He let her learn to squat, and she sat down on a small stool.

"Daddy, sit down obediently, okay?"

The pink and tender face was still full of baby fat, and when she spoke, her voice was so childish that Jun Moqing couldn't say no.

He comforted in his heart that his daughter is different from a boy, it would be better if she was older.

When she was older, Jun Moqing took out the broken moon and gave it to her, trying to teach her some simple moves.

As a result, Xiao Jiu carefully took out a small moon cake wrapped in oil paper from her arms, held him in her small hand to break the moon, carefully cut the small moon cake into two pieces, and handed one of them to him.

"Daddy, this is the only piece left, we share it."

At that time, Jun Moqing thought that the possibility of wanting her daughter to learn martial arts was too low.

So, I saw Ye Suhan who played well with Xiao Jiu.

Ye Suhan is four years older than Xiao Jiu, and he is a good material for martial arts, so in order to accept him as an apprentice, there is only one requirement, which is to protect Xiao Jiu.

Suddenly hearing Xiao Jiu talk about going back to Da Xia made Jun Moqing a little puzzled.

"Back to Daxia? What are you doing?"

Shen Chuwei was a little guilty and didn't dare to look directly into Master Guoshi's eyes, "I've been living in Daxia, so I want to go back."

The main reason is that she misses Taotao and Susu. It's been a long time since I saw her. She really thinks about it.

Jun Moqing nodded, "Since you want to go back to Daxia, I'll go back with you to have a look after I've dealt with the matter."

Shen Chuwei was startled for a few seconds when he heard the words, "Are you going too?"

After she goes back, she will not come back, and, she is the princess of Daxia, and there are two treasures, the master of the state teacher will follow, even the old man knows~

There is a purpose in deceiving the Master of the National Teacher, so what if the Master of the National Teacher is misunderstood all the time?
Jun Moqing said: "That's natural, so why not accompany you for a walk when you have nothing to do?"

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan, and told him two words with his eyes, it's over.

Xiao Jinyan saw her eyes, and then looked at Master Guoshi. Logically speaking, it is normal for Master Guoshi to accompany his daughter.

It's just that Shen Chuwei wanted to get away, and the National Teacher followed, not only would he not be able to escape, but he would also be found out.

It is indeed a difficult thing to do.

Shen Chuwei was a little helpless, and he didn't have the guts to say that he was a counterfeit. Wouldn't it mean that he was deliberately deceiving his feelings?
"Father, what are you going to do?"

"There are some old accounts plus new ones to settle." Jun Moqing said concisely.

"Oh." Shen Chuwei nodded thoughtfully.

After the national teacher left, Shen Chuwei took Xiao Jinyan to the bedroom, and then closed the door.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her movements suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

After Shen Chuwei closed the door, he raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and said in a very low voice: "Let's slip away while the Master of the State Teacher is going to deal with the matter."

Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her to be so anxious when she said back to Daxia.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "Yes, the opportunity is rare, otherwise we won't be able to slip away."

Xiao Jinyan hesitated, "But..."

Shen Chuwei seemed to see his hesitation: "Aren't you in a hurry to go back to Daxia?"

After Xiao Jinyan was silent for a few seconds, he raised his head and looked at her, "Xiao Jiu, the matter here has not been dealt with properly. When it is done, we will go back to Daxia, okay?"

Shen Chuwei suddenly realized that what he said might be related to Feng Wuyou.

"Do you want to find out about Feng Wuyou?"

Xiao Jinyan didn't hide it either, "I want to check it out, and the National Teacher should also look into the matter of her disappearance that year."

Shen Chuwei stared at Xiao Jinyan for a while without blinking, and finally decided, "Then you stay and investigate, I'll go back to Daxia first."

Xiao Jinyan held her hand nervously, feeling a little uneasy, "Xiao Jiu, let's go back together."

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "I miss Taotao and Susu, who are worried here every day, so it's better to go back to Daxia and relax."

"I'll only give you one month, whether you find it or not..."

Xiao Jinyan interrupted her directly, "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei looked at him, her voice seemed calm: "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Jinyan paused and said: "Let's go back together."

Shen Chuwei answered two words simply, "No."

In the past, because Xiao Jinyan was the prince, she did as the Romans did, so she dared not go against his will in everything, but she also had a bottom line.

It's true that she's lazy, too lazy to fight for favor, too lazy to kill the "little three", too lazy to fight for it.

She felt that Xiao Jinyan only needed to take her to heart and do what he promised her.

If she couldn't do it, if she touched her bottom line, she would withdraw, because she had always kept a way out for herself, and passed four years with ease.

Who would have thought that there would be a heavyweight Bai Yueguang and childhood sweetheart?
This is something she never thought about.

If she knew at the beginning, she would definitely keep a distance from Xiao Jinyan, and would rather stay in Xiaoxiang Pavilion than be some troublesome princess.

Xiao Jinyan had never seen her play a small temper, such a firm look in her eyes let him know that she was determined to go back.

"Nanzhao Kingdom is thousands of miles away from Daxia, how can I rest assured that you will go back alone?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Just let Qin Xiao escort me back. I can pretend, pretend to be an old woman, keep a low profile all the way, and if I don't show my wealth or appearance, I won't be missed by the bad guys."

This is Shen Chuwei's cleverness, he knows how to protect himself outside and when his strength does not allow him.

Even so, Xiao Jinyan did not agree with her going back to Daxia first.

"No matter what, I won't let you go back to Daxia alone. Without me by your side, I don't feel at ease."

As soon as Shen Chuwei heard his tone, she knew that there was nothing to discuss, but it didn't mean she gave up.

During the past two days, Shen Chuwei repeatedly confirmed that Master Guo Shi was not in the palace, so she began to pack her luggage.

In fact, she had very little things in the palace, almost all of them were prepared for her by the emperor, so she didn't need to bring them.

She puts everything in the space.

She had people prepare a lot of meat for the tigon to eat, and she didn't know if the tigon would be sent to the cage again after she left.

However, these are not her concern.

Although reluctant, after all, we still have to separate.

She raised her head to look at the colorful feathers above her head, and she was pecking at her own beautiful feathers leisurely.

Clearly able to speak, but silent.

Shen Chuwei took out a pen and paper to write a letter and put it in his guest room.

Before leaving, she looked down at Xuetuan, hesitating whether to take it with her or not, after thinking about it, she decided to take it with her.

Taking advantage of Xiao Jinyan's absence, Shen Chuwei carried Xue Tuan into the carriage, took the token, and left the palace smoothly all the way.

After leaving the palace, the carriage drove to the bustling road, Shen Chuwei asked the little eunuch to wait here, while he sneaked away with the snowball in his arms.

It wasn't the first time for the little eunuch to follow Shen Chuwei out of the palace, so he didn't think much about it, and just stayed where he was and waited.

Shen Chuwei turned her head and glanced at the little eunuch, feeling sorry for him waiting until it was dark, so she looked away and continued walking with the snow ball in her arms.

You can't leave on your legs, so you need to hire a carriage.

Hiring a carriage ticket, Shen Chuwei disguised herself as a five or sixty-year-old mother-in-law, and she still knows how to make up.

Clothes are easy, you can buy a set at random in the store.

After the replacement, Shen Chuwei, who was originally at the same age, became a mother-in-law in her 60s and [-]s.

On the way to hire a carriage, she bought some shortbread pastries

Shen Chuwei saw an ordinary carriage, and the horse was very strong, so he negotiated the price with the groom.

Shen Chuwei will not always hire a carriage, and will change carriages at the next stop.

Seeing that the groom was an elderly woman, he wanted to raise the price because he was afraid that she would not be able to pay the money.

"The price is like this, do you always look at it?"

Shen Chuwei hesitated for a while, then nodded, "OK."

The groom got off the carriage, pulled the hem of his clothes with a whip in his hand, and greeted: "Then you always get in the carriage."

It took Shen Chuwei three times as long as usual to get on the carriage with the snow ball in his arms.

After going up, she lifted the curtain and looked at Nan Zhaoguo. It had been a while since she came here, but she was still reluctant to part with the delicious food here.

As the groom flicked his whip and shouted, the horse began to trot.

Shen Chuwei lowered the curtain, looked down at the snow ball, and rubbed its head. This was the first time she had to drive so much alone.

But it is worthwhile to go back to Daxia, but the journey is long and it will take time.

Xuetuan has been in a state of bewilderment, although he doesn't understand what Xiaojiu is doing, but it still stays obediently in her arms.

Xiao Jinyan didn't see Xiao Jiu when he came back, but when he saw the little palace maid passing by, he asked, "Where is Princess Jiuyou?"

The little maid replied: "Master has left the palace."

Out of the palace?Xiao Jinyan had a bad premonition. When he returned to his guest room, he saw a piece of paper under the teapot as soon as he sat down. He pulled out the paper and opened it, and saw familiar words.

Jin Yan, when you read this letter, I have already left Daducheng.

I really miss Taotao and Susu, I have never been away from them for so long, they are still so young, what they need most is the company of their parents.

I'll take care of myself, don't worry.

You also protect yourself.

Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a long time after reading the letter. The always well-behaved Xiao Jiu left without saying goodbye for the first time, leaving only a letter of less than a hundred words.

A few seemingly simple words, but you can feel the difference from the past.

Between the lines is not as relaxed and naughty as it used to be.

Xiao Jinyan clenched the letter in his hand, stood up abruptly and ran out.

After recovering his memory, Xiao Jinyan's kung fu is obviously better than before, and his lightness kung fu has improved to a higher level.

After coming out of the palace, Xiao Jinyan bought a horse and drove straight out of the city.

Xiao Jiu has never gone out alone, no matter how smart she is, a delicate woman is still very dangerous.

The carriage was swaying, and Shen Chuwei was a little drowsy. She hugged the snow ball and leaned on the cushion of the carriage, planning to sleep for a while.

Anyway, she is old and has no money now, so it would be a waste of time to rob her.

She was already snoozing, leaning against the carriage, and fell asleep after a while.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of horseshoes came.

As the sound of hoofbeats got closer, the groom flicked his whip and drove the horse to the side of the road.

Xiao Jinyan flicked the horsewhip hard, wishing he could sit down and be a thousand-mile horse. He was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with Xiaojiu if it was too late, and he was also afraid that something would happen to her.

He didn't know whether Xiao Jiu left on horseback or in a carriage.

The possibility of riding a horse is relatively high, because the speed of riding a horse is faster, and she wants to leave so much, so she chooses riding a horse first.

However, what Xiao Jinyan didn't expect was that Shen Chu was a little lazy, and no matter how fast she traveled, she would not miss those few days. Anyway, she slept during the day and slept at night, and traveling day and night could save time.

Xiao Jinyan swung his horsewhip vigorously, glanced at the carriage on the official road, then turned his gaze away and continued on his way.

A carriage is never as good as riding a horse, and the distance can be opened in a short time.

The groom looked at the horse going away and sighed: "Sure enough, riding a horse is the most unrestrained."

The sky gradually darkened.

Shen Chuwei fell asleep and woke up to the darkness in the carriage. She rubbed her eyes, opened the curtain and looked outside, and found that the sun had set, leaving only a ray of light in the sky.

She took out the oiled paper bag from the space, picked up a piece of shortbread, handed it to her mouth and took a bite. When she saw the snow ball, she took out a piece and put it in front of it.

Xuetuan bowed his head and ate the shortbread. The shortbread was very crispy and fragrant. After eating it once, he became addicted.

Shen Chuwei ate two yuan in a row, took out the kettle from the space, poured a glass of water and took a sip, and also poured some water for Xuetuan to quench his thirst.

After walking such a short distance, she started to want to eat, meat, and vegetables. What should I do if there are so many more?
Suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes, from far to near.

Shen Chuwei's heart skipped a beat, could Xiao Jinyan catch up?

She hurriedly opened the curtain and looked outside, listened carefully to the sound of horseshoes, and found that the sound was coming from the front, she was secretly relieved, it should not be from the front.

Xiao Jinyan searched all the way but didn't see Shen Chuwei's figure. Even if she was riding a horse, she couldn't catch up with her delicate body.

So he's back again.

Seeing the carriage on the road, he realized that it was the one he found when he went there, so he thought about stopping the carriage.

The groom was forced to hold the reins, and was about to curse when he saw the man on the horse flying over suddenly, scaring him and jumping out of the carriage.

Shen Chuwei noticed that the carriage stopped suddenly, and opened the curtain suspiciously, only to see Xiao Jinyan's handsome face, she was so frightened that she didn't know how to react.

Because I left without saying goodbye secretly, I feel a little guilty.

Xiao Jinyan frowned when he saw a five or sixty-year-old face, turned around and planned to leave.

Seeing him leaving, Shen Chuwei was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that she had disguised herself as an old woman, and was secretly relieved.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Jinyan left and returned, making her heart lift again.

When Xiao Jinyan was leaving, he suddenly remembered that Xiao Jiu had said that he would disguise himself as an old lady and drive in a low-key way, so he came back to see clearly.

"Xiao Jiu?" He called out tentatively.

Shen Chuwei thought to himself, could it be recognized?
She cleared her throat, and said in an old voice, "You've got the wrong person."

Although it's not as good as the old voice of those voice actors, it's still okay.

Xiao Jinyan frowned, did he really admit his mistake?When he looked back, he caught a glimpse of a snow-white figure inside the carriage from the corner of his eye.

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