Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 588 When the 2 best friends meet, there is a way to prove that you are Feng Wuyou

Sensing the danger, Jun Wuxian evaded sideways immediately.

Shen Chuwei's full-strength blow resulted in the opponent dodging, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and then he comforted himself that it was because the opponent was too powerful that he let the opponent dodge, not because she was too stupid~

In the next second, she turned over from the bed, nimble like a cat, completely different from her usual lazy look.

Shen Chuwei looked at the tall and straight figure in front of the bed vigilantly. From the speed of dodging just now, he knew that the other party knew kung fu.

So the other party stood still, and she didn't move either, so as not to change.

Jun Wuyou didn't take the initiative to attack after dodging, and when he didn't know who the opponent was, he just defended and failed.

However, the person who struck him with a fatal blow suddenly stopped moving.

The two stalemate for a while.

For patience, no one can compare to Shen Chuwei. She looked at the black shadow quietly, and suddenly thought of Xue Tuan, why didn't Xue Tuan come to help at such a dangerous moment?

There are also tiger and lion beasts, why don't they howl when a stranger comes in?
Xiao Jinyan knew how to block people when he came, but he didn't know how to block strangers when they came.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help complaining in her heart.

At this time, in the quiet dormitory, a cat meowed suddenly, which made both of them stunned.

Shen Chu heard the reputation and looked around, and saw the pair of blue eyes in the corner, and finally knew that he wanted to help?

Jun Wuxian glanced at the cat in the corner, as if thinking of something, then looked at the person on the bed, "Are you, Shen Chuwei?"

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, did not expect the other party to know him?
"who are you?"

Jun Wuxian glanced at the dormitory, martial arts practitioners have better night vision than ordinary people, plus he is familiar with this place, so he quickly found a candle and lit it.

After lighting up the two palace lanterns, the bedroom instantly brightened a lot, and they could also see each other's faces.

Jun Wuxian recognized at a glance that the person on the bed was Shen Chuwei, who was wearing a middle coat, and must have been woken up by him while sleeping.

Shen Chuwei stared at him for a long time before recognizing him, but he forgot his name.

"I met you, what's your name?"

Jun Wuxian thinks that he does not belong to the kind of face that can be forgotten at a glance, but Shen Chuwei forgot...

"Jun Wuxian."

"Oh, so your name is Jun Wuxian, and your name sounds pretty nice." Shen Chuwei stared at him again after finishing speaking, "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, why did you break into my boudoir? I thought you were an assassin."

Jun Wuxian also felt that it was inappropriate for him to break in suddenly, but he didn't know that there would be people living here. Fortunately, he came in for a stroll, otherwise he would not have known that Shen Chuwei had already entered the palace.

"I just came in to take a look. I didn't expect people to live here, let alone you."

"You regard the imperial palace as your own home?" After the danger was lifted, Shen Chuwei yawned, "Forget it, forget it, now that you know it, can you go? I'm sleepy."

Jun Wuxian saw her yawning again and again as if she was too sleepy, so he quit as usual and let her go back to sleep, but now, he has something important to say, and he might not be able to wait until tomorrow.

"I have something to tell you."

Shen Chuwei just wants to sleep now, who talks about things alone with a man he doesn't know very well at night?Jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it off.

"What can't we talk about tomorrow? The sky is big and the earth is big, sleep is the biggest thing. Besides, men and women can't get close, and men and women are alone in the same room in the middle of the night. What if my husband misunderstands?"

Jun Wuxian was so blocked that he was speechless, it is really not suitable to talk now, after thinking about it, he decided to talk about it tomorrow, this night is not too bad.

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow. When you come to Yuelai Inn tomorrow, Qingqing will also come."


Shen Chuwei's eyes lit up a little, and his tone was full of surprise, "Is Xu Qingqing here too?"

Jun Wuxian nodded, "Well, let's meet tomorrow."

Shen Chuwei was a little excited. She didn't expect to see Xu Qingqing here. It's been a long time since I saw her, and I still miss her very much.

"Then I'll go find her tomorrow."

"Then you should rest early." Jun Wuxian stared at her for a while, then turned and left.

Don't forget to close the door before leaving.

Shen Chuwei lay on the bed again, thinking about seeing Xu Qingqing tomorrow, hugged the quilt a little excitedly and fell asleep.

Jun Wuxian returned to the inn, passed by Xu Qingqing's guest room, and found that the light was still on, so he stopped and knocked on the door.

After a while, the Kung Fu door opened from the inside, revealing Xu Qingqing's small face with scars, wearing a blue coat, and a few strands of long hair hanging down on her chest, she could tell she was waiting on purpose.

"Why are you not sleeping yet?"

Xu Qingqing looked at him expectantly, "I'm waiting for you, how is it? Any news about Shen Chuwei?"

Jun Wuxian smiled and said: "Good luck, I saw her in the palace, I have asked her to come to the inn tomorrow, and then you can meet."

"Really?" Xu Qingqing showed a happy expression, "I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. By the way, why is she in the palace? Is there anyone I know?"

"If she was Xiaojiu, she originally lived in the palace, but she didn't have time to ask. It will be the same tomorrow."

In fact, Jun Wuxian is also very puzzled why Shen Chuwei is in the palace?And still live in Sanssouci Palace.

He went to the main hall but didn't see his father, so his father probably didn't return to the capital city.

What's going on can only be said tomorrow.

"You rest early."

Xu Qingqing nodded obediently, "Yes."

Sanssouci Palace

Shen Chuwei woke up early in the morning thinking about going out of the palace to find Xu Qingqing. During breakfast, she looked at the door from time to time to see if Xiao Jinyan had come back.

She wanted to wait for Xiao Jinyan to come back before leaving the palace, so that he would not see her when he came back and think she left without saying goodbye.

They just waited and waited. After breakfast, Xiao Jinyan did not come back.

Shen Chu wiped his mouth slightly, seeing that Xiao Jinyan hadn't come back yet, after much deliberation, he decided to leave a note for him, and then leave the palace.

She took out a pen and paper, brushed it out, and gave it to the little maid.

"Young Master Xiao is back, give him the note, and tell him that I will be back soon."

The little maid carefully put away the note, "I know master."

Then Shen Chuwei asked the little eunuch to prepare the carriage, and then left the palace.

Yuelai Inn
After Xu Qingqing had breakfast, she waited at the door, looking at the street from time to time.

Looking at Xu Qingqing's actions, Jun Wuxian felt even more excited than him.

"I don't know if Shen Chu has lost a little weight. After being outside for so long, he probably lost weight." Xu Qingqing sighed.

Jun Wuxian looked at Xu Qingqing, she had lost a lot of weight compared to when she first met, and when she was hugged in her arms the night before, she didn't have much flesh on her body.

"You've lost weight too."

"Is there?" Xu Qingqing touched her face, she didn't pay much attention during this time, and she didn't know if she was thin or not.

Jun Wuxian said with certainty, "Yes."

Xu Qingqing raised her head to look at Jun Wuxian, and asked curiously, "Do you like women thin or fat?"

Jun Wuxian looked Xu Qingqing up and down, her girdle was too thin to be grasped, her clothes were a little empty, she still prefers when she first met, she had a sensual body.

"It's better to have some flesh on your body, it's comfortable to hold."

Xu Qingqing blushed, looked left and right, and found that someone was looking over, she said coquettishly: "Why do you say everything? Let others listen."

Jun Wuxian chuckled, "I will only tell you next time."

Xu Qingqing's face turned even redder, but she still nodded.

Shen Chu lifted the curtain slightly, glanced outside, saw the signboard of Yuelai Inn from a distance, and asked the little eunuch to stop.

After the carriage came to a complete stop, Shen Chuwei got out of the carriage with the support of the little eunuch.

"You just wait here."

Shen Chuwei left after finishing speaking, but was stopped by the little eunuch, "Master, you must come back."

Shen Chuwei looked at the worried look on the little eunuch's face, and suddenly thought that the last time he was made to wait for a day, it was probably because he was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of the well rope for ten years, and there was a shadow in his heart.

"It was an accident last time, but it won't happen this time. Just wait at ease."

Shen Chu smiled and patted the little eunuch's shoulder, then walked towards Yuelai Inn with cheerful steps.

When Xu Qingqing raised her head, she saw Shen Chuwei's figure, and waved to her excitedly and ran towards her.


It was the first time for Shen Chuwei to hear someone calling herself Weiwei, and when she saw Xu Qingqing running towards her, she also waved and smiled to meet her.


The two, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, were so excited.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xu Qingqing who had lost a lot of weight and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come to find you." Xu Qingqing looked Shen Chuwei up and down, as if she wasn't thin.

Shen Chuwei stayed in the palace during this time, either eating or sleeping, it was already very good not to gain weight.

From the very beginning, Shen Chuwei noticed Xu Qingqing's face. There were two scars on each side of her cheeks. The scars had already turned white, indicating that they had been around for more than three months.

"What happened to your face?"

Xu Qingqing touched her face.

Jun Wuxian walked over, looked at Xu Qingqing's face, and said to Shen Chuwei: "Go ahead and talk."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Okay."

The three of them entered Xu Qingqing's guest room, and Jun Wuxian asked the waiter to bring tea and snacks.

Xu Qingqing roughly explained the process of her disfigurement.

Shen Chuwei probably became very angry just hearing this, and could feel Xu Qingqing's fear and helplessness at that time.

"How can there be such a nasty animal? I really don't deserve to be a human being."

"Fortunately, Ah Xian came in time, otherwise I would have finished the game." Xu Qingqing looked at Jun Wuxian when she said this, and she was very grateful that Jun Wuxian saved her at that time.

"Ah Xian?" Shen Chuwei stared at Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian suspiciously, with a smirk on his face, "You two have adultery."

Xu Qingqing said shyly, "We're engaged and plan to get married by the end of the year."

Before Shen Chuwei came out, she asked Xu Qingqing, but when they met again, they got engaged?Get married at the end of the year?It's golden autumn and October, and there are not many days until the end of the year.

"It looks like you can drink your wedding wine when you go back. Congratulations on bringing home a beautiful boy."

Xu Qingqing coquettishly embarrassed: "Wei Wei."

Jun Wuxian: "..." To embrace a beautiful boy?This is the first time I heard~
Shen Chuwei stared at Xu Qingqing's cheek again, probably because he was a doctor. Judging from the scar, he could guess how ruthless the other party was.

"It can be seen that Jun Wuxian is not a man who is greedy for beauty, it is rare for you to have such a good eye."

Xu Qingqing felt the same way, a little complacent, "Ah Xian said I'm not ugly."

Shen Chuwei said: "It's called beauty in the eye of the beholder. In Jun Wuxian's eyes, the scars on your face don't exist."

Xu Qingqing's face was shy when she heard the words, but her eyes were full of smiles, "That's what he said too."

Jun Wuxian listened to the two of them talking, as if he didn't exist, you said something to me, he picked up the teacup and took two sips of tea, fortunately he was there, if he wasn't there, maybe he would talk about something~
Shen Chuwei patted his chest confidently and said, "I'll make some ointment for you later, to ensure you get married beautifully."

Xu Qingqing's eyes lit up when she heard the words, although Jun Wuxian didn't care, but women are born to love beauty, so it is of course the best to get rid of the scars.

"Can you really remove the scars on your face?"

Shen Chuwei nodded confidently, "Well, I'm sure you're satisfied."

Xu Qingqing was so excited when she heard the words, who wouldn't want to get married beautifully?It would be a pity to marry with a scar.

Jun Wuxian saw the happy smile in Xu Qingqing's eyes, even though he said he didn't care, the scar on his cheek would still affect Xu Qingqing's mood and thoughts.

It would be great to heal the scars on the face.

Jun Wuxian didn't speak until the two of them had reached a similar level of conversation.

"Shen Chuwei, why are you in the palace?"

Shen Chuwei looked at Jun Wuxian, touched his nose, "Well..."

Jun Wuxian saw that she hesitated to speak, "What? Can't you say it?"

When Shen Chuwei thought of his decision to confess when the Master of the State Teacher came back, it seemed that there was nothing he couldn't say.

She said in a low voice: "Because they thought I was Princess Jiuyou, they took me to live in the palace. In fact, I am not. I plan to clarify with them in a few days."

Jun Wuxian didn't expect that he guessed half right, and was indeed recognized by the people in the palace, after all, they look alike.

"How do you know you're not?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Am I still not clear?"

Jun Wuxian asked: "Then do you know that you are not the daughter of the Shen family?"

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, "Isn't it the daughter of a concubine, is it an illegitimate daughter?"

Jun Wuxian: "..."

"The daughter of the Shen family was raised in the countryside and died of illness when she was 11 years old. The mother was afraid that the Shen family would blame her, so she picked up a girl of about the same age to pretend to be Shen Chuwei, and then returned to the Shen family instead of Shen Chuwei, so you are Feng Wuyou. Very likely."

Shen Chuwei was a little surprised, the original owner wasn't the concubine of the Shen family, but she wasn't Feng Wuyou either, her temperament was too bad.

"But... I'm not."

Jun Wuxian couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "Feng Wuyou has a pet snow ball, and she can communicate with animals, don't you think you are not?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Xue Tuan is not my pet, but Xiao Jinyan's pet. I have the ability to communicate with animals, but that doesn't mean I am Feng Wuyou. I still know if I am."

Shen Chuwei didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't just talk about what he wore from modern times, right?
Seeing that she didn't believe her, Jun Wuxian said, "It doesn't matter if you don't believe that you are Feng Wuyou, I have a way to prove that you are Feng Wuyou."

Shen Chuwei was a little curious, "What way?"


Babies ask for a monthly ticket to climb the list (plus more)

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