Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 599 A woman who looks just like Ma Ma, why doesn't Ma Ma kiss the baby?

After hearing this, Taotao and Susu kicked their legs happily and got off the emperor. With four little hands, each of them grabbed the emperor's sleeve and walked outside.

"Grandfather, let's find Ma Ma together."

The emperor led two little guys instead, they were only two years old, but they were very smart, and they all knew how to coax him with food.

Since the babies are promised to go out of the palace, it is a gentleman's word that it is hard to chase, so let's go out of the palace to relax.

However, you can't wear a dragon robe to go out of the palace, you have to change clothes.

After changing his clothes, the emperor took the two little guys out of the palace in a carriage.

Dabai and Chu Lingfeng watched the carriage gradually disappear in front of their eyes, with depressed expressions on their faces.

This is the second time for the two little guys to ride out of the palace in a carriage. Although they are young, they have a very good memory. They still remember the last time the grandpa and grandma rode out of the palace together.

Susu held the emperor's arm, tilted her little head, and looked puzzled, "Where are the emperor's grandpa and grandma? Why don't you play together?"

The emperor felt guilty for a while, it wasn't that he didn't bring the queen out to play, but that it was a waste of time to inform the queen to leave the palace again.

He took Susu Taotao out to play for a while and then went back, not really looking for the princess.

"Susu, next time we will take your grandma out to play, shall we?"

Susu nodded happily, "Okay, Grandpa Huang must not forget spicy."

The emperor rubbed Susu's little head, "The emperor will remember it in his heart."

Susu said very seriously: "Wo will also be remembered in my heart."

The emperor couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

Taotao put down the curtain, turned to look at the emperor, "Grandfather, where can we find father and mother?"

The emperor was stunned for a moment, he didn't know whether the prince and princess were in Nanzhao Kingdom or on their way back.

"I'll take you to the city wall to have a look."

Taotao and Susu said in unison, "Okay."

After leaving the palace, the emperor first took Taotao and Susu to buy food.

Susu tugged on the emperor's sleeve, and suddenly thought of Cha Guozi, "Grandpa, I want a second fruit."

Once out of the palace, Susu still remembers to call grandpa, not Grandpa Huang.

The emperor was a little surprised that Susu still remembered, he looked at Susu with a doting face, "Okay, I will buy it later."

"I have to buy a lot, three for the nest, and three for the mama, the pot, the small pot, Grandma Huang..." Susu read out the familiar people who were kind to her one by one.

When it came to the end, she said she was confused, she broke her fingers, and finally raised her head helplessly and said to the emperor: "Grandpa, I don't know how to count anymore."

The emperor smiled and said: "Grandpa will count for you, don't be afraid."

Susu happily grabbed the emperor's sleeve tightly, waiting for the emperor to buy tea and fruit for her.

Taotao tugged at the sleeve on the other side, tiptoed, and looked towards the booth.

The emperor bought two cakes, handed them to Taotao and Susu respectively, and then took them to buy tea fruit.

Someone followed behind to pay the bill.

Susu had something to eat in her hand, so she let go of Grandpa Huang's sleeves and put all her heart on the food.

The outer layer of the cake is very crispy, and there is meat in it. Susu is my favorite.

On the day of Qixi Festival, the emperor went to buy tea fruit once, so he knew the exact location.

As he walked, he looked down at Taotao and Susu. The two little guys were eating cakes with their heads down.

Children are naturally fond of eating and playing, but Taotao and the prince are very similar when they were young, smart and love to learn.

After eating the cake in her hand, Susu took out a small handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her mouth, then wiped her hands seriously.

After wiping it clean, she put away the small handkerchief, raised her head and looked at Grandpa Huang, who was following with cheerful steps.

When approaching the tea fruit shop
Susu tilted her head and looked not far away, her eyes finally fell on a black figure, she stared at that person's face for a long time.

"... Mama."

Susu stared at that face, looked left and right, and finally ran over, raised her small face and stared fiercely at him.

"Master, there is a little girl who has been staring at you."

After the maid reminded her, Feng Qingyan looked down and saw a very cute little girl staring at herself with her big flickering eyes, without any suspicion, if it was a man staring at her like that, probably Will be treated like a hooligan.

Susu stared at that face, searching for memories about Ma Ma in her mind, but she was separated for too long, no matter how good her memory was, she would easily forget Ma Ma's specific appearance when she was too young.

But when I saw the face in front of me, it gradually overlapped with the one in my memory.

She tugged on the man's sleeve, and said in a childish voice with a little excitement, "Ma Ma, mud is Ma Ma."

Feng Qingyan heard that she was called Ma Ma, and squatted down in front of the little girl, her eyes were at the same level as the little girl, the little girl was so cute.

"What's your name?"

Susu hugged the woman's neck excitedly, pouted her small mouth and said "baji" on the woman's face, "Wo is called Susu, and Ma Mani is called Wo Baobao."

Being kissed suddenly, Feng Qingyan's body froze.

Seeing this scene, Qing Rong was startled, this little girl is so courageous that she dared to kiss her master.

After Susu kissed her, her big dark eyes stared at her unblinking, full of doubts, "Mama, why didn't Ni kiss the baby?"

"Ah?" Feng Qingyan was confused.

"Ma Ma. Does Ni not like babies anymore?" Seeing that the woman still didn't kiss her, Su Su began to feel wronged as she spoke, her little eyes turned red.

Where has Feng Qingyan seen this posture before?With a soft heart, he imitated the movement of Susu and gave a "baji" on the little girl's cheek.

Anyway, kissing a girl doll is nothing.

Susu happily put her arms around the woman's neck again, and said in a childish voice, "Mama, hold the baby."

Feng Qingyan didn't understand Ma Ma's meaning at first, but she guessed it, probably mother's meaning.

"I'm not your Mama."

"The mud is numb." Susu said seriously, thinking that there were meat buns in her small satchel, she opened the small satchel, took out the meat buns and handed them to the woman.

"Mama, time bag."

Feng Qingyan looked at the cold meat buns in front of her, she had no appetite at all, the meat buns are only delicious when they are warm.

Susu held up the meat bun to the woman's mouth, "Ma Ma loves the second bun the most."

Feng Qingyan paused and said: "I'm not your Mama, this meat bun doesn't taste good when it's cold."

Susu has never eaten cold meat buns, and the meat buns are always warm. In her eyes, meat buns are delicious.

"Good times, leave it to Mama."

Feng Qingyan looked at the two or three-year-old doll, and she couldn't understand no matter how much she said, so she didn't continue to defend herself.

"Where is your home? I'll have someone take you back."

After asking, I thought it was funny, such a big baby, how would I know where I live?
Susu held the woman's face together with the meat buns, and said with a smile: "Ma Ma smiled, the most beautiful."

Feng Qingyan was amused, "The little mouth is quite sweet."

Susu still didn't forget the meat buns in her hand, and continued to send them to the woman's mouth, "Ma Ma time bag, good time, Ma Ma love time."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Why can't I forget the meat buns?
When the emperor was buying tea and fruit, Taotao found that his sister was missing, and grabbed the emperor's sleeve and shouted, "Grandpa, my sister is missing."

Hearing the words, the emperor hurriedly lowered his head to look over. Susu, who was standing on his left side, had long since disappeared. His legs softened in fright, and he held onto the booth beside him to stabilize his figure.

"Susu." He didn't even bother to buy tea fruit, so he turned to look for Susu.

The emperor ran a few steps, thought of Taotao, turned around and picked up Taotao, he couldn't lose Taotao too.

Seeing two guards not far away, the emperor was furious, "What are you doing with your two eyes? Hurry up and find Susu."

The guards followed all the time, but they didn't expect that the little princess would be lost if they didn't pay attention, and they hurried to find someone.


The emperor held Taotao in his arms and searched around the shop. It took only a while, so he shouldn't run far.

Feng Qingyan was still coaxing the little girl, refusing to eat the cold meat buns.

Qingrong saw the man holding the little boy, and reminded: "Master, do you think they are looking for a little girl?"

Feng Qingyan raised her head, and saw a man holding a little boy anxiously looking for something in the crowd, and then saw that the little boy in his arms was exactly the same as the little girl in front of her.

They should be looking for this little girl.

Feng Qingyan took Susu's hand and asked: "Look, who is that?"

Susu raised her head and looked in the direction of the woman's finger. After looking for a while, she saw the figure of Grandpa Huang, and said in a childish voice, "That's Grandpa, pot pot."

Sure enough, they are relatives.

Feng Qingyan said again: "Then why don't you hurry up and find grandpa and brother."

Susu heard the words and ran towards Grandpa Huang happily. Thinking of Ma Ma, she ran a few steps and then turned back, but she didn't see Ma Ma after looking around.

Feng Qingyan hid herself when Susu ran over, but from her current angle, she could see Susu, and she could also see her looking back for herself.

Susu didn't see Ma Ma's figure and ran back again, crying anxiously, "Ma Ma, hold the baby, Ma Ma..."

Seeing Susu crying, Feng Qingyan's heart throbbed inexplicably. She clutched her chest, seeing Susu's teary face, she couldn't stand it.

Just as she was about to walk over, she saw the man holding the little boy striding over, and she hurried back.

The emperor saw Susu's figure in the crowd at a glance, and ran over as fast as he could.


The emperor hugged Susu, who was running around in the crowd, into his arms, and saw her eyes were red and teary, and he felt so distressed instantly.

"Susu, who bullied you?"

Susu turned her head and saw Grandpa Huang, and hugged Grandpa Huang's neck, feeling so wronged, "Ma, Ma Ma doesn't want the baby anymore."

Seeing her sister crying so sad, Taotao immediately coaxed her in a childish voice, "Mama wants my sister."

The emperor also coaxed in a warm voice: "Susu, how could mother not want Susu baby?"

"Mama is leaving." Susu cried out of breath, "Holding the meat bun in her hand, she felt even more aggrieved, "Baobao, Mama is not inferior to Baobao. "

Susu still remembers that every time Ma Ma would eat meat buns, Ma Ma would eat them, but Ma Ma didn't eat them this time, which made her very sad.

The emperor looked at the meat bun in Susu's hand, and after listening to Susu's words, he felt a little strange. If he didn't see the princess, Susu wouldn't take out the meat bun.

However, Susu not only took it out, but also said that the Crown Princess would not eat it, that the Crown Princess had left, and that she was no longer wanted.

Has Susu seen the princess?

The emperor raised his head and glanced around, and felt that something was wrong again. The princess concubine is back, and the prince should be back too.

Even if he really came back, he wouldn't have to hide when he saw Susu.

The emperor thought for a while and couldn't figure it out. Seeing Susu's tears streaming down, he took out a square handkerchief and wiped her tears.

"Susu, did you see mom just now?"

Susu nodded vigorously, "Well, Mama is leaving again."

The emperor asked again: "Where did you see Ma Ma?"

Susu turned her head to look to the side, pointed her finger there and said, "It's right there."

The emperor looked in the direction of Susu's fingers, there were only pedestrians going back and forth, and there was no shadow of the princess.

Susu continued to wrap her arms around Grandpa Huang's neck, and there was still a meat bun in her hand that she couldn't bear to throw away, "Grandpa, find Mama."

The emperor looked at Susu and rubbed her little head, "Okay, grandpa will look for it, let's go buy tea and fruits first, okay?"

Susu sobbed twice, nodded, "Okay."

The emperor picked up Susu and walked towards the shop selling tea and fruit.

Feng Qingyan, who was hiding in the dark, watched Susu being picked up by the man, her eyes were red from crying, and she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Qing Rong has been looking at the little girl, and couldn't help but say: "Master, have you noticed that the little girl is a bit like the master?"

Feng Qingyan smiled lightly: "Really?"

He said lightly: "This subordinate feels that the eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar."

"That little girl is so cute and pleasing, she actually called me mom, no, it should mean mother." Feng Qingyan thought about that she was already 38 years old, and she still didn't know what it was like to be a mother.

"According to my subordinates, that little girl called her mother because she saw the master's beauty." She said with a light smile.

Feng Qingyan also laughed when she heard this.

At this time, in the palace
After finishing her work, the queen came to the Hehuan Hall to visit her grandchildren, and went all the way to the sleeping hall, only to see Dabai lying at the door of the Hehuan Hall.

Dabai has always been inseparable from Susu, and now that she is not around, she is still a little puzzled.

When Chun Xi came out, she saw the empress, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Empress."

The queen asked: "Where is Susu Taotao?"

"Taotao and Susu went to find the emperor." Susu put meat buns in her satchel. She saw it with her own eyes, and then she took Taotao to find Ma Ma, but finally went to the emperor helplessly.

"Go to the imperial study?" The queen's eyes flashed doubts, "I came here from the imperial study."

Chunxi seemed to think of something, "Could it be that the emperor took Susu and the others to play? Susu kept arguing to go out of the palace to find the princess, and then went to the emperor, presumably to let the emperor take them out of the palace Find the princess."

The queen glanced at Dabai, if Susu went to look for the dog emperor, she would not be without Dabai, let alone play in the palace without Dabai.

Is it really out of the palace?

Only when he leaves the palace, Dabai cannot follow Susu.

The queen will be more sure, the dog emperor took Taotao and Susu out of the palace, and they did not take her with him, the dog emperor really does not have her in his heart, and he knows how to say nice things every day.

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