Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 622 Is Feng Qingyan's identity actually the apprentice of Master Guoshi

Chapter 622 Is Feng Qingyan's identity actually the apprentice of Master Guoshi

When she was with Xiao Jinyan back then, it was because she accepted it that she was willing to sleep with her.

If she really doesn't want to, as a doctor, she still has a way not to sleep.

The mother must have accepted the father, so he let him stay overnight.

Jun Moqing felt that what his daughter said was reasonable, and he knew what kind of person Feng'er was.

Otherwise, Feng'er wouldn't have slept in her arms last night.

"When she finishes her work, I will follow her away for a while."

Feng Qingyan held her father's arm, and when she heard that he was going to leave, she felt a little reluctant, "Why did you leave? How long will you be leaving?"

"Investigate the cause of her memory loss. It's still unknown how long she's been away. Try to come back as soon as possible." Jun Moqing patted her daughter's head reassuringly.

Feng Wuyou is no longer a three-year-old child. She knew that her father wanted to restore her mother's memory as soon as possible, and she left for a better reunion.

"Then I'll wait here for father and mother to come back."

Jun Moqing looked down at her daughter's similar face to Feng'er, her daughter really resembled her very much.

Xiao Jinyan is so busy these days that sometimes he can't even come back to eat lunch with Xiao Jiu.

Lu Zhaoyan walked in quickly, saw Xiao Jinyan in front of the book case, and he stepped forward to salute, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Zhaoyan, "Why is Master Lu here?"

Lu Zhaoyan smiled: "I heard that Master Guo Shi is here, and I want to see you."

Xiao Jinyan raised his head when he heard the words, a look of curiosity flashed in his eyes, "Since when did you become interested in Master Guoshi?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "I just want to confirm one thing, besides, who is not interested in the prestige of Master Guoshi?"

Xiao Jinyan snorted lightly, but it was true, who wouldn't want to see my father-in-law?Even the emperor wanted to see the old man every now and then.

"When I finish my work, Mr. Lu can go to the East Palace with me."

Lu Zhaoyan saluted happily when he heard the words, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your fulfillment."

Xiao Jinyan seemed to think of something, suddenly raised his head and asked him, "Is Master Lu very free these days?"

Lu Zhaoyan replied subconsciously: "It's okay."

"Since you're not busy, help me sort out the cursive script." Xiao Jinyan then pointed to the bookshelf in the corner and said, "By the way, these need to be proofread, and you have to do it too."

Lu Zhaoyan looked at the cursive script, and then at the bookshelf in the corner, there were three rows... Did he come at the wrong time today?
He looked at Xiao Jinyan with some embarrassment, "Your Highness, this..."

Xiao Jin said: "I believe in Mr. Lu's ability, and it can be completed within three days."

Lu Zhaoyan immediately petrified in situ, Xiao Jin said that this was because he was working overtime and didn't want others to be idle...

It's just that His Royal Highness has spoken, how can he have a reason to refuse?

Xiao Jinyan was so busy during this period that he went back very late at night, and Xiao Jiu fell asleep early when he got back.

He wanted to get close to Xiao Jiu, but he was very tired, so besides sleeping with Xiao Jiu, he could only sleep with Xiao Jiu in his arms.

Someone will come to share the burden, so he is naturally not polite.

Lu Zhaoyan is a bachelor who studies divination and fortune-telling every day, so he might really become a nerd.

Lu Zhaoyan looked at the cursive script and glanced at the door, but he didn't see Qin Xiao when he came.

"Your Highness, I heard that Qin Xiao will get married next month, is it true?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Well, I married the Crown Princess' personal maid."

"Qin Xiao is very lucky. To marry such a virtuous wife and give birth to a fat boy, Wei Chi will not be so lucky."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Why is Wei Chi unlucky?"

Lu Zhaoyan glanced outside and said in a low voice, "Your Highness doesn't know something. Two years ago, Wei Chen arranged Wei Chi's marriage. Guess what happened, Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan thought for a while and said, "Could it be that Wei Chi died alone?"

"That's not enough." Lu Zhaoyan hesitated for a while, and said, "The one with Wei Chi may not be a woman."

Xiao Jinyan immediately understood after hearing this. Wei Chi and Qin Xiao knew each other very well after following him for so many years. It never occurred to him that Wei Chi might be a broken sleeve.

"Does Wei Chi know?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "How can I say that so bluntly? I just said that he will have no heirs in the future, so it's a hint."

As soon as Wei Chi came back from his errands, he heard the conversation between Xiao Jinyan and Lu Zhaoyan when he walked to the door. As a martial arts student, he could hear it very clearly.

He paused in his footsteps, and his face was a little ugly.

Lu Zhaoyan sighed, "Weichen and Wei Chi have known each other for many years, and I really didn't notice it. Your Highness, please don't tell Wei Chi, otherwise Weichen will become an insider but don't tell. I'm afraid I won't even be a friend."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the door, and then at Lu Zhaoyan, "Of course I won't tell him this, but you still have to be careful, after all, fire can't be covered with paper."

Lu Zhaoyan said, "Wei Chen understands that Wei Chen will never say a word in front of Wei Chi."

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said nothing.

After handling official duties, when Xiao Jinyan and Lu Zhaoyan came out one after another, Wei Chi had already left.

It was not time for lunch when he came to the East Palace. Jun Moqing was teaching Taotao to practice martial arts. He said it was martial arts, but in fact he was practicing some basic skills, the most of which were squatting and chassis training.

There is a long way to learn martial arts, and the most important thing is to practice basic skills.

Susu sometimes imitates Taotao's movements and learns to squat, but she doesn't have Taotao's perseverance, so she goes to play with the tiger, lion and beast Dabai after a while.

When Xiao Jinyan came, Jun Moqing was sitting at the table drinking tea, he stepped forward to salute, "Father."

He followed Xiao Jiu to call his father, feeling more cordial.

Lu Zhaoyan felt very familiar just seeing the back of Master Guoshi, and after following Xiao Jinyan closer, he found that it was indeed the person he thought of, and couldn't help being a little excited.

He strode forward and knelt on the ground with a "plop", "Master."

Xiao Jinyan saw Lu Zhaoyan knelt down when he disagreed with him, and when he heard the voice of master, he suddenly seemed to understand.

Jun Moqing raised her head lightly, saw Lu Zhaoyan, "Get up."

"Thank you, Master." Lu Zhaoyan stood up from the ground, and looked at Jun Moqing excitedly, "If I knew that Master was coming to Daxia, this disciple should have come to greet Master earlier."

Jun Moqing asked: "How is your study going?"

It was an accident that Jun Moqing accepted Lu Zhaoyan as his apprentice back then. Lu Zhaoyan knew how to watch the stars at night to see his fortune, which is very powerful even in modern times.

He found that Lu Zhaoyan was also talented in fortune-telling and palm reading, and happened to have no apprentices, so he took him in as an apprentice.

Lu Zhaoyan said humbly: "Thanks to Master's concern, this disciple is working hard and has already made a breakthrough in this regard."

Jun Moqing nodded lightly, "Yes."

Lu Zhaoyan did not expect that the dignified Taoist master is the master of the national teacher. These days, he studied behind closed doors and missed a lot of time with his master.

Lu Zhaoyan chatted with the master for a while and then left, because he knew that the master likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be disturbed by others.

After coming out of Hehuan Hall, Xiao Jin said, "I never thought that Mr. Lu's master is father. Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Lu Zhaoyan said: "Your Highness, Master is the lord of Xuanmen, how can you casually mention Master's name?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "That's true."

No wonder it took a long time for Lu Zhaoyan to leave.

After Lu Zhaoyan left the East Palace, he returned to his residence. As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw Wei Chi standing at the door.

Lu Zhaoyan was in a very good mood when he met his master today, with a smile on his lips, "Wei Wei, why are you here when you have time?"

With a dark face, Wei Chi pressed Lu Zhaoyan's shoulder, as if beating someone.

Lu Zhaoyan vaguely noticed that something was wrong with Wei Chi, but he was in such a good mood that he ignored it.

"I'm in a good mood today, guard, do you want to have a drink together?"

Wei Chi thought that Lu Zhaoyan had lied to him for so long, his teeth itched with anger, and he said with a dark face, "Okay, have a drink."

Lu Zhaoyan asked people to prepare food and drink, and boiled a pot of wine.

two people sitting at the table

Lu Zhaoyan was overjoyed, and lifted the jug to pour Wei Chi a glass of wine, and then poured himself a glass.

Wei Chi looked at Lu Zhaoyan who was full of spring breeze with a cold face, "Lord Lu is so happy today?"

"I'm really happy today." Lu Zhaoyan picked up the wine glass and touched Wei Chi, then passed it to his mouth and drank it in one gulp.

Wei Chi is not happy. Anyone who has been cheated for so long will be unhappy when he is replaced. He has known each other for so long and can't even tell the truth?
In the past two years, he always thought that there was something wrong with him, so he never dared to have that idea.

Qin Xiao is going to get married next month. As a brother who was born and died, he is really happy for him.

Lu Zhaoyan saw that Wei Chi was holding the glass and refused to drink, so he reminded: "Drink."

Wei Chi glanced down at the wine in the glass, then drank it in one gulp.

Lu Zhaoyan immediately brought up the jug and filled it up for him, "Qin Xiao is going to get married early next month, so you have to find one quickly."

Lu Zhaoyan actually wanted Wei Chi to try it out, and his calculations were not [-]% accurate. What if there was room for maneuver?

Wei Chi's face darkened a bit after hearing this, and he felt that Lu Zhaoyan said that on purpose, knowing the reason why he had no heirs, and came to ridicule him.

Is this what my brother did?
"I don't drink anymore."

Wei Chi put down the wine glass in his hand with a "snap", stood up and walked out.

Lu Zhaoyan was stunned for a moment, it wasn't that he had never seen Wei Chi get angry, but he had never seen Wei Chi get angry inexplicably.

He hastily put down the wine glass in his hand and chased after him, grabbed Wei Chi's arm, "Wei Wei, what's wrong?"

Wei Chi snorted: "You still have the nerve to ask me? Are you so happy?"

Lu Zhaoyan looked confused, "What's wrong with me? Why can't I be happy?"

"It didn't happen to you, of course you can be happy." Wei Chi shook off Lu Zhaoyan's hand and strode away.

Lu Zhaoyan looked at Wei Chi's back, and didn't want to understand what he said. He didn't seem to offend him, did he?

Feng Qingyan's business is almost done, apart from following Jun Moqing to the East Palace to eat and drink, she is still a little worried.

She has no plans to go back at present, but Jun Moqing has always wanted to follow her back to investigate the truth of the matter.

In the past few days, Jun Moqing has been guarding on the roof, for fear that she would run away.

Jun Moqing said: "You never told me your identity."

This is the second time Jun Moqing mentioned her identity, she didn't answer and asked instead: "Is my identity important?"

Jun Moqing said: "Your identity may be related to your memory, so it is very important to me."

Feng Qingyan thought for a while, and found that Jun Moqing was looking at her, as if looking forward to the answer.

"My identity can't be said casually."

Jun Moqing asked again: "Even I can't tell?"

"The first condition of my identity is that I cannot get married and have children. Do you know that? Look, Shou Gongsha is still there." Feng Qingyan rolled up her sleeves, revealing a white and slender arm. Show Jun Moqing the cinnabar mole.

Jun Moqing looked down at the Shougong Sha on her arm, which looked particularly eye-catching on her fair arm.

"Fake." He stretched out his finger and pressed it, as if wondering if he could rub off the Shougong sand.

Feng Qingyan explained: "How could Shougongsha be fake? I ordered Shougongsha when I was ten years old. If I really married you and had a child, Shougongsha will disappear."

Jun Moqing saw that Shou Gongsha was in good condition and did not rub it. He pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe if we consummate the room again, it will disappear."

"..." Feng Qingyan: "...Can you stop playing hooligans in a serious manner?"

Jun Moqing said, "I'm serious."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

Jun Moqing continued: "Shou Gongsha, you lost it 20 years ago, you can make it up the day after tomorrow."

Feng Qingyan asked: "How can I mend it the day after tomorrow?"

Jun Moqing explained: "You don't understand even if you tell me, as long as you understand a little bit, even if you are married, Shou Gongsha can still be ordered."

"Shougong" is actually feeding geckos with cinnabar, smashing it and putting it on the woman's arm.

Modern science has confirmed that during the reproductive period, the female gecko is full of estrogen and has spots on its skin. When it meets androgen, the estrogen and androgen will be neutralized and disappeared, and the spots on the body will also disappear.

Therefore, even if a married woman can still make up the palace sand, it will disappear automatically after having sex.

Feng Qingyan expressed doubts, "I don't understand."

Jun Moqing said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to remember that I lost your Shougong Sha."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"But, this Shou Gongsha..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Jun Moqing said, "I can only make it disappear."

Jun Moqing is probably the only one who speaks domineering words in a calm tone.

Feng Qingyan looked down at Shou Gongsha on her arm, she still couldn't believe it, this was added later, so didn't she deceive the whole clan?
Jun Moqing saw through her thoughts at a glance, "Don't you believe me?"

Feng Qingyan said truthfully: "It's really hard for people to believe what you said."

The best way to convince a person is to put the evidence in front of her.

"Then I will prove it to you."

"How to prove this?" Feng Qingyan seemed to think of something, her eyes suddenly widened, "No, absolutely not."

Jun Moqing took her hand and went straight into the carriage.

Feng Qingyan said coldly: "Jun Moqing, before I'm not sure that you are my husband, you can't do anything out of line."

Jun Moqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and flicked her forehead, "Your mind is full of yellow trash."

Feng Qingyan asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Jun Moqing: "Men and women's affairs are the joy of fish and water."

Feng Qingyan was stunned, and after she realized it, she blushed.

After entering the East Palace, Jun Moqing brought Feng Qingyan to the Hall of Hehuan.

Feng Wuyou saw her father and mother coming, and happily went up to them.

"Father, mother, you came early today."

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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