Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 631 Afraid of losing his wife, Wei Chi hides from Lu Zhaoyan

Chapter 631 Afraid of losing his wife, Wei Chi hides from Lu Zhaoyan

The Empress Dowager naturally didn't believe it, "Yu'er, did you make a mistake? How could Wanxin do such a thing? Could it be that you deliberately said that to protect Concubine Han?"

Xiao Jinyu felt that Grandma Huang was old and confused, but it was hard to say it in person, for fear of making the old man sick.

"Grandma Huang, you trust outsiders but not your own grandson. When did your grandson become so unreasonable and turn black and white? Even if your grandson doesn't like Wanxin, he won't frame her indiscriminately."

Xiao Jinyu's tone was full of grievances.

The queen mother was startled, thinking of Yu'er's temper, she was indeed not a person who confused black and white.

Seeing her grandson so wronged, the queen mother also felt that she was too arbitrary.

"Wan Xinai doesn't look like the kind of person you said, do you have evidence?"

"Of course." Xiao Jinyu showed the evidence he had collected to the Queen Mother.

"Grandma Huang, this is the evidence my grandson found."

The queen mother couldn't believe it after reading the evidence, "Wanxin is actually this kind of person, it's in vain that Aijia loves her so much. She is so scheming and vicious."

The queen mother was very angry, including her face, she was mistaken.

In order to ease the embarrassment, she asked, "How is Concubine Han?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "Concubine Han has been in a coma for a long time, and she almost couldn't wake up. She just woke up yesterday, and she is very weak. The imperial doctor said that I don't know if she can recover."

Although the Empress Dowager didn't like Concubine Han, she was very angry now that Wan Xin had made her like this.

"Wan's heart is too poisonous, send a few more imperial doctors to Concubine Han to see, and if you need anything, just say it."

Xiao Jinyu, "Thank you Grandma Huang for your concern, my grandson will."

Xiao Jinyu came to Concubine Han's bedroom as soon as she returned to Qiancheng Palace, and found that she was already awake.

"Ayan, when did you wake up? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

While Xiao Jinyu was speaking, she had come to the bed and sat down, looking at her worriedly.

Concubine Han had just woken up, she didn't see Xiao Jinyu, she planned to sleep for a while, but saw him back.

"Just woke up, a little dizzy, want to eat." The voice is still very weak.

"I'll let someone bring the food." Xiao Jinyu told Ping'er to prepare the food.

Ping'er prepared food early in the morning, just waited for Concubine Han to wake up to eat, and it would be ready to eat after it was warmed up.

When the food was served, Xiao Jinyu wanted to feed her, but was dismissed as too troublesome to feed her, so he had to give up.

Concubine Han became more energetic after eating, Xiao Jinyu wiped the corners of her mouth with a wet handkerchief, her movements were gentle and delicate, for fear of hurting her.

"Want to go out and bask in the sun?"

Concubine Han nodded, "I haven't basked in the sun for quite a while."

Xiao Jinyu asked people to move the rattan chair to the yard, spread it with a thick mink velvet blanket, and when he was sure that it was not too soft, he hugged Ah Yan horizontally and placed it on it.

The sun in the yard is warm and warm, shining on the body lazily and very warmly.

Concubine Han side closed her eyes to enjoy the sun bath.

Xiao Jinyu guarded her closely.

In the dead of night, Xiao Jinyu was pleasantly surprised from his sleep, opened his eyes, looked at the person in his arms with the help of the weak light at the bedside, and saw that her eyes were closed tightly without any movement.

He propped himself up on his elbows, stretched out his hand to feel the concubine Tan Han's breath, and when he was sure she was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jinyu lay down and continued to sleep with his eyes closed, and found that the person in his arms moved a little. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ah Yan looking at him.

"What's wrong? Did I wake you up?"

"No, I woke up by myself."

Concubine Han woke up a little earlier than Xiao Jinyu, but she didn't open her eyes until she noticed Xiao Jinyu's breathing.

In fact, Xiao Jinyu has done such a move many times.

Ever since Concubine Han became seriously ill, he would wake up from a dream every night, and then sniff her to make sure she was still breathing before he felt relieved.

"Can't sleep now?" Xiao Jinyu asked.

Concubine Han nodded, "I slept a lot during the day, so I won't be so sleepy."

"Then how about I chat with you for a while?"

"it is good."

"Ah Yan, it's all my fault. I didn't take you with me because I was afraid that you would suffer hardship, but I gave someone a chance to harm you. If I had known it earlier, I would have taken you with me wherever I went."

"If she is harmful to others, it's useless to carry it. Let this matter pass. You must not blame yourself."

What I heard the most these days was Xiao Jinyu's self-blame. It was obviously not his fault, but he always felt that it was his fault.

Xiao Jinyu hugged her tightly, buried her face in her neck, "I won't talk about it until you recover."

Concubine Han looked down at the hairy head in her arms, and held his face with her hands. It's been a while since she came back, and her complexion has returned to white.

Staring at those beautiful peach blossom eyes for a long time, she leaned over and kissed his lips.

Xiao Jinyu was stunned for a moment. During the days when Ah Yan was ill, he hadn't thought about it, because he didn't have the heart to think about it.

Now being kissed, I immediately have that thought.

He responded gently, not daring to go any further.

After kissing for a while, Xiao Jinyu pushed her away, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are still sick, bear with it, and continue when you are better."

Concubine Han just wanted to comfort Xiao Jinyu who was overly frightened, but he misunderstood him.


Xiao Jinyu stared at her for a while, then leaned into her ear and said, "Ah Yan, when you recover, let's make a baby."

Concubine Han was silent for a while, then nodded.

Xiao Jinyu was so happy, "Our baby must be as cute as Susu Taotao."

Concubine Han was noncommittal.

Xiao Jinyu gradually became sleepy.

Concubine Han suddenly opened her eyes and asked, "What did you touch my nose for?"

Xiao Jinyu replied subconsciously: "See if you are breathing."

Concubine Han: "..."

Feng Wuyou gave Ouyang Jingyuan acupuncture twice in the past few days, trying to improve his condition.

It's just that it doesn't have much effect, Ouyang Jingyuan's body is already very weak.

"Xiao Jiu, I will go back in two days."

"So fast? Don't you want to stay a few more days?"

People like Ouyang Jingyuan are actually not suitable for long-distance travel, and they are exhausted by boats and cars.

So Feng Wuyou was a little worried.

"I've lived here for a while." Ouyang Jingyuan was actually reluctant to go back, but he couldn't keep disturbing her.

Feng Wuyou thought for a while and said: "Brother Ayuan, wait a little longer, wait until I make another prescription, can you go again?"

She was afraid of this farewell, and she would not have a chance to see her in the future.

This is ancient times, except for horses and carriages, communication is also by letters, if something happens, there is no time to notify.

Where did Ouyang Jingyuan reject Xiao Jiu?

What's more, he didn't want to.

"it is good."

Feng Wuyou looked through medical books to find the prescription.

Ouyang Leyuan has been looking for opportunities to get close to Xiao Jinyan, but she found that Xiao Jinyan is really busy, either discussing matters in the conference hall or reviewing memorials in the imperial study.

Since the emperor fell ill, he has also started to delegate power. He has seen the ability of the prince, and he is the strongest among all the princes.

In fact, as early as Xiao Jinyan was born, the emperor wanted to make him the prince, but because he was still very young at that time, he never acted.

Later, when Yu'er was born, he wanted to see which of the two brothers was more suitable to be emperor.

When Yu'er grew up a bit, he found that Yu'er's temperament was not suitable for being an emperor, and the prince could only talk about it.

It's just that the situation at that time was unstable, and Great Xia was not the strongest country.

The Nanzhao Kingdom appointed the prince born to the queen as the proton.

At that time, Yu'er was young, so he decided to send Yan'er to Nanzhao Kingdom as a hostage.

Yan'er had been away for eight years, and her personality changed drastically when she came back.

He decided not to appoint a prince for the time being, and he didn't express his opinion. He saw the rivalry between the brothers, and he found that Yan'er had grown a lot.

Acting calmly and capable, and decisive in killing, he seems to have seen himself when he was young.

From the beginning to the end, the position of the crown prince has always been Yan'er.

Xiao Jinyan didn't know all this, he thought that his father and queen mother were afraid that he would steal his younger brother's crown prince position.

The reason why they think so is that they dote on their younger brother too much, and they can get whatever he wants.

When he learned that he was going to be a proton in Nanzhao Kingdom, he knew that his father and queen mother had given up on him.

When I first arrived in Nanzhao Kingdom, I was not familiar with the place, and every night I missed my father, queen and queen very much, and wanted them to come and pick me up.

It's just that day after day, year after year, he didn't see his father and mother come to pick him up.

After a long time, he didn't want to.

He must have forgotten him after thinking about his father and queen.

When he was in Nanzhao Kingdom, a little girl often came to him, and that little girl always had a faint smell of candy on her body.

That was the only person in Nanzhao Kingdom who always smiled at him.

Even after many years, Xiao Jinyan still remembers the sweet smile of the little girl.

When he was sleeping at night, she would secretly come to his room to deliver food, and when he found out, she would pretend to be sleepwalking and run out in a skip.

Her pockets are like a treasure chest, with countless things to eat and play.

"Brother Jinyan, this is for you."

It is a piece of natural jade, priceless.

This is what he only recently learned, and she painted on it with a broken moon.

Xiao Jinyan woke up from a nap and found that he was dreaming about his childhood, dreaming about Xiaojiu.

Back in the East Palace, he came to Hehuan Hall immediately, opened the curtain and came in, and saw Xiao Jiu on the couch, holding a medical book in her hand, and she was usually taking a nap at this moment.

He stepped over, "Xiao Jiu."

Feng Wuyou was so engrossed in watching, Xiao Jinyan was not there when she came in, she looked up a little surprised, "Didn't Your Highness say that today will be very busy? Why are you back?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her firmly, "Come back and see you."

Feng Wuyou was a little confused, "Don't we meet every day?"

She wanted to say that Xiao Jinyan is not clingy~
"So what if we meet every day? You can watch it when you want." Only after seeing it will you feel at ease.

Feng Wuyou blinked her pretty eyes twice, "Your Highness is right."

Xiao Jinyan didn't stay long before getting busy.

It took Feng Wuyou three days to develop a new formula.

With Lingquan water, it can prolong life.

One more year of living is one year, and maybe she will find a better way in the future.

When Ouyang Leyuan learned that she was going back, she began to show her temper.

"Brother, why can't you stay longer? I haven't played enough yet."

Ouyang Jingyuan knew what his sister was thinking, and his tone was a little harsh: "I've lived for half a month, how long do you want to stay?"

Ouyang Leyuan was a little dissatisfied, and finally said nothing.

The day Ouyang Jingyuan left was sunny and sunny.

Ouyang Jingyuan said warmly: "I came in a hurry this time, next time I come, I will bring you delicious food."

Feng Wuyou nodded, "Then I'll wait for brother Ayuan to bring me delicious food in Daxia."

Ouyang Jingyuan seemed to think of something, "Didn't Ye Suhan come to Daxia? Why didn't you see him?"

Feng Wuyou said: "The third brother is indeed here, but I haven't seen him for a long time, and I didn't leave a word when I left."

Ouyang Jingyuan was a little puzzled, "This one is like his temperament, if he leaves, he won't keep telling you."

Feng Wuyou also knew that the third brother would not do this, but he felt something was wrong.

What was wrong, she couldn't tell.

Ouyang Jingyuan knew that Xiao Jiu was worried about Ye Suhan, so he comforted him: "Xiao Jiu, don't worry, Ye Suhan may have something to do, or he may have gone to his master."

Feng Wuyou was a little puzzled, what did the third brother go to see his father for?
Ouyang Jingyuan stared at Xiao Jiu for a long time before turning around and getting into the carriage.

Ouyang Leyuan reluctantly got into the carriage, and just got on Jiu and couldn't help complaining: "Brother, you like her, why don't you snatch her over? I like Xiao Jinyan, isn't it just right? As long as I give them a Gu, No matter how loving they are, they can still be separated."

Ouyang Jingyuan's face darkened, "Xiao Jiu and Xiao Jinyan are husband and wife, and they are in love with each other. Use Gu worms to separate them. Thanks to your thinking, don't say it's my sister when you go out. I feel ashamed."

Ouyang Leyuan turned her head angrily and ignored him.

Lu Zhaoyan would come to the East Palace to hang out when he had nothing to do. In fact, he wanted to explain to Wei Chi the misunderstanding.

It's just that I didn't see Wei Chi after coming here a few times, but Xiao Jinyan arranged an errand for him instead.

He found that Wei Chi was avoiding him on purpose.

Lu Zhaoyan couldn't help wondering, that night...did he talk nonsense after drinking?
Scared Wei Chi?
Qin Xiao came to Wei Chi and asked, "Master Lu has come to see you several times, why are you avoiding him?"

Wei Chi looked at Lu Zhaoyan who had gone away, and replied, "You don't understand."

"I don't understand what's going on in your mind, so just keep hiding."

Qin Xiao left after finishing speaking, but was stopped by Wei Chi, "Where are you going?"

"Looking for my wife, she said she cooked soup for me today." Qin Xiao left without looking back after speaking.

The sudden dog food filled Wei Chi's face, "Isn't it just that I have a wife..."

Concubine Han Fang took care of her for a few days, and her body has recovered well, she can get out of bed and move around.

Xiao Jinyu was always worried and always reminded her to slow down.

"I'm all right."

Xiao Jinyu nodded, "Be careful then."

Concubine Han: "..."

The queen also learned about Concubine Han's illness, so she specially brought supplements to visit, and saw two people in the yard.

"The Empress is here."

Following the eunuch's shout, Xiao Jinyu and Concubine Han took a few steps forward to salute: "May the queen be blessed and safe."

The queen said softly, "Get up."

Xiao Jinyu supported Concubine Han to stand up.

The queen took a few glances at Concubine Han, and saw that her complexion was not very good and she had lost a lot of weight.

"This is specially selected by the palace. You have just recovered from a serious illness, so you have to make up for it."

Concubine Han side blessed her body, "Thank you empress for your kindness."

The queen looked at her fragile appearance, and said, "Don't stand there, sit down and talk."

Xiao Jinyu helped her to the chair and sat down.

The queen sat down on the couch, looked at her son, and said with a smile: "Yu'er, your birthday is coming soon, what gift do you want?"

Of course Xiao Jinyu had the gift he wanted, but he had something important to ask.

"Mother, don't you remember the birthday of the prince's elder brother?"

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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