Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 634 After recovering memory, feel your conscience and tell the truth

Chapter 634 After recovering memory, feel your conscience and tell the truth

If Feng Qingyan hadn't abdicated, even if she died of old age, she would not have revealed this secret.

Although she expected Jun Moqing's words to be true, she was still shocked for a long time when she heard her mother-in-law say it herself.

As a saint, she not only lost her virginity, but also had a child.

If people in the clan know about it, I’m afraid they’ll go berserk~
The mother-in-law asked: "Although you are not a saint now, you can't let the people in the clan know about this, you know?"

Feng Qingyan also knew the seriousness of the matter, she nodded vigorously, "Mother-in-law, I understand."

Jun Moqing asked: "Grandma, is there any way to restore Feng'er's memory?"

The mother-in-law said: "The very old method was used to delete her memory at the beginning, but restoring the memory is not troublesome, and it is not easy to say."

Jun Moqing said again: "Then I'll have to thank you, mother-in-law."

Feng Qingyan raised her head to look at Jun Moqing, and found that he spoke a little bluntly, but he had a handsome face.

The mother-in-law glanced at Jun Moqing, then at Feng Qingyan, the difference between the two faces could be clearly seen.

Thinking that he is a Taoist master, different from ordinary people, he was relieved.

The mother-in-law said that she was ready to go to the house to rest.

Feng Qingyan sat on the stool with a teacup in her hand, still not recovering from the shock of knowing the truth.

Jun Moqing found that she had been silent all this time, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Feng Qingyan looked up at Jun Moqing, she was very happy to think that such a young and handsome man was her husband.


"I didn't expect what you said to be true, and I didn't expect that I have a 20-year-old daughter... I became a grandmother before I experienced the joy of being a mother."

Jun Moqing sighed: "It's quite regrettable."

Feng Qingyan looked at him suspiciously.

Jun Moqing continued: "After 20 years of separation, how many 20 years are there in a person's life? We have lost 20 years between us, and Xiao Jiu has also lost 20 years of maternal love."

Feng Qingyan was stunned when she asked, Jun Moqing was right, how many 20 years can a life have?

Between them, 20 years were wasted.

Jun Moqing hugged her into her arms, "We will be together from now on, we can't waste any more time."

Feng Qingyan was startled again, looking at such a young Jun Moqing, she couldn't help caressing her face, she knew that she would have such a young and handsome husband, so she should take good care of this face no matter what.

Maybe she could still be younger, and when she was with him, the gap was not that big.

At night, when Feng Qingyan was going to rest, she saw Jun Moqing sitting still, she asked, "Aren't you sleeping?"

Jun Moqing put down the teacup in his hand, looked up at her, and then at the bed behind her, "I want to sleep in the same bed with you tonight."

Feng Qingyan directly refused, "No."

Jun Moqing asked, "Why?"

"I haven't recovered my memory yet. Although I've confirmed that you are my husband, I've always slept alone. I'm not used to sleeping with a man all of a sudden."

Jun Moqing didn't understand, "What's wrong with this? We've been separated for 20 years, do you want one more day?"

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"20 years have passed, and this day is not bad."

Jun Moqing was a little helpless, "Then I won't go to bed."

Feng Qingyan said: "It's not comfortable to sit all night."

She didn't understand, how could lying in bed feel better after sitting all night?
He had to sit in the room and watch her.

Jun Moqing took it for granted, "You can let me go to bed."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"Sure enough, I'm getting older." Feng Qingyan walked to the bed and began to take off her clothes.

Jun Moqing stood up and walked over, sat down on the bed, raised her head and looked at Feng Qingyan, it was as if Feng Qingyan was deliberately undressing in front of him.

"You say I'm old?"

Feng Qingyan paused when she took off her clothes, then snorted: "It's just that she's getting old."

Jun Moqing said solemnly: "I, everything is normal. If you don't believe me, you can check it."

Feng Qingyan looked up and down Jun Moqing suspiciously, except for that handsome face that was very young, her temperament was not young.

"How do you check this? I'm not a doctor."

"It's very simple." Jun Moqing looked at Feng Qingyan firmly, took her hand and placed it on her chest.

Feng Qingyan's hand was on his chest, although he looked thin, but his chest muscles were very strong, his robe was spring style, very thin, and he could still feel his strong heartbeat.

Only then did Jun Moqing continue: "I can keep you out of bed for three days like before."

Feng Qingyan was stunned for a moment, thinking of what he said, her face flushed immediately, who would have thought that it would be fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, he would have a yellow accent?
How did these words come out of Jun Moqing's mouth?

Seeing that she was silent, Jun Moqing said again: "Why, don't you believe me?"

Feng Qingyan said coquettishly, "Who would believe this?"

Jun Moqing said: "It is the best way to prove that a person is not old."

"Stop talking." Feng Qingyan glared at Jun Moqing, took off her clothes, lifted the quilt and lay down, the quilt was pulled high, only her head was exposed.

Jun Moqing looked at her behavior suspiciously, and asked, "Didn't you say I'm old?"

Feng Qingyan couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "I didn't say you were old, but you were disobedient."

Jun Moqing nodded helplessly, "I understand."

Feng Qingyan asked: "What do you understand?"

Jun Moqing didn't speak, but stood up and began to undress slowly.

Feng Qingyan opened her eyes wide, watching the man in front of her take off her clothes without saying anything, she was a little dazed.

"How do you undress properly?"

When Jun Moqing took off her clothes, she glanced at Feng Qingyan, "Sleep."

Feng Qingyan: "..." What kind of brain circuit is this?

How did she fall in love with him back then?

Is it because of this face?

Just when Feng Qingyan was puzzled, Jun Moqing had already taken off her coat, lifted the quilt, and lay beside her.

Feng Qingyan seemed to be frightened, she desperately moved in, either she was shy, or she was not used to it, after sleeping alone for so many years, suddenly sleeping with a man, who can get used to it?

The two stared at each other.

Jun Moqing spoke first, "Go to sleep, I was just joking."

The corner of Feng Qingyan's mouth twitched, are you sure you were joking just now?

With Jun Moqing's face, and that tone of voice, you think it's true when you're joking, and it's true when you think it's a joke... You can't tell the difference.

There was a man lying beside her, how could Feng Qingyan sleep?

Lying in the same quilt, through the thin material, you can feel the temperature of the other person's body.

It was supposed to be cold in winter, but now, she felt warm and a little hot in the bed.

The man beside him was motionless, and I wondered if he was asleep?
Neither did Feng Qingyan, when did she fall asleep, and when she opened her eyes, Jun Moqing was no longer around her.

She stretched, got up and started getting dressed.

After getting dressed, I came out of the house, and the sun was already high outside.

I saw Jun Moqing sitting in the yard, holding a teacup in his hand, drinking tea slowly.

"Where's the mother-in-law?" She walked over with brisk steps and sat down in front of him.

Jun Moqing picked up the teapot and poured her a cup of tea, "Mother-in-law said that she went to find medicinal materials, which will help you restore your memory."

"Oh, my mother-in-law knows some medical skills." Feng Qingyan took a few sips of the tea cup to her lips to moisten her throat.

Jun Moqing pushed the breakfast to Feng Qingyan tomorrow, "It was prepared by Qing Rong."

"Not to mention, I'm already hungry." Feng Qingyan picked up the steamed stuffed bun from the plate and put it into her mouth to take a bite. The steamed stuffed bun filled with cabbage and meat was delicious before.

It's just that after eating the breakfast made by Xiaojiu, I found that the taste is incomparable.

Jun Moqing saw her act of eating buns as a gift, and asked, "Not to your liking?"

Feng Qingyan nodded, "Well, it's not as delicious as Xiaojiu's."

"That's natural. Xiaojiu is very good at cooking. When she was young, she said that when she grows up, she will make good food for me." Jun Moqing recalled the scene at that time, "I thought she was making me happy, but I didn't expect her to really make me happy." did it."

Feng Qingyan said: "Xiao Jiu is very sensible, you teach well."

In fact, Jun Moqing didn't teach anything. He was very pampered to his daughter and didn't let her suffer any grievances. Whatever he wanted, as long as he had it, as long as he could do it, he would satisfy her.

So Xiao Jiu didn't have a rebellious period, and his whole childhood was happy.

He is also very courageous and will tell him anything.

This is probably, unintentionally planting willows and willows into shadows.

Children educated with care may not be as good-minded and sensible as Xiaojiu.

Feng Qingyan and Jun Moqing stayed here for three days, cooperating with her mother-in-law to restore her memory.

Finally on the fourth day, Feng Qingyan recovered her memory.

As soon as the mother-in-law got old, she went to the house to rest after busy work.

Feng Qingyan was lying on the bed, because of the medicine and the soothing incense, she hadn't woken up.

Jun Moqing sat in front of the bed, looking down at the sleeping woman, quietly waiting for her to wake up.

Although Feng Qingyan is in a coma this time, she is actually a little conscious, receiving the tide of memories pouring into her mind non-stop.

Too many memories made her unable to digest for a while, her brows were tightly frowned, and she seemed a little uncomfortable.

I don't know what to think of, tears streaming from the corners of my eyes.

Jun Moqing saw it, took out a square handkerchief, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, Feng Qingyan slowly opened her eyes, and saw Jun Moqing looking down at her.

She was taken aback for a moment, then called out: "Brother Qing."

Jun Moqing hasn't heard this title for a long time, and it feels like he's back to that summer 21 years ago.

"Are there any discomforts?"

Feng Qingyan frowned and said, "My head hurts a bit."

Jun Moqing said: "I just recovered my memory, my head will hurt a little, if it's uncomfortable, just sleep for a while."

"Don't sleep anymore." Feng Qingyan sat up from the bed, then threw herself into Jun Moqing's arms, her voice suddenly became hoarse.

"Brother Qing, it's been 20 years, and I've been separated from Brother Qing for so long, it's too bad."

Jun Moqing patted the lovely wife in her arms comfortingly, "I'm too incompetent. I searched so many places, but I couldn't find you."

"How can you be blamed for this? I should be blamed. If it wasn't for me, how could we have been separated for so long?" Feng Qingyan stared at Jun Moqing's face carefully for a while.

Jun Moqing asked, "What?"

Feng Qingyan caressed that handsome face, the touch was smooth and delicate, not at all like the skin that 42 years old should have, not much different from 21 years old.

"You haven't changed much."

Jun Moqing nodded, "Well, you haven't changed much."

Feng Qingyan didn't believe it, she raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "Can you say it again with your conscience?"

Hearing this, Jun Moqing raised her hand to touch her heart, and repeated it seriously: "You haven't changed much."

Feng Qingyan: "..."

"When did you also learn to be glib?"

She still remembers the first time she saw Jun Moqing, she was as cold as an immortal, she would not say anything against her will, let alone glib.

Feng Qingyan suddenly opened her eyes wide, "You have learned badly during the 20 years I was not by your side."

Jun Moqing explained: "I don't."

Feng Qingyan raised her eyebrows, "Then you still lie to me?"

Jun Moqing said: "In my eyes, you are the same as before, unchanged."

Feng Qingyan: "..." She also said no, she didn't say such sweet words before.

She suddenly thought of Xiao Jiu. When she left, Xiao Jiu was only two months old. She couldn't recognize people, couldn't call her mother, and only knew how to drink milk.

"After I'm gone, will Xiao Jiu be clamoring for a mother when she was a child?"

Jun Moqing said: "I have, when I see other people have a mother, they will ask me if she has a mother."

"She must be crying, isn't she? She was crying to find her mother everywhere, but it's a pity that I'm not by her side." The more Feng Qingyan spoke, the more her heart ached, her eyes turned red, and there were signs that tears were about to fall again.

"..." Jun Moqing: "She didn't cry and wanted to find her mother."

Tears were already rolling in Feng Qingyan's eyes, because hearing this sentence, the tears were held back just like that.

"She didn't even cry to find her mother?"

"I told her to eat candy, and she stopped crying...~"


Jun Moqing saw that her face was not right, and explained: "Xiao Jiu is only three years old, she doesn't understand anything, and she is greedy for food, so naturally she won't cry if she has sweets."

Feng Qingyan felt that she had no weight in her daughter's eyes, thinking that when she left, she was only two months old, it was normal not to remember her, and not to cry.

She stared at Jun Moqing again looking for comfort, "What about you, did you cry when you found out that I was gone?"

Jun Moqing, "...I,"

Feng Qingyan thought he was embarrassed, "Crying?"

Jun Moqing was silent for a while, and said something heart-rending, "...I can't cry."

Feng Qingyan: "..." Does her disappearance of feelings matter or not?
She was a little angry, she came out of Jun Moqing's arms, and turned her head away from him.

Jun Moqing took her hand and explained, "I have obstacles in this."

Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing again, her eyes were full of doubts, "What do you mean?"

"I grew up so big, I never cried once."

Jun Moqing has never told anyone that in modern times, her father died in a car accident and her mother cried into tears.

He was seven years old that year, and he was also very sad, but he just couldn't cry.

Others said that he was too cold-blooded, and he was not sad when his father passed away, not even a tear.

When his mother died, he was 16 years old and he didn't cry.

In that world, he no longer had blood relatives, and was alone. He was obviously very sad, but he still didn't have a single tear.

When I was 17 years old, I found out that I had this obstacle.

In the year Feng Qingyan disappeared, he, who had always been calm, frantically searched for three days and three nights, looking at the pitch-black night, his heart seemed to be missing a piece.

So sad, still no tears?
 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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