Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 642 Song Tanhua Is So Like This?Before parents get married, hurry up

Chapter 642 Song Tanhua Is So Like This?Come back before parents get married
Xiao Jinyan thought that it would take two days at the soonest, but he didn't expect that it would be tomorrow, how impatient is this?
"Tomorrow is tomorrow. There can't be only one matchmaker. I and the Crown Princess will go together as matchmakers."

Song Tanhua kowtowed happily, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness."

When Xiao Jinyan told Xiao Jiu, Feng Wuyou thought he was joking.

"Are you soothing me?"

Xiao Jinyan smiled lightly: "When will I use these words to comfort you?"

Feng Wuyou looked at Xiao Jinyan in shock, "Is that true?"

"Of course it is true, I will go with you tomorrow."

Not everyone can ask the prince and princess to be a matchmaker.

Feng Wuyou saw Tao Min'er at the door, and said with a smile, "Why is Min'er standing outside and not coming in?"

Only then did Tao Min'er come to her senses, and excitedly stepped forward to salute, "The daughter of the people pays her respects to Your Royal Highness, the Crown Princess."

Xiao Jin said: "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Tao Min'er stood up, came to stand beside Father Tao, secretly glanced at Song Tanhua, found that he was also looking at her, and looked away a little embarrassed.

Song Tanhua and Tao Min'er were in love with each other, and the engagement was quickly finalized, just five days later.

Tao Min'er couldn't be happier.

Feng Wuyou was also happy, and when the date was set, the two began to whisper.

"I didn't expect you to be so fast. There was no news a few days ago. When there is news, we will propose marriage."

Tao Min'er was a little embarrassed, "Song Tanhua came to propose marriage, I just learned about it, and I didn't know that he invited His Highness and you to be matchmakers, my family's ancestral grave is smoking."

Tao Min'er couldn't help laughing after finishing speaking.

Feng Wuyou was a little surprised, "How come you don't know? Could it be that Song Tanhua proposed marriage without telling you?"

Tao Min'er sighed, and succinctly explained what happened in the past few days from beginning to end.

"The whole thing is like this. Who would have thought that the story of Huabenzi happened to me? If it wasn't for Song Tanhua, I would have been deceived by the scumbag."

Feng Wuyou said: "I knew that you would definitely compromise due to pressure, and I can only say that the scumbag is too good at disguising. You didn't inform me of your decision to get engaged before, if you informed me, I would definitely stop it."

"A man who knows how to read and respect, is gentle and elegant, and knows how to advance and retreat. No wonder you fell in love with Song Tanhua at a glance."

Tao Min'er smiled embarrassedly, "It's not in the story book, it's fate, I like to rely on feelings, Song Tanhua gave me a very good feeling, which also shows that I felt good at the beginning, and I also expressed my heart yesterday, he Today, I brought two matchmakers to propose marriage, which really surprised me."

"I still complained to Your Highness that Song Tanhua is not as good as my brother. My brother was so ruthless that he gave the dowry directly. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. Song Tanhua usually looks like a conservative and prudent person, but in the wedding He is also impatient, which is probably what men are like.”

Feng Wuyou couldn't help but think of Xiao Jinyan, he seemed to be sure of his intentions, and he couldn't wait to let her sleep with her, for fear that she would run away if he didn't.

"However, you are now engaged to Song Tanhua, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, and the blessing will come later."

Tao Min'er said: "I think so too. If it hadn't been for that incident, Song Tanhua and I might not be able to be together so soon."

Feng Wuyou couldn't help sighing, "Oh, my brother's wedding is the day after tomorrow. After the banquet, there will be an engagement banquet, followed by your wedding banquet."

Tao Min'er looked envious, "It's good if you don't get fat, you can eat whatever you want?"

"Who said, Your Highness has always liked to touch my belly these past two days, saying that there is a lot of meat here, in other words, doesn't it mean that I am fat." Feng Wuyou snorted, "The seven-year itch is only five years old now. When you arrive, you will be despised."

Tao Min'er couldn't believe it, "Your Highness really said that?"

Feng Wuyou said with certainty: "Of course, can I still lie to you?"

Tao Min'er secretly glanced at Xiao Jinyan who was not far away, a little puzzled, "Your Highness, it's not like..."

After the engagement date was set, Xiao Jinyan and Feng Wuyou didn't stay long and went back, and the Tao family went out to see each other off.

Tao Min'er looked at Song Tanhua, and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

Song Tanhua looked back at Tao Min'er, smiled and said, "It's really abrupt to come to propose marriage suddenly today, but it's also a surprise."

Tao Min'er was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then laughed, which was a super surprise.

Then she looked at Song Tanhua with a puzzled expression, "I thought that you would be slow in emotion because you have read a lot of poetry and books, let alone prepare surprises. I didn't expect you to be able to, too?"

Song Tanhua was a little embarrassed. He really didn't know much about emotions, and he wasn't good at them.

However, he is not a fool, he will not read.

Haven't eaten pork and don't know how pigs run?

"If you think it's a surprise, that's fine."

Tao Min'er pursed her lower lip and looked at him expectantly, "You really got engaged to me because you like me?"

Song Tanhua was a little puzzled, "Why do you ask that?"

Tao Min'er said: "I don't even know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I have no talent. I smell of copper all over my body, and I don't even rank among beauties. What do you like about me?"

Song Tanhua chuckled, "That's what you think. In my eyes, you are gentle and generous, but informal, and very understanding. It's enough for me to have a little bit of talent and appearance. As for the copper smell , why haven't I smelled it?"

It was the first time that Tao Min'er knew that she had so many advantages, "I, do I have so many advantages?"

Song Tanhua said: "Of course, this is how I felt when I first met you. If you are not good, how could Your Highness, the Crown Princess, condescend to be a matchmaker? Your Highness is the future emperor, and he has a better eye for people than me. It also shows that I have a good eye."

Tao Min'er smiled and frowned, "Then I'll believe what you said, even if not, I will be a good wife and mother in the future, and I won't hold you back."

Song Tanhua said: "When we get married in the future, the husband and wife are one body. How can there be any delay?"

Tao Min'er laughed again, "You're right."

After Song Tanhua returned, he began to prepare for the dowry.

Tao Miner's brows and eyes were curved with joy.

Father Tao looked at his daughter's happy face, "Min'er is really happy today!"

Wang said: "Of course, how can you be unhappy when you are getting engaged to the person you like? I am not so happy to be engaged to Mr. Chen."

"It's good that Min'er is happy. I can marry Tan Hualang. I didn't dare to think about it. You can also let His Highness and the Crown Princess be matchmakers, and smoke will rise from the ancestral grave!" Father Tao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Wang also felt the same way, "Your Highness and the Crown Princess treated Min'er really well. Your Highness will definitely be a wise king in the future."

Jun Moqing and Feng Qingyan rushed back to the capital the day before Jun Wuxian got married.

On this day, Susu lay on Feng Wuyou's body, eating tea fruit in her mouth, and asked in a childish voice: "Ma Ma, tomorrow is the second table, are grandpa and grandma still not coming back?"

"I don't know either." Feng Wuyou took a sip of the tea fruit, "I miss them too! It's been a long time since I've been away, and it looks like it's almost New Year's Eve."

After speaking, he took another bite of the tea fruit.

Susu took a bite of the tea fruit, thought for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Mama, let's go out to the palace to look for it, okay?"

"No, it's too cold outside, it's better to be warm inside." Feng Wuyou said and moved the hand warmer to her bosom.

After eating the last bit of tea fruit in her hand, Susu clapped her little hands and climbed down.

Feng Wuyou reminded: "Be careful when you go out to play, don't fall, you know?"

"Wo knows how spicy it is, so Wo took Dabai to find grandpa and grandma together." Susu said and ran out with two short legs.

Feng Wuyou stopped biting the tea fruit, "Looking for grandpa and grandma? Are you going out?"

She ordered: "Chunxi, let Qin Xiao follow Susu, don't let her fall."

"Understood, master." Chunxi responded outside, and after a while, he heard Chunxi say: "Ah Xiao, follow the little princess, don't let her fall, otherwise, everyone will feel sorry for you."

It's not just that everyone feels distressed. When the emperor feels distressed, it means that the entire palace feels distressed.

Susu lay on Dabai's body and shouted, "Dabai, go!!! Go out!"

Dabai raised his head and glanced at the high wall in front of him, then turned his head to look at Susu on his back, his eyes seemed to say, are you sure you want me to rush?If you fall, whose fault is it?
Susu continued to shout: "Dabai, come on!!!"

Dabai retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward.

A carriage suddenly stopped in front of him, Dabai smelled a familiar smell, and yelled at the carriage twice, "Wow!!!"

Susu seemed to understand the meaning of Dabai's low growl, she raised her head to look at the carriage, and saw two people coming out of the carriage, they were grandpa and grandma, she patted Dabai's head happily, "Get down!"

Dabai got down on all fours very cooperatively.

Susu slid off Dabai's body and threw herself into Jun Moqing's arms, "Grandpa, are you back?"

Jun Moqing bent down and picked her up, pinched her little red face, "Well, miss grandpa?"

Susu nodded vigorously, "Well, I really think about it, and Mama also thinks about it."

When Feng Qingyan saw Susu, she felt completely different from the last time she saw Susu. The last time she just saw her cute and liked her very much. Now, this is her precious granddaughter.

After 20 years of separation, her daughter has grown up, and even her granddaughter is three years old. She began to lament that she missed too much.

Susu looked at Feng Qingyan, and said in a childish voice: "Grandma, I also miss grandma, does grandma want to nest?"

"Of course I want to, but I miss me to death." Feng Qingyan stretched out her hand and hugged Susu, the little guy was really serious.

Susu said: "Mama also misses grandma."

Feng Qingyan's eyes turned red when she heard this, and her nose turned sore, "Let's go find your mother."

Susu hugged Feng Qingyan's neck happily, "Okay, go find Mama."

That excitement, as if I haven't seen Mama for a long time.

Jun Moqing followed unhurriedly, her eyes were on Feng Qingyan and Susu.

Feng Wuyou finished eating the tea fruit, drank two sips of tea, and planned to sleep for a while, when she heard Susu excitedly shout, "Ma Ma, Ma Ma, Ma Ma, come back spicy!"

My mother is back?

When Feng Wuyou was wondering, the door curtain was lifted, and Feng Qingyan walked in with Susu in her arms, and it was Jun Moqing who lifted the door curtain, and he came in after they came in, and then put down the curtain.

She was stunned for a moment, and after she realized her reaction, she hurriedly got down on the bed and put on her shoes, "Father, mother, you are finally back."

Feng Qingyan put Susu down, stood up and looked at her daughter who was only three meters away from her. When she was separated, she was only two months old. When they met again, she not only grew into a big girl, but also a mother.

She called out: "Xiao Jiu."

Feng Wuyou walked all the way in front of Feng Qingyan, and threw herself into her arms happily, Mother, do you remember everything?Remember me and Daddy? "

"Well, I remember everything, it's all my fault, you are so young, I was forced to leave." Feng Qingyan cried as she spoke.

Feng Wuyou was so excited, "How can I blame my mother? Mother is also unwilling to leave me and father."

Feng Qingyan looked at her daughter with relief, "My little Jiu is too sensible."

Feng Wuyou smiled and looked at Jun Moqing, "Dad took care of me well, without Dad taking care of me, I might have grown crooked."

"You're right, brother Qing has worked hard all these years, and he is both a father and a mother." Feng Qingyan looked at Jun Moqing, "Brother Qing."

Jun Moqing said: "These are all what I should do, I didn't bother to talk about it."

Feng Wuyou said excitedly: "Father, mother, you came back in time, and tomorrow the eldest brother will get married."

When mentioning Jun Wuxian, Feng Qingyan thought of the child who was as thin as a monkey, "I almost forgot, there is also this child Wuxian, who is 30 years old, right? Why did you not get married until now?"

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "This is fate, it happens that mother can see eldest brother get married."

Feng Qingyan felt that what her daughter said made sense, "Yes, no one can be sure about fate."

When Jun Moqing and Feng Qingyan came back, Feng Wuyou personally cooked a sumptuous dinner.

Feng Qingyan praised while eating: "Xiao Jiu is really amazing, he can cook so many delicacies, the key is that I love them all."

Jun Moqing reminded while picking up vegetables: "Eat slowly."

Feng Wuyou said: "That's because my mother and I have the same taste, these are also my favorite food."

Xiao Jinyan saw that she finished eating a chicken leg in a short while, and lying there without moving after eating, she would definitely accumulate food.

"Eat slowly, too."

"I know." Feng Wuyou said so, but the movement of eating meat didn't stop.

Xiao Jinyan was a little helpless.

Susu suddenly raised her head from the bowl, puffed her cheeks and said vaguely: "It's all nests!"

Taotao is not to be outdone, "The nest also loves times."

Feng Qingyan looked at her granddaughter and granddaughter, and smiled: "The babies are great."

Feng Wuyou finished her dinner, rubbed her belly and said, "Jin Yan, I'm leaving."

Xiao Jinyan asked, "Where are you going?"

Feng Wuyou said: "Go to Xu Qingqing's place."

"What are you doing at the General's Mansion?"

Feng Wuyou said with a shrewd expression: "Jinyan, you don't understand this, should I send Xu Qingqing to marry and become a sister? When I send her off, I can have a banquet at the general's mansion first, and then go to my elder brother's place." When eating banquets, neither party will miss it."

Xiao Jinyan's face darkened: "...for a few bites, you let your husband stay alone in the empty room?"

Feng Wuyou said, "A feast is not just a few bites, it's dozens of dishes."

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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