Chapter 17 Watering Ah Yin

Tang Yan took out a small leaf from the space, and stuffed it into his brother's left hand.

Tang San looked at Tang Yan strangely.

'Never mind. '

There is her ability in that leaf, which makes the leaf become transparent, as long as the younger brother does not throw away the leaf, even if the younger brother's Clear Sky Hammer accidentally escapes, the ability on the leaf can also make his Clear Sky Hammer invisible .

Tang San understood Tang Yan's mouth shape, and probably understood Tang Yan's meaning. These two people were almost inseparable these few years, and sometimes they could tell what they meant with just one look.

Although he didn't know what Tang Yan's operation meant, but as a younger brother who believed in his sister, Tang San, who had already put on his sister's filter, nodded slightly.

Tang San's fingers lightly touched something in the palm of his hand, it looked like a small leaf, a little cool.


The next one was Tang Yan, but Tang Yan was afraid that her invisibility ability would not last long, so she pushed her younger brother to go first.

Tang San nodded and stood up.

Su Yuntao at the top saw Tang San and Tang Yan exchanged the order, so he didn't think much about it.

After all, he awakened martial souls for many children, and most of them were afraid, so they didn't take this trivial matter to heart.

It is true that he has passed through so many villages, but he has not found any good seedlings. He is so disappointed that he has no hope.


"It's a waste martial soul again." Su Yuntao sighed, but there is still a child, and he can entrust it to him.


"Uncle, you haven't tested my spirit power yet." Seeing what he said, Tang San reminded.

"Yes, my younger brother hasn't tested his soul power yet!" Tang Yan subconsciously held his left hand when his younger brother's martial soul awakened, but the Clear Sky Hammer didn't appear, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

But before the breath was over, I heard the next one, so I was a bit fucked up.

Su Yuntao originally wanted to say, there is no need to try.He has never seen anyone with a useless martial soul like Lanyincao show soul power.

But seeing Tang Yan's earnest little expression, and the stubbornness on that cute face, Su Yuntao's heart softened, so he didn't speak out.

"bring it on."

Su Yuntao didn't have any hope.

But the full soul power surprised him.

"Oh my god! It turned out to be full of soul power!"

Su Yuntao was surprised, fortunately he didn't say what he just said, otherwise he would be slapped in the face.

This is innately full of soul power!
But when he thought that the child's martial spirit was blue silver grass, his warm heart was extinguished again.

"Forget it, let's go next."

Tang San nodded.

He knows what it means to be full of soul power innately, and he probably learned about the soul power of martial arts last night.

Seeing that Tang San was a little lost, Tang Yan couldn't help but patted Tang San's head to comfort him.

Tang San was patted on the head, strangely healed a lot, suddenly remembered what his sister said.

There is no waste spirit, only waste people.

For a moment, Tang San's lost eyes were full of firmness.

"let's start."

Tang Yan is calm... well, not very calm, she also wants to know what her martial soul is, does she have such a thing as a martial soul?
Then she felt that some force was absorbing her energy, and she suppressed it subconsciously.

"Don't resist." Su Yuntao, who was above him, felt the resistance, and said immediately, at the same time, he also took another look at the girl on Wuhun Awakening.

Such a young girl still has the ability to resist? !

oh oh oh!
Tang Yan realized that she was awakening her martial soul, what was she resisting!

The real conditions have responded, and there is no reason not to resist when encountering a little turmoil in the last days.

Alas, it has to be changed.

have to change.

She tried to change.

If Tang Yan didn't resist, things would be much easier.

Tang Yan soon felt itchy in both palms.

Damn, it couldn't be twin spirits too!

Tang Yan closed his eyes, and felt the martial soul that hadn't emerged yet.

One is the Clear Sky Hammer? !

What's the other one?
Forget it.

Tang Yan clenched his left hand tightly, and pushed the Haotian Hammer back, only to let something stick out from his right hand.

"What... what is this?" Su Yuntao was puzzled first, which aroused the children below.

"Is it a stone?"

"Or potatoes?"

"But there are two small horns on it!"


Tang Yan blinked.

What is this stuff?It is as big as the palm of your hand, and it is a somewhat oblate khaki color. From a distance, it looks like a small stone, but you are a stone, it seems a little soft.

It looks like something with two small horns on it!

The top is tender and a little green!

What the hell is this!

Tang Yan couldn't understand, so he opened his big eyes and looked at the well-informed Su Yuntao.

"Uncle, what is this?"

"..." Su Yuntao was also asked, he didn't know what it was.

Let’s say it’s a stone, and there are two small horns on its head, maybe it’s two sprouts emerging from a handful of soil, but the colors of the horns are so layered that you can’t see clearly and can’t tell what color it is.

But judging by its lack of attack power, it should be some kind of useless martial spirit.

After judging that it was the scrapped martial soul, Su Yuntao didn't get entangled anymore.

However, he still felt a little sorry for the girl's expectant gaze.

"Cough...I'll check it for you after I return to the Hall of Spirits...Let's test your soul power first."

Tang Yan understood that Su Yuntao didn't know either, so he nodded and went to test his soul power.

"It's full of innate soul power again!" Su Yuntao's heart was trembling.

But when I thought about the martial souls of the two children, it was still a pity.

Su Yuntao withdrew his martial spirit and packed his things helplessly.

"Old Jack."

The door opened, and Old Jack greeted Su Yuntao nervously, "Master, how is it. Is it possible for the children in our village to become spirit masters this year?"

When Tang Yan and Tang San came out, they saw two people talking, so they didn't disturb them, and ran away like other children.

"Walk so fast?"

The two children rushed back, Tang Hao thought something happened.

"Water Ah Yin!"

After Tang Yan finished speaking, he didn't hold his brother any longer, and ran away first.

Tang Hao's room door was kicked open!Tang Yan went straight to the blue silver grass in front of the window, the blue silver grass was as tall as him.

"Xiao Yan?" Tang Hao put A Yin in his room since he brought him back, and he was used to going in and out of the door. His door would be kicked open so rudely. He thought that something happened, and the next time In seconds, he flashed into the room.

Tang San's eyes flashed in surprise.

Dad... is so fast, even his Purple Demon Eyes can't figure it out!
But Tang San was also afraid of what happened, so he didn't have time to think about it, so he also ran into his father's room, wanting to see what happened to his sister.

He was fine just now, but suddenly he was dragged to run fast for no reason.

He thought it was a child's heart, but now he doesn't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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