Chapter 20 hungry
In the end, Tang Yan picked up the hammer under Tang Hao's guidance.

"Four thousand 480 eight... seven thousand 470..."

Tang Yan read the number silently, she felt a little tired.

It was okay at the beginning, but it got harder and harder later on.

Look at my brother again, the hammer is very steady.

One after another, very rhythmic, even if the repetitive movements are boring, it doesn't seem to be too tiring.

Tang Yan admired it.

Unlike her, mess around.

She is an older sister, so she can't lose face, Tang Yan continued to swing the hammer with a bitter face.

But still can't hold on a few times.

"Dad, I'm hungry!" She was hungry, and when she was hungry, she had no strength, and if she had no strength, she didn't want to do anything.

"How many times?" Tang Hao asked inside.

"I counted four... um, or seven?" She was a little dazed, she was so hungry that she forgot where she had counted.

She is most afraid of being hungry, as long as she is hungry, she can't think, and she doesn't want to move...

Tang Yan felt that she could play tricks, she was still a child.

Thinking about it, Tang Yan threw away the hammer in his hand, and lay down on the ground very rascally.

"I'm hungry, I don't have the strength, I'm still sleepy, my body is really hollowed out."

Tang Yan looked at the sun outside without any shadows, and the sky was getting dark, and no food was given. Is this a living thing?

Too cruel.

"Sister!" Seeing this, Tang San was about to stop what he was doing, when he heard his father say.

"Little San continues."

Seeing his father coming out, Tang San could only nod his head and agree. In fact, forging iron blocks is a job he is familiar with. He started trying to hold a hammer two years ago.

So this [-] strokes seems to be a bit too much, but as long as you persevere and persevere, it is okay.

But Tang Yan was different. She had never touched a hammer, but she hammered more than 770 in one afternoon, which was much faster than him.

Although... Tang Yan didn't follow his father's method when he was not paying attention, but more than 7000 beats is not a constant.

"Xiao Yan, get up." Tang Hao walked over.

Tang Yan had a bitter face: "Dad, I feel like my body has been hollowed out and I have no strength..."

"If you have no strength, you can't lie down." Tang Hao said with a strict father's face, so he couldn't discuss it.

Tang Yan supported the ground with his limp little hands, and finally sat up.

It was the sound of a hungry stomach.

"Dad, I'm hungry~"

Tang Yan is pitiful, looking at Tang Hao with big wet eyes, she is a soft and cute girl, can you bear it?
Tang Hao: ...

Tang San: Hold back the laugh.

"Get up." Tang Hao couldn't stand such a soft and cute Tang Yan, his heart softened a little, and he finally stretched out his big hand.

Tang Yan felt that there was something interesting, so she couldn't wait to stretch out her chubby little hand, but she was still too hungry, and the hand she stretched out was a little soft...ah no.

Tang Yan felt dazzled, she looked at her fat and white arms, and asked a little happily:
"Dad, Dad, look at my hand, does it look like a lotus root? Each section is white and fleshy. It looks delicious at first glance!"

Tang Yan said happily, and then thought about whether to go up and take a bite.

She was hit on the forehead.

"Oh~" Tang Yan covered his reddish head.

"Stupid!" Tang Hao immediately hugged him up.

It seems that he is really hungry and stupid, just now he licked his small mouth and wanted to try his own hand.

Isn't this stupid what is it?
Tang San also paid attention to this side, naturally he saw the silly Tang Yan here.

Tang San wanted to laugh a little, he couldn't help looking at his bare arm, it seemed that it really looked like a lotus root...

"Little San is back for dinner."

"Ah? Oh!!"

almost got infected...

(End of this chapter)

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