Douluo: Don't touch my brother Tang San

Chapter 35 She Can't Keep Protecting

Chapter 35 She Can't Keep Protecting
Tang Yan wanted to go out subconsciously, but after seeing that his younger brother was already vigilant.

She could only take back her foot that had just stepped out of half a foot.

Brother... also needs to grow up.

She can't keep protecting it.

There are many dangerous things on Douluo Continent, and there are too many uncertain factors.

She can't blindly want to protect, everyone has their own unforgettable growth process, and my younger brother naturally has his own growth process, so she can't interfere too much, otherwise excessive protection will become an invisible executioner.

After Tang Yan figured it out, she could only stand still, and stretched out her hand to appease the rioting leopard.

She looked at the snake intently, if there was a chance she would take another shot...

Tang Yan, who had made up his mind, spread his mental power from all directions, paying attention to every move around him.

"Fart like thunder, smash the sky and crack the earth." After the master ordered Luo Sanpao, he said to Tang San.


The flying snake was nearly four meters long, thick poisonous smoke spread, and flew after the master and Tang San, even the master's pet spirit followed closely behind.

Tang Yan didn't stay idle either, after she ordered the leopard to leave on its own, she also chased after him.

The small figure is like a ghost, with speed abilities plus the interaction of wind energy and wood elements, her speed can be said to be very fast.

After a few moments, she had already caught up with her younger brother, but she didn't show up, instead covering her body with the help of dense plants.

She glanced at the big snake's mouth that was about to bite, its sharp fangs emitting poisonous gas.

It was Tang Yan's gesture that she actually noticed the panic in Luo Sanpao's eyes.

This pet martial soul will still be frightened?

"Sanpao, block it."

But panic is useless, under the orders of the master.

Luo Sanpao's chubby body turned over and rushed towards the Mandala Snake, trying to block its progress with his body.

It's a pity that the snake's speed and vigilance were good, it bit Luo Sanpao with one bite, and soon turned into a ray of light and returned to the master's body.

It's really difficult.

Seeing that the snake was about to catch up, Tang Yan wondered if she could make some obstacles to slow the snake down.

But soon, the younger brother started to move. The white radishes kept hitting the mandala snake with precision one after another, which made the mandala snake slow down a little.

But it was only for a while, and soon the Mandala Snake jumped up and wanted to eat the delicious food that was in the way.

The younger brother is also moving.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, it was a hidden weapon!

When I was at home before, my younger brother liked to do tick-tocks for small things, so she didn't pay much attention to those things if she wasn't interested.

At this moment, the hidden weapon had already hit the Datura snake.

The younger brother also jumped up to go, and went towards the mandala snake with the big mouth.

Tang Yan almost had smoke in his throat, and his heart couldn't take it anymore.

It was too thrilling.

The hand beside Tang Yan was already tightly clenched, but fortunately, his younger brother gave the mandala snake a fatal blow with his hidden weapon.


Tang Yan wiped off his sweat, feeling even more thrilling than her own.

After the danger was gone, Tang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense body also relaxed a little.

She sat on the top of the tree not far from her younger brother and the others, watching her brother act silly...

Hehe, she still has her demeanor.

Tang Yan touched her nose, seeing her younger brother's naturalness of pretending to be stupid, she wondered if she had done too much before and learned a thing or two from her younger brother.

But this is also a good thing. She and her younger brother are both children, so how can they know so much? If you ask, you just don’t know.

Good luck asking.

Tang Yan happily watched her younger brother absorb the martial soul, and heard that absorbing the martial soul requires protection of the law. She looked at the master and learned how to protect the law. In the future...

Suddenly, the master who just said to protect his younger brother suddenly fell down?
Tang Yan was startled, and agreed to protect her brother?
 The second update is here~ Little cuties, hurry up and catch it~
(End of this chapter)

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