Douluo: Don't touch my brother Tang San

Chapter 41 Little 3, don't go

Chapter 41 Little Three, Don't Go

"Master, can you see this little fox?"

As Tang Yan said, he held a little fox in his hand from nowhere.

The master shook his head, that's just a ten-year fox, not to mention the attributes are the ten-year soul beast.It's not suitable as a spirit ring either.

When the master saw the soul beasts gently in Tang Yan's hands, the master became a little numb.

It's just that I don't know what Tang Yan is a martial soul?Since it is not easy to make these soul beasts behave well.

The master couldn't help but asked Tang Yan how he felt about these soul beasts.

"It feels good, they are all so well behaved."

As Tang Yan said, he smoothed the fur of the little fox in his hand, and then let the little fox go.

"Roar—" There was a sudden roar.

Attracted masters Tang San and Tang Yan.

Even these golden-eyed black panthers raised their tails, as if they were wary of something.

"Let's go and have a look." Tang Yan mentally sensed that the voice was different.

It seemed to be wailing, begging for help.

Tang Yan didn't think too much about it, and then rode a thousand-year-old golden-eyed black panther.

"Sister!" Tang San exclaimed, before he had time to think, he also chased after him.

Seeing this, the master could only chase after him.

"Xiao Yan, Xiao San!"

Soon, several people reached their destination.


"Master, it's a lion!" Tang Yan saw a lot of lions.

Surrounding it seemed to be guarding something.

"They are all golden flame holy lions of a thousand years!" The master was surprised.

"Xiao Yan, don't go there!" Before the master could slow down, Tang Yan had already walked over there.

"Sister." Tang San also called out to Tang Yan, these golden flame holy lions are all thousands of years old.They couldn't beat one of them, let alone a dozen of them.

"It's okay, that lion is going to die. But it has a baby in its belly, I'm going to save him." Tang Yan said, of course there was a price.

When Tang Yan's spirit was used, those Jin Yan holy lions felt Tang Yan's kindness and affinity.

They also gave way one after another.

"Teacher." Tang San watched from the side, the master could only shake his head, after these two days when they were looking for spirit beasts, they had seen that Tang Yan and spirit beasts had a very gentle closeness.

"Let's have a look first before we talk." Moreover, these are all thousand-year-old Jin Yan holy lions, if they attack, they will have nothing to do.

"Roar!" Tang San wanted to approach, but within a few steps, the Golden Flame Sacred Lion roared at Tang San a few times, signaling Tang San not to approach, otherwise they would be rude.

"He is my younger brother, you are not allowed to murder him." Tang Yan took out a dagger from the space while speaking.

Those Golden Flame Sacred Lions were quite friendly to Tang Yan's words, this would work, but they didn't stop Tang San from approaching.

Without the obstruction of the Golden Flame Sacred Lion, Tang San quickly walked to Tang Yan's side.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

"It can't survive, but it has a baby in its belly, so I dissected it out." This lion must have gone through a battle, and now it has no strength to give birth to a baby.

Now I can only move the knife.

"Dissect it?" Tang San didn't expect Tang Yan to say such a sentence so calmly.

"Yeah." Tang Yan said that he had cut a knife in the lion's stomach.

"Sister, I'll help you." Tang San looked at the blood that had flowed out, he didn't want Tang Yan to get his hands dirty.

"it is good."

Tang Yan didn't stop him either, and quickly ordered Tang San, and then the two cooperated tacitly to carry out the three bloody lion cubs from the belly of the Jinyan Holy Lion.

Even if he is saved, if he stays in the mother's body for a longer time, he will suffocate to death.

"Here, these are your children, they are all healthy." Tang Yan said, and put the three cubs near the mouth of the Jinyan Shengshi.

"Roar~" Jin Yan Shengshi roared weakly, as if thanking Tang Yan.

"You're welcome."

Seeing the three lions the size of cats, Tang Yan finally softened his heart, and a little bit of supernatural power covered the belly of Jin Yan Shengshi.

I saw Jin Yan Shengshi, who was still dying, recovering his strength quickly.

Tang Yan's face was a little pale, she hadn't used so many healing abilities for a long time.

"Sister!" Tang San looked at the recovery of the Jinyan Holy Lion in surprise, and naturally saw Tang Yan's ruddy face losing its color.

"I am fine."

She didn't heal all of this Golden Flame Sacred Lion, but only [-] to [-]% of it, and the rest can be recovered by itself.

"Okay." Tang Yan said, and then stood up, maybe because he squatted for too long, he was a little dizzy when he stood up.

"elder sister."

Tang San still had blood on his hands, he couldn't help it with his dirty hands, he could only use his shoulders to push Tang Yan so that Tang Yan wouldn't fall off.

"Roar." But soon there was a very strong, beautiful-haired Jinyan holy lion squatting down beside Tang Yan, and Tang Yan leaned on it directly, so Tang Yan would not fall down.

"Thank you." Tang Yan was only dizzy for a while, and it will be fine after a while.

"Roar!" The Jinyan Saint Lion, who was still dying, was six or seven points better now, but he was able to stand up. After roaring at Tang Yan, he turned to the dozen or so thousand-year-old Jinyan around him. The holy lion roared.



They only seemed to be conveying some signal.

Then they surrounded Tang Yan and Tang San, or to be more precise, surrounded Tang Yan.

Even the Jinyan Shengshi who had just had a caesarean section surrounded Tang Yan together with those Jinyan Shengshi lions.

A thousand year golden flame holy lion took Tang San out of their circle.

"Don't be afraid, brother, they just want to thank me." Tang Yan comforted his struggling brother.

Tang San didn't know why, what they were going to do.

"Little San, don't go." The master keenly sensed something, and pulled Tang San who wanted to go over.

"Teacher, what do they want to do?"

"Sacrifice!" The master said uncertainly, but the sacrifice of a soul beast is a matter of a soul beast, but why seventeen, a total of seventeen soul beasts must be sacrificed.

"Sacrifice!" Tang San's eyes were slightly startled, and he looked at the surrounded Tang Yan.

Sacrifice, the teacher said, the soul beast will die after the sacrifice...


"Teacher, they are thousand-year-old soul beasts, the body of my sister."

"Soul beasts are willing to sacrifice, and the soul rings will naturally not give birth to resistance. What's more, the soul rings sacrificed by soul beasts will be more suitable for people." The master said a little excitedly, even if it didn't appear on him, but To see such a sacrifice with my own eyes is not in vain.

Here, seventeen thousand-year-old soul beasts emitted purple halos at the same time, rising round and round, and then landed on top of Tang Yan's head.

Seventeen laps, one lap after another overlapped and separated, and then continued to overlap.

I don't know how many times they separated and reunited, and when the seventeen rings turned into one soul ring, they turned into something like a seed, hanging small on Tang Yan's head.

Tang Yan seemed to feel wrapped in some warm breath, and then his whole body floated up...

 Second, good night, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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